Body Beast Women's Group!



  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Officially done with Bulk (as of Friday)! Today I did CLX Burn Intervals just to mix things up. This weekend I did Lucky 7 and Total Body. Both are very good routines. Tomorrow starts my 8 day vacation. It will be nice to rest the muscles but feel odd to not work them like I have. Hope the recovery period will increase my gains. See you ladies in about a week!

    PS. P90X Plyo is intense as all get out. Definitely agree with the knee comment.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Cristy - Let me know what you think of the negative pull ups. I've been doing them for a while and still have loads of improvement to make. Congrats on going up on the weights AND being able to complete all of the decline pushups on the ball. Impressive! Good for you in cleaning up your diet! I'm working on that too, I have broccoli and chicken breast packed for a snack today!

    Kel - Congrats on finishing bulk! I hope you're off and having a great vacation! Let us know how your strengths are when you return.

    With all this talk about P90X plyo I'm even more anxious to watch it and test it out.

    I was so glad to have my scheduled rest day yesterday. Even though I was under the weather I still wanted to workout. My how times have changed! Not that I would have had the energy, but it was nice to know my head was in the game! I'm feeling a bit better so I'll work on chest/tris today, I wish the tempo video arrived already.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    Kel, I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Sounds like you deserve it! I will be interested to hear about any strength gains after resting too!

    I ended up adding on Shoulders Monday night after I had done legs in the morning. I am pretty weak in the shoulder area and had to drop my weights a couple times.

    I did Back / Bis yesterday and it kicked my booty! I was so weak after I did not think I could type for work!! Wow! I also had to do the negative pull-up modification. I took Mel's advice and had a protein shake after the workout which did help me. I think it really helped with my DOMS and fatigue. I also walked 4 miles later in the day.

    Today I have cardio / abs. I want to knock that out this morning and maybe add chest/ tris this afternoon. I have no idea what cardio looks like or what I am in for and if doing 2 today is even possible. If I can do it I will have completed week 1 in 4 days.

    Does anyone else do more than 1 workout a day? I travel for my job and I want to be ahead so that I don't have to stress when I travel. I think I can take the worksheets once I learn the program and do it in the hotel gym but I never know how much time I will have.

    I would love to finish Build before my next trip to corporate on 5/13. That would be completing it in 16 days verses 21?? Am I crazy? I would then take 3 days off and start Bulk when I come back. If I am crazy please tell me!! haha.

    Does anyone from here ever go into the Body Beast Womens Group (In the community "group" section)? If looks pretty dead. It would be nice to revive that? Or start a new one??

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Jenn - You are a rockstar doing two workouts in one day! Your commitment is admirable.

    I think you can absolutely do 21 days in 16. That only means 4 or 5 days of doubling up over 3 weeks, or doing doubles twice a week. You've already got one down this week, and are considering another today. Seems attainable if you've got the energy and mindset!
  • melliechick
    melliechick Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Melanie, and I am on week 2 of my second round of Body Beast. So glad to be over DOMS with my legs!

    I skimmed through several of your posts and am excited to be a part of this group of women! I've been the rounds with supplements and have found that this schedule of supplements works awesome for me.
    preworkout: Cellucor C4 (1 scoop)
    During workout: Amino X - for BCAA's (1 scoop)
    Post workout: Whey protein shake with L-glutamine

    I don't eat before my workout because I have to start by 5:00 am or it doesn't happen, and I can't stomach food immediately before these workouts.
  • Here you all are! LOL, I didn't understand why the last thread had died and worried I said something wrong. :) Glad to know everybody is still pushing play and getting beastly!

    Ok, so my 2 week diet plan flopped on day 2. This is no big surprise to me. One thing I have learned is I am not good at very restrictive plans. I admire people who can do them, but I will be better off trying to hit my macros and staying within my calorie limits.

    However, I have NOT flopped at all with my workouts. I am in the ZONE! Today was cardio so I did Burn Intervals. I just love this one so much and have fun while I'm doing it. I started out with a 5lb weighted vest that I wore up until the sumo burpees and during the kickboxing/plyo drills I wore my weighted gloves. Yes Chalene, I gave you a ten out of ten today but no, the stretch is not anything close to dessert. :p

    Nice to have you here Melanie! I take the C4 also. I'm almost out though and am going to switch it up - just because I like to try new products. I'm currently taking the Bodyfortress BCAA's from Walmart, but when they're done I'll look into what you're taking. Do you just mix it into your water and drink it while you workout?

    Hope everybody is doing awesome!!
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Good morning! We got home from our cruise yesterday and I survived turning 40! ;) I had great workouts on the boat. I did 30 minute cardio circuits and BB every day. The food part, not so good. I lived off desserts, eek!! I got on the scale this am and somehow, I didn't gain any weight, woot, woot, lol. But I'll really see if that holds true in a couple days.

    Kel - Have an awesome time on your vacation!!

    Jenn-I have done more than one workout per day when I knew I had to miss a day that week. It is totally doable, good luck!

    Melliechick- Welcome to the group! Wow, 5AM? That sounds painful. Proud of you for getting it done when you can!

    Cristy- lol, took me a while to figure out what happened to the thread also. I was going to be sad if it ended :) Keep doing the best you can with your food and great job with the workouts! Have you looked through other people's food diaries for ideas? Maybe that will motivate you and help you think of new healthy things to eat.

    Sorry, can't remember who wrote about the negative pull-ups, but I'm going to try this. I stink at pull-ups. Right now, I do pull downs using the upper cable on my Smith Machine. I can't even do one real pull-up.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Hello ladies! Sorry I've been quiet. I was sick earlier this week and quite busy. I've just barely had enough time to comment on your inspiring posts!

    Melliechick - Another Melanie here! Congrats on signing up for the BB show! Please keep us posted with your plans and progress. And pics are a must!

    So we've got Jen, Jenn, Cristy, Melanie and Melanie here! :)

    Cristy - I think the site automatically resets a forum topic when it reaches 20 pages. So glad we've continued on together! Hopefully the others find us too. You're doing a great job with the workouts! I'm sure your foods will follow suit soon.

    Jen - Welcome home! Glad to hear you did so well on the cruise and joining us in the 40s. (ugh, when did THAT happen?) I wrote about the negative pull ups. Let us know how it goes. I am still no where near being able to do a regular pullup. It is a fitness goal though, so I will get there eventually!

    I missed working out Thursday because I was still run down from being sick. To stay on track I doubled up yesterday - Legs and Back & Bis. (I really want to complete the program in the scheduled 84 days). I felt in a total zone. Even though my heart rate was on the high end during the second workout, it felt as though I was going for a casual walk if that makes any sense. My muscles and mind were working, but my HR didn't have any affect on my breathing, etc. A weird state. With that said, I want to stay on track with one workout per most days and avoid doing doubles. That wasn't my favorite thing!

    I did Back & Bis Tempo. It was different. Because it was the first time and didn't know what to expect, I went down to the weights the first time I did B&B. It was tough, but not a 10. Next time I do tempo I will make sure my weights stay consistent and progressive.

    Hope you all have a happy weekend planned!
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Aaww Melanie, hope you are feeling back to 100% soon! It's so hard to WO when you don't feel great. But great job getting it done!

    Yes, there are a lot of duplicate names, lol. My real name is Jenna. I'll try to sign off that way with each post to make it easier :)

    Have an awesome weekend girls!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I found you ladies!!! LOL Cristy and I were wondering what happened to the last thread but I guess we all hit that magic post number limit! Woo hoo!

    Welcome new ladies! I'm still here, pushing play and feeling good! Today is my rest day and I'm using every minute of it! I'm pretty sore in my chest! Love it!

    Hope you ladies have a great day and keep up the good work!
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning Beastettes!!

    I Chest/Tri tempo this morning. My arms are just beginning to settle down an hour after finishing! What a workout! Not sure how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I have to say I really do enjoy the tempo workouts, thanks for convincing me to get the DVDs! I love all the ab work Sagi incorporates.

    I'm so excited to have only two more days of Build before moving onto Bulk. I'm looking forward to a new routine and shorter workouts. I need to try to add a few more bouts of HIIT in addition to the lifting as my weight is creeping up rather than heading down. It's such a mental battle, knowing that I'm doing great things for my body, but not getting all of the results I desire. I just need to do "whatever it takes!"

    Happy Tuesday all!
  • Hey all!

    I just started 3 weeks ago and found this group. Its so great to see so many women doing this program. I hope to get some great ideas from you all. Currently enjoying th workout, other than the initial weight gain int he first phase.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi all,

    I am sorry I have been a little MIA. It has been a rough week! However, I am happy to say that I am still on track with my workouts and should finish the BUILD phase in 16 days (instead of 21) like I planned. I don't even have to do 2 a day anymore. Yay! I will be at my corporate office for 3 well deserved rest days and then I will start BULK when I get back. (May 16th)

    I am still loving the program. I have almost learned all of these BUILD exercises and feel that I could do this at the gym without the DVD if needed when I travel for work. Of course, I will be learning all new workouts with BULK.

    I can't decide if I want to do measurements at the end of BUILD (which is only the 16 days) or wait a full 30 days for results. I weighed today and I am down 4 pounds from starting (even though it is "that time" of the month). My husband was commenting on my body last night and says he can already tell a difference. I can too in my clothes. I am so excited to see what this program can do.

    So, my question is this - Did any of you adjust calories based on the program? What range do you eat at? I am at 1688 now in build and was thinking 1800 for bulk and then 1575 for beast. I would be eating at a deficit in all these phases. I just don't know if it is needed?? I want to lean out. Thoughts? Results?

    I better run. I have a ton to do and today is LEG DAY!!! Woot woot!!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies! I woke up yesterday feeling like crud!! I haven't been sick in a long time! I don't have time to be sick! Trying to fight this thing!

    Jenn: Your calorie breakdown sounds good! I adjusted my calories very similar to that when I was doing beast. I also adjusted my macros too, have you looked at that as well?

    I hope you ladies have a great day today! I have The Challenge today in P90X3 and if I remember correctly, it's a ton of push ups! Maybe I'll sweat out this crud!

  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Deb, Thanks for the feedback! I am a low carber but have been eating more carbs since I have been on BB.

    I am sorry you don't feel well. Listen to your body!! Stay well hydrated and well rested!

    Back and Bis for me today. Can't wait!!

    Where is everybody else????

  • I'm here and still going strong! I've got Bulk Back today and will do it when the baby is napping. I can't believe tomorrow I finish week 6, time is FLYING. I am also loving the changes I'm noticing. They're small, but they're definite. My arms are leaning out and my shoulders are rounding out, my calves are coming back (they're my favorite), and I think my face is also thinning. woohoo! While I still have a stomach, I can tell I'm narrowing in just under my breasts and might even possibly see the slightest hint of some abs or something there! LOL It's all awesome and is pushing me forward. :) Nutrition is always a work in progress but I'm doing so much better now than I have in the past year, so I'm going to just keep on being aware and tracking, no matter what it is I eat.

    How is everybody else doing? Sorry for my long post there, just wanted to share!

  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Cristy! I am sooooo happy for you and the changes you are seeing. I know what you mean about the diet. The last two days have not been my best but I am refocusing today and will get back on it.

    I had build shoulders yesterday and almost could not make it through. I had to drop the weight at the end. I don't know what was wrong with me but I felt so weak. Legs today!! Hopefully that will go better. I am so excited to finish up Build on Monday and start Bulk on Friday (when I return from my work trip). Being able to start a new phase will be good for me as I can get bored easily.

    I hope everyone else is going great! Happy Saturday and Happy Mother's Day!!

  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I just finished Build: Back / Bis which was my last workout of the BUILD block! I can't believe I actually did it. I am headed to my corporate office for 3 days and will start Bulk on Friday. I can't wait!!

  • Did my first bulk workout today. Bulk Chest. Really enjoyed it and the fact that it was 30 Minutes! I have a question for all of you. What type of calorie tracker do you use? My husband just got me a Fitbit, but Im not impressed so far and do not feel it is accurate on my calorie burn. Do you think a heart rate monitor is better? Or something else? Just want my calories on my workouts to be accurate. Thanks!
  • Hello to week 7 of Body Beast for me! :) Just finished Bulk Chest. That combo rotation set near the end always gets me. I don't think it's going to be so bad and before I know it, my arms are shaking and I'm struggling with the final 8. Feels awesome having it done.

    Great job ladies for sticking with it! ambrosiaspear, I'm not tracking right now but have been very curious about the fitbit. I've read it's more accurate when it comes to tracking steps but not so much a caloric burn during a workout. Maybe a HRM would be ideal when you're working out? Curious to see what others say!

    Have a great start of the week!!
