i refuse to kill myself!



  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    (i will not kill myself) gym post

    i just want to say i have learned these past few months to just love myself for me and not for what others think. i want to loose weight for me to be healthy and to be able to have little babies... i have been going to the gym but i will SAY i will not kill myself to go every single day i just wont do it. !

    just wana let everyone know ! and if you are to loose weight do it for you not for him or her or them .. Do it for you! be happy where you wanna be and do it ! keep your head up ive learned its def a commitment job and you have to be commited to it. im commited but i refuse to kill myself. and hurt my self to loose weight in the long run. i will do it at my own pace .and there is nothing wrong with that ! My daughter is 20 years younger and has more experience working out than me, I can't keep up with her


    unfriend me if you dont agree but im just being Str8 up with everyone :)

    ( jersey-ness came out :)) ) My daughter is 20 years younger, and has more experience than me, I can't keep up with her or start out like Jillian Michaels, I think I get what your're saying. Start out at your own pace and if anything hurts don't do it. Good luck to you
  • Eating healthier and adding in exercise will help you reach your goals. It doesn't have to be super intense to work for you. You know what will work for you better than anyone else. Good luck!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Yup, I won't kill myself either. I don't even really like getting sweaty.

    I like low impact excersize that doesn't require a gym. Swimming, biking, walking at a good clip, yoga.... Some corny aerobics DVDs for rainy days. That's all I do.
  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member
    Im so happy. Some of u all understood what i was saying. And than u have some who have to be like rhat and catch a grammar issue excuse me typo.. So what! But thank u all for the support. Negativity wont get me down, so negative people try someone else. I shared this cause I know there is many out there hiding, no need to hide ... but there us no need to hide ;) keep ur head up.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    daheq did I just read?
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Im so happy. Some of u all understood what i was saying. And than u have some who have to be like rhat and catch a grammar issue excuse me typo.. So what! But thank u all for the support. Negativity wont get me down, so negative people try someone else. I shared this cause I know there is many out there hiding, no need to hide ... but there us no need to hide ;) keep ur head up.


    You're 25?

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Good attitude OP! Fortunately, you don't have to kill yourself at the gym! Just go a few times per week, get your sweat on, and focus on maintaining a calorie deficit!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ( jersey-ness came out :)) )

    Not sure what this means....and I was born in Jersey.
    me too, but the whole post is wut?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Jersey girls are meh
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Jersey girls are meh
    come here a minute.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Jersey girls are meh
    come here a minute.

    A minute is all I need.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    i like really think your motivation is like super great OP!!! i hope you like continue to do wut like werks for you! i love your like jerseyness, sometimes i can like feel my cali-ness come out too! i totally like feel you on that!
  • sheliatheslim
    sheliatheslim Posts: 5 Member
    Surely though, its important to spell words right., in order to communicate with others?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Im so happy. Some of u all understood what i was saying. And than u have some who have to be like rhat and catch a grammar issue excuse me typo.. So what! But thank u all for the support. Negativity wont get me down, so negative people try someone else. I shared this cause I know there is many out there hiding, no need to hide ... but there us no need to hide ;) keep ur head up.

    Some people assumed you were trying to be positive and ran with that line of thought, but, understanding your rambling, incoherent collections of letters (they don't all form words) is impossible.

    If you honestly think that one has to kill themselves in the gym for success then you are misinformed. Now you write of people hiding which results in people scratching their heads while wondering what you're trying to convey. I recommend keeping your "jersey-ness" in check and allowing your literate and logical show. I am assuming those exist.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Doe Wii Bowling Count As Killing Myself?

    Just checking. Dont want to over do it.
  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member
    Yup, I won't kill myself either. I don't even really like getting sweaty. <<<< me either

    I like low impact excersize <<< ohh no lets bash on you cause u have a typo ... lol >>><<<<><><>

    that doesn't require a gym. Swimming, biking, walking at a good clip, yoga.... Some corny aerobics DVDs for rainy days. That's all I do.
  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member
    lol i love people!! just saying. idk if i'm 25, 50 or 100. i suck at spelling!! Obviously we got that from the First response i'm not understanding why people are still bashing . its ok tho they wont bring me down.


    but again thank you everyone for responding .! kind words are always wonderful and advise is as well!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    um ok. :huh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I know lots of "jersey girls" and I'm sure even they could not decode this.

    But NO. You don't have to kill yourself at the gym. I'm certain thousands and thousands of fit and thriving MFP members are living proof of that.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Jersey girls are meh
    come here a minute.

    A minute is all I need.

    Hey now. Jersey used to cool until people started using it as an adjective.