Pop Tarts



  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I felt the same way when I saw the peanut butter variety of pop tarts. I chose not to buy them. But if you want one, then have one. Just remember that it's empty calories that's not really providing any nutrition.

    You're making a mistake!
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Frosted strawberry poptarts are always around my house because DH and DS eat them on a daily basis. I cannot eat them because they are a trigger food for me. I love a warm strawberry poptart, but it quickly turns to two, or three, or... and other not-so nutritious choices. I allow myself to have treats on a daily basis, but poptarts are something I have to avoid. (Also chocolate chip cookies. I could eat an entire package of chewy chips ahoy before I realized what I was doing.) I have to JUST SAY NO!
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    The brown sugar and cinnamon is my absolute favorite flavor of pop tarts (without frosting, I don't like that kind, but the frosted kind is much more available). However, I haven't had any in several years. They aren't the slightest bit healthy.

    I'm surprised you just now noticed this flavor. As a fan, I can attest that this flavor has been around for at least 15 years, and probably much longer because I think I had them as a child but I am not 100% positive of that.
  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
    I love pop tarts but only eat them while in the great out doors. I keep them in most of my packs and after a long hike or dirt bike ride I don't even feel bad about enjoying them at the top of a mountain.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    So, I haven't had them in years (Not that I was avoiding them but I had other goodies in mind!) but I saw a Brown Sugar Cinnamon one in the grocery the other day and it caught my attention! I absolutely LOVE cinnamon! I never saw that flavor before. I think the last one I had was a chocolate chip one.

    Anyway, is it worth buying? calories Or just ehhh?

    What's your favorite Pop Tart flavor?

    (Or should I just get fig newtons? Lol)

    Pop tarts > fig newtons all day every day! Fig newtons are really high in calories for what you get, IMHO. As for pop tarts, there are only 3 flavors worth occasionally eating:

    Frosted strawberry (with sprinkles)
    Frosted cherry (with sprinkles)
    Brown sugar & cinnamon

    I don't eat them often because there are usually other goodies that sound way better, but sometimes I just feel like a Pop tart! Room temperature is my preferred way to eat them, although the brown sugar cinnamon ones are good lightly toasted with a glass of milk...now I want a pop tart.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    So, I finally got the Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop Tart and I've got to say... I'm quite disappointed. :( I made sure to fit TWO Pop Tarts in my day (Since one package has two! I might not be able to stop myself from having just one!!) Anyway, I just had one and felt disappointed and proceeded to make toast with almond butter to make up for the calories I allotted for the other Pop Tart. :yawn:

    Maybe Fig Newtons will be less disappointing. Let's see next week!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I love the brown cinnamon sugar Pop Tarts and the s'mores ones. However after reading the book "Salt, Sugar, Fat" and learning that Pop Tarts were created because the creator's daughter wanted CAKE for breakfast and a Pop Tart was an alternate solution that could be pre-packaged and boxed... not so appetizing. Plus, there's way too much sugar and they leave me hungry an hour afterwards. It's been so long since I've had one that I don't even look twice in the grocery store anymore.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Brown Sugar have been around in like forever!! Loved to eat the outside all the way around first then devour the yummy frosting covered pastries...haven't had one in a few years but when I did, loved those toasted and untoasted!! Holy crap flashback!! LOL
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    Growing up, pop tarts were plentiful in my house. My brother refused to eat any of them but the brown sugar cinnamon flavor, but he was like that with everything! Personally, I can't stand that flavor (but maybe it was because I was around it so often). My favorites were the Cookies & Cream, S'mores, and Wildberry. Now that they have Peanut Butter, those are my new favorites (seriously, they're so much better)! However, for 200 calories a piece, I hardly believe they're worth it. Want to splurge? Toaster strudels have always been superior in my opinion, and are usually around 160-180 each, not much less but so much tastier!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So, I finally got the Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop Tart and I've got to say... I'm quite disappointed. :( I made sure to fit TWO Pop Tarts in my day (Since one package has two! I might not be able to stop myself from having just one!!) Anyway, I just had one and felt disappointed and proceeded to make toast with almond butter to make up for the calories I allotted for the other Pop Tart. :yawn:

    Maybe Fig Newtons will be less disappointing. Let's see next week!

    That's a bummer.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I brought back 2 of these in my luggage on my last return from the USA. I'm pretty sure the TSA went in and intentionally smashed 'em.

  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I think they're a complete waste of calories. Some of them are pretty tasty, but I'm always still hungry when I finish eating the two that come in the pack. I could probably eat a whole box in one sitting, easy. I feel the same way about Fig Newtons.

    I tend to stay away from the "Cookies and Cracker" aisle at the grocery store. Nothing in that aisle is going to make me feel like I just ate something.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I effing love pop tarts.

    I have a pop tart maker, though I say (pop taht makah), where you make the dough, fill with whatever you want then shut and walah.. warm pastry.

    Nutella with vanilla frosting is my favorite.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I don't like them at all, or toaster strudel either, but that's just me. I don't care for warm pastry. Except for apple crumb pie once in a while or blueberry muffins, I generally don't eat pastry, period. Rather have a slab of chocolate.
  • julieager75
    julieager75 Posts: 61 Member
    The brown sugar cinnamon ones are my 13 year old's favorite. Actually I think it's the only ones she will eat... I haven't ever tried them though, so I don't know for sure. They had a seasonal one out this year at Christmas, Sugar Cookie. Now those things were delicious and I cannot wait for them to come out again next year.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I'll pass up a pop tart 99.9% of thé time. we make baklava.

    Bravo kaleh!

    Baklava.....YES!!!!!! better than poptarts!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Mmmmmmmmm. Brown sugar cinnamon (not frosted) is my absolute favorite. I've even found a recipe and made them from scratch. I don't eat them a lot, but when I really want one, I find a way to work it into my day.



    Well, what are you waiting for!!!! What's the recipe?
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I effing love pop tarts.

    I have a pop tart maker, though I say (pop taht makah), where you make the dough, fill with whatever you want then shut and walah.. warm pastry.

    Nutella with vanilla frosting is my favorite.

    "voila" - sorry I had to. I'm working on that character defect of mine. Are you from BAHS-ton?
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Special K pastry crisps taste just like pop tarts. they are 100 calorie packs and very yummy! Try those, and they have cinnamon ones too!
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    I'd say don't do it to yourself! You are better off not knowing how good they are, LOL! But if you do, they have the cinnamon ones that are at least whole grain.