Anyone interested in a "Those Last Pesky 20 Pounds" Group?



  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in I have 15-20lbs left to lose!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 134.4lbs
    12/20/10 Current weight: 134.4lbs
    Goal weight: 115-120lbs.

    Other Info...
    Age: 19
    Occupation: I work at a daycare in the infant room taking care of children 6 weeks - 18 months. On saturdays and sundays I work at a movie theater. I'm also a full time student.
    Family: I'm the oldests of 4 kids. I live at home with my parents and siblings because its SO much cheaper than living on campus!
    Location: Youngstown, OH
    Date you started losing weight: January 2010. I was at my highest weight, 158lbs, and was sick of it so I got down to 139lbs with weight watchers and then found MFP and found that i like it better!
    Weight Lost to Date: 24.4lbs

    I'm training for a half marathon (on May 15, 2011) and am hoping to do a full marathon at the end of October. I am also starting TurboFire on Jan 3rd!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Didn't loose, didn't gain. So today its back to the grind. Almost all the temptation is gone out of the house. And whats left just doesn't sound good:sick: Looking forward to some actual exercise today. Got some new equipment from Christmas. I actually have a new GoldGym stepper instead of using the kids' potty stool!:laugh:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I lost myself and ate badly :( I gained 4 lbs. I did wonderfully with working out, it was the food! I ran and hiked all weekend and even on my days off. Anyway, I was not going to say nothing and hide my 4 lbs gain to myself....
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm in I have 15-20lbs left to lose!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 134.4lbs
    12/20/10 Current weight: 134.4lbs
    Goal weight: 115-120lbs.

    Other Info...
    Age: 19
    Occupation: I work at a daycare in the infant room taking care of children 6 weeks - 18 months. On saturdays and sundays I work at a movie theater. I'm also a full time student.
    Family: I'm the oldests of 4 kids. I live at home with my parents and siblings because its SO much cheaper than living on campus!
    Location: Youngstown, OH
    Date you started losing weight: January 2010. I was at my highest weight, 158lbs, and was sick of it so I got down to 139lbs with weight watchers and then found MFP and found that i like it better!
    Weight Lost to Date: 24.4lbs

    I'm training for a half marathon (on May 15, 2011) and am hoping to do a full marathon at the end of October. I am also starting TurboFire on Jan 3rd!
    Welcome! I'm starting the TF/ChaLean Extreme hybrid on the 3rd. :smile:

    Mafery--You can get that weight off! I'm glad you did post it though. I bet you feel better about it now.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Do you have room for one more? I'm not sure what my goal is at this point. Perhaps focusing more on toning than on seeing a specific number on the scale, but truthfully, I still have squishy parts that need to GO! I would love some group support and camaradarie (sp?)

    12/26/10 Starting weight: 139.8
    12/17/10 Current weight: 138
    Goal weight: Not sure. Perhaps a range between 120-130.

    Other Info...
    Age: 34
    Occupation: I work with families whose teenagers have anti-social behaviors
    Family: I recently visited my mom and siblings who haven't seen me since I started losing weight. They reported that I'm an inspiration!
    Location: Hawaii
    Date you started losing weight: July 2009
    Weight Lost to Date: 49 lbs

    I'm in a "what now" phase, it seems. My lowest weight recorded was 134 lbs. I want to find my body's "happy weight", and do what I can to firm up the squishy zones. Although I've never had kids, I had an abdominal surgery when I was 21 years old. My ab muscles are on the weak side. Thinking about doing the Tracy Anderson post pregnancy DVD for ab work. I do a variety of cardio (running, zumba, walking, elliptical, some Jillian stuff) and it's been quite a while since I consciously did anything for toning or muscle development. Getting ready to go work it out now.... I'll report back in!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Just did my workout with a renewed sense of purpose :) I think this group is going to help!
    Looking forward to hearing all your updates!
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    Is it too late to join this group - I need some inspiration.

    12/27/10 Starting weight: 159
    12/27/10 Current weight: 156
    Goal weight: 135

    Other Info- My highest weight was approx 200 after the birth of my 1st child, I weighed less 3 months after my 2nd child, than I do now nearly 4 years later.
    Age: 36
    Occupation: Fund Accountant
    Family: Husband, 2 girls (3 and 5)
    Location: England
    Date you started losing weight:
    Weight Lost to Date: I lost 8lbs after joining MFP then xmas came and went with a 5lbs gain!!

    I love to run, its my only me time and its the best thing for destressing, I currently awaiting my new Jillian Michaels DVD to arrive - 6 week 6 pack - has anyone heard of this or done it?
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Welcome, Smiles4Miles! I hear you on the squishy parts. I was overweight before I started having kids, and they didn't help any. I would like to get down in weight, but I really want to firm up. I did ChaLean Extreme (sort of Chalene Johnson's version of P90X). I got some definition from that. Great job on your weight loss so far!

    Welcome, loxleys! Never too late to join! Great job on the weight loss so far!

    I did Fire 45EZ already today (Turbo Fire) and need to do HIIT 20 later on. I knew I couldn't do them back to back. I have found out today that even though I'm going kind of low on calories, per the Inferno plan, I am not actually that hungry. I want food, but that's because there are lots of goodies in my house, but I am not eating them. :smile: Maybe I am still a bit of an emotional eater, even though I thought I conquered that. If I weren't counting my calories, I would have indulged for sure. I need to make sure to keep up with calorie counting, as I am not that great at it.

    Have a great day!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Starting Weight (12/20): 144.4
    Today's Weight (12/27): 144.4
    Difference: 0
    Overall Pounds Lost: 0 pounds in challenge
    Goal Weight: 130
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Back to the gym today! I feel so GOOD!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Back to the gym today! I feel so GOOD!!!
  • yes please! What's the plan? Post starting weight, daily check-ins, weekly weigh-ins? I'm in.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Finally got off my booty this morning and did something at least. Might make it my morning routine then add more at night as my motivation picks up.
    100 Jumping Jacks
    100 Crunches (25 each of 4 variations)
    100 Jumping Jacks
    25 Pushups (regular and modified - trying to make them all regular)
    100 Jumping Jacks

    I figure any exercise is better than nothing. :tongue:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    yes please! What's the plan? Post starting weight, daily check-ins, weekly weigh-ins? I'm in.
    We're doing weekly weigh-ins on Monday and just posting as we like. Post your workouts, your plans/goals, whatever. Welcome!

    Great job, Jeannie!


    I have lost 2.4 pounds so far on the TF Inferno plan (2 days done out of 5)!!!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Great job Amy! I'm just hoping to not gain at this point. :laugh:
  • I'm in!!! I'm a little late though!

    12/20/10 Starting weight: 161.2
    12/20/10 Current weight: 161.2
    Goal weight:140

    Other Info...
    Age: 29
    Occupation: teacher
    Family: married 7.5 years with 2 kids-2.5 years and 4 months
    Location: Tennessee
    Date you started losing weight: Sept. 7th
    Weight Lost to Date: 13 lbs.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Welcome, Smiles4Miles! I hear you on the squishy parts. I was overweight before I started having kids, and they didn't help any. I would like to get down in weight, but I really want to firm up. I did ChaLean Extreme (sort of Chalene Johnson's version of P90X). I got some definition from that. Great job on your weight loss so far!

    Welcome, loxleys! Never too late to join! Great job on the weight loss so far!

    I did Fire 45EZ already today (Turbo Fire) and need to do HIIT 20 later on. I knew I couldn't do them back to back. I have found out today that even though I'm going kind of low on calories, per the Inferno plan, I am not actually that hungry. I want food, but that's because there are lots of goodies in my house, but I am not eating them. :smile: Maybe I am still a bit of an emotional eater, even though I thought I conquered that. If I weren't counting my calories, I would have indulged for sure. I need to make sure to keep up with calorie counting, as I am not that great at it.

    Have a great day!

    Thanks Amy :) Chalean extreme sounds... tough but worth it. Turbo Fire sounds.. tough but worth it! We're no wussies!
    Yesterday's workout was 20 mins elliptical, 30 mins of intervals on the treadmill (running) and 10 minutes of abs for a solid 60 min total. I threw in some Tracy Anderson arm stuff later.

    I was reading in O magazine that a person should aim for six hours a week of exercise. Sadly, even though I exercise often, I fall short of this level. It's a good goal to aspire to. What will I do in my hour today?
  • Yes! I lost 12 lbs in 1998 but still need to lose the last 20! Count me in to lose those last 20 stubborn lbs.
  • Here are my stats:
    Starting weight: 138 (1998)
    Current weight: 126
    Goal weight: 106
    (This is reasonable as I am 5.0, at least I think I am 5.0, I could be shrinking already.
    In some cases I don't ask a question If I can't do anything about the answer!)

    Other Info:
    Age: 54
    Occupation: Programmer/Analyst
    Family: 2 kids-both in college 19 and 22
    Location: California
    Date you started losing weight: 1998 (Guess it's time to start again.
    Weight Lost to Date: 12 lbs.
    Exercise: Jog 3-4 times a week
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Wasn't feeling too good yesterday so didn't put as much effort into my workout. Didn't burn as many cals as per usual. Today was better. Felt good and pushed. I did TF Fire 55 & Fire 30. I was a sweaty mess when I was done, but I felt good!!
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