Focus T25 - Summer Slim Down!



  • freespirit420
    freespirit420 Posts: 12 Member
    Is this workout ok for beginners? I tried the jillian 30 day shred and made it 20 days and then the holidays hit and haven't gone back. Is the workout similar?
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Is this workout ok for beginners? I tried the jillian 30 day shred and made it 20 days and then the holidays hit and haven't gone back. Is the workout similar?

    I think it's definitely good for beginners (but also suitable for non-beginners). There are modified moves throughout T25, which you can follow if you need low impact, aren't able to do some of the moves, or if you're dragging and need a bit of a break.

    I've done the 30 Day Shred DVDs in the past. I liked the workouts, but for me, there was not enough variety (since there are only the three levels, and you're more-or-less doing the same one in a row for 10 days). I think some of the exercises in T25 are pretty similar to the ones from 30DS (though it's been years since I did the 30DS workouts at this point). If you liked 30DS, I think it's quite possible you'd like T25 too... but that's just my opinion :) Of course Shaun T has a pretty different personality compared to Jillian. I like both of them.
  • ldocampo
    ldocampo Posts: 34
    Awesome! I'm trying to train to eventually run a half marathon so I didn't want to have to stop for the ten weeks!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Awesome! I'm trying to train to eventually run a half marathon so I didn't want to have to stop for the ten weeks!

    I'm training for a half marathon, too! It's not until November, so we're just doing the 3+ 3x a week for now. Around late August we've got a specific plan we'll be following for twelve weeks to get prepared. :-) I'm excited! I've only done 5k, 8k, and 10k's up until now!
  • impromark
    impromark Posts: 119 Member
    I'm finishing up Beta tomorrow and I feel great. A couple of weeks worth of work conferences over the course of the schedule haven't helped the weight loss - only five pounds in ten weeks - but the goal was to shape things up rather than shed pounds off, and to combat the inevitable gains made with days of high-calorie catered meals and desserts and wine and snacks and whytheheckdoconferencesneverstockenoughwaterordietsoda?!

    I've lost inches everywhere though and intend to keep pushing through the next month and its additional two work conferences. Gamma begins soon!

  • ldocampo
    ldocampo Posts: 34
    You're so impressive! Wishing you lots of luck! I have a few 5ks lined up for the summer, but I don't know if I'm really going to sign up for the half marathon. I kinda like just running in the gym with no one watching me :X
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    You're so impressive! Wishing you lots of luck! I have a few 5ks lined up for the summer, but I don't know if I'm really going to sign up for the half marathon. I kinda like just running in the gym with no one watching me :X

    Make sure you do some running outside, though, before any race...treadmill running is very different from pavement running! Just a tip!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    T25 Total Body Circuit AND Ab Intervals on the same day, after a 3.2 mile run and T25 Cardio the day before = ouch. SOOOOOOO glad tomorrow is a rest day! Can't wait to see my week three stats! How's everyone doing this week?! Don't forget there's a Summer Slim Down group some of us are participating in, too! Feel free to come on over there, too!
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    It's definitly worth it and the support by the myfitnesspal members is awesome. I say go for it . Just finished my first week of T25 Alpha . Everytime you feel like giving in just look at the timer and realize it's only 25 minutes. You can do it. :smile:
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    Wow You're really working T25. Awesome. I couldn't do Lower Focus and Cardio in the same day so my saturday will be Cardio make up day. But I am really enjoying T25 if that's even possible. I look forward to the workout.Be glad when the soreness goes away.:smile: Ab Intervals really got me.
  • One2Run
    One2Run Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on week two of beta, and tbh, I am exhausted. I was running 4x a week before that, and have cut it out due to sheer muscle fatigue. I can't wait for it to be over to get back to running. I did two half marathons last year, and another one coming up this fall.

    It has been great for overall strength and toning, but 6x a week is a bit much for me to include other stuff as well.

    I will be starting NROLFW when I finish t25 which should be better for getting runs in.

    Good luck to everyone working through it.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Week three stats for Focus T25 - down another 1.6 pounds and 3.5 inches...for a total of 6.6 pounds and TEN inches! In THREE weeks! :-)
  • Avy049
    Avy049 Posts: 16
    That is fantastic results!!!

    I just started T25 the other day and I'm also doing my first 1oK 11th May most I've ran so far is 4miles!!

    I'm going on holiday in 4 weeks so I was hoping to dropa dress size by then!!!!

    If anyone wants to they can add me as a friend as I'm determined to see this through, I've enjoyed the past few days T25 although it has been hard going!!!

  • dawnfto
    dawnfto Posts: 79 Member
    I am starting this tomorrow. I have done a few other workouts but I have been getting bored, although I did get results. Time for something new with T25!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm considering starting it to go along with my Body Revolution program (currently into week six of it). >.>
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    I am also starting t25 week 3. My weight is staying the same, but definitely gaining muscles and losing inches. I wish I wasn't so fixated on the number on the scale, I am working my *kitten* off every workout and doing two a day somedays. Scale won't budge. My diet is around 1300 calories a day so it's in check. I know it's working just frustrating to not be dipping
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I am also starting t25 week 3. My weight is staying the same, but definitely gaining muscles and losing inches. I wish I wasn't so fixated on the number on the scale, I am working my *kitten* off every workout and doing two a day somedays. Scale won't budge. My diet is around 1300 calories a day so it's in check. I know it's working just frustrating to not be dipping

    Not a specialist, but aren't 1300 calories too little for a man?! The absolute minimum for women is 1200 and this is if you do nothing all day long. And from reading a lot on the matter (as I too am blocked on the scale from not eating enough), I'd recommend you doing some additional looking into it. I'd recommend the Eat, Train, Progress group (link - they have some great posts with tons of explanations and they do offer advice to anyone who needs it.
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    I am also starting t25 week 3. My weight is staying the same, but definitely gaining muscles and losing inches. I wish I wasn't so fixated on the number on the scale, I am working my *kitten* off every workout and doing two a day somedays. Scale won't budge. My diet is around 1300 calories a day so it's in check. I know it's working just frustrating to not be dipping

    Not a specialist, but aren't 1300 calories too little for a man?! The absolute minimum for women is 1200 and this is if you do nothing all day long. And from reading a lot on the matter (as I too am blocked on the scale from not eating enough), I'd recommend you doing some additional looking into it. I'd recommend the Eat, Train, Progress group (link - they have some great posts with tons of explanations and they do offer advice to anyone who needs it.

    That's kinda what I was leaning towards, body is probably holding onto fat thinking I am starving it. as I track my food and exercise through my apps, my calories go up. So some days my programs want me eating 2000 calories but damn that's hard to do. I feel way too full after like 1500 I can't imagine 2000

    I will check out that group thanks!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I am also starting t25 week 3. My weight is staying the same, but definitely gaining muscles and losing inches. I wish I wasn't so fixated on the number on the scale, I am working my *kitten* off every workout and doing two a day somedays. Scale won't budge. My diet is around 1300 calories a day so it's in check. I know it's working just frustrating to not be dipping

    Not a specialist, but aren't 1300 calories too little for a man?! The absolute minimum for women is 1200 and this is if you do nothing all day long. And from reading a lot on the matter (as I too am blocked on the scale from not eating enough), I'd recommend you doing some additional looking into it. I'd recommend the Eat, Train, Progress group (link - they have some great posts with tons of explanations and they do offer advice to anyone who needs it.

    That's kinda what I was leaning towards, body is probably holding onto fat thinking I am starving it. as I track my food and exercise through my apps, my calories go up. So some days my programs want me eating 2000 calories but damn that's hard to do. I feel way too full after like 1500 I can't imagine 2000

    I will check out that group thanks!

    If you eat 1300 calories... I think you are starving. Even if you're not feeling it - you get used to it... But yeah... definitely look into it and ask for advice in the group. Good luck!
  • ChangMiike
    Good on ya big lad
    Just started this one as well! Week 1 down and ready for week 2!