Fitbit $100. is it worth it?



  • gspoconn
    gspoconn Posts: 1
    My husband got one through work for $50 and loves it. On the other hand, I downloaded a free app called Run the Map that tracks my distance, route, time, and speed by using GPS. I was glad not to have to try to measure my step length, which I suppose would change depending on my speed. It does what I need for free.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I just bought a fitbit zip. All synced up and raring to go.
  • jstockler
    jstockler Posts: 15 Member
    I have a Fitbit Zip (since Jan) and I swear by it. I just saw it at Target for 59 bucks.
  • dbra58
    dbra58 Posts: 15 Member
    I got a fitbit One for Mother's Day, and I absolutely love it. It does sync with MFP, which syncs with Map my when I ride my bike, the calories I burned do show up on the One. It was just what I needed to get me motivated again. I work 12 hour shifts, and I'm working really hard to get all my steps in at work, when I don't I walk when I get home. That's something I've never done before!

    Oh, and check on Amazon, my hubby just got a Zip for ten dollars less, with free shipping.
    I say yes, it's worth it!
  • I3righti3lue24
    I3righti3lue24 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't have a FitBit, but I do have an Up24, and it definitly helps to keep me motivated!
  • Jujubee952
    Jujubee952 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the fitbit flex. I went back and forth between the flex and the one. I absolutely love it. It will just depend on what your expectations are on if you will like it or not. I love the competition aspect with my friends who also have one (I'm always battling for the #1 spot) so it keeps me motivated to move on days I don't want to.
    I also like that it tracks my sleep, and tells me how efficient my sleep is. I can convince myself I'm not tired because I look at it and know I got 7 1/2 hours of sleep so I'm good for the day (I have 2 small children so I ALWAYS feel tired).
    It's a great tool but it wont do miracles. It's just in how you use it. If you shop around you can get a good deal on them. Amazon has them for around $80. I got mine from Radio Shack, they were giving a $20 gift card and the extra band colors for free when I got it so I saved some money on that.

    I personally chose the flex so I wouldn't remember to have to take it on/off every day. I can easily see myself washing the one with jeans if I forgot to check pockets (which I am horrible at). Just do a little research on it to see what works best for you.
  • pjarellano
    pjarellano Posts: 18
    It is for me. I started with the less expensive one. My dog decided to take it off my desk and play with it. She was so in the dog house! I then got the fitbit one. My doctor was the one that showed me the fitbit in the first place. He wears his every day. He said it would be a good idea. Every day I needed to get in 10,000 steps. How ever it happened it needed to make it happen. So I started walking in the morning. Making sure I did at least 7500 steps during my walks. And the rest came though out the day. What a awesome feeling. In fact now I do an average of 12 to 14,000 steps a day. And the fitbit site keeps track of it all for me. It automatically updates on the computer. The best part is I make sure I walk in the morning before I go visit my doctor. We compare fitbits and he always looses. He does his rounds before going in the office. So he is impressed. Nothing feels better then your doctor saying your doing great. Weights down, your kicking my butt in fitbit numbers.
    A added program to keep me honest My fitbit and fitbit scale can now be seen in his office any day of the week. May not seem like a big deal. But boy does it keep the food out of my mouth. You know the "I don't see the doctor for 3 weeks so I can cheat a little this week, make up with good next week" No I can't. He will shoot a email to me post haste if I am not keeping my end up. So the fitbit is my life line.
    To answer your question, it depends on you. It isn't worth it if it is sitting on your dresser. But if you are going to use it. Totally worth it.
  • Journeygirl
    Journeygirl Posts: 40 Member
    I love my Fitbit flex. I was really not moving enough each day. I will just get off of the couch and march in place or walk around the house just to make my steps goal. It's amazing how happy I get when I get that buzz on my wrist and the dashboard happy faces pop up. It really does motivate me to move more. I'm happy I bought it.
  • slouw10
    slouw10 Posts: 82 Member
    I got mine for Mothersday too - and I love it! If you are a goal orientated person - you will do whatever it takes to make your 10 000 steps daily...(running in the bathroom on one spot...hahaha!)
  • leodora1
    leodora1 Posts: 77 Member
    I LOVE my fitbit. I love data. I love stats. I like to have a measuring tool. It is very accurate. Downside: it is based on steps so it does not convert non step activities to steps like cycling, rowing, weight lifting, etc.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    You can get the Zip for $60.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    If you have a Walgreens in your area they are on sale for $69.99 right now(price might vary by location). I was thinking about buying it.
  • EvelynArroyo1995
    I love love love my fitbit.. it really helps you recognize how active you are throughout the day. I didn't realize how sedentary i was till i started using my fitbit!
  • shawbird67
    shawbird67 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have fitbit but have downloaded an app called Pacer which is free; it counts your steps direct from the phone and also you can set an alarm to go off if you have been still for over an hour; this too syncs with myfitness pal.
  • Ken_Roper
    Ken_Roper Posts: 51 Member
    We have them at work, as an incentive to be more active. They do encourage you to be active (but so do the much less expensive apps that you can load on your android or apple phones).

    One thing that bothers me a little is that 4 of the 60 that wee purchased have already died. Covered by warranty at this point (only a few months old), but the failure rate seems high. Other than that, the software on the phone and computer/tablet is great (you add friends and can compete to see who gets the most steps in during a week) as well as earn "badges" for achievements -- such as hitting 10,000 steps in a day, 15,000 steps in a day, etc.

    Not sure I would lay down $100 to buy one for myself, but, since the employer paid for them and we have them as a loaner, I'm happy with mine.
  • lamafield66
    I love my fitbit. It helped me to realize I was not sleeping like I really need to. I like it tracks all my movements. I was amazed at just how much I walk in a day at work. It is worth every penny if you want to see what you are doing and when.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    If you have a Walgreens in your area they are on sale for $69.99 right now(price might vary by location). I was thinking about buying it.

    AND sych it with your walgreens accounts for FREE POINTS!! with the walk your way with walgreens synch :D
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It really depends on how much you are willing to pay for motivation, and what would motivate you. If you think the fitbit system would give you the required push then go for it!

    For my own purposes, I don't find the idea very motivating. I have a free app called "Moves" (recently bought by Facebook.. I hope that doesn't change it) and it's extremely accurate. It can tell the difference between steps and other kinds of movements like being in a car (it lists car movements as "transport"). Very simple and very minimal. That's what I use for counting steps.

    For motivation I use audiobooks. I would buy an audiobook I'm really excited about, split it into 30 minute files and only listen to them while walking. It keeps me excited to know what happens next. For a particularly good book it has pushed me to turn my 30 minute walk into a 60 or sometimes a 90 minute workout. One of the books was so good that I walked 90 minutes twice a day.
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    I bought a Jawbone UP last week (fitbit and up24 won't sync with my iPhone 4) and though I've only had it for a short time, it has made me much more conscious of my activity level. I was off work for the first few days after I had it and hitting 10,000 steps was a breeze but I was STUNNED at how much my activity level dropped when I got back to the office. It makes me want to get up and move as much as I can at work, and make sure to go on walks before/after work so I can meet my goal.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex and LOVE it. Yeah, it might be a fancy pedometer, but it really encourages me to move around. I love the sleep tracking feature and the silent alarm. I love that it pairs with MFP as well.