Has anyone tried DDP yoga



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Wondering how this is on your knees? I have a something patella lol, it hurts thats all that matters, dr. said I need to strengthen quads so... any input on how it feels on your knees? Thanks so much!

    I have painful knees and I find that most of the workout seems OK. So far, the ones that hurt most are the warrior pose (it hurts the rear knee) and the squats (for some reason I've always found unweighted squats more painful than weighted ones). I also do ballet, and I find the ballet is MUCH more painful on my knees, so I'm not too worried. It's difficult to know when the pain is OK and when it's not, isn't it? I'm happy to work through a bit of pain, but I don't want to do any actual damage.
  • OK. It's two years since I started with DDPYoga. I still practice but I've added quite a few other programs into it. Now that I'm a RYT (yes…5 months of training) I incorporate some aspects of DDPYoga into my teaching sequences. I've seen some really awesome results.

    DDPYoga is a doorway for true/traditional Yoga IMO. It works.
  • jtboy1978
    jtboy1978 Posts: 1
    I've tried it for the past 2 weeks and it's good especially for beginners but I think Jillian Michaels yoga melt down is much better and burns more fat but it's not as easy as DDP yoga. If your looking for low impact beginners level DDP is the way to go.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    It might be beginners level for some, but it's certainly not for me! I'm still nowhere near doing some of the exercises, like the handstands. And I still feel I have work to do on some of the other exercises. I do like that there are different levels within the same workout, so that it can be adapted.

    I haven't tried the Jillian Michaels one, but if it's harder than DDP, I think it will be a long time before I get there!
  • Lirpa246
    Lirpa246 Posts: 7 Member
    You might try a rolled up towel or a pillow under your knees. Many yoga practices use additional tools like that to cushion certain spots and avoid injury.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    can anyone elaborate on the "diet"? is a it just healthy eating or specific calories or macros.... just curious..
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I didn't do the diet, but IIRC it is a low carb, high protein thing. I discarded it immediately when I saw it said that you can't eat fruit after noon and you can't eat fruit and vegetables in the same meal.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    thank you so much! do you recommend the program other than the diet? To be honest, I'm trying to avoid dieting altogether, and just want to focus on healthier eating and moderation (a moderate deficit from TDEE for example) just wondering if the results will still be noticeable. I'm already looking into Yoga to improve strength and flexibility - but this plan seems like it might be more conducive to weight loss than regular yoga..
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    Yes. I definitely recommend it. You can really feel it working and he's a great motivator.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you!! :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I bought the programme for the exercise, not the diet, so it's frustrating that most the booklet that comes with it seems to be about the diet! But then there's not much to say about the exercise, other than do it :). He does claim the diet is essential, but I don't see how it can be. It wouldn't be easy for me to stick to, so I've chosen to stick with what I've been doing diet-wise. I still like the exercise on its own, and although most of the booklet is about diet, all the rest (the DVDs and the wallchart) are about the exercise.

    I don't know how conducive it is to weight loss (compared to other yoga or other exercise), but then I don't think I've found any exercise which is particularly conducive. It does feel like you're doing something, particularly on the harder routines. It probably does burn a few more calories than yoga I've done before, but I don't feel that it's a LOT of calories, so if I'm logging, I just log it as yoga. It does seem to be good for strength, flexibility and balance. I actually like DDP as a presenter: I wasn't sure if I would because he comes across as having a bit of a macho approach, but the DVDs aren't like that - you feel he's enouraging you rather than haranguing you!

    I bought the whole package when it was on offer, and I'm glad I did. I think the first pack on its own wouldn't have been enough. I like the variety of challenge of being able to add in the harder routines. I can't do the extreme routine yet, but I like having the DVD for something to aim for! As exercise DVDs go this is pretty expensive (in my opinion), but I have used it more than any other DVD I've bought.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I have done it. It's not hard but it can be very repetitive, and Diamond Dallas Page is pretty talkative haha but it's not bad, i have lost some weight with it.
  • I was injured while in the Navy. I am now out on disability. The 2 years after my injury, I went from 190 to 256. I couldn't believe what I had done to myself. I saw the Arthur video on Facebook and then DDP on Shark Tank. I finally told myself "no more excuses". I ordered the DVDs and haven't looked back. I started DDP YOGA and MN on May 1 2014 and as of today (June 8) I have lost 17 pounds and 4 inches off of my stomach.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I liked it. It gets a little repetitive and boring after a bit, but then you move on to another disc or section and it gets better. I didn't bother with the diet plan. You can take away my cheese and chocolate over my dead body, Mr. DDP :smile:
  • Mikeysmama1012
    Mikeysmama1012 Posts: 15 Member
    My husband and I just started doing these workouts and following the nutrition plan and I've already lost 5 lbs in less than a week. It works.
  • I'm about a week and a half into the program. I like it. I do wish there were less talky versions of the routines. For those that have them: are the audio files just rips from the videos or are they different?

    I still have trouble engaging everything all the time but, I hope, I'll get better and it will come more naturally as I go on. Because of that, I do have trouble at times keeping my heart rate in the zone.

    I'm considering taking a couple of beginner yoga classes just to get more comfortable with the individual poses so that I can concentrate more on engagement.
  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    I posted this the other day. Great comparison between DDP Yoga and traditional yoga. I love DDP yoga and have seen big improvements in strength and flexibility in a relatively short period of time.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Thanks for the video link!
  • bioya40
    bioya40 Posts: 21 Member
    For those that have ordered the heart rate monitor when ordering the DVDs, is it a decent monitor or am I better off buying one somewhere else? There is a special on now for $20 off the monitor when ordering DVDs so it is $49.99.

  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    Bumping so I can check this out in more detail when I get home from work.