Sugar addiction argh!

I'm 28, always naturally yoyo'd through childhood, went to uni, piled it on and my weight just keeps going up. Until now. I signed up nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm already feeling better, despite a glitch with the scales, I moved where I weighed myself and shot up a stone and a half overnight :( My main setback now is my addiction to Coke (the drink not the drug) I should probably say addiction to sugar as I do have a sweet tooth but when I try to cut back on the pop I get horrible headaches whereas I can do without the chocolate. If anyone has any advice on getting over that I'd greatly appreciate it :)


  • ItsDickers
    Could the Coke headaches maybe be due to caffeine headache instead? Do you drink coffee? If not, the caffeine may be your culprit for the headaches (esp. if you drink a lot of it).
  • bluesdivaca
    bluesdivaca Posts: 27 Member
    Sugar is evil most of the time, especially when combined with highly processed foods/grains. I'm doing a detox program meant to "retune" my sweet tooth. I have a very serious problem with sugar and am beginning to realize that abstinence might be the only way I survive this! Look into quitting all sugar - especially all the liquid meaningless calories. Make your calories count with whole foods.

    I'm no expert, but I do know that I am an addict to sugar; and I'm looking to give up the control it has over me!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You are probably experiencing caffeine withdrawals, not withdrawals from sugar. Sugar is not an addictive substance, and is found in just about all foods including fruits and vegetables. What people find difficult is not over eating the yummy combination of sugar and fats, like ice cream, candy bars, cookies - etc. If you have a problem moderating those foods, stay away from them for awhile.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm 28, always naturally yoyo'd through childhood, went to uni, piled it on and my weight just keeps going up. Until now. I signed up nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm already feeling better, despite a glitch with the scales, I moved where I weighed myself and shot up a stone and a half overnight :( My main setback now is my addiction to Coke (the drink not the drug) I should probably say addiction to sugar as I do have a sweet tooth but when I try to cut back on the pop I get horrible headaches whereas I can do without the chocolate. If anyone has any advice on getting over that I'd greatly appreciate it :)

    Instead of making excuses, buckle down and stay on track. Try diet soda if you like soda but don't want the cals
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Sounds like caffeine withdrawal to me. Maybe switch to diet soda? Or coffee?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Definitely caffeine withdrawal. There's no such thing as sugar addiction. That would be akin to "oxygen addiction," as the human body literally requires sugar to live.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Sugar is evil most of the time, especially when combined with highly processed foods/grains. I'm doing a detox program meant to "retune" my sweet tooth. I have a very serious problem with sugar and am beginning to realize that abstinence might be the only way I survive this! Look into quitting all sugar - especially all the liquid meaningless calories. Make your calories count with whole foods.

    I'm no expert, but I do know that I am an addict to sugar; and I'm looking to give up the control it has over me!

    Retune your sweet tooth? Do you have a health concerns that cause these problems? I'm curious.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Sugar is evil most of the time, especially when combined with highly processed foods/grains. I'm doing a detox program meant to "retune" my sweet tooth. I have a very serious problem with sugar and am beginning to realize that abstinence might be the only way I survive this! Look into quitting all sugar - especially all the liquid meaningless calories. Make your calories count with whole foods.

    I'm no expert, but I do know that I am an addict to sugar; and I'm looking to give up the control it has over me!

    What toxin are you detoxing from??
    How can you quit all sugar??

    What do eat??

    Whole foods? You mean like a whole can of pop? Or a whole cookie? Or a whole apple?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I suggest therapy, a 12 step program, and a sponser for your hard days.

  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i know how you feel...i was addicted to 4+ 20oz bottles per day. I got killer caffeine headaches when i tried to stop so i started back up again!

    The only way I got over it was to quit cold turkey and take a few Excedrin to get me through that first week of "detox". I replaced it with water. I hate water but I am sucking it up! :)
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Sugar is evil most of the time, especially when combined with highly processed foods/grains. I'm doing a detox program meant to "retune" my sweet tooth. I have a very serious problem with sugar and am beginning to realize that abstinence might be the only way I survive this! Look into quitting all sugar - especially all the liquid meaningless calories. Make your calories count with whole foods.

    I'm no expert, but I do know that I am an addict to sugar; and I'm looking to give up the control it has over me!

    What toxin are you detoxing from??
    How can you quit all sugar??

    What do eat??

    Whole foods? You mean like a whole can of pop? Or a whole cookie? Or a whole apple?

    I definitely balance my diet with whole cookies. Sometimes a whole pizza. It's the only way.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 28, always naturally yoyo'd through childhood, went to uni, piled it on and my weight just keeps going up. Until now. I signed up nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm already feeling better, despite a glitch with the scales, I moved where I weighed myself and shot up a stone and a half overnight :( My main setback now is my addiction to Coke (the drink not the drug) I should probably say addiction to sugar as I do have a sweet tooth but when I try to cut back on the pop I get horrible headaches whereas I can do without the chocolate. If anyone has any advice on getting over that I'd greatly appreciate it :)

    Instead of making excuses, buckle down and stay on track. Try diet soda if you like soda but don't want the cals

    Diet soda is even worse than the regular kind. Your body doesn't know how to process aspartame. If your going to drink it, drink the real thing. Aspartame is poison. If you give it up altogether, your body will adjust within a week or so. I'm just over 2 weeks with no soda (I was a Dr. Pepper addict BIG TIME) and after the first week, I felt better, not a sluggish and the headaches went away altogether. I don't even crave it anymore. I drink nothing but water and really started to feel a difference. Also, diet soda tends to make you want to snack good. Good luck!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away.

    You realize that makes no sense, right?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Caffeine headaches are the worst.

    I'd suggest not cutting it off completely, but start taking in less and less each day.

    Like if you are drinking 3 a day, cut to 2.75, then 2.5, then 2.25, etc until you get to zero.
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Of courseI make sense. Do some reserach before you tell me what I "don't know"!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Definitely caffeine withdrawal. There's no such thing as sugar addiction. That would be akin to "oxygen addiction," as the human body literally requires sugar to live.

    Well, part of this statement is right.

    The body does need glucose to live which is a sugar found in foods like fruits. You're right, in that.

    But what the body DOES NOT need, is the highly processed sugar that is found in a lot foods that really don't need it, but it's a great cheap preservative.

    And sorry, but you're wrong about the addiction part also. I am an addiction counselor [non-practicing] but yes, a person can be addicted to sugar, especially the type found in things like soda, candy, cookies, cake and that sort of thing. I am living proof of it. When I experience stress, I like to reach for chocolate, or other candy. I have actual physical cravings and they are similar to the nicotine cravings I used to have after I quit smoking. Yes, I did switch one addictive substance for another.

    I would normally back this statement up with proof, and give you links, but I just got an emergency call and have to run but felt it important enough to finish this post to you.

    To the OP, take it one day at a time. It will get better. I am fighting it myself. I gave up candy for Lent and it's been really rough, but I can tell you that each day it does get better.

    P.S. I will come back later and edit this post with scientific fact (not bro-science) of sugar addiction.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm 28, always naturally yoyo'd through childhood, went to uni, piled it on and my weight just keeps going up. Until now. I signed up nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm already feeling better, despite a glitch with the scales, I moved where I weighed myself and shot up a stone and a half overnight :( My main setback now is my addiction to Coke (the drink not the drug) I should probably say addiction to sugar as I do have a sweet tooth but when I try to cut back on the pop I get horrible headaches whereas I can do without the chocolate. If anyone has any advice on getting over that I'd greatly appreciate it :)

    Instead of making excuses, buckle down and stay on track. Try diet soda if you like soda but don't want the cals

    Diet soda is even worse than the regular kind. Your body doesn't know how to process aspartame. If your going to drink it, drink the real thing. Aspartame is poison. If you give it up altogether, your body will adjust within a week or so. I'm just over 2 weeks with no soda (I was a Dr. Pepper addict BIG TIME) and after the first week, I felt better, not a sluggish and the headaches went away altogether. I don't even crave it anymore. I drink nothing but water and really started to feel a difference. Also, diet soda tends to make you want to snack good. Good luck!!

    Please substantiate the content above
  • katedaniels1985
    Thanks everyone, cold turkey here I come! (packet of ibuprofen at the ready) I don't drink coffee, never thought of it as being a caffeine addiction, that's really useful, the advice not the addiction.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    this thread is like a re-run of full house...

    you know it sucks, but you cant help but enjoy the entertainment.

    carry on...