Detox water!!



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    By the way anyone who says "this and that reduces belly fat" without adding diet and exercise is just looking for q quick fix that never comes. Don't listen to them.

    Also, the only quick fix in existence is usually in a syringe loaded with drugs. Don't do that either!!!
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.
    notes that lemon water can provide the body with hydration, antioxidants and electrolytes.

    The two (science and fitness) are not mutually exclusive. I read the livestrong article you quoted. A saw quite a few "may" which means "we don't know for sure". Taking something that MIGHT be beneficial but isn't conclusively is often a waste of time (especially in the doses that would be in lemon water). Notice that primary research was NOT cited in the article to allow us to read it.

    I will disagree rather strongly with one thing you said. A person doesn't not get to have an opinion on facts. Milk containing calcium is a fact. A person can't come along and claim it doesn't and say "well that's my opinion". Claiming things that are definitely false (and in some cases, biologically impossible) as health benefits to lemon water and then saying "well it's my opinion" doesn't cut it. A grownup admits he/she was wrong or misinformed when presented with factual information.

    Edited to add: Well I saw a post a few minutes later where you said you were wrong and glad for additional information. Yep, you're a grown-up!
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    you don t know what your talking about!!!!! stating a antibiotics not for cold! did you ask the person why they on them because as I am asthmatic every time I get the cold I end up on antibiotics and steroids so before commenting do research instead of talking out your backside!

    My goodness, aren't you a rude one. No zinc for you. :tongue:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Has anyone been consuming water with lemon, mint and ginger or anything similar? Or anyone tried cinnamon tea?
    is it making any difference?

    Was the person telling you about detox water overweight?-- because I usually find its the fat ones who swear by it. I have yet to have a person who has sucessfully lost weight and kept it off try and convince me to try this gimick.

    If anything these types of drinks will increase your water intake and that has a positive impact on your weightloss goals. Its not the detoxifying ingredients like lemon, mint, ginger or cinnamon. They won't do anything for you though if you arent also at a caloric deficit. Go ahead and add them, they wont harm you but dont expect them to act like magic weightloss beans.

    Oh my God Corlissa, I've been wanting to say that about the heavies for weeks but I didn't want anyone to cry. Thank you for posting that!!!!

    Hahaha, the heavies, like they're a unit in a wargame.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I add lemon juice to my water because the water in my town sucks (even after Brita) and the lemon makes it taste nice. I don't think it will have some magic effect on my blubber.

    I like your attitude.

    Bad tasting water is THE WORST.
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    you don t know what your talking about!!!!! stating a antibiotics not for cold! did you ask the person why they on them because as I am asthmatic every time I get the cold I end up on antibiotics and steroids so before commenting do research instead of talking out your backside!

    My goodness, aren't you a rude one. No zinc for you. :tongue:

  • eat fewer calories than are required for you to maintain your current weight and rock your nutrition...that's all there is too it...there are no magic potions...there are no magic pills...time of day doesn't many times per day you eat doesn't tea and cinnamon in your water doesn't matter.

    All that matters is that you are eating fewer calories than are required for you to maintain your weight...and I personally put a premium on nutrition as well. It really is that simple...there is no need to complicate what is not at all complicated.

  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I drink one glass of water in the morning with 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar. This is great for blood pressure. The rest of the time I add lemon to my water. I can't say that the lemon itself has has helped me lose weight, but lemon enhances the flavor and I do drink more water as a result. Drinking more water HAS helped me lose weight so whatever makes you drink more water, is a good thing.

    Um, no.
    Also, in for dirty energy and pure blood.

    Some quick google-fu shows two studies finding a correlation between vinegar and blood pressure in rats, but the respectable websites are cautioning that a causation has NOT been established and it has NOT been repeated in humans. Quite a few of the sites insisting on its curative powers are also demanding "raw organic apple cider vinegar" with lots of buzzwords like "miracle food". These are not sites devoted to scientific rigor and critical thinking.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Wow, angry bunch. It's not a magical cure. You have to do your hard work with exercise and proper nutrition, but there are so many [strike]health[/strike] tasty benefits to lemons. Adding to the water can't harm.

    That's better. :laugh: <- to show I'm not angry

    It amazes me how MFP forums bring out the absolute negative types. It's a board, with opinions. So yours differs, my goodness, personal attacks are hardly necessary.

    You can have whatever opinion you like. Some opinions, however, go against everything we know about science and how the human body (and lemons) work. In other words, opinions can be WRONG.

    Although claiming lemons have all these health benefits rises to the level of Not Even Wrong. []

  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I don't take anything on the forums personally. No worries there. I'm good with learning new things. I will say this: Check out Ben Pakulski's stuff...
    I don't mind being proven wrong. Thanks for the additional info. :D
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    You aren't being silenced or excluded you are being told you are wrong because you are wrong. As I can clearly show lemons are not a good source of folate or potassium and just because a blogger wrote an article on Livestrong saying they are doesn't make it so.

    I do hope that you haven't read my posts with an angry tone, I am certainly not angry nor do I think you are stupid. I think there is a lot of misinformation out there and I think it should all be questioned that is all. I do hope you took none of my comments personally I do not have any desire to upset or offend.
  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Every Morning 27 December 2012 by Annabel Grey in Featured Food & Drink - 27 Comments Glass with lemon and yellow straw There are so many expensive and complicated cleansing plans on the market that it’s sometimes hard to summon the willpower (and the money!) to start one. But what if I told you that the key to a really effective cleansing drink is already sitting in your fridge? In today’s post I’ll explain how lemon water can improve your digestive system, help your liver to remove toxins from your body, and provide a host of other benefits too. I’ll also let you know how to make lemon water, the best time of day to drink it, and why you should drink it through a straw to protect your teeth! 1. A stronger digestive system Lemon water helps your digestive system by breaking down foods and stimulating digestive enzymes. A study in the Medical Journal of Digestive Diseases found that lemon juice improved digestion in patients suffering from hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid). It also promotes peristalsis, the process by which your intestines push waste out of your body. 2. A healthier liver Lemon water opens up and cleanses the bile ducts in your liver. Bile is important because it breaks down fats that might otherwise be stored in your liver. A healthy liver helps to both metabolize fat and transport excess fats out of your body. 3. A rich source of nutrients Lemon juice contains important minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as lots of vitamin C to support your immune system. It also contains riboflavin (excellent for tissue repair) and lots of vitamin B to give you energy. You might even find that you can give up your morning coffee. 4. Support for your immune system The vitamin C in your lemon water is not there just to improve your complexion. Studies have shown that vitamin C boosts your immune system and helps you to recover from viruses. Specifically, it enhances the activity of your white blood cells and reduces the inflammatory response to illness. This drink is perfect for flu season and might just keep you healthy! 5. Weight loss Lemon juice stimulates your digestive system and allows you to process food more quickly (an inefficient digestive system is one reason why many people struggle to lose weight). Lemon juice also has a really low sugar content, even though it is a fruit, so it definitely won’t derail your diet. And it actually contains a substance called D-limonene that may regulate your blood sugar and reduce your systolic blood pressure too! Making your lemon water Lemon juice is best consumed with water. Many natural health practitioners claim that you should use warm water as this puts less stress on the body. However, the temperature of the water will change so fast once it’s inside you that it probably does not make a difference. The jury is still out, but if you like your lemon juice with cold water, go for it! Making your lemon water couldn’t be easier. Just squeeze half a lemon into your glass of water and drink. You can use that other half of the lemon the next day. This cleansing tip is not only healthy, it’s really cheap too. For a little variety you can try adding some ginger or cayenne, two spices that also support a healthy digestive system. Ginger prevents gas and bloating, while cayenne stimulates your digestive enzymes. To add ginger to your drink, pour boiling water over some chopped ginger and leave for 5 minutes, then add the lemon water and discard the ginger when it has cooled. Adding cayenne is as simple as mixing in a pinch (or two, depending on how spicy you like it!). Do you have to drink it in the morning? Most people drink their lemon water in the morning, and there’s a very good reason for that. It stimulates your digestive system ahead of your first meal of the day, and it prepares your liver and kidney for the challenges ahead. Another point to bear in mind is that the citric acid in lemon juice can be corrosive to your teeth. By drinking your lemon juice first thing in the morning, about 30 minutes before you brush your teeth, you are limiting the amount of time that the lemon juice will be in contact with the enamel. Another useful tip? Drink it with a straw and the lemon juice may not even touch your teeth at all. If you forget to drink your lemon water in the morning. don’t worry. It still has tremendous health benefits no matter what time of day you drink it. And if you find yourself eating out for lunch or dinner, you can order some lemon water with your meal.
  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    The healing of Natural foods....Ginger :Zingiber officinale Ginger is known as a herbal remedy for DIGESTIVE disorders. It is known to settle the DIGESTIVE system and PROMOTE gastric secretion of BILE, it STIMULATES the gastro-intestinal tract and AIDS digestion. It is also used in the case of FEVER, as it PROMOTES perspiration, it also SOOTHES a SORE THROAT so can be a helpful remedy in COLDS and FLU. Applied externally GINGER can treat SORE OVERWORKED MUSCLES, CRAMP and poor CIRCULATION. And GINGER is an excellent remedy for MORNING SICKNESS and TRAVEL SICKNESS
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My detox water comes from the tap. Of course, I have to detox it before I drink it.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    My husband (a bodybuilder) was telling me about the science behind lemon water and bodybuidling after I mentioned this subject. He referred me to this really easy-to-understand post.

    Ben is super respected in the lifting world and I thought I would share. Obviously does not list a plethora of benefits, and he mentions other good tips and tricks, but there is one pretty awesome one that lemons have, it appears.

    As a lifter, I thought this might be interesting to those who lift...but is not about detoxing in the slightest! :)
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Every Morning 27 December 2012 by Annabel Grey in Featured Food & Drink - 27 Comments Glass with lemon and yellow straw There are so many expensive and complicated cleansing plans on the...

    How the **** do you expect anyone to be able to read that wall of text? It's not even formatted.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've been consuming glasses of water at my desk from the water cooler. I was super thirsty this week because I had lots of salty potato chips and sushi. It has made a big difference in my level of thirst.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I don't take anything on the forums personally. No worries there. I'm good with learning new things. I will say this: Check out Ben Pakulski's stuff...

    The efficacy of HGH and steroids is @#%@#% amazing, I'll tell you what.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Every Morning 27 December 2012 by Annabel Grey in Featured Food & Drink - 27 Comments Glass with lemon and yellow straw There are so many expensive and complicated cleansing plans on the market that it’s sometimes hard to summon the willpower (and the money!) to start one. But what if I told you that the key to a really effective cleansing drink is already sitting in your fridge? In today’s post I’ll explain how lemon water can improve your digestive system, help your liver to remove toxins from your body, and provide a host of other benefits too. I’ll also let you know how to make lemon water, the best time of day to drink it, and why you should drink it through a straw to protect your teeth! 1. A stronger digestive system Lemon water helps your digestive system by breaking down foods and stimulating digestive enzymes. A study in the Medical Journal of Digestive Diseases found that lemon juice improved digestion in patients suffering from hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid). It also promotes peristalsis, the process by which your intestines push waste out of your body. 2. A healthier liver Lemon water opens up and cleanses the bile ducts in your liver. Bile is important because it breaks down fats that might otherwise be stored in your liver. A healthy liver helps to both metabolize fat and transport excess fats out of your body. 3. A rich source of nutrients Lemon juice contains important minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as lots of vitamin C to support your immune system. It also contains riboflavin (excellent for tissue repair) and lots of vitamin B to give you energy. You might even find that you can give up your morning coffee. 4. Support for your immune system The vitamin C in your lemon water is not there just to improve your complexion. Studies have shown that vitamin C boosts your immune system and helps you to recover from viruses. Specifically, it enhances the activity of your white blood cells and reduces the inflammatory response to illness. This drink is perfect for flu season and might just keep you healthy! 5. Weight loss Lemon juice stimulates your digestive system and allows you to process food more quickly (an inefficient digestive system is one reason why many people struggle to lose weight). Lemon juice also has a really low sugar content, even though it is a fruit, so it definitely won’t derail your diet. And it actually contains a substance called D-limonene that may regulate your blood sugar and reduce your systolic blood pressure too! Making your lemon water Lemon juice is best consumed with water. Many natural health practitioners claim that you should use warm water as this puts less stress on the body. However, the temperature of the water will change so fast once it’s inside you that it probably does not make a difference. The jury is still out, but if you like your lemon juice with cold water, go for it! Making your lemon water couldn’t be easier. Just squeeze half a lemon into your glass of water and drink. You can use that other half of the lemon the next day. This cleansing tip is not only healthy, it’s really cheap too. For a little variety you can try adding some ginger or cayenne, two spices that also support a healthy digestive system. Ginger prevents gas and bloating, while cayenne stimulates your digestive enzymes. To add ginger to your drink, pour boiling water over some chopped ginger and leave for 5 minutes, then add the lemon water and discard the ginger when it has cooled. Adding cayenne is as simple as mixing in a pinch (or two, depending on how spicy you like it!). Do you have to drink it in the morning? Most people drink their lemon water in the morning, and there’s a very good reason for that. It stimulates your digestive system ahead of your first meal of the day, and it prepares your liver and kidney for the challenges ahead. Another point to bear in mind is that the citric acid in lemon juice can be corrosive to your teeth. By drinking your lemon juice first thing in the morning, about 30 minutes before you brush your teeth, you are limiting the amount of time that the lemon juice will be in contact with the enamel. Another useful tip? Drink it with a straw and the lemon juice may not even touch your teeth at all. If you forget to drink your lemon water in the morning. don’t worry. It still has tremendous health benefits no matter what time of day you drink it. And if you find yourself eating out for lunch or dinner, you can order some lemon water with your meal.

    NO. Lemons are not magical.