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My calorie goal hard to reach, any suggestions?



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Just trying to help this guy out, no reason to get upset.

    No one's upset but it is frustrating when someone just starts making crap up that has no basis in reality. Only leads to confusion for someone who is just starting out trying to understand things. :)
    What crap did I make up ? I simply stated a fact, there is better ways to get calories than ice cream, or any other sugar processed stuff.

    Because it's crap. You don't get extra credit for getting more nutrients than your body requires, simple. Eric Helms. So, talk all you want and try to make someone's path harder by insisting they cut things they don't need to. That's what's crap. Moderation. Looking at nutrient density and not labeling foods

    You...I like you.


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    gonna let my wife on the comp, so if I don't send any replies that's why, but I appreciate all the Helpful feedback I've gotten, unlike some of the rude ones. Not everyone knows exactly what to do when dieting for the first time in their life. That's why it is nice to have helpful advice, and not douchy ones. It's real easy for some people to hit all their goals, especially when they know what they're doing. I'm not being rude or anything, but this is a place for support and motivation, not to tell someone "I'm sick of all the people saying they can't get their calories in, it's easy", or "you sound like a chick from another post." Immature..

    Best of luck. You'll do great. Moderation is the key. Don't restrict too much or you'll eventually give up. It sounds like you're on the right track. Don't let the forum grouches get to you. Even when they keep posting the same comment over and over.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I highly recommend pre-logging the day before. That way you can plan and see where to add extra calories. Ever since I've started pre-logging, things go smoother during the day.

    Best of luck!
  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    I just completed the 30 day ice cream/ gelato cleanse.

    lost 5.8lbs
    1" off my waist
    new PR on my half-marathon

    and I'm finishing off a half-pint of Cadbury Creme Egg Ice Cream as I type this.
    Does not mean your any more healthier.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Put peanut butter on the bread. Goal reached.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    Yeah, no.

    Let's see...last Sunday I had not 1 but 2 cupcakes. On Monday I did that again. They fit into my daily calorie goal...Tuesday I had lost 2 lbs.

  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    I just completed the 30 day ice cream/ gelato cleanse.

    lost 5.8lbs
    1" off my waist
    new PR on my half-marathon

    and I'm finishing off a half-pint of Cadbury Creme Egg Ice Cream as I type this.
    Does not mean your any more healthier.

    Also just had an annual physical including blood work... I'm golden.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    I just completed the 30 day ice cream/ gelato cleanse.

    lost 5.8lbs
    1" off my waist
    new PR on my half-marathon

    and I'm finishing off a half-pint of Cadbury Creme Egg Ice Cream as I type this.
    Does not mean your any more healthier.

    He's lost weight, he's in better cardiovascular health, I bet his lipid panel is better than it was. How do you judge health?
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I've said this before and I'm going to say it again...

    In my opinion, the hierarchy of needs in terms of nutrition are as follows in order of importance:

    Calories in vs calories out - or 'are you eating less than you're expending?'
    If it fits your macros - or 'is your Protein/Fat/Carbs split on point?'
    Sweat the small stuff - or 'Vitamins and minerals = micro nutrients'

    My advice is not to think about the next one down in the pyramid until you've got the one above it sorted out.

    No point having a perfect macro split but going 1000 calories over or under your target.

    No point meeting your RDA of all the vitamins and keeping your sodium in check if you're getting 60% daily fat.

    So I'm hearing your problem as '"I can't eat enough calories" and that stems from the top of the pyramid. The answer to this is to eat more calories - any calories will do - to get yourself up to your calorie goal. "But Jay, those calories aren't healthy" I hear you say? Hold up, you're looking at the second level of our little pyramid which is the TYPE of foods you eat (macros). Take a step back and get the first one right first. ANY calories will do until you can consistently hit your goal within 100 calories either side every day. Experiment with what foods you can squeeze into it - although you'll soon find that filling your calorie allowance with KFC leaves you very hungry!

    Once you've got that sorted, then your problem will change to "the calories I'm eating are too high-fat/high-carb/low-protein/unhealthy". Then and only then, start to look at switching foods out for different types of food which give you very similar calorie values but different/better macronutrients. If you find yourself slipping over or under your calorie goal at this point, refer back to the first rule and try that substitution again.

    Once that's in order, look at your sodium, your fibre, your simple sugars versus complex carbs, your sat fat vs poly vs mono and all of the other really geekily scientific nutrition stuff that isn't for everyone, but I personally really enjoy tweaking and getting right. Don't let yourself get bogged down in this stuff though until you're eating the right NUMBER of calories first and then the right TYPE of calories.

    Once you've got all three levels in balance and are consistently eating a diet which fulfils all three levels of the need ladder, you've pretty much mastered your nutritional intake - but don't forget, you can always take steps back down the ladder. Fancy some ice cream or pizza for a treat and can't fit it in your macros? Can you fit it into your overall calorie goal? You're good to go! :)

    Hope that helps a bit. It's just my opinion after a few years of doing this and figuring out what works and doesn't for me.

  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    Yeah, no.

    Let's see...last Sunday I had not 1 but 2 cupcakes. On Monday I did that again. They fit into my daily calorie goal...Tuesday I had lost 2 lbs.
    Thats nice and everything but OP said he was at 1200 calories and he wanted to hit 1750. Thats 550 calories missing, If he replaced that with ice cream or other junk every day it will be less effective than nutrient rich foods. Not empty calories.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I've never understood the "I can't get enough calorie in" argument. It's sooooooo easy. Drink milk, drink juice, drink soda, eat peanut butter, eat ice cream, eat cheese, eat beef, eat nuts, eat rice, eat pasta. It's not difficult...



    Peanuts. Almonds. Sunflower seeds. Pumpkin seeds. Fruit. Peanut butter.

    All are filling. All are high in calories. All can be eaten between meals as snacks. A banana has about 105 calories. Peanut butter is 150-200 (brand dependent). I'm a tiny girl. I weigh 110 lbs or so. (Home scale says 105, but they can be off) Yet. I can eat 1700 calories in one day, no problem at all. Doing exactly what the guy I quoted said. If you reach 1200 and are full, drink milk instead of water or make a smoothie. Maybe have some oatmeal for breakfast occasionally and mix it with a banana and peanut butter. Oatmeal is 150, banana is about 105, peanut butter is 200.

    Even if you feel full now eating so little calories, you will get VERY hungry in the long run. It's setting yourself up for failure.
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    well, to maintain my weight I need to eat like 2300 some calories a day, to lose I need 1750, but since I switched to the complete healthy eating, all the foods I eat make me full, but barely get over 1000 calories, like I said, I have to make myself eat a protein bar or two a day to get over 1300 net for the day, before exercise. I don't want to lose muscle, but at the same time, I can't make myself eat when I'm not even hungry... I really don't know what to do... I want to prevent my muscles from getting burnt, just wanna burn the fat.. I'm making all my protein, sodium, carb, and fat goals for the day though, sometimes even going over protein, usually have about 50-60 carbs to spare, and like 10-20 fat.

    As everyone has said, more calorie dense foods. Nuts, whole milk, avocado, ribeye instead of chicken, etc. Little things like that add up for what you need. Don't want to lose too much muscle, then it's okay to go over the protein guideline especially if you're using MFP guidelines for losing, then most of the numbers are low anyway. There's a formula that I don't have handy at the moment about how much protein you should eat daily. Create your own protein shakes, you can get more calories in them than the muscle milk. Peanut Butter and Nutella are your friends if you want more calorie dense.

    You can eat "healthier" without skimping on the calories. The stir-fry idea for dinner is great for that especially if you use a more calorie rich meat (like lean beef instead of your lean chicken). Pair it with some brown rice and you've got a good meal (lots of fiber, grains as well as protein).

    You're not doing yourself a terrible disservice (yet) by not hitting calories but you probably will be doing yourself a disservice in the future (not enough nutrients, or losing muscle with the fat, etc).

    You can do this! Just switch things up a little bit.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    Yeah, no.

    Let's see...last Sunday I had not 1 but 2 cupcakes. On Monday I did that again. They fit into my daily calorie goal...Tuesday I had lost 2 lbs.
    Thats nice and everything but OP said he was at 1200 calories and he wanted to hit 1750. Thats 550 calories missing, If he replaced that with ice cream or other junk every day it will be less effective than nutrient rich foods. Not empty calories.

    And I didn't see anywhere where people said to do that every day.

    It's about moderation NOT deprivation.
  • sunshine1082
    sunshine1082 Posts: 85 Member

    I just completed the 30 day ice cream/ gelato cleanse.

    lost 5.8lbs
    1" off my waist
    new PR on my half-marathon

    and I'm finishing off a half-pint of Cadbury Creme Egg Ice Cream as I type this.

    Wait... you mean to tell me that somewhere in this world there exists Cadbury Creme Egg Ice Cream, yet I have never heard about it? How did I not know this?! And where might I ask did you buy such a tasty sounding treat?
  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    Yeah, no.

    Let's see...last Sunday I had not 1 but 2 cupcakes. On Monday I did that again. They fit into my daily calorie goal...Tuesday I had lost 2 lbs.
    Thats nice and everything but OP said he was at 1200 calories and he wanted to hit 1750. Thats 550 calories missing, If he replaced that with ice cream or other junk every day it will be less effective than nutrient rich foods. Not empty calories.

    And I didn't see anywhere where people said to do that every day.

    It's about moderation NOT deprivation.

    Sixth post on first page.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Haha do not eat ice cream. It will just lead to increased blood sugar levels and insulin in bloodstream and halt progress a lot. Try eating stir fry with bunch of meat and vegetables easy way to get your greens and protein .

    Yeah, no.

    Let's see...last Sunday I had not 1 but 2 cupcakes. On Monday I did that again. They fit into my daily calorie goal...Tuesday I had lost 2 lbs.
    Thats nice and everything but OP said he was at 1200 calories and he wanted to hit 1750. Thats 550 calories missing, If he replaced that with ice cream or other junk every day it will be less effective than nutrient rich foods. Not empty calories.

    And I didn't see anywhere where people said to do that every day.

    It's about moderation NOT deprivation.

    Sixth post on first page.

    Still nothing wrong with it if he can fit it in his daily calorie intake.

    There isn't anything wrong with eating 80-90% on target and 10-20% treating yourself. It's how people don't binge because they've restricted too much.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Wait..... wait...... this is a 25 year old GUY with a TDEE of only 2300? What is wrong with this picture?
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Drink your calories. Protein shakes with some peanut butter mixed into it, maybe blend a banana into it as well.
  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    Wait..... wait...... this is a 25 year old GUY with a TDEE of only 2300? What is wrong with this picture?
    A guy should never go below 1800 of good non empty calories at least.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    here's an update real quick, forgot to mention, when I walk 2 miles of the morning I burn an average of at least 345 calories walking carrying my 15 lb weight, and of the evenings after lunch or dinner, I walk for 3 miles, and burn about 460 calories, by doing this my calories remaining are going to be about 1200, and my goal is 1750. I eat good sized meals throughout the day as you can see, and use muscle milk and fiber one bars, but with my walking, seems like I'm not getting enough calories, yet I'm full throughout the day. I'm a little confused... Should I just not walk as much?

    Why is it that MFP only gives me 198 calories for walking 3 kms ( 2 miles ) with a 7 kilo ( 15.5 pounds ) load ? It takes me about 40-45 minutes to do this.
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