Fitbit $100. is it worth it?



  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I have the FitBit One and LOVE it. Like others have said, if you aren't interested in tracking sleep I would go with the FitBit Zip. I have a sleep disorder, so the sleep tracking was a big seller for me.

    I love it because it keeps me honest about my daily activity levels. I love the motivation to increase my steps, since I had no idea I was moving so little. I increase my goal gradually to get me moving more and more. I also really love the sleep tracking ability, since I can see when my number of hours of sleep decreases on a regular basis and I can work to improve that before fatigue hits. The One also has the ability to set silent alarms (it vibrates) and I can use those to wake me up or to remind me to get up a move!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Glorified pedometer but if it works for you, use it.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    I have just purchased one and I have a question: Do you still log your exercise in MFP and if you do does that change how the Fitbit gives you the calories you burn?

    Also, I love it to track my sleep pattern at night. Nice feature.

    if you have your MFP and fitbit accounts linked fitbit will log automatically for you.
  • mapahall13
    mapahall13 Posts: 2
    I bought my fitbit for my birthday in Nov. I LOVE it! Use it all the time.
  • bstender82
    bstender82 Posts: 14 Member
    I think yes, I love my Fitbit One best purchase I've ever made :) it has helped me go from 3000 steps a day ( this shocked me) to an average of 10500.
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    I have had my One for over a year and LOVE it. If I lost it today, I would have to run to the store to buy a new one tonight.

    That being said, something that doesn't come up in these discussions is How much is $100 to you? I mean, if it is the difference between making your mortgage payment this month or not, then it probably isn't worth it. If $100 is this weeks shoe budget for you I say go for it. You are probably somewhere in the middle but it makes a difference. :-)
  • Maggs1973
    Maggs1973 Posts: 3 Member
    LOVE MINE. I have the Zip.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    It makes me move more. I have a goal of 14000 steps a day and it really makes me move all day long!
  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    I am addicted to my fitbit flex. I have to agree with a lot of others on here, I did not realize just how immobile I was being until I started wearing mine. I definitely keeps you on your toes. I comete with myself when it comes to my step count. I started my first day with under 10, 000 steps and now most days I am pretty close to 20,000 steps if not more. Well worth it!
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    My fuelband died so I got a fitbit. I didn't like it as much bc it doesn't show the time. I also became frustrated because it would record off the charts if I vacuumed or mopped but barely registered if I did an hour long difficult class. I bought a new fuelband.
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    I was never willing to pay $100 for a fitbit, I wanted one, but I just couldn't see it being worth that price.

    However, DH and I both got a Fitbit One free through his job and I love it! I'd have spent $100 for it now, having it and realizing it's worth it.
  • Fitbit is worth EVERY penny! :smile:
  • hopsonj
    hopsonj Posts: 1
    I think it is totally worth it! I have had mine for 1.5 years and LOVE it. I wear it every day and it motivates ( I have a job where I sit all day) to get up every hour and walk. I love that I can check my phone for how many steps and calories I have burned, I also have about 10 fitbit friends. We cheer each other (on the phone app) send each other messages and make it a lot of fun. I have increased my weekly goal now as 10,000 quickly became easy. I think it is a great investment. I have had many cheap pedometers and I just love the fitbit support through friends and not having to constantly check the fitbit for output. Plus the Fitbit One stays charged for 2 weeks.
  • jdr1223
    jdr1223 Posts: 13 Member
    worth it for sure!
  • MindyRH
    MindyRH Posts: 15
    I wanted to buy a fitbit but then I started actually using my S Health Walking Mate app that came installed with my S4. It is a pedometer, it send you badges when you complete your goals and lets you know when you're 50% there. I discovered it can also be used as an "exercise mate" for bicycling, jogging and walking. It uses gps and estimates calories based on distance, time and steps. So now I may not buy the fitbit because I don't care about sleep tracking which seems to be the only extra benefit. Unless I'm wrong and there are other things that would be worth paying $100???
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I buy anything that motivates's kinda my hey-I'm-a-9-year-old-kid-and-I-believe-these-shoes-make-me-faster-so-I-beg-my-parents-to-buy-them mode.

    I can't speak to the Fitbit directly..but I can say that all my little electronic gadgets, my cool workout clothes (well...I think they're cool anyway...haha), my nifty shoes, my pay-to-play races (e.g., 5k, 10k, Half, etc.) all serve to motivate me. So that's the metric I use, i.e., will it make me want to work out more? If yes...then buy. If not...well, you know. :smile:

    With whatever you choose, good luck to you! This fitness game is fun.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I got the fitbit force at first, but had to return it due to recall. Now I have the fitbit one which is in fact the same device just as a clip on. It is worth every penny!
    But...I now also got a sports watch with heart rate monitor which is worth even more as it more accurately records the calories that I have burned, particularly the ones that are not step based.
    So, if you are looking into an activity tracker I would recommend looking into those ones that can count your steps AND record your heart rate. Polar Loop or Garmin Vivovit spring to mind.
    Anyhow, both of my devices (fitbit One and Polar RCX5) have changed my life and I am no addicted to sports and being more active.
    Best of luck
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I love my flex. I echo what others have said about being unaware of how little i was moving. Also, I like that my calories on MFP automatically adjust based on how active (or inactive) I am.
  • fogliaan
    fogliaan Posts: 1 Member
    I've been wearing my flex for the last few months. I think it's a little extra motivation to keep you moving. My two sisters also have them so it's a little bit of competition between us all. Like others have said, I didn't realize how little I move sitting at a desk all day. Tapping it seeing just one or two flashing lights motivates you to get up. It also interacts with MapMyWalk, MapMyRide, etc. and uploads activity automatically. I love it, I don't mind it on my wrist, my sister has the one that she tucks in her bra.