Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Hello! :)

    18, 5'3 (and three fourths, I'm ALMOST 5'4!)
    Starting weight: 252 lbs.
    Current weight: 242 lbs.
    Goal weight #1: 130 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal weight: Whatever I feel most comfortable at!

    I live in Kentucky with my husband and our eight cats. I'm a student and working towards being an apprentice at a local funeral home. Once I meet my first goal weight and get my BMI in a healthy range, then my husband and I will start TTC - and I'm VERY excited about it!
  • 19yo female. No kids or anything, live with my boyfriend and 3 kitties.
    SW: 280lbs
    GW: 190lbs
    UGW: 120lbs

    Obviously, I've got quiet a way to go. Watching my caloric intake, but I've already made a huge change of no longer drinking soda. I used to drink 6 Sprites a day on my worst days, now I'm almost always drinking water. Cutting out fast food and take out will be the next huge thing, but that one's even harder for me.

    :heart: Anyone who wants to talk or be my friend feel free, I love meeting new people. :heart:
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    29 M, RI
    SW: 320
    CW: 259
    GW: 200 (halfway there)

    I mostly just walk any chance I get, lift some dumbbells as well. I've only been doing this since Christmas so I'm happy with my progress so far, just gotta avoid that alcohol :/
  • KendraT1992
    KendraT1992 Posts: 32 Member
    40 yo, female
    SW 153
    CW 146
    GW 130

    I'm starting Fitness Blender’s 8-Week Fat Loss Program today, and focus on eating clean. I love all the support I get from others on MFP really helps me stay motivated!
  • 18 yo, female
    SW: 163
    GW: 130

    I lost about 30 or so pounds about a year ago, and I was down to about 138. Now, I have gained most of that back from being lazy, and I would like to restart with the help of a good support team, and actually keep it all off this time! I am a vegetarian and I enjoy healthy foods, but I am also on a budget.
  • Female
    32 years old
    SW: 246
    CW: 219
    GW: 148

    I am a mother of a five year old girl, stepmother to a 16 year old boy & 14 year old girl.
    I work at Allstate part time and sell on Etsy part time.
    I'm cutting my calories down to 1200 and walking for 25min a day.
    I hope to lose up to 50-60lbs by my birthday in October. That's currently my starting goal.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    36 years old, 5 foot 5, currently about 139, ideally want to be between 130-135, but most importantly, I want to tone up.

    I'm very into yoga and am a vegetarian.

    Am I your twin? :-)
  • 22 5ft6
    SW - 230
    CW - 218
    GW - 170

    Workaholic, trying to go to the gym 3 times a week - zumba class, 20/20/20 and a legs, bums and tums class.
    Just want to feel comfortable in my clothes again and not be the 'fat' friend.
    Would love some help keeping motivated so feel free to add me :-)
  • 5'5
    SW: 155
    CW: 133
    I want a toned body,decrease my body fat and get stronger legs. I run, and will start serious weight training soon. Looking for some motivation from you guys:) add me. Looking foward to loose 10lbs and get toned before summer
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Female age 52

    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight approx 144
    Goal weight 125-130

    I don't use a scale, I hate it. My highest weight has been hovering at around 155 for about 10 years since the birth of my daughter when I was 40. Before that I maintained at around 135 but felt heavy there. I think 125 is a reasonable goal. So about 20 lbs to loose.

    I have been fairly active most of my life but back injuries and broken bones and other health problems slowed me down.
    I am back to working out 5 to 6 days a week. Mainly doing in home DVD workouts.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    25 y/o
    SW 189
    CW 153
    GW 140

    In 2011-2012 I lost 30 lbs. I've maintained that weight since then, but am now ready to lose the rest. I'm a very picky eater, so for me its always been smaller portions rather than super healthy eating along with working out. Self control is what its all about for me, and when I put my mind to it I have no problem sticking to my goals. Currently I am horseback riding (dressage/jumping) 3x a week and like to throw in a few walk/jog on trails with my dog (1-3 miles) per week.

    Just started my calorie counting again last Monday, but looking forward to seeing 140 again :-)
  • 124 is my gw! Add me, for some motivation:)
  • jackie0623
    jackie0623 Posts: 2 Member
    I just might be your twin
    56 yo

    I started my weight loss journey AGAIN in 2012 and managed to lose 35lbs and was within 15lbs of my goal, I felt great. Then 2 trips in fairly quick succession and I've regained half of what I lost.
    I'm now determined to get it off and a reach my goal or lower.
    It would be great to have a buddy to keep me motivated.
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 423 Member
    Female 30 and 5'7

    I workout 5-6 times/week doing various things...but have been focusing more on lifting as of late. I have been doing everything at home but will be starting at a gym soon as I have pretty much maxed out my set of dumbells.
  • jackie0623
    jackie0623 Posts: 2 Member
    No "Older" people listed so let's see if there are any out there among all these 20 somethings ....

    56 yr old female, 5'6"
    Start Weight: 193
    Current Weight: 191
    Goal Weight: 165

    56 yr old female, 5'6"
    Start Weight: 193
    Current Weight: 191
    Goal Weight: 165

    I just might be your twin
    56 yo

    I started my weight loss journey AGAIN in 2012 and managed to lose 35lbs and was within 15lbs of my goal, I felt great. Then 2 trips in fairly quick succession and I've regained half of what I lost.
    I'm now determined to get it off and a reach my goal or lower.
    It would be great to have a buddy to keep me motivated.
  • DeannaSofia886
    DeannaSofia886 Posts: 77 Member

    SW -221.6
    CW -219
    GW -165

    Lost 35lbs last year with the help of crossfit and paleo - lost my mojo and gained it all back plus some! I work full time as a nurse, run a photography business on the side and have 4 teenagers at home and husband. THis time - I just want to excersise and eat right and make it a lifestyle I can live with instead of a fad I will only do for a bit. Would love to meet some like minded folks. :)
  • radiolove
    radiolove Posts: 4 Member

    I'm a 28 yo female
    SW - 185
    CW - 181
    GW1 - 165
    GW2 - 150
    UGW - 135

    I have 3 kids and love to cook. I plan to work out 4 times per week and include a lot of strength training for toning.
  • AtlantisLoss
    AtlantisLoss Posts: 32 Member

    I'm a 20y old uni student


    CW: 61kg (aprox 135)

    GW: 55kg (aprox 120)

    Extremely Unfit!!!!!!

    Plan to take this slow and steady

    I'd love to get and give support :)

    :wink: :bigsmile:
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    33yrs old, 5'5 full time mum to 2 kids and a 5 month old

    cw: 146lbs
    gw: 136lbs

    Gym bunnie/ stability ball are my exercise loves
  • roniariasi
    roniariasi Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for a twin too!
    30 yrs old
    CW 160lb
    GW 135lb
    I have a family and a busy job. I've tried many times to loose weight and I'm still trying!