Got 30-35 lbs to lose ? Join my group and we can do it toget



  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    I just joined today and your group sounds great!

    gw 135

    I think the group will make it easier!!
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I just joined today and your group sounds great!

    gw 135

    I think the group will make it easier!!

    Welcome !
    I will add you to the list !
    A group can help motivate you.....especially when there are weekly progress reports......and everyone here has similar goals.
  • Good morning,

    What is everyone's plan to get the pesty pound off? I am having trouble deciding on the best exercise program to compliment the eating. Would love some suggestions.

  • I would love to join as well!!

    Starting weight: 182
    Current weight: ~160.5
    Goal weight: ~130

    We have an exercise bike and an elliptical at home, but I find I'm not as motivated to hop on them as much as I was. So for my Christmas present to me, I bought the Wii Fit Plus and Wii Zumba. I already had the Wii Just Dance 2 and loved it so much I decided to go Wii crazy! The Wii Zumba actually makes me sweat. Whoo hoo! I look forward to exercising when I get home now!
  • laceygirl2318
    laceygirl2318 Posts: 12 Member
    Woohoo, so excited to be part of the group! This is different for me in that in the past, I've either dieted (drastically) without much exercise, or exercised regularly without changing my (poor) diet. My biggest goal is to make eating healthy a habit, while gradually increasing my activity. I have done daily brisk walks on my lunch (even in the cold!), and have also taken advantage of Wii Boxing...taking a break now 'cause I think I over did that one lol. Ow. I really want to get a Wii Fit, and probably will in the near future. Now its just time to be patient and get healthy and lose that weight! So far so good on the eating too. I think I had enough sugar and carbs during the holidays to stay my cravings for a while. Ha! So glad to find support. :-)
  • weightlossgrind
    weightlossgrind Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!!

    I am new to the web version of MFP. I decided to have a weight makeover in August of 2009. I started at 215 and am currently at 175. I got down to 168 but put on a few pounds over the Holidays :( i am now ready to committ and get back on track. My goal is to be 140 pds. I am currently doing P90X 5 days a week and eating 1200 calories a day (healthier foods of course) Excited to be part of this group!!!!!!
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    I'm totally dragging today but pushed through another tough workout. How's everyone doing this week?
  • Wow, this sounds like a really great group and I would love to be a part of it. I'm getting motivated just reading all of the posts :) I currently way 154 I believe, and would like to get back down to about 125 or 120, that's the goal! -GuitarTherapy
  • sweet_girl
    sweet_girl Posts: 14 Member
    Im in!

    Need to lose 50lbs by June 2011
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    I would love to join. I'm hoping to make it in four months too!!

    Starting weight: 168
    Goal weight: 135-140
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    This Group is going to be amazingly successful !!!! Any group name suggestions ?
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Woohoo, so excited to be part of the group! This is different for me in that in the past, I've either dieted (drastically) without much exercise, or exercised regularly without changing my (poor) diet. My biggest goal is to make eating healthy a habit, while gradually increasing my activity. I have done daily brisk walks on my lunch (even in the cold!), and have also taken advantage of Wii Boxing...taking a break now 'cause I think I over did that one lol. Ow. I really want to get a Wii Fit, and probably will in the near future. Now its just time to be patient and get healthy and lose that weight! So far so good on the eating too. I think I had enough sugar and carbs during the holidays to stay my cravings for a while. Ha! So glad to find support. :-)

    Eating healthy isn't always easy, but once you get going it is hard to stop. When they say food and exercise makes a difference it really the past like you I would do crash diets....lose a few pounds and then gain it all back....Now I eat right and exercise and I feel great ! And as they don't put weight on wont come off overnight either ! Glad you are on board...
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Hey All !

    I got our weight loss chart ready.... anyone know where and how I should post it ?

  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I know I am a little late jumping in, but I just found this site. I am desperate to loss at least 30 pounds. I had gastric bypass almost 7 years ago and the weight is starting to creep back on. My weight is 179 and I want to get to 140.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I know I am a little late jumping in, but I just found this site. I am desperate to loss at least 30 pounds. I had gastric bypass almost 7 years ago and the weight is starting to creep back on. My weight is 179 and I want to get to 140.

    Welcome ! It is never too late ! Will add you tomorrow morning ! It is great to have the support of those with similar goals !
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    I think this'll be a great group! Hooray for tracking through the week and now the weekend--that would make it the first time i'll have made myself track through two consecutive weekends.
  • I'd love to join too!
    Currently, at 166, but would love to get down to the 130's by summer, though I'm not really rushing myself. To get there, I'm concentrating on learning to eat healthy and actually like healthy foods, along with making exercising regularly a habit.
  • kzwicker
    kzwicker Posts: 4 Member
    How do I join?? I'm new to the forums 'n stuff :P
  • mandybelle
    mandybelle Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to be a part of the group as well. I want to see something around 135 lb on that horrid little scale!
  • Please count me in! Where is everyone from? - I'm in New Zealand and need to lose 22 pounds by May.

    SW: 176
    GW: 154
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