Do you get hit on?



  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm usually pretty dense on the hit on department. In recent memory, my wife got a little catty with me talking with mother of my daughter's friend. Apparently, laughing and then a gentle shove of the shoulder was flirting.

    I dude asked me for my number on the subway about two years ago. I really didn't think I was in that good-a-shape. I was flattered.

    While living in my aunt's house, her cougar friends were just horrible. One of them got drunk, grabbed my *kitten* and made remarks like "Damn, Tom. If I were 20 years younger...." One time one of her friends came into the bathroom while I was in the shower. Wrong. Just wrong.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Not really. I also don't make continued eye contact with men, or smile at them, or check them out and let them "catch" me doing so. Men are good at reading non-verbal cues. They can tell when a woman is or isn't interested.
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    I know this was originally intended for women, but Only wanna chime in anyway. :)

    Funny thing is that I have figured out (to almost scientific fact) that at 200 lbs I get hit on, but of I stray over that almost at all, I do not. Not sure what this says about the world, but it is my findings. :-P
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Cat calls/Wolf Whistles when I'm out running - yes.
    Deliberate hitting on - nope.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Nope. Never have been and never will be. I deliberately look away from women at the moment so that they won't think that I'm looking at them and get creeped out for it.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    OP, sounds like the story of my life! I am also married, but even when I was single I never got hit on. I'm an attractive person and I am in the normal weight range for my height, but I think I come across as snobby. I have the renowned "resting b*tch face" so it looks like I'm mad when I'm not! I do, however, have a nice butt and have seen many guys checking me out. I'm a definite introvert and I think people assume I'm stuck-up when actually I'm just shy and socially awkward. :blushing:

    Omg, so me without the married part and then add the fact that i'm 6'2 with heels about
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    Generally speaking no, and even if I was I probably wouldn't realize someone was hitting on me. I've been told I am hopeless when it comes to recognizing such things.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Occasionally. :D
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    okay now that we've all got all our funnies out, i'm a little concerned that OP even thinks about this? is it normal to need male validation this much? enough to bring it up to husband and compare oneself to friends. once already in a secure marriage? just wondering, not trying to be mean.
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    I never get hit on, lol I have a "beeotch" face on and always seem to mean mug or frown naturally, doesn't bug me though; I'm happily married and don't want to be bothered 99% of the time.

    Yeah i have been told I look mad all the time. But actually, i am usually just busy or in deep thought about something. I am super nice. I guess I scare people lol
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Come to Texas if you want to get hit on, guys here are a bunch of dogs in heat. I can throw up my left hand and say I am married (engaged, close enough) and on more than one occasion I hear "it's okay, I 'm not jealous". Ha! Well my man is! I seriously don't think it has to do with the way a woman looks rather or not a guy will hit on you, I think its more so your vibe and attitude. I've always been told I am very sweet and I guess that can come off as flirting. If a guy smiles at me, I smile back, doesn't mean I am flirting and doesn't mean he should come and start hitting on me, it means I am a Texan and I smile. :bigsmile:

    edit: had to add that big cheesy smiley
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    okay now that we've all got all our funnies out, i'm a little concerned that OP even thinks about this? is it normal to need male validation this much? enough to bring it up to husband and compare oneself to friends. once already in a secure marriage? just wondering, not trying to be mean.

    I agree here. The only guy I'm wanting to notice me is my SO. I couldn't care less about anyone else.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I never get hit on, lol I have a "beeotch" face on and always seem to mean mug or frown naturally, doesn't bug me though; I'm happily married and don't want to be bothered 99% of the time.

    I don't ever get hit on either, and I wondered why at one point just like OP. Not because I cared because I too am happily married, just more of a "what's wrong with me" kinda thing. I was told that I have "permanent ***** face", and I am unapprochable! I then realized that this is not the first time someone has said this to me, and I also started thinking of all of the times that my kids ask me "what's wrong mom" and there is nothing wrong. I have since tried to work on it, not because I want to be more approachable, but because WRINKLES!! If I am constantly scowling the wrinkles will be here sooner rather than later and aint nobody got time for that!!
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    Only once - got married out of it! Trying to figure out how I pulled that off to this day!

    Since then I was too married and too fat. Now I'm back to just too married.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I don't think I get hit on. As a married woman working in a place that's 80% men, I'd like to think that men who are nice to me and compliment my appearance are just doing it because they are gentlemen.

    In a case where somebody would blatantly ask me out (which has happened only once before), I would be disappointed that they didn't have a greater sense of propriety.

    Anyway, I don't see a reason in trying to get hit on by other men since I'm married. To me that's like wearing a slutty shirt and then getting offended when a man looks at your boobs. Wearing the ring means you're off limits.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Come to Texas if you want to get hit on, guys here are a bunch of dogs in heat. I can throw up my left hand and say I am married (engaged, close enough) and on more than one occasion I hear "it's okay, I 'm not jealous". Ha! Well my man is! I seriously don't think it has to do with the way a woman looks rather or not a guy will hit on you, I think its more so your vibe and attitude. I've always been told I am very sweet and I guess that can come off as flirting. If a guy smiles at me, I smile back, doesn't mean I am flirting and doesn't mean he should come and start hitting on me, it means I am a Texan and I smile. :bigsmile:

    edit: had to add that big cheesy smiley

    "Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score" - I'm from Texas too haha
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why don't you hit on guys?

    Oh wait, you're married.

    I am married and I get hit on. A lot. It is actually really annoying, OP.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Hit on: not in a public place, mainly social media
    Complimented: yes

    I coach my daughter's 10U team and ever since I got divorced I noticed the umpires talked to me more. I guess cause I'm not wearing a ring anymore. Maybe because I smile and laugh more too. But on social media, yes. And it was a funny type of come on. I was asked my a high school classmate if I had changed my name when I got married. By then we had already been fb friends for a couple years. lol
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    okay now that we've all got all our funnies out, i'm a little concerned that OP even thinks about this? is it normal to need male validation this much? enough to bring it up to husband and compare oneself to friends. once already in a secure marriage? just wondering, not trying to be mean.

    I agree here. The only guy I'm wanting to notice me is my SO. I couldn't care less about anyone else.

    Well everyone is different. Some men like to see their women hit on (and some like even more to happen). In my opinion there's nothing wrong with wanting to be noticed and attractive to the opposite sex despite being married. You don't own each other, you've just decided that monogamy has benefits that you prefer. Not everyone feels that way.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Come to Texas if you want to get hit on, guys here are a bunch of dogs in heat. I can throw up my left hand and say I am married (engaged, close enough) and on more than one occasion I hear "it's okay, I 'm not jealous". Ha! Well my man is! I seriously don't think it has to do with the way a woman looks rather or not a guy will hit on you, I think its more so your vibe and attitude. I've always been told I am very sweet and I guess that can come off as flirting. If a guy smiles at me, I smile back, doesn't mean I am flirting and doesn't mean he should come and start hitting on me, it means I am a Texan and I smile. :bigsmile:

    edit: had to add that big cheesy smiley

    "Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score" - I'm from Texas too haha

    "I'm a country plowboy, not an urban cowboy...and I dont ride bulls but I have fought some men. Drive a pickup truck, trust in God and luck and I live to love Texas women."

    Best looking women on the planet. (apologies to the gorgeous non-Texan women on my FL)