NEWSFLASH: McDonald’s existed back when I was a kid



  • BookMaven79
    BookMaven79 Posts: 41
    It's not all fast food. We live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, 20 miles from a town big enough to have a fast food restaurant. You know what? People are fat here, too, and most don't eat out more than once or twice a month. It's processed food and too much of it due to the expense of fresh foods in a tiny grocery store, not enough exercise, and sedentary jobs/lifestyles to blame, not fast food places. Heck, grapes are $5/pound. Families struggling are not purchasing fresh fruits and veggies, but instead cheap frozen meals, mac n cheese, breads, etc. I blame the higher cost of healthy food far more than the fast food places, especially for those who cannot afford to or don't have access to traveling to purchase lower-cost groceries. The kids whose parents have them walk to school, the library, the pool, and friends' houses are generally thin. Those whose moms cart them from place to place tend to be chunky. I bet those are the moms giving in to letting Jr. eat whatever he/she wants rather than preparing healthy options, too.

    A good friend of mine has lost 60 pounds this year cooking and eating healthy food, but her two teenagers refuse to eat a fruit or vegetable, and both are still obese. They won't eat at home and then walk to the gas station and buy donuts and chips for supper. It CAN be done, but you have to want to do it.

    Nobody is forcing you to eat at McDonalds.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    Now of course, that is a very broad generalization about government programs and has nothing to do with McDonald's. I feel bad for McDonald's. They are the go-to scapegoat for the "big bad fast food monsters". No one demonizes Taco Bell or Subway like they do McDonald's.

    McDonalds doesn't get hurt feelings or even lose money by making healthier products.

    Do you work in the finance department at McDs?

    Well that would be an interesting twist!

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...NO.

    Which means you probably haven't run a cost benefit analysis on each individual healthier item sold at McDs, cross checked by state (if we are being pretty general, otherwise each store) and country? And, then you probably also haven't run a cost benefit analysis of integrating the healthier items in the meal choices providing that's what consumers even want. Per the latter point, this is debatable considering the fact that McDs has struggled to sell it's healthier products...

    And I'm going to out there on a limb and say you haven't a cost benefit analysis of a total menu overhaul....

    Considering you haven't done all this, I'm pretty sure you can't confidently say that McDs doesn't stand to lose money by making healthier products.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    The VA is the Department of Veterans Affairs. They provide healthcare to military service members who have separated from service. They are separate from the Department of Defense and receive funding directly from the government. They have been under fire for years now for not providing adequate and timely services to those who come to them for help - not necessarily the organization as a whole, but VA offices in different states. Like any other healthcare system or hospital, some are awesome, and some plain suck. And like any other healthcare system or hospital, they also have people with legitimate complaints and others who are just mad that things aren't going the way they want them to.

    Thankyou, I appreciate it.
    Do you mind if I ask, are they Governement funded or Government controlled or both?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Actually, McDonald's earnings are shrinking and they have been making efforts to change their menu. With that said, I HATE McDonald's. My kids love it. The get it as a treat every once in awhile.

    But I agree with some posters that this is not a black and white argument. The problem with cheap, processed, carb heavy foods like McD's is that you get the most calorie for your buck. Not nutrition. But it fills bellies and for the poor, it's a viable option and they are more likely to eat there 2-3 times a day because it's cheap food that makes you feel full whereas the brussels sprouts at the grocery are almost $4 per pound (non-organic). I'm lucky that I can afford healthy, nutritious food for my kids. I do not judge those who can't. I just think that there is some gray area that a lot of the posters on this thread don't recognize. Personal responsibility yes. Does McDonald's 'make' people fat, no. Are they part of a system that benefits from the high cost of healthy food and decreasing real wages of the middle class, yes. I'm guessing most of the personal responsibility people also hate Obamacare. People gonna be needing it if we can't make real food more affordable.

    I'm sorry, but I don't need the federal government telling me what I can eat, drink, or what kind of medical services I'm entitled to.

    Look at what is going on with the VA... that is what you get with federally-provided health care. The government deciding who gets what services because government-provided resources are limited.

    Having lived my whole life in Northern Ireland and received excellent care from the publicly funded National Health Service if required, I obviously have a very different mind set to you regarding health care. If everyone's taxes fund it, we're all entitled to use it.
    That's fine, - different culture etc - no need to argue.
    But can I ask what the VA is that you're referring to?

    VA stands for Veterans Affairs. It's the health care system provided to current and former American soldiers.

    *edited to add more recent article.

    Active duty military do not get healthcare through the VA. They get treated at a military treatment facility and their families are enrolled in Tricare, and depending on the plan can also get treatment at a MTF or through a private provider. Active duty healthcare and the VA are two separate things.

    Whatever...remove the word "current" from my previous post. The point is that when you give the government your choice over the healthcare services that you receive, then you run the risk of being deemed "not eligible" for services that you need.

    You can sue a private provider. You can't sue the government.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Just wanted to throw out that I lost all my weight, dropped from 30% BF to 13-15%, improved all my health markers to the normal or perfect range all while eating McDonalds at least 5 times a week.

    Great post OP. There is NOTHING wrong with McDonalds!
  • .
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    For the "McDonald's is EVIL crowd":

    You do realize that if you went to a small corner mom-and-pop restaurant and ordered burgers and'd still be eating the same amount of calories right that you'd get at McD's right? You do realize you'd still get fat if you did that every day right?

    You'd probably pay a lot more though.
    I can get a large meal ( Burger / Fries / Drink ) at McD's for like £5.
    If I go to a wee local restaurant or pub I'll pay about £8.
    Although at the latter it'll probably be better quality meat / bread etc so worth the extra few £

    You don't get more quality foods though. That's my point. Sounds like you're from the UK, but if you ever go to a southern "home-style" restaurant in America, you'd get about twice the amount of calories from McDonald's. My point is, McDonald's has no more of a responsibility to make "healthy" foods than your local pub. And since local restuarants aren't referred to as evil, it's a wee bit hypocritical to refer to the McD's that way.
  • bluffnmuffn318
    bluffnmuffn318 Posts: 40 Member
    Nice post.
  • outdoorslife
    outdoorslife Posts: 28 Member
    No, they don't force me. I don't eat fast food often, but when people are busy and they need access to a cheap meal, they go to places like McDonalds and other places. It's not a crime to want a cheap lunch. The places that purport to serve food have a responsibility to the people they serve.

    Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican.

    They do serve food. Its not up to your standards perhaps, or your desire, but it does meet regulation. So they salt it, so the put in HFCS etc... None of which is sawdust, heavy metals or illegal. They list their ingredients,and the nutritional content. You don't like it, vote with your feet and wallet. They are being responsible, legally.
    So now you want to tell me what to eat and how much it should be processed? Go eat in your own sandbox and stay out of mine. If I want a serving of their fries then so be it, it's MY problem, NOT YOURS.
    Same with the whiners who say McD's made them fat. Load of poo. Stop shoving it in your mouth and go get some exercise. Sheeze. And the do serve a salad with a grilled chicken breast. Pretty healthy in the grand scheme of what McD's offers.

    No I don't work for them, but I am sick of people whining about McD's and the like. No I am not super fit, in fact I am about 45 lbs overweight right now, still eat some cape cod kettle chips - why? cause I like how they taste. Don't eat at McD's since I don't like their food in general, but on a road trip, I know what to expect and I can budget the calories appropriately and take responsibility for what I eat and work the weight off 1lb at a time.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Americans are poor, fast food is cheap. I am a genius and everything that there is to know about this topic can be deduced using my incredible observation as an a priori position. /thread
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    For the "McDonald's is EVIL crowd":

    You do realize that if you went to a small corner mom-and-pop restaurant and ordered burgers and'd still be eating the same amount of calories right that you'd get at McD's right? You do realize you'd still get fat if you did that every day right?

    I would like you to frame this argument replacing McDonald's with the faces of those Southern Moms and Pops that serve fried porkbellies, chitlins, ribs, corncobs soaked in transfat "butter."

    Go and get your protest face on and "occupy" the street corners in front of those restaurants. Call them evil. Thought not. It's just a lot easier to "occupy" evil, faceless companies.

    Nobody is saying any of that though.

    ... I mean, you are I guess, but you're trying to say other people are saying those things and nobody is. Nobody has called for a boycott of McDonalds, even, except the people who say that it's unhealthy so just don't eat there instead of asking them to change.

    Okay, maybe you're not calling for a boycott; but you're certainly holding McD's to a higher standard than your average mom and pops as evidenced by what you posted earlier....

    "Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican."

    Or were you including every locally owned restaurant as part of your argument when you say "companies?"
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member

    My concern is not that it makes you fat, it's not like it's some insanely calorie-dense food. What gets to me is the reason fast-food is fast, it's processed.

    More over, accountability for being a fat *kitten* is something a lot of folks refuse to take. How often do you see fit parents with obese children? I'll let you know when I come across that family.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    For the "McDonald's is EVIL crowd":

    You do realize that if you went to a small corner mom-and-pop restaurant and ordered burgers and'd still be eating the same amount of calories right that you'd get at McD's right? You do realize you'd still get fat if you did that every day right?

    I would like you to frame this argument replacing McDonald's with the faces of those Southern Moms and Pops that serve fried porkbellies, chitlins, ribs, corncobs soaked in transfat "butter."

    Go and get your protest face on and "occupy" the street corners in front of those restaurants. Call them evil. Thought not. It's just a lot easier to "occupy" evil, faceless companies.

    Nobody is saying any of that though.

    ... I mean, you are I guess, but you're trying to say other people are saying those things and nobody is. Nobody has called for a boycott of McDonalds, even, except the people who say that it's unhealthy so just don't eat there instead of asking them to change.

    Okay, maybe you're not calling for a boycott; but you're certainly holding McD's to a higher standard than your average mom and pops as evidenced by what you posted earlier....

    "Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican."

    Or were you including every locally owned restaurant as part of your argument when you say "companies?"

    That's an interesting angle.

    Locally owned restaurants should obviously not serve crap either, but then that's for that local community to focus on, learn about and lobby together.

    McDonalds is a global issue, so the global community reacts to it.
  • melodylou
    melodylou Posts: 22 Member
    I can sue McDonald's because I was too dumb to know my coffee would be hot and I spilled it because the lid wasn't pushed on all the way.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    No, they don't force me. I don't eat fast food often, but when people are busy and they need access to a cheap meal, they go to places like McDonalds and other places. It's not a crime to want a cheap lunch. The places that purport to serve food have a responsibility to the people they serve.

    Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican.

    They do serve food. Its not up to your standards perhaps, or your desire, but it does meet regulation. So they salt it, so the put in HFCS etc... None of which is sawdust, heavy metals or illegal. They list their ingredients,and the nutritional content. You don't like it, vote with your feet and wallet. They are being responsible, legally.
    So now you want to tell me what to eat and how much it should be processed? Go eat in your own sandbox and stay out of mine. If I want a serving of their fries then so be it, it's MY problem, NOT YOURS.
    Same with the whiners who say McD's made them fat. Load of poo. Stop shoving it in your mouth and go get some exercise. Sheeze. And the do serve a salad with a grilled chicken breast. Pretty healthy in the grand scheme of what McD's offers.

    No I don't work for them, but I am sick of people whining about McD's and the like. No I am not super fit, in fact I am about 45 lbs overweight right now, still eat some cape cod kettle chips - why? cause I like how they taste. Don't eat at McD's since I don't like their food in general, but on a road trip, I know what to expect and I can budget the calories appropriately and take responsibility for what I eat and work the weight off 1lb at a time.

    The point is that consumer rights groups are the reason why the information about mcdonalds is out there and why they have also tried to make healthier changes. They serve less crap to less people because lots of people took action for themselves and each other.

    If you want to eat the crap instead of the salads, go ahead! It's not a personal campaign to change what YOU eat.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Love your poem, I am going to repost it. Hope that is ok. I will give your username credit! THANK YOU! :happy:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    For the "McDonald's is EVIL crowd":

    You do realize that if you went to a small corner mom-and-pop restaurant and ordered burgers and'd still be eating the same amount of calories right that you'd get at McD's right? You do realize you'd still get fat if you did that every day right?

    I would like you to frame this argument replacing McDonald's with the faces of those Southern Moms and Pops that serve fried porkbellies, chitlins, ribs, corncobs soaked in transfat "butter."

    Go and get your protest face on and "occupy" the street corners in front of those restaurants. Call them evil. Thought not. It's just a lot easier to "occupy" evil, faceless companies.

    Nobody is saying any of that though.

    ... I mean, you are I guess, but you're trying to say other people are saying those things and nobody is. Nobody has called for a boycott of McDonalds, even, except the people who say that it's unhealthy so just don't eat there instead of asking them to change.

    Okay, maybe you're not calling for a boycott; but you're certainly holding McD's to a higher standard than your average mom and pops as evidenced by what you posted earlier....

    "Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican."

    Or were you including every locally owned restaurant as part of your argument when you say "companies?"

    That's an interesting angle.

    Locally owned restaurants should obviously not serve crap either, but then that's for that local community to focus on, learn about and lobby together.

    McDonalds is a global issue, so the global community reacts to it.

    Again ... no. The choice to eat fast food or not is personal. The choice to drink large or small beverages is personal. The portion size I buy is a personal choice as well.
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    I am going to have to straddle the fence. Personally I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in about 4 years. I just don't feel that good after eating there.

    I was a Cub Scout when the first McDonalds opened in my area (So Cal). We were invited on a field trip to see how the assembly line of burgers were created. And it was, literally, an assembly line. McDonalds went to great lengths back in the early 60's to invite and host school trips and groups such as the Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.

    Nobody gave a darn 50 years ago about the nutritional content. It was decades before any fast food establishment was held accountable for revealing nutrional values. It was all about convenience and quick service. I do think McDonalds and all the rest must accept some of the culpability for the "fattening" of America.

    Those of you that say we have a choice are 100% correct, but the fact is this culture of eating fast food has been force fed to the last couple of generatiions, and, when it's finally revealed that this may not be all that healthy, fast food convenience is already ingrained in the culture.

    Comparing Ronald McDonald to Joe Camel is not as outrageous as one might think. It's all how the product is marketed to the public.

    Go ahead. Beat me up. Tell me how ill-informed I am.

    It's not Ronald McDonald's fault! The Hamburglar is the main problem.

    I blame Grimmus. He looks an awful lot like that EVIL Dinosaur Barney and anyone that is purple and big and dopey sounding is obviously the culprit
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    For the "McDonald's is EVIL crowd":

    You do realize that if you went to a small corner mom-and-pop restaurant and ordered burgers and'd still be eating the same amount of calories right that you'd get at McD's right? You do realize you'd still get fat if you did that every day right?

    I would like you to frame this argument replacing McDonald's with the faces of those Southern Moms and Pops that serve fried porkbellies, chitlins, ribs, corncobs soaked in transfat "butter."

    Go and get your protest face on and "occupy" the street corners in front of those restaurants. Call them evil. Thought not. It's just a lot easier to "occupy" evil, faceless companies.

    Nobody is saying any of that though.

    ... I mean, you are I guess, but you're trying to say other people are saying those things and nobody is. Nobody has called for a boycott of McDonalds, even, except the people who say that it's unhealthy so just don't eat there instead of asking them to change.

    Okay, maybe you're not calling for a boycott; but you're certainly holding McD's to a higher standard than your average mom and pops as evidenced by what you posted earlier....

    "Companies have some responsibility to consumers. For example, they can't poison you. The next step is to ask them not to serve ridiculously processed crap to people. No, people don't have to eat it, but removing responsibility from the company is ridiculous. Or, to put it another way, Republican."

    Or were you including every locally owned restaurant as part of your argument when you say "companies?"

    That's an interesting angle.

    Locally owned restaurants should obviously not serve crap either, but then that's for that local community to focus on, learn about and lobby together.

    McDonalds is a global issue, so the global community reacts to it.

    Again ... no. The choice to eat fast food or not is personal. The choice to drink large or small beverages is personal. The portion size I buy is a personal choice as well.

    The only reason why you know that is IN the food, the only reason you know the information you can use to educate yourself, is because people more socially conscious than you have been working hard to make McDonalds more accountable to the consumer.

    You can eat whatever you want. You have more of a choice because people are spreading information.

    To put it simply, how do you get the information you use to base your personal choices from? Why does McDonalds give a lot more information and serve more salads now?
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    I think maybe you don't enjoy critically looking at problems. Which is fine, but McDonalds is part of the cheap fast food that is making people obese - it's unhealthy food that is cheap. They do have some duty towards their customers not to feed them crap. Yes, McDonalds existed when you were a kid. People became more and more obese during your lifetime so far.

    Your comments about the Occupy Wall Street movements are similar.

    It's possible to lose weight, but there's no known cure for conservatism/libertarianism/whatever it is that stops you seeing things in context. As Stephen Colbert pointed out, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias."

    Cheap food is the problem? So, all we need is for grocery stores and restaurants to raise their prices, and obesity will end? Sorry all that will do is make people broke, as well as obese.
    1. Restaurants are made to sell food, and make money. Not control your diet.
    2. Television is meant to entertain, sell advertisement time, and make money. Not educate. Not babysit your kids.
    3. Toy stores are meant to sell toys, and make money. Not babysit your kids, not keep your kids safe.

    Life is about choices. America is supposed to be about freedom. I enjoy having the choice to make an unhealthy choice once in a while. I also enjoy making a healthier choice of cooking for myself and knowing what is in my food, and the work it took.