NEWSFLASH: McDonald’s existed back when I was a kid



  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Companies will do whatever they can do make money. Many people here seem to think that's some kind of genius argument and stop their thinking there.

    Consumers have power too. If consumers demand healthier food, nutritional information (as they have) and choose healthier options, companies have to change. It's a combination of personal responsibility and an understanding of consumer rights.

    You are absolutely correct...consumers have power too. They have the power to choose what and how they eat. If they continue to choose to buy junk the company will continue to make junk, as you continue to call it that. If people stop going and buying the high calorie foods , the larger sizes, the sodas Etc. then the companies will do survey's find out what people want and cater to them. In the end yes companies are out to make money and if they stop making money off food that people are wrongly blaming for their obesity problems then companies will change their business plans. Supply....Demand.

    Now if you want to talk about people not being educated on proper eating their could also be an argument set forth that it is the individuals responsibility to do that as well. Nobody can say that the information is not readily available, the internet has taken care of that. Even food labels tell you that the calories and percentages are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet and some of the labels says that the 2000 calories is the recommended intake for a person.

    That's a rather strange argument because the only reason why the demand would change is because of the education... but if everyone is personally responsible, not working together, then how would that information get out?

    The point is the information is already out their. I am not saying that I wanted to start an argument about who's responsibility it is to educate yourself I said an argument could be made that it is each individuals responsibility. Personally when I have a question about something I go and try and find answers in some way shape or form taking it upon myself to make sure I am educated. I know not everyone has that kind of drive and I am by no means saying that everyone should but I am saying that I think that each person has some type of responsibility to find out what they need to know to make it through life once you are an adult and technically supposed to be responsible. Can people ban together to request information and change...yes and they do it because they realize they don't have answers and they want to know things or they found answers and see a problem.

    So again I agree with you that people have power. They have the power to make choices based on what they know and what they can find out. If one chooses not to be educated about something and jumps in head first it is not the fault of the educators or the holders of the information but the individual who should have thought a little before going about their business. They also have the power to enact change but you cannot force your changes upon others because they have to make their own choices. Again it all comes back to individual choices.

    Maybe we're agreeing, I'm not sure.

    I know that the decision to eat at McDonalds or not is personal, of course. But the way to know what's in the food, demand healthier options etc., that's something people have to do together. The information for you to find would not be there if other people didn't find it and demand that it was available. For example, back when Morgan Spurlock was making Supersize Me, there was a nutritional info card hidden somewhere in the restaurant, but none on display.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with eating out. And the moms and dads feeding their kids mcdonalds don't always know it's terrible. Fewer of them do it after information started to spread. But info only spreads when we think beyond just ourselves and look out for each other.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I think maybe you don't enjoy critically looking at problems. Which is fine, but McDonalds is part of the cheap fast food that is making people obese - it's unhealthy food that is cheap. They do have some duty towards their customers not to feed them crap. Yes, McDonalds existed when you were a kid. People became more and more obese during your lifetime so far.

    Your comments about the Occupy Wall Street movements are similar.

    It's possible to lose weight, but there's no known cure for conservatism/libertarianism/whatever it is that stops you seeing things in context. As Stephen Colbert pointed out, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias."

    Nobody forces you to eat fast food. Just saying

    I am going to have to straddle the fence. Personally I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in about 4 years. I just don't feel that good after eating there.

    I was a Cub Scout when the first McDonalds opened in my area (So Cal). We were invited on a field trip to see how the assembly line of burgers were created. And it was, literally, an assembly line. McDonalds went to great lengths back in the early 60's to invite and host school trips and groups such as the Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.

    Nobody gave a darn 50 years ago about the nutritional content. It was decades before any fast food establishment was held accountable for revealing nutrional values. It was all about convenience and quick service. I do think McDonalds and all the rest must accept some of the culpability for the "fattening" of America.

    Those of you that say we have a choice are 100% correct, but the fact is this culture of eating fast food has been force fed to the last couple of generatiions, and, when it's finally revealed that this may not be all that healthy, fast food convenience is already ingrained in the culture.

    Comparing Ronald McDonald to Joe Camel is not as outrageous as one might think. It's all how the product is marketed to the public.

    Go ahead. Beat me up. Tell me how ill-informed I am.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Companies will do whatever they can do make money. Many people here seem to think that's some kind of genius argument and stop their thinking there.

    Consumers have power too. If consumers demand healthier food, nutritional information (as they have) and choose healthier options, companies have to change. It's a combination of personal responsibility and an understanding of consumer rights.

    You are absolutely correct...consumers have power too. They have the power to choose what and how they eat. If they continue to choose to buy junk the company will continue to make junk, as you continue to call it that. If people stop going and buying the high calorie foods , the larger sizes, the sodas Etc. then the companies will do survey's find out what people want and cater to them. In the end yes companies are out to make money and if they stop making money off food that people are wrongly blaming for their obesity problems then companies will change their business plans. Supply....Demand.

    Now if you want to talk about people not being educated on proper eating their could also be an argument set forth that it is the individuals responsibility to do that as well. Nobody can say that the information is not readily available, the internet has taken care of that. Even food labels tell you that the calories and percentages are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet and some of the labels says that the 2000 calories is the recommended intake for a person.

    That's a rather strange argument because the only reason why the demand would change is because of the education... but if everyone is personally responsible, not working together, then how would that information get out?

    The point is the information is already out their. I am not saying that I wanted to start an argument about who's responsibility it is to educate yourself I said an argument could be made that it is each individuals responsibility. Personally when I have a question about something I go and try and find answers in some way shape or form taking it upon myself to make sure I am educated. I know not everyone has that kind of drive and I am by no means saying that everyone should but I am saying that I think that each person has some type of responsibility to find out what they need to know to make it through life once you are an adult and technically supposed to be responsible. Can people ban together to request information and change...yes and they do it because they realize they don't have answers and they want to know things or they found answers and see a problem.

    So again I agree with you that people have power. They have the power to make choices based on what they know and what they can find out. If one chooses not to be educated about something and jumps in head first it is not the fault of the educators or the holders of the information but the individual who should have thought a little before going about their business. They also have the power to enact change but you cannot force your changes upon others because they have to make their own choices. Again it all comes back to individual choices.

    Maybe we're agreeing, I'm not sure.

    I know that the decision to eat at McDonalds or not is personal, of course. But the way to know what's in the food, demand healthier options etc., that's something people have to do together. The information for you to find would not be there if other people didn't find it and demand that it was available.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with eating out. And the moms and dads feeding their kids mcdonalds don't always know it's terrible. Fewer of them do it after information started to spread. But info only spreads when we think beyond just ourselves and look out for each other.

    McDonald's has made every effort to accomodate market trends that reflect the choice of healthier lifestyles, and as long as Americans continually make a concious effort towards healthier lifestyle, McDonald's will continue to do so.


    You still condemn them...
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I think maybe you don't enjoy critically looking at problems. Which is fine, but McDonalds is part of the cheap fast food that is making people obese - it's unhealthy food that is cheap. They do have some duty towards their customers not to feed them crap. Yes, McDonalds existed when you were a kid. People became more and more obese during your lifetime so far.

    Your comments about the Occupy Wall Street movements are similar.

    It's possible to lose weight, but there's no known cure for conservatism/libertarianism/whatever it is that stops you seeing things in context. As Stephen Colbert pointed out, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias."

    Nobody forces you to eat fast food. Just saying

  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Companies will do whatever they can do make money. Many people here seem to think that's some kind of genius argument and stop their thinking there.

    Consumers have power too. If consumers demand healthier food, nutritional information (as they have) and choose healthier options, companies have to change. It's a combination of personal responsibility and an understanding of consumer rights.

    You are absolutely correct...consumers have power too. They have the power to choose what and how they eat. If they continue to choose to buy junk the company will continue to make junk, as you continue to call it that. If people stop going and buying the high calorie foods , the larger sizes, the sodas Etc. then the companies will do survey's find out what people want and cater to them. In the end yes companies are out to make money and if they stop making money off food that people are wrongly blaming for their obesity problems then companies will change their business plans. Supply....Demand.

    Now if you want to talk about people not being educated on proper eating their could also be an argument set forth that it is the individuals responsibility to do that as well. Nobody can say that the information is not readily available, the internet has taken care of that. Even food labels tell you that the calories and percentages are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet and some of the labels says that the 2000 calories is the recommended intake for a person.

    That's a rather strange argument because the only reason why the demand would change is because of the education... but if everyone is personally responsible, not working together, then how would that information get out?

    The point is the information is already out their. I am not saying that I wanted to start an argument about who's responsibility it is to educate yourself I said an argument could be made that it is each individuals responsibility. Personally when I have a question about something I go and try and find answers in some way shape or form taking it upon myself to make sure I am educated. I know not everyone has that kind of drive and I am by no means saying that everyone should but I am saying that I think that each person has some type of responsibility to find out what they need to know to make it through life once you are an adult and technically supposed to be responsible. Can people ban together to request information and change...yes and they do it because they realize they don't have answers and they want to know things or they found answers and see a problem.

    So again I agree with you that people have power. They have the power to make choices based on what they know and what they can find out. If one chooses not to be educated about something and jumps in head first it is not the fault of the educators or the holders of the information but the individual who should have thought a little before going about their business. They also have the power to enact change but you cannot force your changes upon others because they have to make their own choices. Again it all comes back to individual choices.

    Maybe we're agreeing, I'm not sure.

    I know that the decision to eat at McDonalds or not is personal, of course. But the way to know what's in the food, demand healthier options etc., that's something people have to do together. The information for you to find would not be there if other people didn't find it and demand that it was available.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with eating out. And the moms and dads feeding their kids mcdonalds don't always know it's terrible. Fewer of them do it after information started to spread. But info only spreads when we think beyond just ourselves and look out for each other.

    McDonald's has made every effort to accomodate market trends that reflect the choice of healthier lifestyles, and as long as Americans continually make a concious effort towards healthier lifestyle, McDonald's will continue to do so.


    You still condemn them...

    McDonalds is not a person, it is a company. Consumers demand good quality products from the company, and in exchange they buy those products. Nobody's feeling are being hurt. They still sell a lot of crap. They are changing, but only so far as the pressure is maintained. Why? Because if they can fob people off with cheap stuff, they make more money. Consumers have to be vigilant.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Lowest quality? How do you figure? They use low quality cows and chickens to make their 100% beef burgers, wraps and sandwiches?
    Um . . . yes they do.

    Frankly, why aren't we mad at the FDA? That impotent, bloated, and corrupt agency allows high fructose corn syrup. And a host of other ****ty, harmful crap.

    But that's another thread for different rant.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    You can't really compare when you were a kid and our current society. There are many factors that have changed in that time that makes the comparison pretty odd. Portion sizes have increased at restaurants, and has been well-documented. The increase in portion sizes, together with the sad economy and our lack of activity (in general), is what has made our society super obese. All but the economy factor are personal decisions.

    Personal responsibility is very important. I agree with your overall point, but I think you have oversimplified things a bit.
  • dutchi2010
    dutchi2010 Posts: 47 Member
    Yesssss!!!! No one can make you eat unhealthy or feed your kids unhealthy meals. When I eat hot wings its because I wanted them.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I agree. They don't even put as much food in the Happy Meals as they did when I was a kid, and offer healthier options like yogurt and apple slices now. Do I blame my parents for my fast food addiction, to some extent, yes. But that is because from a very young age, we ate A LOT of fast food. There was even a point when I was 10 where my mom was working, and was too tired to cook, so we had a fast food schedule on the fridge for which fast food place we would get food from EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK. But that's not McDonalds' fault. And it is my fault every time I CHOOSE to have fast food now as an adult, and only I am responsible for the consequences.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Now I know why companies have to put warning labels on everything!!! JS
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.

    I couldn't agree more.

    That's actually a much better way to put it than I did.

    Everybody, I'm sorry for the aggressive tone I took, especially at the start.
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    As a non-American this is something I cannot wrap my head around. McD's is " so bad " for your children that you don't eat it regularly, but it is good enough as a " treat " .
    Does that not prove that you are just as much a victim of the fast food culture ( which is set up for people to not be able to escape ) as those who eat it several times a week ? Not looking for controversy....just wondering.
    You are btw the second poster in a handful of posts who considers McD's bad, but good enough to eat on special occasions. As I said, I don't get it.

    I think we view it that way because we view anything that is not a regular thing for us as a treat here. If that makes sense. Our kids are always excited about whatever little toy they happen to get when we actually stop at a fast food place. So it's a treat to them.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    *sigh* I didn't say vendor were responsbile.for anyone's weight or health.

    But others have and the only point I was trying to make is that people are responsible for their own situation. Also, I agree that a healthy diet is definable. What I don't agree with is labeling everything at McDonalds "crap" and labeling everything at a co-op "healthy". The implication in some posts in this thread is that eating at McDonalds is "eating crap" and is not "eating healthy", regardless of what you eat and how much of it you eat, whereas I think it's certainly possible to eat at McDonalds as part of a "healthy diet." To the extent people want to talk about a lack of education contributing to the obesity epidemic, I'd argue that attaching useless labels like "crap" and "healthy" to specific food choices evidences such a lack of education and simply adds misinformation to the discussion.

    I agree with most of that, though I think the misinformation and confusion come from people try to extrapolate every food that is not a "healthy food" to be an "unhealthy food" or that it can't be part of a "healthy diet". As if the world of healthy eating is all black and white.

    I would just avoid such labels altogether unless you're talking about generalizations. Meaning, for someone who isn't tracking their calories, you could potentially refer to such foods as generally unhealthy for that person because those foods are very rich in calories and/or not filling, and in that context such a label might be beneficial. But for someone tracking their macros/calories, I really can't understand how a particular food, considered in isolation and without regard to quantity, can be considered "healthy" or "unhealthy" - or, for that matter, "crap." Usually when I see those terms being thrown around, it has to do with either "clean" eating or someone confusing a food's "quality" with the food's effect on their "health." Such labels only serve to confuse the issue because, as you said, it's not all black and white.
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    Companies will do whatever they can do make money. Many people here seem to think that's some kind of genius argument and stop their thinking there.

    Consumers have power too. If consumers demand healthier food, nutritional information (as they have) and choose healthier options, companies have to change. It's a combination of personal responsibility and an understanding of consumer rights.

    You are absolutely correct...consumers have power too. They have the power to choose what and how they eat. If they continue to choose to buy junk the company will continue to make junk, as you continue to call it that. If people stop going and buying the high calorie foods , the larger sizes, the sodas Etc. then the companies will do survey's find out what people want and cater to them. In the end yes companies are out to make money and if they stop making money off food that people are wrongly blaming for their obesity problems then companies will change their business plans. Supply....Demand.

    Now if you want to talk about people not being educated on proper eating their could also be an argument set forth that it is the individuals responsibility to do that as well. Nobody can say that the information is not readily available, the internet has taken care of that. Even food labels tell you that the calories and percentages are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet and some of the labels says that the 2000 calories is the recommended intake for a person.

    That's a rather strange argument because the only reason why the demand would change is because of the education... but if everyone is personally responsible, not working together, then how would that information get out?

    The point is the information is already out their. I am not saying that I wanted to start an argument about who's responsibility it is to educate yourself I said an argument could be made that it is each individuals responsibility. Personally when I have a question about something I go and try and find answers in some way shape or form taking it upon myself to make sure I am educated. I know not everyone has that kind of drive and I am by no means saying that everyone should but I am saying that I think that each person has some type of responsibility to find out what they need to know to make it through life once you are an adult and technically supposed to be responsible. Can people ban together to request information and change...yes and they do it because they realize they don't have answers and they want to know things or they found answers and see a problem.

    So again I agree with you that people have power. They have the power to make choices based on what they know and what they can find out. If one chooses not to be educated about something and jumps in head first it is not the fault of the educators or the holders of the information but the individual who should have thought a little before going about their business. They also have the power to enact change but you cannot force your changes upon others because they have to make their own choices. Again it all comes back to individual choices.

    Maybe we're agreeing, I'm not sure.

    I know that the decision to eat at McDonalds or not is personal, of course. But the way to know what's in the food, demand healthier options etc., that's something people have to do together. The information for you to find would not be there if other people didn't find it and demand that it was available. For example, back when Morgan Spurlock was making Supersize Me, there was a nutritional info card hidden somewhere in the restaurant, but none on display.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with eating out. And the moms and dads feeding their kids mcdonalds don't always know it's terrible. Fewer of them do it after information started to spread. But info only spreads when we think beyond just ourselves and look out for each other.

    I agree with you on some points you have made but not all

    Yeah but he was able to get the info in that movie granted it took him a while but he did get it. I am also sure that McDonald's had a website back then as well that more than likely had the information. It is not your responsibility to look out for me though. It is each person's responsibility to find out what they are eating or educate themselves. if information isn't available then yes by all means blame the company for hiding it. There is no way you can blame fast food companies for obesity anymore because the information is everywhere. Nobody is hiding anything. In a lot of case, I will not say all because of medical conditions, people are choosing to overeat and that is why we are a big fat nation and they are making these choices with all the information right in front of them.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Bravo! Individual responsibility has somehow become lost in our current society. No one holds people at gun point and makes them eat junk food, fast food or any food. Its a choice. If you make your bed, you get to lie in it. That seems to be a hard pill to swallow for people these days.

    So, for the 18 yo that has been obese since childhood and is now struggling to change everything they've ever known about food and eating while also stuggling with all the other drama of becoming an adult. Just a lack of individual responsibility?

    Not sure what your point is?? As a parent of an 18 y/o and step-parent of a 19 y/o both of whom have jobs. If they don't like what is available at the house (which is mostly healthier choices) - they drive themselves to McD's, Taco Bell, Wendy's or WHEREVER and buy whatever they want to eat. If not, they will go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of frozen crap, chips, cookies, ice cream etc. Quick and easy. That's what they're looking for bc they are 1. not interested in eating healthy and 2. they are too damn lazy to fix themselves something to eat.

    This is NOT how they were raised but it IS how they choose to live. So ALL fast food joints should revise their entire menus and FORCE them to eat healthier choices? I think not. They're going to have to decide on their own, when they're ready, to make different choices.

    Ridiculous mind-set these days - we must protect everyone from themself.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.

    Exactly this - you summed it up well.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.

    This seems alittle too sensible for an online discussion board - BURN THE WITCH
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Agree with OP!!! When I was a kid - My Mom made us delicious nutritious home cooked meals and taught us how to eat healthy balanced meals. McDonald's was an occasional 'treat', not something we ate all the time.