Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • maraudermary
    maraudermary Posts: 3 Member
    Hoping for friends for support/motivation/*kitten*-kicking/heckling, whatever the moment requires! I quit smoking 7 weeks ago, started a couch to 5K program 6 weeks ago, and am slated to get married next year. I am fighting the urge to eat copious amounts of candy and cake, and am learning to do so constructively...

    I'm lookin' at losing 80lbs ideally, but have set my sights on 50 for now... I've had a lot of life changes this year (all for the better), so I'm trying to be realistic and optimistic, not an easy goal!

    Add me! :flowerforyou:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    If you are in the PA area then feel free to add me.

    On here to help motivate myself extra - I'm at about 11-12% body fat percentage looking to get it down to 9.5-10%.

    And new friends help motivate me! :D
  • VanessaMP90
    VanessaMP90 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everybody! happpyyy monday:) lol no really boo! back to work and gym haha hows everyone
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    Not new but always open to new friends. My goal is to lose 70 lbs. I doing slim in 6.
  • xoashes
    xoashes Posts: 2
    Hello everyone. Recently started to gain a healthy lifestyle again after I put back on the weight I lost 2 years ago. Looking for new friends to keep my motivated & inspired.
  • mokosu1
    mokosu1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all

    just getting back into my routine after a year off of not doing any activity due to back.hip injury. Starting back slow
    have completed 3 weeks of T25. Looking forward to losing 30 lbs

  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    Always love new friends!
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    always looking for friends, I'm on daily with open diary
  • kpcatlady
    kpcatlady Posts: 3

    I'm Kirsten. I'm kind of just starting out... again. Couple of years ago I went hard and lost a bunch of weight, but then I was told I had arthritis in both my legs, stopped caring, couldn't work out the way I enjoyed (was doing kickboxing etc) so I ballooned back up and gained it all back and then a few more pounds (silly me, when I have bad legs). I'm currently 219 lbs at 5'2. Looking for some people to keep me inspired! :)
  • litfuel
    litfuel Posts: 1 Member
    I'm In, I'm Sal and looking to lose about 40lbs and trying this for the first time and wouldn't mind some friends on here!
  • ruthieoftx
    ruthieoftx Posts: 11
    I would love some new friends! I'm a 33 year old mom of 2 (a toddler and a preschooler), a bookworm, a super geek (many fandoms, but I fit neatly in SuperWhoLock if that means anything to you!), a beginning runner, and a supportive person. I'm on all the time! I would especially welcome friends who are also parents of young'uns, bookworms, Whovians, geeks of any kind, or beginning runners. :) I'm 6' tall, and my goal is to lose 60-80lbs, so also people with similar goals!
  • MauriFuqua
    MauriFuqua Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all! Would love some new friends to help keep the motivation going. I am not new here but more friends is always a plus. I am restarting my journey all over again and it's time to make 2014 my ***** :) I have about 89 more lbs to lose! Fell free to add me.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    NICE love that avie "Make every day your *****!" love that

    ok, so, totally not being a butt, BUT

    I am wondering what the friend function really does? I get a friend request, I accept, I now have 3 friends. Is that supposed to make me feel better, or is there something on the site that interacts or whatever?

    I don't quite get it.
  • Sugar_05
    Sugar_05 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I would like to make some weight loss buddies on here! I downloaded this site months ago on my iPhone but I didn't know u could add friends who aren't on Facebook on here. I'm currently battling the weight loss struggle but I'm trying to stay motivated & learn how to make lifestyle changes not be on a permanent diet. Any healthy helpful information would be much appreciated ????.

    My name is Tara, I'm 27 & have 30lbs to lose.
    I'm back in college (finishing up) what I started lol & wanting to get back to healthy size.
  • EbonyAries
    EbonyAries Posts: 19
    Hi all, add me if you login everyday. Im on a low carb diet, and could do with some support. I have around 80lbs to lose.
  • Vickij1979
    Vickij1979 Posts: 1
    Hi, looking for some friends to motivate! Joined the gym at my workplace about 3 months, ago, I have been trying to go about 3-4 days a week. I need to eat better!
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Anyone is free to add me. =)
    I've been logging in consistently for the last 60 days. I don't say much but I will be sure to like statuses and give encouragement when needed.
  • amannduhh
    amannduhh Posts: 8
    hey everyone!

    i have been on & off with mfp, but i am on it now and prior have lost 30lbs. i started at 200 & currently at 167lbs. anyone with positive vibes and motivation feel free to add me. i know at the end of the day we will get to our goals of being healthy and fit :)
  • StacyVici
    StacyVici Posts: 40
    I posted on the forum before I saw this Topic! :tongue:

    My name is Stacy, I am 35 years old, from Ohio and fairly new to myfitnesspal.
    I am looking for some friends on here to talk to and hopefully inspire each other and be a source of support in reaching our fitness goals.

    If you are looking for a new friend add me!

  • looking to help motivate people and for people to motivate me also:smile::smile: