Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weighed myself this morning (it's not weigh in day, but it's my TOM and I wanted to see just how many pounds that adds)...I was down 5 pounds...I was psyched! Super excited! Weighed myself again tonight just to make sure I wasn't imagining my weight loss, and I was back to where I was before this morning...I know the time of day you weigh yourself matters, but sheesh...way to get a girl's hopes up! :cry:
  • apigchangedmylife
    That is why I have my husband hide the scale.:grumble:
    I found myself obsessing over it. Weighing myself several times a day and riding the losses really well and the gains ( which are inevitable ) really bad.

    Don't be to hard on yourself about it though. Hormones and water rentention are killers:mad:

    I am so glad for this thread!

    To answer your question yes we did catch the pig that night but not by me personally. She actually had a lot of stamina and when she finally slowed down our friends grabbed her while my husband put her harness on. It was quite a night in Oklahoma. My friend even commented that Jeff Foxworthy could use this in his "you might be a redneck" act.
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I actually weigh at my dr office. That way I am not tempted to weigh too often. It is a pain to go to the office, so far I have gone twice. My next appointment is in 6 weeks, but I'll stop by at the 1/2 way point to weigh. I was so lucky to find a physician who is like a diet buddy. She is sooo encouraging. I don't even have a scale at home anymore.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    So maybe if I just stick with what they recommend before the exercise?

    I'm having a hard time with eating the full 1200 calories I'm supposed to, let alone the ones I earn from working out, but I'm really trying. I think you should too. Seems I've stopped losing weight (not gaining any either though) for a bit, but I think it's because my body is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. LOL And I think I remember reading in another post not to be surprised if you do gain weight for a couple of weeks, until your body gets used to it.

    i just recently hit my second plateau. i've noticed it takes about 3 weeks of persistence to get through it. i agree with ya. sometimes i think my body is saying, "what the hell?"

    I really wish I would have started with my weight from last week, I started at 283 and now am 278 so that's five that I could have charted:grumble: oh well at this weight what's five pounds, and with that said I think I'm going to stick with the before workout calories, I think that if I eat the earned ones that'd be maintaining?:huh:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Weighed myself this morning (it's not weigh in day, but it's my TOM and I wanted to see just how many pounds that adds)...I was down 5 pounds...I was psyched! Super excited! Weighed myself again tonight just to make sure I wasn't imagining my weight loss, and I was back to where I was before this morning...I know the time of day you weigh yourself matters, but sheesh...way to get a girl's hopes up! :cry:

    I only weigh myself in the morning, and take that number. If you are charting on here, try to pick the same day of the week and the same time of day. What I chose was Thursdays at 7:00am (after my hubby leaves for work):laugh:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    ok everyone its been a while since I have checked in cuz not a lot has changed, I am not going up but I am not going down. I have only been to the gym like 4 times in 2 weeks and am really just maintaining at the moment. I need to push myself to get back into the gym. I know I can do it.
    Anyways current weight is basically 173.7
  • 150lbs2go
    150lbs2go Posts: 104
    WOOHOO! Count me in! It's nice have others that have a similar amount to lose. Here are my stats:

    HW- 305lbs
    CW- 291lbs
    1st GW- 200lbs
    2nd GW- 150lbs (let's see how I feel here)

    I love this site and just this week I have really stepped it up. I am going to lose 30lbs before my birthday (which is in October) I would love to lose 40lbs though before then.

    Good luck to you all!
  • beautifulnow
    You know I am sitting and reading all these posts and I am crying my eyes out because on one hand I feel like I have no right to bit(h because I am not as "big" as others but I am so scared that I can't lose...I cannot imagina being smaller...I don't eat fact the cal. restrictions meant I had to eat MORE?!? So I have and I work out...alot and still I am fatter and fatter...I feel like fat is taking me it really worth being here if your fat and miserable all the time?
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    If one eats little or starves themselves, our bodies go into what they call starvation mode, what our bodies developed during the cavemen era when our bodies didn't know if more food was coming so it stored it just in case, when you eat like 5-6 small meals a day, your body think oh, I'll just burn this because I know that in like 2 or 2 1/2 hours I'm going to get more food, just be sure to stay in your range of cals that the site gives you, you can do it! You may have a little to lose, but if I am determined and I have about 120 to get rid of you can surely do it!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    You know I am sitting and reading all these posts and I am crying my eyes out because on one hand I feel like I have no right to bit(h because I am not as "big" as others but I am so scared that I can't lose...I cannot imagina being smaller...I don't eat fact the cal. restrictions meant I had to eat MORE?!? So I have and I work out...alot and still I am fatter and fatter...I feel like fat is taking me it really worth being here if your fat and miserable all the time?

    You can do this! I started out at the beginning of Jan needing to lose 70-75 lbs. As of yesterday I'm done 49 lbs, and I'm 44 years old. I've always been big, and I never thought in a million years that I would be able to stick with this. Well guess what? I did and I plan to keep on going. Just take it one day at a time, and log everything that you put in your mouth. I actually log on here, and in a journal that I bought from Barns and Noble.---Keeps me honest---:heart: and :drinker:
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    beautifuldisaster, you can do this. With 4 little ones, you have a stressful life. I know what it is like to eat from stress and anxiety. I finally looked at myself at 230lbs. and was disgusted. I have a naturally petite frames. Little tiny ankles and wrists. My sister has a much larger frame. I want to be healthy and it would be nice to be able to shop without stress. Set a realistic goal and take one day at a time. If you feel overwhelmed, log on quick! I have found that grabbing a bottle of water will stop me from eating something I shouldn't.
  • momma2jaiden
    I think this is an awesome idea i am a SAHM who in the past 7 months managed to gain all the pregnancy weight maybe even twice over except no baby lol my son is 7 months old and my main motivation for getting healthy aside from all the others i have had a weight problem all my life but in the past year i have been so caught up with my son i didnt realize what i was doing to ym body but that stops now from now on i will treat my body like a temple the way it desereves to be treated no morel te night snacking or nasty fatty food i will drink water and count calories till my hearts content lol and the pounds come off i want to feel comfortable in my own skin and I know that we will achieve that just one step at a time

    Starting Weight 241
    Current Weight 239
    Goal Weight 150
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey everyone hope your weekend went well, let me know.
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies and Gentleman:flowerforyou:
    I had my grandchildren all week and didn't log my calories or my exercises. I just parked my little red wagon at the curve and today I went back and it was right there where I left it. I was really amased that I hadn't gained back any of the weight I had lost, even so they talked me into making homemade doughnuts, breadsticks and other high calorie stuff.
    So today is a new day and back to the routine, I hope all is well with you....
    Have a great day
  • momma2jaiden
    First of alll Hello fellow Loser's lol in a good weigh...ok Corny Joke im jsut full of them haha:laugh:

    well i am glad toreport i lost another pound YAY!:drinker: and a couple of inches of my wasit i am sooo flippin happy im celebrating by getting my butt kicked by billy blanks lol Tae Bo time nothing to get you more motivated than results

    How is everyone else this Lovely Monday Morning?
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    OMG bad weekend followed by a an even worse day! I had A&W for lunch and now am a -287 cals for the rest of the day :( gonna have cucumbers for dinner I guess, how do I quit this cycle, I do soooooooo good for like a week and then same ol same ol :cry: :sad:
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    OMG bad weekend followed by a an even worse day! I had A&W for lunch and now am a -287 cals for the rest of the day :( gonna have cucumbers for dinner I guess, how do I quit this cycle, I do soooooooo good for like a week and then same ol same ol :cry: :sad:

    Are you working out at all today? That should bring your calorie total up by quite a bit, thus allowing yo to eat more than just cucumbers for dinner. :wink: Even if it weren't enough, I would go ahead and take the rest of the day to make some good choices and not have to skip out on a really good meal. Just think of the A&W incident as a hiccup. :happy: It happens.
  • our5cooks
    our5cooks Posts: 77 Member
    I too have a super size amount to get rid of and with a great support group like you'll I know I can do it!76013.png
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • apigchangedmylife
    I wouldn't stress it to much. Bad days come. I feel like it is part of the process. Falling down( eating poorly, not exercising) just so you can get back up. I used to be one of those people that when I failed I gave up. I threw in the towel. I beat myself up emotionally and then ate like CRAZY. I do not feel that way anymore. I give myself permission to make mistakes and then I try again at the next meal or the next opportunity. I encourage you to take these past few days as a mistep and then just work hard.

    We seem to be on the same weight loss path according to your numbers so know that you are not alone on this journey.