Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here!!



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I don't make coffee at home.

    What kind of protein drink should I get for just one without coffee?

    Have you ever considered getting a keurig? Makes a cup in minutes and many flavor types etc. Would save SO much $$ long term. With 4 kids I'm surprised you can afford coffee out daily! You can save that for the kids!

    I set my keurig up with water, coffee, and a mug the night before. First thing in the morning all I have to do is stumble into the kitchen and find the button to start it!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I did buy a Keruig and took it back. I didn't like it. I think the coffee thing is done and over with. I am either going to drink my drinks the way they are, or cut back, or cut them out completely. I won't make them at home, I don't like black coffee, and nothing sugar free for me!
    So that being said..I am going to cut back first and then try to cut them out to maybe once a week.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    Also, it's probably not the coffee I am's probably the sweetness bringing me there every day...I have a sweet tooth!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
    I eat breakfast at the same time you do and I have time to make a bagel, two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and four scrambled eggs with two egg whites and a half serving of cheese...

    OMG please come over and make me breakfast!

    am I getting anything in return for this service? :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Also, it's probably not the coffee I am's probably the sweetness bringing me there every day...I have a sweet tooth!

    you can make your coffee as sweet as you want it at home..just buy some creamer that has sweetener in it or add some sugar to it...

    No offense, but I think you are making excuses for why you can't make breakfast but can make it to starbucks..

    at the end of the day it has to come down to what is important to you ..having starbucks every morning or being slightly more healthy ..
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Also, it's probably not the coffee I am's probably the sweetness bringing me there every day...I have a sweet tooth!

    yes you are right. cutting back and cutting down is a good start. Are you buying large? Switch to medium's and not as many and then switch to smalls.

    I caught a quick bleep about boxed noodles - high in sodium. My DH likes ramen noodles (can we say "salt shaker!!", LOL) - and occasionally I like them for a quick lunch but I only add half the seasoning packet and extra water so it cuts down on the sodium.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I never even ate breakfast up until 3 weeks ago. So I think I am doing good. My nutritionist told me to eat that for breakfast. Maybe in a while from now I will be making myself breakfast..but for now..excuse or not, I am sticking with my yogurt and banana.
    It's not just Starbucks either..I just like them, or Mcdonalds, Jack In the box..local coffee shops.
    Like I said, I would rather not drink coffee ever again if I had to make it at home. It's just not what I like. I feel like I'm getting bashed for not eating eggs for breakfast!
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    I think one of the main things that you are doing wrong is focusing solely on seeing the numbers move on the scale. Focus on other things as well for example, starting out I noticed that I would be out of breath running up the 2 flights of steps at my job....I felt great a couple of weeks later when I could run up the steps effortlessly with enough breath to talk. It's those "NSV"s New Small Victories that are going to add up and get you where you need/want to be.

    I definitely recommend spacing your weigh ins. The scale will fluctuate throughout the day/week....I have seen it go up as much as six pounds in one day based on my food and water intake and then drop drastically the next day so you cannot rely solely on the scale.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
    I eat breakfast at the same time you do and I have time to make a bagel, two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and four scrambled eggs with two egg whites and a half serving of cheese...

    OMG please come over and make me breakfast!

    am I getting anything in return for this service? :)

    Not too many things I'm good at. Need some laundry done?
  • JaniceKW
    JaniceKW Posts: 6 Member
    For what it's worth my advice is to be patient. This is a journey that we're all on and it does take time. I've had times where I saw little to no change for a few weeks even though I weigh & log everything. Realistically if you average 1 -2 lbs. lost a week that's a fantastic result. I started weighing myself every 2nd week and since I didn't see the daily fluctuations from water retention, hormones etc. I found it was easier. Keep doing what you're doing (weighing/measuring food), try to cut back on the coffee drinks and watch the processed food that's high in sodium. Good luck!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't cook breakfast either - its all I can do to slap a protein drink in my blender. I also was never a breakfast eater and I think you are right - having fruit and a yogart is a big step.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I never even ate breakfast up until 3 weeks ago. So I think I am doing good. My nutritionist told me to eat that for breakfast. Maybe in a while from now I will be making myself breakfast..but for now..excuse or not, I am sticking with my yogurt and banana.
    It's not just Starbucks either..I just like them, or Mcdonalds, Jack In the box..local coffee shops.
    Like I said, I would rather not drink coffee ever again if I had to make it at home. It's just not what I like. I feel like I'm getting bashed for not eating eggs for breakfast!

    no, some of us just find it strange that you have "no time" to make breakfast but have time to stop for a 700 calorie coffee...

    honestly, you can skip breakfast if you are not hungry or do not like it and eat at lunch time and dinner...just as long as skipping breakfast does not lead to binging later in the day...

    Meal timing and metabolism have zero correlation...
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    All good advice and you're probably sick of coffee advice but here goes...

    I started cutting syrups from Starbucks awhile back. I used to drink caramel macchiatos. Instead of 3 syrups I would ask for 2. I didn't notice much difference between 3 and 2 so it was all good. Then 2 pumps seemed too sweet after awhile so I switched to 1 pump. It still tasted amazing to me. I think after you cut down on something your body adjusts, if I tried to drink a regular macchiato now I'd probably not be able to drink it because it would taste way too sweet.

    And as a fellow back sufferer who is in PT and also can't exercise I feel your pain.... literally. I understand how a cup of coffee can make you feel good, however silly that sounds. On those days that I feel truly awful I allow myself a starbucks but I get it non-fat and I try to only put one pump of something in it. For whatever reason it is comforting to me.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Quick question for you (mom to mom):
    Is part of the reason you are not getting up and making your own breakfast have anything to do with having four mouths to feed besides your own in the morning? And chances are those four mouths do not wake up at the same exact time and sometimes those four may have woken you up in the middle of the night/been sick, etc... and you try to get any last bit of sleep you can in before they do wake up?

    Not trying to make excuses for OP, but I know some of my mornings can be completely frantic trying to get my two up and ready to go for the day. I do eat breakfast regularly (and drink coffee at home with 3 TBS of unhealthy creamer), but sometimes it will be 8:30 before I get a chance to sit down and catch up on me (that's when I don't have to get out the door for work). I don't do fast foods often, especially for breakfast, but I can see the convenience of doing this instead of attempting to get up before my kiddos do and/or trying to do make myself breakfast while they are needing my attention.

    OP, I think you have the right idea and kudos to you for eating that yogurt and banana! That's better than nothing at all :)

    I think if you would simply start cutting down on the size and quantity of your coffee drinks, you will not need to give them up completely and you will be saving yourself some money, too! Keep a package of trail mix in your car and have a handful of that to help get that extra protein in. And I bet your kids would love smoothies after school!!! My boys both enjoy them and it's a great way to sneak fruits/veggies into their diets without them turning their noses up in protest!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    All of you who use protein powder, do they make it with a mocha flavor?
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I changed my food plan for tomorrow again and cut out 1 coffee and I'm excited to be able to eat a little more and see how that makes me feel. I see my nutritionist on Thursday so hopefully I'll get some insight from her as well! I appreciate all of you giving me advice. This was my first post and I'm hoping I will have a loss in the next couple of days!!
  • Food scale works for me. The other day I guessed the ounces of chicken at a dive and thought 9, so I asked the chef and it was 15 ! And I wouldn't be drinking 700 calories in coffee, IMO. But good job so far!
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    All of you who use protein powder, do they make it with a mocha flavor?

    I think I have seen it actually! I could be wrong, but seeing this is bringing back a memory lol. I am going to have to check this out actually! :drinker:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    All of you who use protein powder, do they make it with a mocha flavor?
    I think I have seen it actually! I could be wrong, but seeing this is bringing back a memory lol. I am going to have to check this out actually!
    Couldn't you just use chocolate protein powder & add instant espresso powder (like Medaglia D'Oro) or instant coffee (like Starbucks Via)?