Like Minded Lushes - January 2011



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Welcome all you new lushes. Our thread is definately growing. Good luck to all of you who are trying to go free all of January, My hat is off to you.

    I am not even going to start controlling until tuesday when DH goes back to work. Then I get crazy. I would love to say I won't drink until I get to Las Vegas on the 26th but I know I can't do that so I will really try to cut it out during the week. And then really try to control the amounts on the weekend.
  • Great idea!
  • euca
    euca Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to aim for drinking one night a week only - and then I'll stick to either wine or low cal mixed drinks (like rum and diet coke, gin and slim etc..) Wish me luck! I've got a party to go to tomorrow night and going to go teetotal!
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    This sounds like a fun group, I love a good glass a wine or a mixed drink now and again. I will tell you it is possible to lose weight and still have a drink once in a while. The trick is, once in a while and to choose lower calorie drinks. My favorite drink now is the skinny girl margarita, only 100 calories with all the kick, google it if you want to know how to make it.
  • katesp
    katesp Posts: 19
    good luck all you strong people! esp euca - very brave!!
    i'm going to not keep any alcohol in the house...if it's there i'll drink it whilst cooking / evening routine with kids etc...but i catch up with my mother in law on fridays so will have some then and usually do something on the weekend...the trick for me is to not have a party every night! i have 1 then 2 then woohoo it's a celebration lol
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Happy New Year Lushes!

    I rang in the new year with several Skinny B!tches and some shots of Tuaca. I did, however, alternate my drinks with a glass of water and I was fine the next morning. We have a "kid friendly" party at our house (4th year running) so no driving for me.

    DH and I are doing a sober week the 9th-16th of this month and I'm going to try and limit my drinks during the week to 1 a night (if any.)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So today is my last day of no guilt free for all. I plan to enjoy and then get serious tomorrow.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    DH and I are doing a sober week the 9th-16th of this month and I'm going to try and limit my drinks during the week to 1 a night (if any.)

    That sounds like a good idea....I just might join you:bigsmile:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Yeah!! A brand new year! Today feels like the first day because it's the first Monday. I have no goal in terms of drinking. But I am going to follow through on some health goals I made last year and managed to procrastinate about quite successfully. The colonoscopy. The mammo. The annoying dental thingies. Liver tests, hormone tests, bone density tests.

    See!!! It's so annoying to even think about I'd like to go back to bed now.

    Happy New Year all and Welcome to the new lushes!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Karin, all I have to say about the colonoscopy is that the drugs they give you during it were AWESOME I don't remember anything. :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy New Year, Lushies:drinker:
    I had a lushy week but I am going to try not to drink much this week, and trying to work out everyday.
    I was pretty hung over on New Years Day but I slept through the worst of it. I had a nice dinner and the table shared 3 bottles of red but it was between 6 people so I think I only got one smallish glass out of each bottle.
    Then I drank light beer for awhile and had kalua and cream for dessert and champagne for midnight toast.
    Maybe it was the mixing? I blame the wine;)
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Lushes .... Happy New Year!

    I was pretty drunk over the weekend but it was so worth it. Now its back on the grind this week .... I said no drinks until the weekend.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Wow I love this group already. :) I put on a ton of weight over the last year from going out all the time and drinking way too much with the boyfriend. That relationship is over and so is my relationship with too much alcohol. I haven't had a drink in 8 days and I feel so good. I have lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm sure most of it is from always being bloated from drinking. I'm not saying I quit completely but I'm definitely not drinking anything at home and when I do go out with friends, I'm going to stick to very light beers or maybe wine spritzers (if I can stomach adding anything to a good glass of wine).

    What's a hoot is that I'm severely limiting my alcohol intake while I try to lose 70 pounds but I already have a celebration party planned for the end of June (1/2 way to goal party) which will likely be a drinking party. Well, at least my tolerance will be lower and I won't have to spend much on beer that night!

    Glad to see so many people on this thread!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Happy new year lushes, gosh it's busy here already, welcome to all the new faces. Well I'm not setting any hard and fast rules for January. I might go a week without drinking or some weeks I might drink a couple of evenings a week but for the most part I guess I'll stick with the alcohol only at weekends.

    Good luck to those giving up for January, you can do it :happy:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Since I tend to crave the whole gamut of nutritionless carbs and not just alcohol, I've adopted a the "Two-B-B-B" Rule: I can have TWO of the following at an evening meal but never more than two: bread, booze, or brownies (brownies being a general substitute for ANY sugary desert.) So, if I choose to have a couple of drinks, it means no bread or dessert. If I really want that wonderful italian sourdough at Bella Nottte, it means just one glass of wine and no dessert. It's helped me with a little balance
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Since I tend to crave the whole gamut of nutritionless carbs and not just alcohol, I've adopted a the "Two-B-B-B" Rule: I can have TWO of the following at an evening meal but never more than two: bread, booze, or brownies (brownies being a general substitute for ANY sugary desert.) So, if I choose to have a couple of drinks, it means no bread or dessert. If I really want that wonderful italian sourdough at Bella Nottte, it means just one glass of wine and no dessert. It's helped me with a little balance

    This almost sounds cruel....
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    This sounds like a fun group, I love a good glass a wine or a mixed drink now and again. I will tell you it is possible to lose weight and still have a drink once in a while. The trick is, once in a while and to choose lower calorie drinks. My favorite drink now is the skinny girl margarita, only 100 calories with all the kick, google it if you want to know how to make it.

    Yes, it is possible. I've lost ten pounds since joining this site and never gave up my champagne! I don't drink it every day, but it is my drink of choice. I drink the very dry ones and log it.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    hello lovely lushes! today begins my first full week attempt at no drinking during the work week. I should have started last night, but NOOOOOOOOO.....sigh, hopefully next Sunday night I'll abstain and keep weekend drinking to just Friday and Saturday nights and then my goal is to drink less than I have been. I woke up mad at myself this morning. I was planning to only drink 2 glasses of wine, but ended up with 4 and then I grazed for food. This is my pattern and I intend to break it and start habits more conducive to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm so glad you are all here. I get such a kick out of your posts!
  • Hi everyone!

    Hope you all had a great holiday! My friend came over with her brand new baby on NYE-sooo cute! I was so infatuated with her I barely drank (so you know she's a cutie haha) Unfortunately last night was my BFs work holiday party (aka free top shelf drinks for 3 hours) UGH did I have a hangover today! It will be a sober night for sure....I am aiming for 3-4 of those per week this year! That's my goal :) GL to everyone with your goals!!
  • katesp
    katesp Posts: 19
    can't believe how much i identify with all you guys!! we have a cask of wine in the fridge - you know, 4litres in a box....very very dangerous, i had at least 4 good glasses, woke up cross this morning and chucked it out! i will be attempting to log my alcohol too...and having more afds...good luck to us all!
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