I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • nomoremuffintopness
    nomoremuffintopness Posts: 275 Member
    I challenge you to lose 5 pounds this month. That is a little over 1 pound a month. If you can do that every month this year by Christmas of 2011 you could be 60 pounds lighter. Doesn't that sound great! Or by the 4th of July you could be 30 pounds lighter. That sounds pretty darn good too!

    Who wants to join me in this New Year to be healthier and in better shape in the upcoming year!

    Let's do this together.


    is it too late to join??

    Jan 3...............154
    Jan 10
    Jan 31
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in :)
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    I am back and I am in for sure. What are the exercise and food challenges for this month?
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    WOW, only 4 days in and we are already on page 6!!!! welcome to all the newcomers....enjoy......

    Finally got back to the YMCA after the holiday hiatus....man did it feel GREAT but still miss running outside...Off to take an ACLS test for work so wish me luck,and hope my dummy doesn;'t die,HA!!!!
  • chri55i_E
    Hello all,

    May I join - and anyone wanting to add me as a friend please do so!

    I prefer to weigh in on Fridays cos then I will have done exercise during the week.

    Here's my weight from this morning

    Jan 4...............62.8kg
    Jan 7
    Jan 14
    Jan 21
    Jan 28

    Good Luck all :smile:
  • ukredhead19
    I am getting closer to onderland!! Just hope I didn't mess it up. Am so close

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    WAY TO GO!!! You won't mess it up, you are so close!!!
  • ukredhead19
    I know I posted this last month but I think it gives you and idea on what you need to do to lose 5 pounds this month.

    1 pound = 3500 calories! 5 pounds =17,500

    To lose 5 pounds you need to create a calorie deficit through diet and exercise that equals 17,500 calories.

    That sounds like an awful lot but lets break it down to a daily basis. There are 31 days in October so divide that out and you need a deficit of 564.5 calories per day. Now the challenge is figuring out how to do that. Exercise and eating less! Sounds easy but you need to a make a plan to make it work!

    I've really been thinking about this tidbit....its helping me stay focused and not taking all those extra nibbles here and there!! Thanks for breaking it down for me!
  • Linda_10
    Linda_10 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey I'd like to join the challange! I'm new to posting. How do I add my ticker weight?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jenn...I find it interesting that your shape-ups gave you knee problems. Right after I started wearing mine my knees hurt and then I developed a cyst just below my knee. I had the cyst drained and the doctor said it was full of joint fluid. Somehow I had injured my knee and it leak joint fluid which caused the cyst. By then I had quit wearing the shoes and the knee had healed. Interesting...I wonder how many people get sore knees from these shoes but don't realize the shoe is causing the problem. My $80 shoes now sit in the closet collecting dust.

    Well its a new year and I know I have shared these ideas at other times but it never hurts to review. The following is from Runner's World Magazine April 2010. The articles is entitled "Incredible Weight Loss Myths Exposed". It reveals the truth about 14 popular diet strategies that just don't work. I will try to share one everyday. I hop you find it helpful!


    The truth....Runners who want to look lean and toned often skip heavy barbells in favor of lighter weights with lots of repititions. But that won't give us the physique we're after. To get toned, you need larger muscles and less fat. "And challenging you body through heavier lifting is a big part of this equation" says Monica Vazquez, a USATF running coach and master trainer with New York Sports Clubs. In fact a study at Georgia Southern University determined lifting 85% of your maximum ability for 8 reps burns twice as many calories in the 2 hours post workout compared with 15 reps at 45 % max. And don't worry : Lifting heftier iron won't transform you into a bodybuilder: achieving that look requires eating a high-calorie diet and long-term power lifting. "If you are creating a calorie deficit you won't bulk up.

    You don't need to give up lighter weights-they do a better job improving muscular endurance. "A solid resistance program should include periods of both high and low reps. Vasquez suggests doing higher reps (12-15) and lower weights for about 4 weeks and then switch to lifting heavier weights for fewer reps (8-10). Alternate month to month after that to keep the stress on the body constantly changing. Muscle responds to resistance so if it's too light you won't see good results. You should struggle to eek out those last few reps.

    May your lifting improve!

  • chesneysmommy
    I'd like to join this challenge as well. SW: 222
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you 55....I'll look back. :smile:
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Jan 1: 145
    Jan 4: 144

    Wahoo! Despite lots of overeating lately, I'm slowly but surely getting back to where I was before the holiday season. 2 lbs down since Dec 31st! :happy: Now if I can just keep it up. I'm getting ready to move into the new house and need a scale. Also, I won't have a gym to go to. I'll be relying on walking or aerobic dvds for a while.

    Hi and welcome to all the new folks. It's never too late to join!

    Terri>> I really like these mythbusters you're coming up with. If you have the link, please send it to me. My brother and I got into a heated discussion about weightlifting toning vs. bulking and number of reps. We were both right in our arguments, but the details in the article are helpful to know.

    Jennplus2>> It'll even out again in no time. It's taking me a couple weeks to get back to my new normal weight. The salt and the unusual foods really did a number on me as well. Ten pounds in a week should be partly water weight. But even if half of it isn't, your body's already broken through to a lower weight once before. Getting back there isn't as difficult as getting there the first time. You can doo eet!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    I was not able to sign in while at my sister's place for the holidays, and oh man did I blow it! Scale says I am up 10 lbs :sad: can I gain that much in one week?
    Jenn it is mostly water. you would have had to consumed 35,000 extra calories during your holiday to actually gain 10 real pounds of fat so don't freak. Drink lots of water and eat clean, you will be back in no time.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jan 1: 145
    Jan 4: 144

    Wahoo! Despite lots of overeating lately, I'm slowly but surely getting back to where I was before the holiday season. 2 lbs down since Dec 31st! :happy: Now if I can just keep it up. I'm getting ready to move into the new house and need a scale. Also, I won't have a gym to go to. I'll be relying on walking or aerobic dvds for a while.

    Hi and welcome to all the new folks. It's never too late to join!

    Terri>> I really like these mythbusters you're coming up with. If you have the link, please send it to me. My brother and I got into a heated discussion about weightlifting toning vs. bulking and number of reps. We were both right in our arguments, but the details in the article are helpful to know.

    Jennplus2>> It'll even out again in no time. It's taking me a couple weeks to get back to my new normal weight. The salt and the unusual foods really did a number on me as well. Ten pounds in a week should be partly water weight. But even if half of it isn't, your body's already broken through to a lower weight once before. Getting back there isn't as difficult as getting there the first time. You can doo eet!

    The artcle is from Runner's World April 2010. I have not been to their website for a while but search Diet Myths and it should come up.
  • rondakaydudley39
    I am In staring weight 194 I have a grand total of 69 more pounds to lose I have lost a total of in the last two years 181 pounds got to reach my goal in 2011
  • ababygrace
    1 pound down and 4 more to go. I really like this challenge.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy 2011!! :drinker:

    Great to see the familiar 5lb'ers back again, and welcome to all the new folks!! Lots of activity so far this month!

    My official weigh-in was on Dec 31st at 159, which means my December goal to maintain was a bust, with a 3 pound gain! :embarassed:

    But, hey, the holidays are over. And like Kelly said, no more excuses!! (BTW, Kelly - when did you and CJ start dating? Does that happen to coincide with getting 'stuck' at your current weight?! :laugh: )

    A 5lb loss in January will bring me to 154, which is back to my lowest point of 2010. I looked at my old weigh-ins, and at this time last year, I was 166.5. The good thing: I'm 7.5 lighter than last year. The disappointing thing: it's only 7.5 pounds. That means I'm averaging less than a 1 pound loss per month. I REALLY need to kick it up a notch!

    Terri, thanks for the challenge. I'm a bit late getting started this week, but will start the logging and exercising challenge today. We're having dinner out tonight, so I went on the restaurant's website and planned my meal to stay within calories. And thanks for the reminder about lifting weights! I need to incorporate weights into my routine.

    55, I tried to look at your pics, but I think they are being blocked by my server. Boo! I'll have to try again from home. We're pretty much at the same starting point this month... Race you to 155? And Jennplus2, bjshooter, what about you guys? Are you in for the race?

    Karin, sorry about your loss. Glad to have you back.
  • sbusch21
    whooo totally in for this challenge! My starting weight is 175.5 lbs, so hopefully I can get down to 170.5 or less by the 31st.
  • tgrames
    tgrames Posts: 6 Member
    that is what my goal is!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    My Shape-ups are also in my closet getting dusty. Plus I paid $115 for mine with the shipping, ARG. My DR said they work, but for many the injury that will result is not worth the extra help.

    Thanks for the encouraging words! I have found that once I get back on track it falls off quickly. Lets hope so.

    Sure I’ll join the race, and I’m going to win! Lol
    Helps to have the motivation that this race will bring. I know how you feel about not losing much for the year; I’m in the same boat. I was doing really well, lost my motivation and sat stagnant

    I did ok during the day food wise yesterday but I don’t think I ate enough for lunch because I was having a hard time not snacking last night. Didn’t help that I still have lots of goodies leftover from the holidays at easy reach. But after looking closely at my food log today I see that I had a lot of veggies for lunch but no protein or carbs. I need to make sure I eat more during the day (every 3-4 hours) to keep the late night snacking in check. I think after two weeks off work I just need to find my groove again. Hope today is wonderful for all of you!