Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • vicki_310
    vicki_310 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm new and I am really serious about starting my fitness journey I just need a little team to help me along my way
    :) add me please
  • Rianxlaura
    Rianxlaura Posts: 12
    Pretty new to MFP and just looking for friends so we can motivate each other and people who can keep a close eye on my food diary! :)
  • craftytasha
    craftytasha Posts: 22 Member
    I've used MFP this past year but I noticed that I've gained 25 pounds this school year so it's time to get serious so i can live a healthy lifestyle. I would love to swap tips with other people.
  • squiressara
    squiressara Posts: 64
    Hello! I just joined and am a positive reinforcement trainer for animals (that has let myself gain a few lbs... like 50.... since college) and am really looking to surround myself with positively reinforcing people to go through a healthy lifestyle overhaul with me! I promise to cheer you on too
  • crystyntx
    crystyntx Posts: 10
    I would like more friends to help support me! and I can support you!! I just started mfp this week !! I do really great when I work during the week, then I can go to the gym afterwards.. but on the weekends it is not easy at all!! I am from Tx and 46 yrs old.. Please help .. I would love to have you as a friend on here!! :happy:
  • drdelirium
    drdelirium Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! Signed up for MFP over a year ago and didn't even last a day. Been back for nearly two weeks and LOVING it -- the food log keeps me honest and very aware of the caloric/nutritional value of what I eat (and also motivates me to make healthier choices so I won't have to log anything too complicated or shaming!), and the forums have been educational (never knew about BMR and TDEE and how to factor that in, though I admit that since I changed my calorie goal up from 1200 sometimes I feel like I'm eating "too much") and inspiring! It's been 13 days and so far so good, and hope I stick with it...

    I'm 33yo, in NYC, 5'9", currently about 195lbs, and been overweight since puberty. I told myself in college that I would never get above 190, but the last couple years I've been solidly above that number. A couple of weeks ago I hit over 200 and that's when I KNEW I had crossed the line and really had to make a change before things get worse. Not only that, my husband and I would like to start a family, but I admit that part of me is absolutely TERRIFIED of the "baby weight" in addition to already being overweight, so I feel compelled to bring my baseline weight down before that happens.

    I'm liking the accountability of MFP's food diary, and got a FitBit last week which I love (it's like a grown-up Tamogotchi - this morning it told me it loved me!). I'm focusing more right now on food choices, and my exercise is mainly walking. I've had bursitis since February, but I hope to build up to jogging/running again (did it ~3 years ago with C25K and it was amazing), maybe by the end of summer.

    My dream goal is to get out of the "overweight" category of BMI, but the first goal is to get below 190. A side goal is to also be a source of inspiration/motivation to my husband; I've noticed even my obsessive food-logging in MFP is starting to help him make healthier choices as we talk about caloric values more, and it's encouraging!

    Anyway, add me, if you like! I'm easy-going, geeky/nerdy, and looking for weight-loss buddies to help keep me on track, and I hope to do the same for you, too!
  • hellakellasee
    hellakellasee Posts: 318 Member
    Hi all...I've been on MFP for a few months and after being super successful I've sorta fallen off the wagon when life got in the way (finishing up college, graduation, moving, starting a new job). Things have finally settled down but I need some new inspiration and motivation. I'm looking for new friends that can support me and visa versa. I currently workout doing insanity, t-25 and a running. Please send me some requests my way!!
  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new here and would love some friends! :)

    I'm a chef by trade, and I love modifying recipes to be low sodium, low sugar, gluten free, whatever is needed. Hit me up if you have food or nutrition questions. There's nothing I love more than talking food.
  • Second attempt at MFP and in need of some friends to keep me motivated! I always find people being able to see my diary makes me more aware of what I'm eating so add me if you want to keep each other on the straight and narrow. :]
    I don't want to look like Zoidberg without his shell on anymore, so this time I mean business!
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Training for fire dept and got a little heavy over the winter. I really have trouble sticking to diet/workout routines. Appreciate any motivation you all care to give!
  • nicoleambersumpter
    nicoleambersumpter Posts: 48 Member
    Trying to maintain, keep on track and get toned, Add me as a friend! :)
  • Hi everyone. I joined today and am always happy to make new friends.
  • reginevdd
    reginevdd Posts: 1
    Need to lose weight to improve my health. Need all the motivation to get back to a healthy lifestyle
  • Hi I am a mom of two and I am ready to get my body back. I am new to MFP and would love to get support and advice let's be friends :)
  • GenZombie
    GenZombie Posts: 117 Member
    Hello :smile:

    I am 29, happily married, Mommy of 4 :heart:

    I have been active daily since joining 40 days ago and have lost a total of 11lbs and some inches. My CW is 144 and my GW is 130 (although this number may change depending on the results.)

    My heaviest weight was around 200lbs (back in 2009) and I lost some weight here and there but always ended up gaining some of it back. Over the past few years my average weight was between 160-180lbs and after doing a bit of research and kicking a crazy Pepsi addiction I discovered this site. For the first time in years my BMI is in a healthy range and I am so excited with my results.

    I create art from home so my usual activity is pretty sedentary but I love finding new ways to work home exercises into my day.
    Feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • lbishop232
    lbishop232 Posts: 21 Member
    I definitely could use more friends on here! I would love to have more friends so we can help motivate each other!
  • Could use some friends to keep me motivated!!
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey there... I'm Lori, I'm not new, but I would love to have some more friends to keep me motivated and on track...I have fallen off the wagon, honestly I need a good swift kick in the rear...please help LOL!!
  • kerrianne86
    kerrianne86 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm always looking for more friends on MFP, feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Working on getting rid of the rest of my pregnancy weight - only about 8 lbs left to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was a bit chubbier than I would've like at that time so I'm reducing it even a bit more. Anyways, could always use more friends. Add me if you want :)