What YOU should know about GLUTEN SENSITIVITY



  • brokentide
    brokentide Posts: 21 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm honestly confused here, but meh.

    With regard to my allergies and asthma, I posted about it above. To give more detail, I went through three full rounds of tests from the ages of around 2 to 15. I was allergic to pretty much everything according to those tests. I took shots for a good time. Nothing worked except time. I find the modern OTC treatments help with the few symptoms I still have left and I continue to use the inhaler occasionally.

    For the record, I've said nothing about fibro in this thread. I will say that my wife was diagnosed with it. That was another fun diagnostic exercise. I still wouldn't trust a homeopath for help, anymore than I would a witch doctor.

    Hah, it seems my attempts at clarifying this morning are failing. I'll just say this and hope it's clear enough.

    I'm sorry for misunderstanding your earlier posts.

    Fibro was mentioned in the conversation by the other user a while back (something along the lines of "fibro used to be a catch-all, too"), which is why I mentioned it.

    No, I don't think we should drop science and run to homeopaths, though I do think it's good to remember that what is currently observable/provable by science is limited and doctors aren't infallible (trust but verify, basically).

  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    The study isn't saying that we're faking our symptoms, merely that what's causing our symptoms may be something other than NCGS. Maybe it's just me, but, I'd like to know the truth behind what makes me sick, not merely believe what makes me feel comfy to believe.

    Cognitive dissonance is not flattering on anyone.

    Perhaps that is why ppl are getting all pissy; ppl are assuming the study says we're faking our symptoms when in fact it is not saying that at all. All it's saying is that gluten may not be the source of our symptoms. To me that is something to celebrate; being gluten-free is a hellish journey for which I truly respect Celiacs. Going FODMAP-free appears much easier.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers

    I love this guy.....lmfao
  • brokentide
    brokentide Posts: 21 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers

    Go open up a tabloid if you're thirsting for this kind of "knowledge"
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    Saying that a handful of people placed on a low-FODMAP diet don't show responses in observed markers to changes in gluten does not, by any stretch of the imagination, equate to "thoroughly showing gluten sensitivity doesn't exist."

    If you are going to criticize the study, you might try actually reading it.

    The subject did show responses, all of them, whether or not they consumed gluten. In the first phase, there were only two subjects that showed a gluten-specific response (ie responded to gluten but not placebo).

    The same was true for the second phase.

    These were not the same two subjects.

    If you're going to criticize me, you might want to try actually reading what I said.

    Nowhere did I criticize the study. What I did do was criticize the media for misrepresenting the study.

    The study observed certain biomarkers for signs of change when gluten was (or was thought to be) introduced to certain subjects, as well as recording their perceived responses. Those biomarkers did not change accordingly, even though the subjects reported perceived changes.

    The fact that 2 people (8%, as I recall from the paper) did show evidence of non-placebo, gluten-specific changes, further reinforces my previous statement that the media grossly misrepresented the study. I had already said that the study in no way, shape, or form, came to the conclusion that the media did. Even if someone were to argue that those two people are statistical outliers, or that their reaction was still placebo in nature, the media's conclusion is horribly invalid. Including those two make the media's conclusion even more absurd.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers

    Go open up a tabloid if you're thirsting for this kind of "knowledge"

    Tabloids, scientific journals, samesies!
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    This post does nothing but perpetuate *kitten* that trivializes and delegitimizes real people's medical issues.
    Pulling studies out of your *kitten* isn't going to make millions of people's gluten intolerance magically disappear. Spreading this BS causes food service workers to ignore these concerns and end up endangering people and making them seriously ill because *kitten* like you think that they're faking it.

    Scientific studies and the thirst for knowledge are poopy headed meanie stinkers

    Go open up a tabloid if you're thirsting for this kind of "knowledge"

    Tabloids, scientific journals, samesies!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pulchradraco
    Yes, and Doctors used to tell woman that cramps and other symptoms of periods, were in the ladies head. Something does not have to be scientifically PROVEN to be a real problem.

    BTW I do not have gluten sensitivity. I just have common sense. :)
  • litajl
    litajl Posts: 20 Member
    I am sorry but Gluten Sensitivity, Allergies are REAL! I have them and if I eat a small about, not only do I double over in pain but I also have digestive issues, and brain fog, joint pain and other issues. I removed the gluten and it goes away! Even if I mistakenly eat gluten I am sick with in 30 mins. SO to those of us that suffer it is real. OH not to mention that continual exposure to gluten for us can cause Intestinal Cancer. Those who don't suffer with it should call themselves blessed and stop passing judgment on others. Oh and the only way to get diagnosed with Celiac is to start eating gluten for 2 - 4 weeks and then have a biopsy of the small intestine done. I am not willing to suffer for that long to satisfy other people!
  • synchrohobbit
    synchrohobbit Posts: 58 Member
    This. It also sounds like there are several people conflating proteins with sugars, and autoimmune reactions with malabsorption or an inability to digest a molecule.
    I have no reason to not believe people that say that being gluten free has improved their health (easier digestion, less headaches etc.) because everyone's body reacts differently to food and if avoiding certain food (while still eating a well balanced diet) makes you feel better than knock yourself out. The only problem I have is when people claim that gluten free is the solution to weight loss. Whatever you avoid in your diet for other health reasons is not going to solve weight problems unless it also results in eating less or perhaps working out more if the food made you so uncomfortable or sick it limited your movement.

    Gluten-free isn't the only highly touted "sensitiviity" or "intolerance" to be touted as a weight loss miracle rather than just a valid health concern for some people and it probably will not be last.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The good news is in about a year a new fad will come along, this one will die off, and everyone suffereing from gluten sensitivity will be burdened with an entirely new disease they need to talk about constantly.

    Not exactly the same, but related: I hope that "red meat is bad for you" cycles back around again. I'd like a slight depression in the price caused by decreased demand.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I am sorry but Gluten Sensitivity, Allergies are REAL! I have them and if I eat a small about, not only do I double over in pain but I also have digestive issues, and brain fog, joint pain and other issues. I removed the gluten and it goes away! Even if I mistakenly eat gluten I am sick with in 30 mins. SO to those of us that suffer it is real. OH not to mention that continual exposure to gluten for us can cause Intestinal Cancer. Those who don't suffer with it should call themselves blessed and stop passing judgment on others. Oh and the only way to get diagnosed with Celiac is to start eating gluten for 2 - 4 weeks and then have a biopsy of the small intestine done. I am not willing to suffer for that long to satisfy other people!

    Uhm, gluten sensitivity does not cause intestinal cancer nor damage nor does it appear on any test. Only Celiac does any of those things and Celiac is to gluten sensitivity what a broken leg is to a stubbed toe.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I know it is the gluten, because I have tested it over the past year and 3 months. At the 6 month mark I ate what I wanted and within one day my hands hurt, by the end of the week my migraines were slamming me.

    When I accidently ingest a small amount, nothing really happens.

    So, I am no scientific experiment or anything BUT no one is going to tell me that I do not feel better, and cut my meds almost completely since stopping Gluten. No one. :drinker:
    I am just wondering if you have been tested (I mean REALLY tested like with a thyroid panel and antibody test) for thyroid disease, some of your symptoms are textbook, especially the foot pain. Celiac Sprue is common in people with thyroid disease, so if you have not had thorough testing (i.e., not just a tsh test, full T4, T3, antibody, etc.) you should ask your Doctor to do it or find one who will. Thyroid disease is progressive, it is best to have thorough testing if you may have it.
  • rondapasperry
    Aren't we all just hopping on any food choice that will work for us when we try to diet? Whatever works; use it.

    Some people fear fake sugar chemicals in their bodies due to research. Other people thrive while taking in synthetic sugar and it sure makes weight loss simple. Grilling meats causes carcinogens, but most of us still grill meet. The diet that humans consume to become their best all depends on what they can fit into their life. Each person should look at the studies of synthetic sugar, modified wheat, processed foods, soy, dairy, red meat, pork, etc. I think the real thing people need to do is have a clue what they are putting in their body and research the additives and how each item has been genetically modified in the last 100 years. If you want to eat it... know what you are eating.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I want to know why every time I try to go to page 5 of this topic, Google Chrome keeps giving me a malware warning, nowhere else, just page 5.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    The good news is in about a year a new fad will come along, this one will die off, and everyone suffering from gluten sensitivity will be burdened with an entirely new disease they need to talk about constantly.

    yes, YESSSSSS, that's exactly what I'm thinking! The same people.