50 lbs by June 1st Challenge Part 3



  • vilya
    vilya Posts: 5
    Thanks for everyone who answered my questions....and good luck with the challenge.!
  • I feel pretty down today. Kinda weepy:cry: I'm not sure why. I'm struggling with eating but it has never really bothered me like this before. I usually have a positive outlook. It is one of those days I wish I was at home on the couch.

    Send me a smile because I really need it.

  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    I would love to lose that much by June!

    I'm at 224 starting out today so ive got a long way to go! I would love to have some of you add me to be friends if you want! could always use the extra support.

    I'm using the biggest loser game and the wii fit to start out with cause i'm in such horrible shape. I used to be an athlete though so hopefully ill get back to the point where I can do more
  • LosingIt135
    LosingIt135 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in.

    I would love to lose 50 pounds by June 1st. I would be 5 pounds within my goal weight.

    SW - 190.8
    GW - 135

    Weight by 6/1/11 - 140.8 :happy:
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Today I feel great. I am not even going to try to hide my joy. I put on a shirt that has been too small for me since my MIL bought it for me 9 months ago after having my second child and it now fits. Not only that but I put a tank top on underneath since it is thin material and it is still loose. I am soooooo happy. Had a great workout this morning, did some cleaning and now this. Awesome, just awesome..................
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Today I feel great. I am not even going to try to hide my joy. I put on a shirt that has been too small for me since my MIL bought it for me 9 months ago after having my second child and it now fits. Not only that but I put a tank top on underneath since it is thin material and it is still loose. I am soooooo happy. Had a great workout this morning, did some cleaning and now this. Awesome, just awesome..................

    Great job...:flowerforyou:
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I'm in.

    I would love to lose 50 pounds by June 1st. I would be 5 pounds within my goal weight.

    SW - 190.8
    GW - 135

    Weight by 6/1/11 - 140.8 :happy:


    I don't know if you read but our weight reporting day is Monday. We send our weight to billybed who is kind enough to keep a chart for us.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Heck, I guess I'm over my little pity party..:happy: Feeling much better...I have no clue where that little dark cloud came from.
  • I'm about to go to the gym. I might branch out today and do some of the strength training machines. I usually do just the cardio machines because I don't have a lot of time at the gym (a 2 year old, 1 year old, and newborn will do that to you lol). So maybe some circuit machines today.

    How do you guys count calories for doing the circuit machines at the gym? Or do you count it as strength training only?

    I don't usually eat my exercise calories (unless I'm hungry) so I guess it doesn't really matter.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I'm about to go to the gym. I might branch out today and do some of the strength training machines. I usually do just the cardio machines because I don't have a lot of time at the gym (a 2 year old, 1 year old, and newborn will do that to you lol). So maybe some circuit machines today.

    How do you guys count calories for doing the circuit machines at the gym? Or do you count it as strength training only?

    I don't usually eat my exercise calories (unless I'm hungry) so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    I did strength training last night. My session was for 26 minutes and the weight was 30 lbs. According to my HRM I burned 180 calories.
  • I'm about to go to the gym. I might branch out today and do some of the strength training machines. I usually do just the cardio machines because I don't have a lot of time at the gym (a 2 year old, 1 year old, and newborn will do that to you lol). So maybe some circuit machines today.

    How do you guys count calories for doing the circuit machines at the gym? Or do you count it as strength training only?

    I don't usually eat my exercise calories (unless I'm hungry) so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    I did strength training last night. My session was for 26 minutes and the weight was 30 lbs. According to my HRM I burned 180 calories.

    I guess I need to get a HRM.
    I ended up just doing 3 uphill miles on the treadmill for 367 calories.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I'm about to go to the gym. I might branch out today and do some of the strength training machines. I usually do just the cardio machines because I don't have a lot of time at the gym (a 2 year old, 1 year old, and newborn will do that to you lol). So maybe some circuit machines today.

    How do you guys count calories for doing the circuit machines at the gym? Or do you count it as strength training only?

    I don't usually eat my exercise calories (unless I'm hungry) so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    I did strength training last night. My session was for 26 minutes and the weight was 30 lbs. According to my HRM I burned 180 calories.

    I guess I need to get a HRM.
    I ended up just doing 3 uphill miles on the treadmill for 367 calories.

    It's a really good investment! :o)
  • kris2683
    kris2683 Posts: 41 Member
    I did not gain nor lose but I figured that would happen. I weighed myself 2 days before xmas and I was 197.. then weighed myself yesterday and I was 199.. soo technically I gained 2lbs but I'm not stressing it.. Just need to bump up the workout and drink more water!!

    i know! That's probably my biggest challenge...drinking 8 glasses of water.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I am in a much better mood this morning.
    I talked myself out of weighing this morning. I didn't want to ruin my good mood.:laugh:
    I have done fair with my food but not drinking enough water. I have a hard time in the winter. Working outside it is hard to drink anything cold. I drink lots of green tea.
    I plan to go back to aqua tonight. I have missed it.

    Can't wait to see the chart. We will probably break a total of 500lbs lost..no thanks to me:mad:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone. Hope you're all doing well in this brand new year. I find that my challenge is in the evenings, I find myself getting hungry ... and the hungry/sleepy combination isn't good. I'm heading back to the gym after a bit of a break from it ... that should keep me occupied. Have a great day.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Count me in on the 50lbs by june 1st challenge. I'm really trying to hit 59lbs by June 1st so this is close enough! 59lbs will put me at my goal weight! Woo Hoo!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Please count me in too, todays weight is 212 I hope by june i will be down at least 40 but 50 would be sweet !!!
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    Well that time of the week again...

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Well that time of the week again...


    OMG...THAT IS AWESOME:drinker: 528.50.
  • I turn 40 on sunday, and while i won't make my goal of "healthy by 40" (bmi in healthy range = 174lbs or less) I am very happy that i seem to have rebounded fully from christmas and am looking forward to posting a good # on monday! My first weigh-in as a FORTY YEAR OLD! Yeeehaw! LOL! ... I did a mid-week weigh in and was down 1 lb (to 178.0) which not only erases all of my christmas gain (finally) but inches another 0.5 lbs closer to goal... I don't count my mid-week weigh in for this challenge though, so really looking forward to monday!........... I will eat a piece of cake for you all, so no need to bother doing it on my behalf ;) lol
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