My Name is Kelcie and I'm a Sugar Addict



  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    @ Acg67 -- What are your intentions by nitpicking me?

    Because you do not understand the make up of the foods you are eating, and are attempting to demonize specific foods. It's wrong.

    What works for me works for me, sister. I don't judge what you do, please don't judge what I do.

    I came here to express myself and show that I was proud of what I accomplished and it's SO sad that no one can let me do that. I guess I was brought up differently, but I congratulate people on their successes, not tell them all the ways they screwed up.

    You have to understand that everyone here is happy for your weight loss and that you are motivated. You also have to understand that addiction is a very emotionally charged topic, so you will get some emotionally charged responses. That doesn't mean that those people aren't happy for you. If you have found something that makes you feel great and is sustainable for the long-haul, go for it!

    Also wanna add that you should additionally understand that it's a public forum and a topic people have a lot of opinions on.

    Ok, back to your thread. Gonna go find me a Hershey's bar...

    With or without Almonds?

    WITH. What do you think I am, a heathen?

    Holy cow, you just quoted me word for word. I say that ALL THE TIME. And YES ALMONDS!

    DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS? *rushes to send FR*
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    @ Acg67 -- What are your intentions by nitpicking me?

    Because you do not understand the make up of the foods you are eating, and are attempting to demonize specific foods. It's wrong.

    What works for me works for me, sister. I don't judge what you do, please don't judge what I do.

    I came here to express myself and show that I was proud of what I accomplished and it's SO sad that no one can let me do that. I guess I was brought up differently, but I congratulate people on their successes, not tell them all the ways they screwed up.

    did you really lol or are you just saying that to show how arrogant you are?

    Yes I loled, because her response didn't have anything to do with her supposed sugar addiction and my rebuttal.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    @ Acg67 -- What are your intentions by nitpicking me?

    Because you do not understand the make up of the foods you are eating, and are attempting to demonize specific foods. It's wrong.

    What works for me works for me, sister. I don't judge what you do, please don't judge what I do.

    I came here to express myself and show that I was proud of what I accomplished and it's SO sad that no one can let me do that. I guess I was brought up differently, but I congratulate people on their successes, not tell them all the ways they screwed up.

    You have to understand that everyone here is happy for your weight loss and that you are motivated. You also have to understand that addiction is a very emotionally charged topic, so you will get some emotionally charged responses. That doesn't mean that those people aren't happy for you. If you have found something that makes you feel great and is sustainable for the long-haul, go for it!

    Also wanna add that you should additionally understand that it's a public forum and a topic people have a lot of opinions on.

    Ok, back to your thread. Gonna go find me a Hershey's bar...

    With or without Almonds?

    WITH. What do you think I am, a heathen?

    Holy cow, you just quoted me word for word. I say that ALL THE TIME. And YES ALMONDS!

    DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS? *rushes to send FR*

    rushed to reply!!!
  • michaelrwalker
    michaelrwalker Posts: 1 Member

    Good job on your loss! I also have problems with sugar (chocolate specifically) and am unable to control this urge. I am like you, in that it is an all or nothing kind of thing. What does help from time to time is to have a Hershey's Dark Chocolate Symphony, bite size, with me when I know that I will be forced to be around harmful sweets. I am able to eat just one and I take very small nibbles (5 or so) and rather than chewing it I allow the nibble to melt on my tongue while breathing in whatever is left. It sounds kinda weird and I imagine I look a little weird doing it but oh well. If overweight people are teasing you about your habits you are probably doing something right. Keep strong!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
    So there's actual treatment of sugar addiction and recovery activities?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mistresshc
    mistresshc Posts: 3
    Hello Kelcie,
    how are you doing today ?
    I've just finished reading of your post I'm also very
    proud of you this is an idea but maybe you could try
    sugar free bakeries products from time to time who knows
    you might like those like Krustez is my all time bakery to try
    an it's very good to i use them when i wanted something as a
    snack I'm a type2 diabetic an its helps me feel great of having an
    snack without the sugar your very welcome to stop by to see to
    see all about me have the most joyful day see you around an many
    more bountifulness oceans of hugs always
  • dazy26
    dazy26 Posts: 18 Member

    People are crazy! lol

    I am proud of you. Keep up the good work! It is hard =)
  • pigelet
    pigelet Posts: 37 Member
    @Kelcie - Great job on finding a method that works for you;).

    @valgogo - Are you being for real? You are ONLY an addict when you have traded sexual flavours?

    Please, let us all know where exactly in the 12 steps literature that was written? I tire of folks like you belittling people who come to that realization/awareness and are trying to do better. Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness. Try practicing some of that.

    I don't usually post but, your mentality/stance is not the view of any 12 step program. Cheers.
  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member
    Sugar is harder to kick than weed.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I think, and im sure most people do, that nicotine is an addiction but for the 15 years I smoked trading a cigarette for sex never crossed my mind.

    hee! :drinker:
  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    @ Acg67 -- What are your intentions by nitpicking me?

    Because you do not understand the make up of the foods you are eating, and are attempting to demonize specific foods. It's wrong.

    What works for me works for me, sister. I don't judge what you do, please don't judge what I do.

    I came here to express myself and show that I was proud of what I accomplished and it's SO sad that no one can let me do that. I guess I was brought up differently, but I congratulate people on their successes, not tell them all the ways they screwed up.

    You have to understand that everyone here is happy for your weight loss and that you are motivated. You also have to understand that addiction is a very emotionally charged topic, so you will get some emotionally charged responses. That doesn't mean that those people aren't happy for you. If you have found something that makes you feel great and is sustainable for the long-haul, go for it!

    Also wanna add that you should additionally understand that it's a public forum and a topic people have a lot of opinions on.

    Ok, back to your thread. Gonna go find me a Hershey's bar...

    With or without Almonds?

    WITH. What do you think I am, a heathen?

    Holy cow, you just quoted me word for word. I say that ALL THE TIME. And YES ALMONDS!

    DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS? *rushes to send FR*

    Favorite non-pornographic magazine to *kitten* to? GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. OH, I forgot to ask, do you like guacamole?
  • juliesauber
    juliesauber Posts: 22 Member

    Sugar lights up the same reward pathways in the brain as any other addictive substance. When it significantly impacts your life (crying every day because you can't have it), I'd call that an addiction. Don't downplay other's struggles, you should be focused on building people up and encouraging, not breaking them down because they don't fit your definition of addiction.

    ^^ Yes!

    I'm a doctor (of clinical psychology) and also in NA since 2005 (with relapses between then and now). People die every day due to morbid obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, etc...many of these tragedies occur due to food addiction. It's no joke to use that word. Addicts' brains light up differently than non-addicts, as was pointed out. It doesn't matter what the "reward" is -- sex (SLAA), food (OA), drugs (NA) or alcohol (AA)...congratulations to those who hit their "bottom" (whatever it looks like) and are strongly working to live clean and sober. .
  • juliesauber
    juliesauber Posts: 22 Member
    @ Acg67 -- What are your intentions by nitpicking me?

    Because you do not understand the make up of the foods you are eating, and are attempting to demonize specific foods. It's wrong.

    What works for me works for me, sister. I don't judge what you do, please don't judge what I do.

    I came here to express myself and show that I was proud of what I accomplished and it's SO sad that no one can let me do that. I guess I was brought up differently, but I congratulate people on their successes, not tell them all the ways they screwed up.

    You have to understand that everyone here is happy for your weight loss and that you are motivated. You also have to understand that addiction is a very emotionally charged topic, so you will get some emotionally charged responses. That doesn't mean that those people aren't happy for you. If you have found something that makes you feel great and is sustainable for the long-haul, go for it!

    Also wanna add that you should additionally understand that it's a public forum and a topic people have a lot of opinions on.

    Ok, back to your thread. Gonna go find me a Hershey's bar...

    With or without Almonds?

    WITH. What do you think I am, a heathen?

    Holy cow, you just quoted me word for word. I say that ALL THE TIME. And YES ALMONDS!

    DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS? *rushes to send FR*

    Favorite non-pornographic magazine to *kitten* to? GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. OH, I forgot to ask, do you like guacamole?

    I'm not sure why, but this thread right here makes me happy.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    I think of myself as an addict because of sugar. I believe it is absolutely connected to other addictions. Kelcie, you are doing great and you have every right to express yourself in those terms. They aren't owned by AA, NA, or any other A.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
    So there's actual treatment of sugar addiction and recovery activities?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yes. It's called OA and most of the members have strong issues with sugar.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Kelcie,
    how are you doing today ?
    I've just finished reading of your post I'm also very
    proud of you this is an idea but maybe you could try
    sugar free bakeries products from time to time who knows
    you might like those like Krustez is my all time bakery to try
    an it's very good to i use them when i wanted something as a
    snack I'm a type2 diabetic an its helps me feel great of having an
    snack without the sugar your very welcome to stop by to see to
    see all about me have the most joyful day see you around an many
    more bountifulness oceans of hugs always

    This is fine for some people. For me, artificial sugars light me up just like regular old sugar. They initiate many of the same carb cravings. It's an individual thing, of course.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    For some people sugar is Addiction-it stimulates same addiction center of the brain-hence why many addicts and people in recovery go For the sugar-it stimulates similar receptors in the brain. Congrats on kicking this addiction it is tough and lifelong just like any other problem-I was off sugar 3months-thought I could handle it but no as soon as you eat it again it's like starting over-only this time I know I can beat it-kinda like falling off the wagon-got to get back on. Good post thanks for sharing.

    It's exactly the same for me. I think, "Oh, one little bite of this danish isn't going to hurt" and suddenly it's six months later and I've gained 15 pounds.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    I also wanted to mention that in my doctoral work I visited many AA meetings. I found it interesting that almost all of the members present snacked on hard candy and chocolate throughout the meeting. It was in bowls on the tables. It was actually non-stop snacking. I first thought maybe it was because they couldn't smoke, but I soon discovered that the smoking allowed meetings were the same way. It caused me to consider the hole each of us is trying to fill and how connected all of it is in our brains. I'm not saying EVERYONE is this way, but I do think the link is undeniable. My family is overrun with alcoholics going back generations. The link is there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
    So there's actual treatment of sugar addiction and recovery activities?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yes. It's called OA and most of the members have strong issues with sugar.
    Let me elaborate: Addictions will use drugs to help with treatment. Smoking has Chantix, etc. Cocaine has Gabapentin, Heroin has Methadone.
    What's sugar's?

    And again, how does one "recover" from sugar "addiction" when the body basically moderately uses it on a day to day basis? With the exception of protein and fats, fruits and vegetables have a degree of sugar in them. So again, how is an "addict" to sugar, able to consume it moderately on a day to day basis? If they can, then they probably aren't an addict.

    That's NOT to discount that sugar is a problem for some. But it's a habitual behavior to address and not an actual addiction.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • juliesauber
    juliesauber Posts: 22 Member
    I also wanted to mention that in my doctoral work I visited many AA meetings. I found it interesting that almost all of the members present snacked on hard candy and chocolate throughout the meeting. It was in bowls on the tables. It was actually non-stop snacking. I first thought maybe it was because they couldn't smoke, but I soon discovered that the smoking allowed meetings were the same way. It caused me to consider the hole each of us is trying to fill and how connected all of it is in our brains. I'm not saying EVERYONE is this way, but I do think the link is undeniable. My family is overrun with alcoholics going back generations. The link is there.

    YES! Totally agree! Saw the same behavior in NA...substitute addictions to fill the void...and I'm speaking from both personal and professional experience. :)
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