I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • Shelley--- I am so sorry to hear about your mom. That is really devastating news, and my heart is broken for you. I am proud that you are back here, ready to work. You really aren't going to let anything stop you!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    ceelovejay...what are mountain climbers....sounds challanging so of course I have got to accomplish....so please forward what they are

    shelli---you have my DEEPEST sympathy, I sooooo unerstand what you are going thru....New Years Eve marked the 1 year anniversary of my fathers passing and I am still quite devestated.....and hope you are feeling better, take care

    Bru--good luck on your 5k--I;m sure you will break your time...is your friend running with you again?? I am running my 1st 5k in March...really excited!!

    psalms3115---AWESOME job...keep it up and welcome

    And yes!!!! was successful on my bathing suit hunt...they actually have quite a few out there.....didn't get a real good deal but it is super cute!!! will have to put picks in my profile from our trip when I get back.

    Good evening all!!
  • Shelley - so sorry to hear about your mom, but I do agree that you need to take care of yourself right now so way to go for getting back in the swing of things (((Hugs)))

    as far as dieting and exercise so far so good this week....i just did something very interesting to help me realize how good I am doing....i went back to a day that I had not logged on and put in a typical bad day's worth of food and WOWZERS was I surprised!!! No wonder I have gained so much over the past few months. I mean I was eating 100+ grams of fat a day!!! you just dont think about it unless you are logging.

    just something to think about !!!
  • wieghtingtoinhale
    wieghtingtoinhale Posts: 11 Member
    I accept
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I have been doing horribly since Halloween! I haven't yet updated my ticker because I haven't officially weighed in. I do know that I am up at least 10 pounds. I can FEEL it!:mad: December was absolutely HORRIBLE for me! My sister came home for a few days the first week so no exercise and lots of eating out. My mom broke her foot and ended up in emergency surgery. She died 2 days later on Dec. 18:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: . Everything from that point on has been a blur. Christmas was awful and then I had to have emergency surgery on Dec. 28. Turns out I had MRSA. Dec. 29th was my 31st birthday and I woke up sore and throwing up from anesthesia. I need to start fresh and refocus on my goals. I am still very sad but that is no reason to neglect myself. I miss the support I once had here.
    I am so, so sorry for your loss and all the other stuff happening to you. It is very difficult to lose such a close loved one right before the holidays. I lost my mom on 11/3/05. That Christmas was horrible. I hope things start looking up for you really soon. :frown:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy 2011!! :drinker:

    Great to see the familiar 5lb'ers back again, and welcome to all the new folks!! Lots of activity so far this month!

    My official weigh-in was on Dec 31st at 159, which means my December goal to maintain was a bust, with a 3 pound gain! :embarassed:

    But, hey, the holidays are over. And like Kelly said, no more excuses!! (BTW, Kelly - when did you and CJ start dating? Does that happen to coincide with getting 'stuck' at your current weight?! :laugh: )

    LOL No CJ has nothing to do with my getting "stuck":laugh: We actually started dating back in August, so he has nothing to do with it! :laugh:
  • Hey, I'm ahead of schedule! I'm so excited, I wanted to post it right away!

    Jan 3 - 155
    Jan 6 - 152
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 24
    Jan 31

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Tina - Hope you are feeling better & aren't coming down with a nasty cold. :flowerforyou: Also CONGRATS on your commitment to a 5K! You will be SO proud of yourself when you run the entire thing! Its a great feeling! :bigsmile:

    Amanda - as for your mini-goals for yourself. When I started I decided to do 30 lbs in 6 months....well when I blew that out of the water I decided then to tweak my goals & challenge myself a bit more. So make a goal that you think may be a little far to reach and then strive to hit it. You'll be impressed by what you can do! Trust me! Good luck! :bigsmile:

    Terri - thanks for the challenge, but I SO forgot about it....guess I'll have to try to add some tomorrow. I'm beat right now or I would do some lunges now! :ohwell:

    Oh Shelli....I'm so so very sorry for your loss. :brokenheart: :cry: Glad to see you back and I hope you know how much everyone here is here for you. :flowerforyou:

    Just an FYI: I tried the new Maple & Fruit Oatmeal at McDonald's this morning. I saw the commercial last night and thought it looked good. And it sure was! YUM! 290 calories if you have the brown sugar, apples, raisins, & cranberries all added in. A very GOOD breakfast or snack on the go! Plus its available ALL DAY!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Today was my first weigh in since I committed myself to this year of change and was I every happy. I was down almost 5 lbs! Pretty good, and way ahead of schedule so I have amended my end of January goal from 223 to 220.
    January 1: 228
    January 6: 223
    January 13:
    January 20:
    January 27:
    End of January goal: 220

    Shelli I am so sorry for your loss.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Shelli so sorry for your loss! Hold onto the happy memories of your loved one! :heart: Wish I could send hugs over the internet! Hang in there!

    Wow! Some of you are making great progress and we are not even totally through the first week!:drinker: :drinker: Great job! Keep up whatever you are doing!

    I am planning to get up early tomorrow and get a run in before I head to my daughter's swim meet. We have to drive about 1 hour and then sit all day in bleachers and then drive home. Repeat that for Sunday also. My back is hurting already thinking about the bleachers!

    I saved today's myth for today because weekends tend to be very hard for me to stay on track!



    The truth...The 2 s-days represent about 30% of the week, so too many slip-ups will put you on bad terms with the scale. Case in point: Dieters in a 2008 study dropped pounds during the week, but stopped losing weight on the weekend because they ate too much. "By feasting on whatever you want on the weekend you'll cancel out five day's worth of healthy eating;" says Felicia Stoler, R.D., nutrition coordinator for the New York City Marathon.

    When it comes to shedding pounds, consistency is key. "Aim to consume a similar number of calories on Tuesday as you would on Saturday," says Stoler. She suggests weighing yourself on Friday and again on Monday. "Any weight gain is a sign you should not have eaten the extra slice of pizza."

    Survive the weekend

    Stay on track by avoiding diet traps

    Think ahead. When traveling bring your own healthy edibles.

    Write it down. Studies show that keeping a food journal can help you lose almost double the weight on nonwriters.

    Don't skip your cheerios. Research shows people who grab a hearty morning meal daily eat fewer calories later in the day.

    Give in. Have a few treats during the week. "Once Saturday comes you won't feel the desire to binge" says Stoler.

    Get cooking. Use the weekend to flex your culinary muscles and cook up a new dish.


    Happy Friday!

  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Well I've been a member for awhile, but this is my 3rd post.

    Background on me, I didn't realize just how bad my weight got until the company I work for issued a Biggest Loser challenge to all the employees. At the age of 26, I found out I weighed in at 310 lbs. Three months later when our challenge ended, I was at 280 lbs. By the end of the year I was at 260 lbs. I held that until I was transferred to another projects. Six months later I was back at 280. I worked hard from October until July when I got back down to 260 lbs. Then I got transferred again. Living out of a hotel and not having a regular work out schedule for months helped put the weight back on. I officially weighed in this past Monday before I began my diet and work out routine. I've decided I have to make the time to do these things and to stop the things I'd been doing.

    Monday, Jan 3rd- 282 lbs.
    Friday, Jan 7th- 276 lbs.
  • Terri - Thanks for the myth buster...i am a culprit of weekend splurging. I need this challenge, no sense in letting a whole weeks worth of good work slip away in two days!!

    gdunn - busy lives make it hard to stay on track, but it seems like you are making the progress you need. You can get over the hump!! you have done great so far!

    kintegra - i had not heard about the mcd's oatmeal, i'm going to have to try that when my DH tries to sabatoge me (not intentionaly of course) this weekend and wants to eat breakfast out!

    YAY for everyone else who is losing so fast! Keep up the good work...here are my stats so far, very pleased btw...
    1/3/11 SW 199
    1/7/11 CW 195....woot woot 4lbs so far (who cares if it is water weight, i'll take it!)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    ceelovejay...what are mountain climbers....sounds challanging so of course I have got to accomplish....so please forward what they are
    I'm horrible at explaining so I found an image that should explain it:
    And you keep alternating legs. I had to do 55. I was not a happy camper. My friend, who is one day ahead of me in the challenge, told me that workout 4 has mountain climbers. I do workout 4 today. I'm going to have to amp myself up for this. lol

    Edited because the first pic I used was inaccurate.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has expressed sympathy on the loss of my mother. We were VERY close and I saw her or talked to her daily. This is devastating and life-altering for me! The saddest part for me is that my 23 mo. old daughter will not remember her "nannaw". :sad: She was the light of my mom's life for the past couple of years! Today, is also a hard day. My fiance lost his little brother on 1/5/10 to a drunk driving accident. 1/7 was his brother's birthday. :cry: What a sad time of year!

    Yesterday, I did great calorie-wise and even got in a little exercise. Weighed myself this morning and I am only up 6lbs. instead of the 15lbs I feel like I've gained. :smile: Not sure if I can get a workout in today but I will at least try for something. I have to go to the doctor this morning to be sure my MRSA is gone. I also have to go get some groceries because I haven't been shopping in weeks. I am so glad I am back here and have everyone's support. I've missed you guys!:heart:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Oh geez. When it rains, it pours, huh? I pray that the rain stops for you and you can experience more happy things in your life!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Fab Fours, I was so pleased when I got on my scales this morning and they read 120 pounds Yayyy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm very nearly back at 119 pounds, my pre Christmas/Birthday weight !!!

    12/31/10............................122 pounds
    1/7/11.................................120 pounds
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    It actually sounds easier the way you break it down! Now I can make a plan and stick with it, that is the key to not give up!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    shelli So sorry for your loss. I hope your doing ok.

    So everyone Im soo happy to say that I have lost 2.8 pounds so far and my week doesn't end untill sunday !!!:drinker: :happy:
    That Is more than my monthly average since july lol Since july I have lost 13 pounds and this month so far I have lost almost 3 which puts me at 16 pounds. which puts me only five more pounds away from my first goal to be at or under pre pregnancy weight!!! Im sooo happy I just might make that goal This month!! WOW! :love: :love: :love:
    Then Its time to get down to business with the REAL weight loss and not just the pregnancy weight!:wink: since 152 is the lowest I have been able to achieve in five and a half years! :noway:

    Time to kick up the pace:drinker:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Oh Shelli, I'm so sorry!! I know it's hard to, but be strong and remember all the wonderful times you have had with her. If you ever need to vent, know that we are all here for you. *hugs*
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    I am in:flowerforyou:
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