Anyone taking Adipex (Phentermine)?



  • jarford
    jarford Posts: 2
    I appreciate this thread and all its viewpoints. I am going to start a supervised WL program through my employer in June and plan to use phentermine along with it. My hope is that it will help motivate me by seeing more results early on. Clearly, diet and exercise are the key. Here I go!
  • bigstarshelly
    bigstarshelly Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know if it's safe to take Phentermine if you've had your gallbladder removed? Just got a RX yesterday and completely forgot to ask. :(
  • pbranhan
    pbranhan Posts: 1
    I had a friend taking it all hours of day. She now haspaased away from them but she abused them. i took them and did less than what i was told. Yes I lost weight but u will gain it back if not carefull. My friends have been going back and forth for 8 years on them . They stop taking them gain weight then start all over. Just be safe and dont over do it.
  • jriffey
    jriffey Posts: 12 Member
    I am on month 3 of Phentamine and you can see my weight loss below. Although I have a lot of the side effects, the fact that I am losing weight has helped my body image immensely! Can anyone share their experiences with coming off Phentamine and how your body reacted? I'm worried about not managing my appetite and stress eating.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I am on month 3 of Phentamine and you can see my weight loss below. Although I have a lot of the side effects, the fact that I am losing weight has helped my body image immensely! Can anyone share their experiences with coming off Phentamine and how your body reacted? I'm worried about not managing my appetite and stress eating.

    I've been on it for four months, and I'm down 41 lbs., 9 lbs. from goal. I'm really only able to consume a net of about 1,200 calories/day on phen. I don't have the appetite for more.

    This is my second time on it. I was on it about 17 years ago and lost 55 lbs., then dropped another 10 or so once I came off it. I kept it off for 10 years, until I got pregnant and become more sedentary after the baby arrived. I was also at an age when my metabolism started working against me. I think I would have continued to maintain the loss had it not been for getting lazy about eating and exercising.

    I don't suffer many side effects. I actually feel fantastic. My blood pressure was borderline high, but now it's down to 104/70. Dry mouth is the really the only side affect that gets my attention, and that has subsided quite a bit in the past couple of months. When I came off it years ago, I did have more of an appetite, but it was much less than my pre-phen appetite. Being on the phen allowed me to get an exercise program and eating habits in place, which was much easier than when my appetite was out of control. I was able to continue with that, as I said, for 10 years. Exercise really keeps my appetite in check, as does a high-protein, low-carb diet. I find that carbs such as bread, pasta, candy, desserts, etc. are horrible triggers for me, and I really have to pretty much give them up, except on very special occasions, to maintain my weight. I think that's the secret of maintaining, in my case, because there's no such thing as a "little bite" for me where those foods are concerned. I have skipped my phen for a day here and there over the past month, and as long as I ate my protein and filled up with vegetables, it was just like any other day.

    I don't mean this to be critical; I'm just curious: Nine pounds seems like very little weight to lose in 2-3 months with the help of phentermine. Could you not have just eaten less and exercised more, and managed that? I lost 11 pounds in my first two weeks. Are you tracking calories and exercise as well? It just seems like you haven't seen enough of a benefit to warrant putting up with the side effects you're experiencing. Will your doctor take you off the drug at the 3-month mark?
  • jriffey
    jriffey Posts: 12 Member
    I'm actually just finishing up month two and am down 13 pounds! It feels great! Maybe not as much as I could have lost but this is such an improvement for me that I'm not complaining. My last day of work is today as Ive been laid off. Plan on starting to exercise tomorrow to compensate for feeling down about being out of work. Also go to the doctor tomorrow to check in. I love watching my belly fat disappear and my waistline return.
  • geminijai
    geminijai Posts: 15
    I was searching Google for information on Phentermine when I came across this post...

    My PCP just prescribed me 37.5mg Phentermine, because I've experienced a significant weight gain following a miscarriage last fall. I'm excited to add this to a healthy diet and regular exercise (I begin training for my 2nd marathon next month) but I'm curious...

    TO THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN PHENTERMINE IN THE PAST (BUT ARE NO LONGER USING IT): what happened once you stopped taking it?? Did you gain any/all of the weight back?

    I've read a lot of comments from people who are on it now and "hoping" not to gain the weight back- and some from people who "know someone" who gained all the weight back... But I'd really just like to hear from people who have gone through the entire experience and come out the other side. Thank you!!
  • I have just started taking this today. I was on it a long time ago (last year) and have been dieting hard core since March. I am down 54# now and hoping to lose 100 total
  • geminijai
    geminijai Posts: 15
    TO THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN PHENTERMINE IN THE PAST (BUT ARE NO LONGER USING IT): what happened once you stopped taking it?? Did you gain any/all of the weight back?
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I was searching Google for information on Phentermine when I came across this post...

    My PCP just prescribed me 37.5mg Phentermine, because I've experienced a significant weight gain following a miscarriage last fall. I'm excited to add this to a healthy diet and regular exercise (I begin training for my 2nd marathon next month) but I'm curious...

    TO THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN PHENTERMINE IN THE PAST (BUT ARE NO LONGER USING IT): what happened once you stopped taking it?? Did you gain any/all of the weight back?

    I've read a lot of comments from people who are on it now and "hoping" not to gain the weight back- and some from people who "know someone" who gained all the weight back... But I'd really just like to hear from people who have gone through the entire experience and come out the other side. Thank you!!

    I was on it about 17 years ago, when it was prescribed in combination with fenfluramine, and lost around 50 lbs. Then I lost another 10 after coming off it, and was at my goal, a size 4. I kept the weight off for 10 years by continuing to keep a food diary and exercising regularly, until I had a baby and became more sedentary. I also was dealing with a bit of postpartum depression, which sapped my motivation and energy. I had no problems while I was on phen, and I had none when I quit. Yes, it was harder to control my appetite, but I was motivated by the big weight loss and great lifestyle changes I had made.

    After many attempts to lose the regained weight over the past 6 years, I'm back on phen. Critics on these phen threads always say you will absolutely regain the weight if you use diet drugs. That's absolutely true--if you lapse into old habits. But I have also regained a lot of weight lost by normal dieting and exercise, and I regained it quicker than I ever did after my phentermine diet. That leads me to believe that it has nothing to do with the drug, and everything to do with sustained habits. Phentermine is a tool to control an out of control appetite, and nothing else. Weight loss maintenance hinges on continuing to exercise and watch your diet after you've reached goal, whether you take phen or not.
  • Tonya_Michelle1984
    Tonya_Michelle1984 Posts: 23 Member
    TO THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN PHENTERMINE IN THE PAST (BUT ARE NO LONGER USING IT): what happened once you stopped taking it?? Did you gain any/all of the weight back?

    I took it last year from Feb to April lost 45 pounds but have since gained 37 of it back. I will not take again! I did not like the fluttering of my heart! :(
  • geminijai
    geminijai Posts: 15
    I took it last year from Feb to April lost 45 pounds but have since gained 37 of it back.

    So... You gained back 3/4 of what you lost? Why do you think that was?? Was it due to poor diet or lack of exercise? I'm curious as to why nearly everyone who takes it has the same experience... Wondering if it's being treated as a "magic" pill instead of something to assist onself during a lifestyle change in becoming more active and eating healthy?
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member

    I was on it about 17 years ago, when it was prescribed in combination with fenfluramine, and lost around 50 lbs. Then I lost another 10 after coming off it, and was at my goal, a size 4. I kept the weight off for 10 years by continuing to keep a food diary and exercising regularly, until I had a baby and became more sedentary. I also was dealing with a bit of postpartum depression, which sapped my motivation and energy. I had no problems while I was on phen, and I had none when I quit. Yes, it was harder to control my appetite, but I was motivated by the big weight loss and great lifestyle changes I had made.

    After many attempts to lose the regained weight over the past 6 years, I'm back on phen. Critics on these phen threads always say you will absolutely regain the weight if you use diet drugs. That's absolutely true--if you lapse into old habits. But I have also regained a lot of weight lost by normal dieting and exercise, and I regained it quicker than I ever did after my phentermine diet. That leads me to believe that it has nothing to do with the drug, and everything to do with sustained habits. Phentermine is a tool to control an out of control appetite, and nothing else. Weight loss maintenance hinges on continuing to exercise and watch your diet after you've reached goal, whether you take phen or not.

    Well said, ido. But don't waste your breath, if you know what I mean. If you talk about taking diet pills here, the only thing you can do is defend it. It's not even worth your time. I can't remember, did you join the FB group? If not, it's a place you can ask questions, discuss concerns, etc. Most of all be free of this back and forth.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member

    I was on it about 17 years ago, when it was prescribed in combination with fenfluramine, and lost around 50 lbs. Then I lost another 10 after coming off it, and was at my goal, a size 4. I kept the weight off for 10 years by continuing to keep a food diary and exercising regularly, until I had a baby and became more sedentary. I also was dealing with a bit of postpartum depression, which sapped my motivation and energy. I had no problems while I was on phen, and I had none when I quit. Yes, it was harder to control my appetite, but I was motivated by the big weight loss and great lifestyle changes I had made.

    After many attempts to lose the regained weight over the past 6 years, I'm back on phen. Critics on these phen threads always say you will absolutely regain the weight if you use diet drugs. That's absolutely true--if you lapse into old habits. But I have also regained a lot of weight lost by normal dieting and exercise, and I regained it quicker than I ever did after my phentermine diet. That leads me to believe that it has nothing to do with the drug, and everything to do with sustained habits. Phentermine is a tool to control an out of control appetite, and nothing else. Weight loss maintenance hinges on continuing to exercise and watch your diet after you've reached goal, whether you take phen or not.

    Well said, ido. But don't waste your breath, if you know what I mean. If you talk about taking diet pills here, the only thing you can do is defend it. It's not even worth your time. I can't remember, did you join the FB group? If not, it's a place you can ask questions, discuss concerns, etc. Most of all be free of this back and forth.

    Oh, I know. I don't bother to defend it anymore. But this time I was responding to a poster who asked for a story from someone who had actually had a good result with phen, because all they had been hearing were anecdotes from people who knew someone that had gained back all their weight right away after going off it, rather than any first-person experiences.
  • geminijai
    geminijai Posts: 15
    Thanks for the input! I appreciate it :)
  • Arden252
    Arden252 Posts: 7 Member
    I've just discovered Phentermine on the web and it seems like a good idea to kickstart weight loss in combination with diet and exercise. I don't have that much to lose (about 14lbs to ideal weight), so am finding it hard to make any headway but know that if I can shed 5lbs my motivation will increase and keep me going. I need to lose it for a special event by September. But I'd like advice if anyone is able to give it, about how you know whether you are buying Adipex/phentermine from a reputable source if you get if off prescription? Especially in the UK? Thanks
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Mine is prescribed by a physician who monitors my health weekly while I'm on it. I wouldn't trust an internet source, and IMO, I don't think it's a good idea to be on this medication without being under a doctor's care. Also, it is not a medication for someone who has so little weight to lose.
  • Arden252
    Arden252 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, you're probably right, but I'm going round in circles as life is stressful at present so I'm exhausted and then eat. Sounds as though a short blast of phentermine would provide a temporary solution to both problems and help me move forward rather than feeling stuck. I wouldn't want to take anything in the long term.
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Had a patient that gained all the weight back AND needed a cardiac ablation surgery that could or could not have been related to this med.

    Think people rely on the med instead of a healthy lifestyle change and fall back into old habits. Same as with gastric sleeves and bypasses.

    If it were easy... we'd all be Skinny:)
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Arden, I don't think a doctor would give it to you if you only have 14 pounds to lose. They have some kind of guidelines; not sure if it is BMI or what. I know you have to be either obese or pretty far up there on the overweight side.

    Like idojpdex, I also see a doctor who specializes in this field. I know some people buy it illegally on the internet, but I would never take it unless I was monitored. At every visit, my doctor listens to my heart, takes my blood pressure, sometimes gives me an EKG,. She asks for blood test results frequently, just to check things out. I just couldn't do it any other way.