to all the real runners



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Taking the identity of a runner is something that many newbies in the C25K group here ponder from time to time. Many feel it's awkward to call themselves runners and I struggled with the "label" in the beginning, too, but now my view is this: "Do you wear clothing you can run in? Running shoes? Maybe a heart-rate monitor and/or app/podcast to give you cues of some kind? Are you moving in a non-walking state? Yes? You're a runner." I hope this doesn't turn into a "walking is no exercise" discussion.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Ooh, what if you can run a 5k in 18 minutes* AND run a marathon? Do you get to be doubly awesome?!

    *erm, and some seconds. Maybe quite a few seconds.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Many runners (as in marathon and ironman competitors) live in regions where they cannot get their miles in during the winter, or wish to run in their basements with the heat cranked on to simulate Kona race conditions. They do a lot of treadmill running. Yet - they are real runners, make no mistake.

    Here's Canadian Lori Bowden on her way to the first ever sub 3 marathon during the Ironman Championships. She likes the treadmill.


    i specifically said in my original post about excluding the time when extreme weather, either hot or cold, prevents one from running out doors.

    Hmmm. OK then, at my last marathon, I did a warm up run on a treadmill the night before. Guess who else was pounding it out on a treadmill? One of the top women finishers. The weather outside was lovely.

    Treadmill runners are runners. If you run, you are a runner. I don't see any reason to look your nose down on any runner, and I say this as a person who runs mainly out doors.
  • Marigoldie
    Marigoldie Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone that feels like a runner is a runner!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    It's actually kind of interesting to think about...I lift primarily for the purpose of my fitness and not to much further end than that at this point...I perform many of the same movements as a body builder or a power lifter, but I would not consider myself either of those things...I simply lift for fitness.

    I would similarly think there is a difference between someone who runs for the sake of their fitness, whether that be on a treadmill or on the road and a "runner" who participates in events and works at a competitive level that goes beyond just being kinda fit.

    I personally wouldn't put a premium on competitive distance as I'm lucky if I can knock out 3 miles without needing about two weeks of recovery of my posterior tibial tendons, but I'm sure within the running community there are many layers of such snobbery. I know certainly within the cycling community, the layers of snobbery are tremendous...I ride around 100 miles per week and participate in events but there are any number of cyclists who just kinda sigh and nod and roll there eyes because I have no interest in doing more than 50 miles at a pop....

    Fitness can be a strange thing indeed.

    don't even get me started on cyclists. bunch of snobs in their pretty little matching outfits.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Taking the identity of a runner is something that many newbies in the C25K group here ponder from time to time. Many feel it's awkward to call themselves runners and I struggled with the "label" in the beginning, too, but now my view is this: "Do you wear clothing you can run in? Running shoes? Maybe a heart-rate monitor and/or app/podcast to give you cues of some kind? Are you moving in a non-walking state? Yes? You're a runner." I hope this doesn't turn into a "walking is no exercise" discussion.

    why would walking, the most popular form of movement on the planet, not be considered exercise?
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    Why the heck judge anyone at all. Run your own race.
  • Having been a "real runner" for 35 years, I welcome anyone who has the discipline to lace up a pair of running shoes and put one foot in front of the other. So what if it is on a treadmill? They are doing something good for them and making progress. I do interval training on a treadmill at least four times a month to increase my speed and to burn max amount of calories in a short period of time. When my husband's niece was attending MIT, she trained for a marathon using a treadmill because the weather was so sh*tty at the time.

    I say go for it, whatever it takes.
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    At least runners on a treadmill can't run away from me when I wave to them!!!


    Stupid Europeans and their dumb 'I won't greet you but only stare at you' - attitude when they pass me on the paths.

    (Edit: I'm European. I just think Americans are much friendlier.
    I'm going off topic. Sorry)
  • SimplySabR
    SimplySabR Posts: 48 Member

    do you immediately dismiss them as not being a real runner?

    who said that they didn't belong in the club? not me.

    I guess I interpreted your question as a reflection of your opinion. My apologies.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Why does it matter? Do what works for you. I've done an ultra marathon, but that doesn't make me a better runner than someone doing a 5K.

    *bows down*

    you're better than all of us.

    I only did it because someone said, if I can do it, you can do it. My ultimate goal is to run a 100 miler. I just don't have time to train right now. Thank you but I'm no one special.
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    Taking the identity of a runner is something that many newbies in the C25K group here ponder from time to time. Many feel it's awkward to call themselves runners and I struggled with the "label" in the beginning, too, but now my view is this: "Do you wear clothing you can run in? Running shoes? Maybe a heart-rate monitor and/or app/podcast to give you cues of some kind? Are you moving in a non-walking state? Yes? You're a runner." I hope this doesn't turn into a "walking is no exercise" discussion.

    why would walking, the most popular form of movement on the planet, not be considered exercise?


    Then again. You're right. Eating is exercising too. Gotta do it.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I wouldn't say they are not a runner. To be honest, a runner to me is someone who trains for some form of race...whether it's 5k or marathon. I personally can't run on a treadmill because I find it a kind of torturous hell to go absolutely nowhere. I need to be out there seeing the world and seeing how far I've gone.
    But it's all be honest as long as someone is working towards being healthy, I'm happy.
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Why the heck judge anyone at all. Run your own race.

    i do run my own race. often times quite slowly. sometimes very fast.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    I am new to running, just started last year. Then I hurt my knee and well I am actually just getting back to. Another aspect to consider why treadmills are used is safety. My schedule only allows for early morning or late evening workouts, and our town is not the safest so I use the gym. If I did not regularly use the treadmill I would never get to extend my distances or increase my pace....Saturday's and Sundays just are not enough. That said I love when I do get to run outside!! Like the other person commented there really is a realization process when nature calls and facilities ars not available! Call me what you like...runner....not a runner....not a REAL runner....does not affect me. I started this process at 285 on the sofa....the fact that I completed my first 5k, running the whole distance in 33 mins....Well that is an accomplishment I am proud of.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Given the choice of running on a treadmill vs. not running, I will stay inside and do "zumba". Its just too boring. This is MY preference. If someone chooses to run exclusively inside? More power to you. I couldnt do it.

    On a side note, the first time I felt like a "real runner" was when I had to crap in a corn field 6 miles into a 9 mile long run.

    ETA:typos and spelling. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to ride around 34 miles or so...
  • SimplySabR
    SimplySabR Posts: 48 Member
    I wouldn't say they are not a runner. To be honest, a runner to me is someone who trains for some form of race...whether it's 5k or marathon. I personally can't run on a treadmill because I find it a kind of torturous hell to go absolutely nowhere. I need to be out there seeing the world and seeing how far I've gone.
    But it's all be honest as long as someone is working towards being healthy, I'm happy.

    Im sure some would say that a "real runner" feels no need to race - they only run for the pure unadulterated pleasure of the run itself. :wink:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I wouldn't say they are not a runner. To be honest, a runner to me is someone who trains for some form of race...whether it's 5k or marathon. I personally can't run on a treadmill because I find it a kind of torturous hell to go absolutely nowhere. I need to be out there seeing the world and seeing how far I've gone.
    But it's all be honest as long as someone is working towards being healthy, I'm happy.

    Im sure some would say that a "real runner" feels no need to race - they only run for the pure unadulterated pleasure of the run itself. :wink:

    to paraphrase one of my favorite movies... "then how do you measure yourself with other runners?"

    "by height"
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Taking the identity of a runner is something that many newbies in the C25K group here ponder from time to time. Many feel it's awkward to call themselves runners and I struggled with the "label" in the beginning, too, but now my view is this: "Do you wear clothing you can run in? Running shoes? Maybe a heart-rate monitor and/or app/podcast to give you cues of some kind? Are you moving in a non-walking state? Yes? You're a runner." I hope this doesn't turn into a "walking is no exercise" discussion.

    why would walking, the most popular form of movement on the planet, not be considered exercise?
    Oh, it's not me who said it. There was an extensive discussion on that topic just a week or so ago here and my view was that walking is exercise. What I meant was I hope this doesn't turn into as ridiculous an exercise-shaming discussion as that one; "real" runners is sort of inviting to that direction and people, who haven't read the whole thread might jump to various conclusions.
  • occsunray
    occsunray Posts: 11 Member
    I think of runners as a group of inclusive, supportive people who do something they enjoy at every fitness level and persevering to better themselves. I get both feet off the ground while I sweat my butt off running my 12 minute mile on a treadmill. I am a runner. Quit being a douche bag.

    i don't like being called names, especially when i haven't said anything where i specifically judge people. i've asked if other runners, specifically runners that use the treadmill minimally, judge others that mostly use a treadmill.

    I think it was your use of the word "real" in the title of the post that got me bristled. I can not for the life of me understand why there has to be a distinction between "real runners" and "runners". I also don't understand why on an internet forums you have to be an elite runner to be worth anything. IMHO, the only "real runners" I know of are the ones beside me in the start chutes chatting and encouraging complete strangers. Sorry for the name calling, if you were just trying to ask a question. But why does it have to be asked?