Master Cleanse! aka Lemonade Diet .. My 30 day story.



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    ...for when this is randomly revived in January.

    Ask and you shall receive

    tis the season for master cleanses...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It is one thing to discourage someone from following a potentially unhealthy plan, but there is a way to do everything. We are all adults. Making fun of people who seem to have had positive experiences with the MC is not the best way to persuade someone to not try it. It just makes you look bad and like I said before, childish.

    I'm full of questions to day.

    You've been here since 2011 and for your first post you whiteknight the master cleanse in a thread that is focused on the negative aspects of it? And then you add some name-calling now to this?

    So, has the master cleanse at least been useful to you?

    <goes to look at ticker .....>

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    <goes to look at ticker .....>


    first thing i did too.

    funny how that seems to be the case more often than not.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    See what I mean? Smh @ Joy_Joy.

    But it's okay for you to respond to someone with rude and insulting statements?

  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    See what I mean? Smh @ Joy_Joy.

    No offence but that was really rude. Their is no need to call sumone out like that. She only posted a moving picture wuts wrong with that?
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    If you want to "cleanse" try Alli (not sure on the spelling). Seriously. You'll lose a ton of weight because all the fat you take in will be oozing out your rear, and the exercise from running to the bathroom trying not to crap yourself burns a ton of calories.

    Seriously though. I've seen it on here a bunch of times, but it's so true. "The secret to weight loss is no secret. Stop eating garbage and get off your @$$&quot;.
  • reggie7727
    reggie7727 Posts: 29 Member
    If you want to "cleanse" try Alli (not sure on the spelling). Seriously. You'll lose a ton of weight because all the fat you take in will be oozing out your rear, and the exercise from running to the bathroom trying not to crap yourself burns a ton of calories.

    Seriously though. I've seen it on here a bunch of times, but it's so true. "The secret to weight loss is no secret. Stop eating garbage and get off your @$$&quot;.
    Thats what Im talkin' about! Eat right and excercise, what a concept:laugh:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    This is my first post since I have been a member, but I read through all the comments and some of y'all are just mean. Everybody is different and we all have different circumstances. The cleanse may or may not work for you, but why verbally bash someone who has positive things to say about it? If you don't agree then move on. I was looking into being involved in some of MFP's forums but this is very childish behavior and may be discouraging to new members.

    You resisted the urge to post on the MFP forums for almost two years...

    ...but the final temptation that was too strong was to jump into an admonishment of people discouraging others from trying the Master Cleanse??? Do you know what this "cleanse" entails? Do you understand how dangerous it is?

    If not, and you don't agree with how others are responding to it, perhaps *you* should just move on. This response you're seeing here is more out of concern for the well-being of others than it is childish. Sure, you may not agree with the mode...but the message is sincere.

    It is one thing to discourage someone from following a potentially unhealthy plan, but there is a way to do everything. We are all adults. Making fun of people who seem to have had positive experiences with the MC is not the best way to persuade someone to not try it. It just makes you look bad and like I said before, childish. I do appreciate sincere concern and warnings tho as that is the purpose of this community.

    And how is the "master cleanse" healthy? It's not intermittent fasting - that I could get behind. But this is basically a "how to" for eating disorders. The fact is the master cleanse is a fallacy.

    Yes you may drop a bunch of weight in the time you are drinking "lemonade", but it's going to be muscle & water weight. I think that is what the OP's original intent on her post. Wouldn't you rather lose fat vs. muscle? When you drop weight quickly using cleanses/starving/ are losing MUSCLE.

    That is probably why people get all hot and bothered about this topic. It's been discussed umpteen times and it's the same "Oh, it may work for me and not you" argument. Which is just lame-sauce.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    Good post. there is no medical evidence that our body needs cleansing. i admit 5 years ago i did the master cleanse for 10 days and i would never do it again. it was more of challenge than for weight loss and after day 3 it was easy but then you get all of these weird side effects (tongue turns color, breath smells, you are exhausted and irritable, you can't digest any food after and the thoughts you get about food during this are unhealthy) anytime i ate food after i felt dirty or like a pig gorging myself. master cleanse was not good for me physically or mentally.

    no detoxes
    no juicing cleanses etc

    the only way to lose weight long term is a life style change.
    work out
    eat clean
    cut out processed food
    sleep well
    remove stress
  • I did the master cleanse for 10 days last year and had GREAT results. The thing everyone needs to understand (and TMC is partly to blame for this as it's marketed this way) is it's NOT A WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM! It is a cleanse, and--as with any cleanse--you will experience some weight loss as a SIDE EFFECT. The main purpose is to clean yourself out - there's tons of medical evidence about how the poop buildup in your colon affects you, and this cleanse gets it all out. And yes... you will typically lose some weight as a result.

    If you follow the instructions EXACTLY as they are written you will experience great results 99.9% of the time. You especially need to follow the ease-in and ease-out recommendation - and I know the reason most people don't get the results they seek or "get sick" during the program is because they fail to follow these critical steps.

    I have no financial interest whatsoever in TMC, I had great results simply because I followed the plan exactly as it's written. So If you're considering TMC, know that it's not easy (at first) but if you follow the directions you'll have good results and your colon will thank you for it!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member

    Poop buildup?? The only poop buildup you'd ever have is from constipation. I'd like to see all this "medical research" claiming this to be true.
  • *bump so my friends list sees this
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you for sharing!!

    I had gone through the same thing years ago, I've done every diet in the world, and I finally found balance :) I've gained muscle & lost inches. It takes time but when it comes to your body it's so worth it. :)
  • I tried the Master Cleanse a few years back for 11 days and lost about 17 pounds. It took a long time for me to gain it back, but yeah, I gained it back and then some. But I also went back to my old bad eating habits.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I tried the Master Cleanse a few years back for 11 days and lost about 17 pounds. It took a long time for me to gain it back, but yeah, I gained it back and then some. But I also went back to my old bad eating habits.

    Lost 17 pounds of what in 11 days?

    And of course you went back to your old eating habits. It isn't like you could continue your new eating habits of consuming this "cleanse" long-term...given the certainty of eventual death from it.
  • Thanks for posting this!!!
  • LvlyLars
    LvlyLars Posts: 18 Member
    Did you read the actual 'Master Cleanser' book? They tell you exactly how to eat the days after the cleanse so that you don't have the issues you seemed to face when you did it. And, it's not a diet; remember that. It's about cleaning out the system. Note to everyone when you start a new eating and/or exercise plan to research it fully before doing it.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    ^^^^ The system does not need cleansed, it does it by itself. It was designed that way.
  • A cleanse is just how it sounds. To CLEANSE and detoxify the body of built up toxins and chemicals. Things like the master cleanse are not by any means for losing weight. Anybody who tries to lose weight by doing a cleanse is a fool. You may lose weight during but I can guarantee that weight will come right back after you get off of it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    A cleanse is just how it sounds. To CLEANSE and detoxify the body of built up toxins and chemicals. Things like the master cleanse are not by any means for losing weight. Anybody who tries to lose weight by doing a cleanse is a fool. You may lose weight during but I can guarantee that weight will come right back after you get off of it.

    Name one. Just one. Please?

    You seem knowledgeable about cleanses and detoxifying so you can surely name a toxin that is removed from the body during a cleanse that isn't otherwise removed from the body while eating food, right?

    I'm eagerly awaiting your reply.