Anybody doing The 21 Day Fix



  • denisemstewart
    denisemstewart Posts: 2 Member
    I am also doing the 21day fix.. i just started round 2. I have lost 10 lbs
  • denisemstewart
    denisemstewart Posts: 2 Member
    it helps me with porton control... and keeps me accountable to ME
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    What exactly does this "fix"?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    What exactly does this "fix"?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It fixes things for 21 days, then you are on your own and gain it back plus more.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Still waiting...
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    I seriously don't understand how tupperware containers of different colors are magically going help people...? Color me confused :huh: Couldn't people just... use a food scale, and their own containers to hold food... eat at a deficit and meet their macro nutrients? Sounds like a load of bull crap to me... But good luck with it. Sorry you got suckered!

    I've also noticed that my serving spoons are the perfect size for an appropriate portion for things like enchiladas, lasagna, ect. I get a reasonable sized portion and feel satisfied without overeating.
  • rvaxt001
    rvaxt001 Posts: 1
    I'm on day 11 of the 21 day fix. After Dirty 30, I could not move well enough to do yoga on day 7. I felt really bad about missing it. This morning as I did upper body fix (that I was suppose to do last night), I noticed that my weights seemed lighter, I was able to do more reps, and when we did the split leg sit-ups I notices that my legs look considerably smaller - AND I HAVE BIG LEGS. I can't begin to explain my excitement. I wanted to stop and wake my husband to see if I was going crazy, but I kept exercising for the full 31:26. I'm gonna wait until I've completed the first cycle of 21 day fix, but I'm really excited about measuring my legs. I'll update you on my inches I've lost. GO TEAM GO!!!
  • tazette29
    tazette29 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been a long time user of myfitnesspal and have had results. My issue with portion control was picking the correct foods from the correct food groups and eating clean. I worked out for hours and hours at the gym (usually an hour on the elliptical) and then did weight training every other day. So yeah, I've lost weight doing that. What I like about the fix is that each container corresponds to a food group and you get the list of foods you can eat. There is no tweeking that and I can be one to rationalize if I am hungry that I need more food. I also know that removal of sugar from a diet and eating clean is important as well, which the fix also offers. Seems to be lots of ignorant comments on here, but if you haven't tried it how can you know. As far as the workouts, I was blown away. I could barely get through the warm-up the first time and now I am planking on a regular basis. I lost 9 lbs my first round and 8" inches off my body. I love losing inches! In fact, the second week in I had three people come up to me and ask me what I was doing. So if those are the results you seek, then buy it. If you are all set and love what you are doing on MF, then stick with it. For me the value is an easy to follow plan that takes the guesswork out of what and what not to put in my mouth, and a 30-MINUTE WORKOUT a day. No more going to the gym and going on that hamster wheel with no results.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I love the workouts too! The first day I didn't know if I'd make it through the warm up, and I couldn't sit properly for three days after that first workout. I completed Round 1, learned how badly portioned and unbalanced my meals were (even if I was eating in a deficit). The result for me has been a massive increase in energy (I no longer need caffeine daily for a boost), 20 pounds down (but I have a lot to lose), and a way of eating that I can stick with long term. Also, I'm now also doing a C25K program.

    Is it gimmicky with the colored containers? Sure. I don't use the containers really, I just measure. But aside from the containers it's just an easy to follow meal and exercise an easy to follow instruction manual. Also, I'm a visual person and breaking my food groups/portions into colors has really helped my meal planning. Now, could I have done all this without spending the $50 on the program. Sure. Probably. Maybe...But for me personally, spending what my fiance and I would spend on one meal out in return for all I've gotten from it was worth it.

    I say do what works for you.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Here's the kicker. The containers are easy. It truly isn't complicated. You don't have weigh anything at all. You just use the one according to the food group you are eating & it teaches the right amounts of each food group to eat. Yes, you can totally use a scale if you want to & I am a big believer in doing whatever works for you. So, for some people, this is great. For others, maybe not. I just think it is a great option to have. That is all.:smile:

    So PB has like 100 calories per tbs spoon. If you have, say chicken breast, the calorie content is going to be significantly higher if you are filling that container with different things.

    I don't get it, this seems dumb.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Here's the kicker. The containers are easy. It truly isn't complicated. You don't have weigh anything at all. You just use the one according to the food group you are eating & it teaches the right amounts of each food group to eat. Yes, you can totally use a scale if you want to & I am a big believer in doing whatever works for you. So, for some people, this is great. For others, maybe not. I just think it is a great option to have. That is all.:smile:

    So PB has like 100 calories per tbs spoon. If you have, say chicken breast, the calorie content is going to be significantly higher if you are filling that container with different things.

    I don't get it, this seems dumb.

    Peanut butter isn't in the same category of chicken breast. Peanut butter is in the same category as nut butters and oils. If you follow this plan strictly, you only get so many teaspoons of nut butters and oils a day. It depends on your calorie count.

    ETA: This is a great example of what I was doing versus what I do now. When I would think about the # of servings of protein I got a day, I would include peanut butter in those servings. But I was constantly going over my sugars and for me personally, I'd be much more full on a serving of chicken breast than a serving of peanut butter. So I still get PB. I eat it almost everyday. But I get 6 servings of other lean proteins throughout my day as well. And I feel better. And how I feel is most important to me.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I am fascinated by what threads will draw out such long-time MFP members into making their first (or third) post. And always in support of a particular topic. (Not just this particular thread, but so many like it too.)
  • cpeacy
    cpeacy Posts: 27
    how is everyone liking the program.

    I just found this feed. I am totally enjoying the program. But I am looking for others with the same goals
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I purchased this program and with my ADD I'm having a hard time convincing myself that it's worth it since the basis of my calculation of calories is 1,200 per day (21 Day Fix)

    So I eat 1200 calories per day and then workout 400 calories per day I'm only taking in 800 calories per day?!?!? Isn't that starvation????

    I have no problem measuring and accurately calculating my calories - while I haven't lost any weight (my own fault b/c I LOVE junk food and dislike exercise) - I really am mad at myself for purchasing this program and then realizing that it really isn't anything that special.

    And I did an experiment this morning with my cereal. I eat Raisin bran. I usually eat 59g. The little plastic container only holds 21 that's less than half of my serving size.

    Ok ok - so I'm supposed to fill up on vegetables and protein, right?

    WRONG - because the serving sizes for those are way off, too.

    I am getting more and more angry at throwing my $$ away.

    Should have spent the $$ on a gym membership....

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Should have spent the $$ on a gym membership....

  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've never heard of this 21 Day Fix before but I'm jealous that this chick's name is so cool... "Autumn Calabrese"