Goal reached. Family horrified.



  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    Piping in to say that i think you look lovely both before and after. None of us look like we did in high school! It's called life and experience, and i'll take that over the blank slate i was in '93 any day!

    Your family has issues... you have success, determination, health, and a fabulous bikini body to rock, they need to take their "eww" and stuff it.
  • steph_h30
    steph_h30 Posts: 1
    Oh no! If your family truly are commenting on how you look and not how healthy you are, then I personally think it's a wee bit mean as you look very strong and fit. However, if what they are saying is based on a concern for your health and well being, including mental health, then perhaps you could talk with them frankly and make sure everyone is on the same page as to how you are feeling. It's easy to get a little bit obsessed with weight loss and exercise.
  • pearlmorning
    pearlmorning Posts: 86 Member
    First off, Skype does no one any favors! Lol 2nd it doesn't matter what degrees and experience your family and in laws have, they seem to have control issues. Have you shown them your before and after photos that you just showed us? You are fit and perfect and so pretty! Honestly! The only thing that could enhance what you are now is a smile!
  • LucyMc135
    LucyMc135 Posts: 3 Member
    Your family do NOT sound supportive at all. You look fabulous!! I would kill to have a stomach as flat as yours! You don't look unhealthy in the slightest, you are glowing and are clearly a lot healthier.
    Please don't let them lead you astray - you honestly look great.
  • ChelseyDAdams
    You look great! If they saw you in person it may be different. Also, they were used to what you looked like before and had grown accustomed to it. Once they get used to your look now, I think they will stop feeling like it is a drastic change.

    You look good and healthy and you are doing it the right way - by exercising and eating good foods. Keep it up and don't listen to the nay-sayers!!! :)
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    You look healthy and normal and these things would hurt anyone's feelings. Maybe they just got so used to seeing you overweight that the change is jarring.

    Also, you have a longer face with a prominent chin. Mine is very similar. Your face is thinner now, which makes the length more obvious. That could be what people are noticing. Though its incredibly rude of them to make comments like that, and they can all go pound sand for all I care...

    ...you *could* try a little bit of blush to minimize the *longness* of your face. Just for your own pleasure, of course. I do this, and I'm happy with the results. I should say, though, that you are beautiful without.

  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    Yeah, ya can't listen to them. You're beautiful girl and look healthy, not starved! On top of that we're not about starvation skinny here, we're about healthy so I'm sure the quality of food you're putting in your body is a lot better too which, again, makes you healthier. I've gotten that too from a few people, including my psychiatrist (wtf does she know? lol)

    Keep doing what you know is best for you!
  • TraceyLee1102
    TraceyLee1102 Posts: 78 Member
    I didn't read through this whole thread, but I just want to say you are cute as a button and look freakin' fantastic! Your face looks beautiful and I no idea why your family would say those hurtful things to you. In my opinion, I think you need to do what makes YOU happy and try to ignore their negativity!
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    I did not have time to read through this entire thread, but I am so happy that so many people have taken the time to tell you that your family is being ridiculous.

    I do not know if this has been asked yet, but is your family overweight? The comments I have gotten about losing too much weight have been from people who are overweight themselves. One friend told my husband he looked like he had "just walked out of Auschwitz," even though he was in normal range for his height. People are idiots.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    You look great. Healthy, an appropriate weight, not "ew" at all. Your family got used to you looking a certain way. Your body and face shapes changed more than they were prepared for and they think it's wrong. That's a common enough reaction, really, which is pretty sad. Try your best not to let it get to you because you've done nothing wrong.
  • Munn0025
    Munn0025 Posts: 40 Member
    OMG! I think you look incredibly beautiful! You look perfect, your face is perfect and your body is completely toned. IDEAL. I'm so sorry your family members are acting like haters!! I'm also sorry that they have these academic credentials that make you really question yourself in the face of their so called expertise! Hate is hate! As long as you are healthy!!! Let those naysayers keep their nasty opinions to themselves!!!
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    You look amazing! Don't let them get to you. My family have always been the "You're too fat, you need to lose weight" type too, and now that I'm doing it, I suspect they will start up with the "you're too thin" remarks once I've hit goal as well. Listen to your instincts... as you said you're in the normal bmi, you feel good and are active and healthy. THAT is what you need to keep reminding yourself of
  • Carolynn43
    Carolynn43 Posts: 11 Member
    you look good, People tell me the same thing, I dropped 30 too i am 5.11 so i look thiner most of the people that tell are over weight and don't work out, if you are happy then it is fine.
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    Girl, you look great! You're at a healthy BMI and your health is all that matters. I know family can be pain to deal with, no matter how many pounds I lose, I always get the "Look how fat you are" and "If you just lose 10 lbs, you'll look fabulous". I can never win. Keep up the good work and count your blessings that you're family doesn't live in the same town as you :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Tell your family they should stop drinking their bong water.
  • SpicyBaconCake
    SpicyBaconCake Posts: 96 Member
    and people wonder where insecurities come from...
    You look great and have done a wonderful job taking care of yourself, don't let other people take up space in your head!
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I think you look great!! I am having the exact same problem...before I got pregnant with my first child I weighed 130lbs and looked a bit on the heavier side (when I got married I was 120lbs)....I have never gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130lbs after having 3 children. Now I am 2 pounds away from being 130lbs again and am feeling awesome. I get comments at work like you have lost so much weight (I have only lost 16lbs with 2 more to go)...and they make comments saying don't lose anymore, you are too skinny etc. even my family has said don't go under 135lbs. I think this is all because since having my children my body has changed so much when I was younger I had the hour glass figure and now my body is straight. So with the type of body I now have people think I weigh less than I actually do. But I am going to do what makes me happy and lose those 2lbs then maintain.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    My clients experience this all the time! They are terrified. If you "change" that means that your relationship with them might "change" too. The bottom line is they care about you and don't want to lose you. They just need time to learn that they can have a relationship with the new you and you wont judge them for their eating habits.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    You look great. It is unfortunate that the people we count on most to build us up often times don't. Sorry you are having to deal with this.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    You look amazing, well done and KEEP it up!

    Jealousy is an ugly beast. Ignore it.
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