Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's a saying people relax! Try giving support instead of all this negativism!!! My grandmother used to say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!

    You know who else used to say that? Thumper's dad. It was apparently appropriate advice for self-aware, talking, animated juvenile rabbits. However, adults conversing on a public message board will sometimes disagree and say things that others may interpret as "not nice". That's the price we pay for a free and open exchange of differing ideas. I think I like this approach better than Thumper's.

    Anyhow, in...
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I have been reading posts here and think I found my best fit here. 28 days ago I was at 332 lbs and have lost 11 so far. I am 46, 5'9" and healthy except the major arthritis and tendon issues in my feet that keep me from so many exercises it isn't funny. I just want to get to 167 lbs and that is not unreasonable. The doctor would like me to be at 140. We will see how I feel about it when I reach my current goal.

    I lost 125 lbs once and gained it back. My fault entirely. Suffice it to say depression eating sucks you in, but I have a feeling you all know about how that works and the downward spiral you head into. I made some major changes in my life and am making more. Right now it is time for this one.

    I refuse to stay this size. Especially not after I experienced being able to buy clothes in a regular store. I loved being able to visit friends or go to barbecues without having to consider either bringing my own chair or standing the whole time because you know there will not be a chair big enough or sturdy enough for you. If you have not experienced being kicked off an amusement park ride because the safety locks wouldn't engage over your chest, be happy. I have and it is not a good feeling. I screwed up, but I will get back there, and stay there.

    We can all do this. Just don't lose sight of the goal. I lost sight in a big way and that will not happen again.

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    You're over 300lbs, you don't know how skinny feels

    I don't agree with the "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" nonsense, but saying someone over 300 lbs doesn't know what skinny feels like is,,, a little presumptuous, no? No one was born into this world at 300 lbs.

    presumptuous and.....dare I say it?....ruuuuuude? lol

    Rude was the word I *wanted* to use but I was trying to exercise some restraint to provide a good counter-example. :laugh: But sometimes, you gotta call it like it is...

    Don't you worry. Keep being a good example and I'll take that bullet for you. :D
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    What, being skinny can feel horrible? Being cold all the time, hurts to sit on anything, can't sleep?

    Don't be so quick to jump to assumptions.
    Just weirds me out to see someone saying that, like everyone else said, surely being healthy is better than skinny
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    What, being skinny can feel horrible? Being cold all the time, hurts to sit on anything, can't sleep?

    Don't be so quick to jump to assumptions.
    Just weirds me out to see someone saying that, like everyone else said, surely being healthy is better than skinny

    Just like not acting like a *kitten* is better than acting like a *kitten*. Those others weirded out SOMEHOW found a way to say it without being nasty :flowerforyou:

  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels maybe?

    So much this.

    Speaking as a former, and now weight-restored and recovering anorexic, I'm highly offended by the statement that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" being the "motto" of "every anorexic." Anorexia feels like a complete loss of dignity, happiness, control, and light. Anorexia feels like Death. Anorexia feels like Hopelessness. Anorexia feels like angina at age 17. It is a debilitating mental illness, not a joke. Someone who is actually suffering from anorexia would never say that.

    Back on topic, I've never posted here before and I hardly know how the site forums work, I just wanted to say good luck with your journey and address that ^
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Thanks, I didn't know where it originated. I am seeing that it has hit some people in a sore spot.

    Will be interesting to see by the end of this thread which side of this argument are truly the ones with the sore spot.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's a saying people relax! Try giving support instead of all this negativism!!! My grandmother used to say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!

    are you saying that pizza, beer, and other delicious things are inherently "mean"...? Oddly, I haven't seen a single negative reply in this thread.

    like.. at all.

    Never said mean, said negative. Also never said the food was in any way mean, smarty pants.... the comments are not positive. This person obviously was looking for some support on thier weight loss journey and this entire thread turned into a sacrasitc thread about the saying. It happens all the time on these threads. I just don't know what happened to support each other.

    I never signed anything stating I'd support people who say things I fundamentally disagree with. Lot's of things taste better than skinny feels. No matter how you cut it that's the simple truth.

    Thankfully tasty food and weight loss aren't mutually exclusive.


  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    I don't support pro-ana statements. Also, it's a proven fact that you're less likely to achieve your goals if you tell them to other people first instead of actually doing them.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels maybe?

    I understand where the OP is coming from, but I def like this version better!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's a saying people relax! Try giving support instead of all this negativism!!! My grandmother used to say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!!!

    are you saying that pizza, beer, and other delicious things are inherently "mean"...? Oddly, I haven't seen a single negative reply in this thread.

    like.. at all.

    Never said mean, said negative. Also never said the food was in any way mean, smarty pants.... the comments are not positive. This person obviously was looking for some support on thier weight loss journey and this entire thread turned into a sacrasitc thread about the saying. It happens all the time on these threads. I just don't know what happened to support each other.

    You know, this is like the 3rd or 4th time this week that I've been called mean or negative after posting what I take to be a completely helpful answer. When people wonder why more users don't take the time to help new posters, remember threads like this.

    Also, gravy. Gravy definitely tastes better than skinny feels.

    It's one of my favorite aspects of MFP:

    1. Post helpful on-topic genuine albeit not sugar-coated response,
    2. be called names, have your parents' child-rearing abilities questioned, be told you aren't foruming correctly, be told the reason the forums really exist, be called even more names...because you weren't nice as defined by those attacking you,
    3. wonder if the hypocrisy is intentional or accidental.
  • gjwi
    gjwi Posts: 4 Member
    Wasn't that quote originally from Kate Moss? Hehe. Good luck on your journey, you can do it! Feel free to add me if you wish <3
  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    Nonsense I say! Dark chocolate truffles.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I don't support pro-ana statements. Also, it's a proven fact that you're less likely to achieve your goals if you tell them to other people first instead of actually doing them.

    I want to read what you're saying, but I see Teemo and then *anger blindness*
  • adamedlen
    adamedlen Posts: 2 Member
    This thread is pretty interesting to read. There are many roads to successful weight loss. For me its simply counting calories. I get 1300 a day. I can eat whatever I want but can't go over 1300. So I can have pizza and cookies but have to ration them accordingly.

    Skinny is clearly a buzz word that people have an issue with, but look at the whole post of the OP. She is looking for support, not for 50 comments stating how being skinny is wrong.

    OP, I wish you nothing but success on your weight loss goals. With weight loss, I truly believe anyone can lose the weight they want if they want it bad enough. It's really up to us to gain the knowledge to suceed, and then having the will to succeed. There are so many awesome success stories on this site, and so many amazing people that are willing to share their knowledge with you. You can do it!
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Except for Chicago pizza! And beer to go with it! And Polish sausage. And roasted duck with dumplings. LOL
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't support pro-ana statements. Also, it's a proven fact that you're less likely to achieve your goals if you tell them to other people first instead of actually doing them.

    I want to read what you're saying, but I see Teemo and then *anger blindness*

    But that's not Teemo..that's Lulu
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Soo....Kate Moss and THumper. THAT"S who we got?
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I don't support pro-ana statements. Also, it's a proven fact that you're less likely to achieve your goals if you tell them to other people first instead of actually doing them.

    I want to read what you're saying, but I see Teemo and then *anger blindness*

    But that's not Teemo..that's Lulu


    All better! It's very dim and small on my mobile phone...

    Lulu scares me, but she doesn't make me angry, so that's a wash.
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    I understand what you mean. We don't give up the foods we love entirely. Just have to learn control. I love food. I have never been in the 300+ range but I have been more than 100lbs over weight twice in my life.

    Lost a bunch before - got out of plus sizes. Hurt myself running, gained it all back in 2 years. Been 3 years now and I am not there yet.

    I like your attitude. Keep up the good work and feel free to add me if you are looking for a few friends. I don't comment all the time but I try.
  • bcolvin1259
    I have been reading posts here and think I found my best fit here. 28 days ago I was at 332 lbs and have lost 11 so far. I am 46, 5'9" and healthy except the major arthritis and tendon issues in my feet that keep me from so many exercises it isn't funny. I just want to get to 167 lbs and that is not unreasonable. The doctor would like me to be at 140. We will see how I feel about it when I reach my current goal.

    I lost 125 lbs once and gained it back. My fault entirely. Suffice it to say depression eating sucks you in, but I have a feeling you all know about how that works and the downward spiral you head into. I made some major changes in my life and am making more. Right now it is time for this one.

    I refuse to stay this size. Especially not after I experienced being able to buy clothes in a regular store. I loved being able to visit friends or go to barbecues without having to consider either bringing my own chair or standing the whole time because you know there will not be a chair big enough or sturdy enough for you. If you have not experienced being kicked off an amusement park ride because the safety locks wouldn't engage over your chest, be happy. I have and it is not a good feeling. I screwed up, but I will get back there, and stay there.

    We can all do this. Just don't lose sight of the goal. I lost sight in a big way and that will not happen again.

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    I understand, continue to do what you needs to do to accomplish your goal. Good luck and God bless.