Dont be afraid to EAT MORE ladies!



  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Yes!!! NET CALORIES PEOPLE!! net calories! Don't just eat your BMI! My calorie goal from MFP is 1200. And I hit that target or better by eating 1500-1900 calories a day and burning at least 2300 or more each day. And the weight is dropping! I too was under the impression that a 1200 calorie day was just that. I could only eat 1200 calories. THAT'S NOTHING! And I didn't lose much and I was STARVING! Blegh.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yes!!! NET CALORIES PEOPLE!! net calories! Don't just eat your BMI! My calorie goal from MFP is 1200. And I hit that target or better by eating 1500-1900 calories a day and burning at least 2300 or more each day. And the weight is dropping! I too was under the impression that a 1200 calorie day was just that. I could only eat 1200 calories. THAT'S NOTHING! And I didn't lose much and I was STARVING! Blegh.
    Do you mean you burn a total of 2300 a day and not 2300 from exercise?
  • Wow, that was really an unkind. Yes, perhaps this topic has been discussed in the past; however if you look many of the posts on these forums, you'll notice that the same topics appear again and again. Who cares? If the person posting is proud of what she / he is doing, than more power to this her / him! I think the old adage certainly applies here, "If you have nothing nice to say, than please don't say anything at all."

    To the original poster: I LIKED your post! If eating MORE calories is what is working for you, than by all means let us know!!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Or just eat the lady your with more often
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just because I am an editor for a living, I have to point out that this is not, in fact, a grammatical error. Rather, it is a punctuation error.

    The thead title is grammatically correct, but it is missing both an apostrophe and a comma.

    Thank you for explaining that. I always considered that kind of thing to be a punctuation error, but so many Americans refer to punctuation errors as grammatical errors that I'd taken it to be a dialectual difference, i.e. that in American English punctuation is considered as a subset of grammar.
    Not dialect -- laziness or misunderstanding. It's kind of how so many people refer to their tax refund as their tax return. The tax return is what we submit to get our refund (for those who get one ...).
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    See, this is where grammar is important.

    Don't be afraid to eat more, ladies. Otherwise this is cannibalistic/sexual advice.

    the devil is in the details ;o)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Just because I am an editor for a living, I have to point out that this is not, in fact, a grammatical error. Rather, it is a punctuation error.

    The thead title is grammatically correct, but it is missing both an apostrophe and a comma.

    Thank you for explaining that. I always considered that kind of thing to be a punctuation error, but so many Americans refer to punctuation errors as grammatical errors that I'd taken it to be a dialectual difference, i.e. that in American English punctuation is considered as a subset of grammar.
    Not dialect -- laziness or misunderstanding. It's kind of how so many people refer to their tax refund as their tax return. The tax return is what we submit to get our refund (for those who get one ...).

    A sentence fragment from an editor? I'm trying not to rage at you. :sad:
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Or just eat the lady your with more often

    I love that song!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just because I am an editor for a living, I have to point out that this is not, in fact, a grammatical error. Rather, it is a punctuation error.

    The thead title is grammatically correct, but it is missing both an apostrophe and a comma.

    Thank you for explaining that. I always considered that kind of thing to be a punctuation error, but so many Americans refer to punctuation errors as grammatical errors that I'd taken it to be a dialectual difference, i.e. that in American English punctuation is considered as a subset of grammar.
    Not dialect -- laziness or misunderstanding. It's kind of how so many people refer to their tax refund as their tax return. The tax return is what we submit to get our refund (for those who get one ...).

    A sentence fragment from an editor? I'm trying not to rage at you. :sad:

    That's why I never correct spelling/grammar. As soon as you do it, you're bound to make a mistake of your own. And then if you have a decent friend list they will mock you relentlessly.
  • See, this is where grammar is important.

    Don't be afraid to eat more, ladies. Otherwise this is cannibalistic/sexual advice.

  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    "Do you mean you burn a total of 2300 a day and not 2300 from exercise?"

    I meant in a day. Some days its a bit more if I'm super busy at work and I add in a high intensity work out and some days (like yesterday when I was too flippin' tired and had a massive headache) its less. On AVERAGE, I'd say 2300 a day that my Fitbit counts plus any activities that I log that the Fitbit can't read (like yoga or weight training). I'm not playing slave driver on myself. But again, it's different every day. Hell, a couple weeks ago, I got sucked into an awesome and totally necessary Netflix binge with the boyfriend and we snacked all day. Surfing the couch all day didn't even register as 1900 tracked by the Fitbit. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel guilty! Because I've been doing well and paying attention and hitting my small goals. So it was easy to forgive and enjoy a cheat day. As long as I end up within 50 calories positive or negative of 1200 net calories a day, I've been steadily losing 1 or 1.5 lbs a week. It was hard at first to figure it out and understand and I did have to ask a nutritionist friend (everyone should have one! lol) to explain the math to me. It just sounded to counter-intuitive---but I'm much happier now eating more than I was trying to figure out how to only consume 1200 calories a day. I wanna go back in time and shake myself!
  • mg17601
    mg17601 Posts: 18
    Up until the Dec 2012 I bought into the eat as few calories a day as possible to lose weight, and year after year I gained weight. By Dec 2012 I was eating maybe 1000 calories a day, I was run down, sick most of the time and at the highest weight I'd ever been. I'd tried everything else and decided to go with the TDEE 20% and OMG 1700 cal a day was like a party every day! I lost 18 pounds in 12 months and more importantly inches from belly, hips and thighs. Starving doesn't equal weightloss. Healthy foods, scheduled meals and snacks to keep blood sugar at an even keel all day long and consistent exercise habits do. :flowerforyou:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I lose eating 2000-2600 a day. Really depends on my workouts.
    I am almost 39. 5'10. 133 Ibs.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Yum! Ladies . . .
  • Thread not what I expected...
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    See, this is where grammar is important.

    Don't be afraid to eat more, ladies. Otherwise this is cannibalistic/sexual advice.

    That's what I thought too. Lol
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    See, this is where grammar is important.

    Don't be afraid to eat more, ladies. Otherwise this is cannibalistic/sexual advice.

    I was thinking the same thing...
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm eating 2300 calories a day and losing 1.5-2 lbs per week. I went from 230 to 214 lbs eating TDEE - 20% starting late February. I lost 5" from my waist/hips in March alone. I'm 40, 5'4". Heck, I took a break from exercise this week while on vacation from work (strenuous job) and am still losing. :tongue:
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Not everyone can eat more. The older you get the less you need to eat, so for me my TDEE is 1900.... in a few years I'm guessing even less.... soo it will be less than 1200 I'm guessing & if I eat more then I'll gain.

    I don't think people need to eat if they are not hungry, and have real hunger not just think they are hungry. I for one am not going to put food in my mouth unless I know I am hungry.

    But this topic has been done to death. How about letting people do what they want & you concentrate on your own life & eating? I don't care what others do.

    Wrong. You clearly don't know anything about TDEE. The subjects of weightloss, heavy lifting, thighgap, etc have been brought up so much they are like beating a dead horse but that doesn't stop people from talking about them. I was on this site for over a year before I found a post explaining TDEE and why it works. Regardless, instead of being rude you could have congratulated her on her success. This is supposed to be a site for morivation. Take your bad attitude somewhere else.

    Op congrats!!! To me, weight watchers is a simplified (too simplified) wa of counting calories that really doesn't teach You about nutrition. That is why I love mfp.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Well after switching from weight watchers for many years decided to give mfp a try at first I started with what mfp set me up with which was 1440 calories + exercise but found this method was too messy and sometimes I felt bad for eating back my exercise calories. So after many many posts of annoying people and stressing myself out that I would be eating too much I took there advise followed TDEE -20% which gave me 1700 calories, this worked out me eating a lot more then when doing weight watchers ever with all free fruit,veg salad and weekly points so I was a little nervous! Any way today been my big first week weigh in I have lost 2lb!! I only ever use to lose 0.5-1lb a week max on weight watchers so maybe I wasn't eating enough back then who knows? I'm thrilled with this loss as I haven't denied myself any foods even ate 2 Easter eggs which I won at work sending me over my calories this week, before I would have usually thought I had failed and binged, but I tracked EVERYTHING even though I hated seeing numbers in red and stopped at that. So what I'm trying to say is don't me afraid to eat more like I was 1200calories or less doesn't mean better weight loss, be happy eat more and lose weight :) xxx

    Hi - thanks for the ideas and your enthusiasm. I will agree on you that we dont have to be afraid to eat enough food to keep us satisfied but still not too much that we gain weight. however, i will disagree with you about the calories, as each person is different. I do not exercise much so i cannot eat as many calories as some may, I am good at about 1650 or so. I'm doing low carb so im losing weight because of that, and perhaps less calories. I can eat easter eggs if they are boiled, but if chocolate, I have to pass :)