Fitbit $100. is it worth it?



  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member

    It lets you know how many calories you burn. When you go online and to the "Dashboard" and click on "Month", then you can see a chart of "Calories in vs. Calories out." As long as you burn more (out) than you take in (in), then you're going to lose weight.

    The other bonus to that is: If you know how many calories you've had for the day and are still hungry at some point, then you can check your numbers to see if there's something you can have, and what your "limits" might be. (Hope that makes sense.)

    It has a silent alarm feature that's nice. After I had surgery last year, I was on pain medication every 4-6 hours, and could set the alarm for my next round - that way I didn't have to think about it. Anytime after the buzz I could take the pain pill.

    I use the alarm to get up in the morning too.

    It has a place that tells you at your current pace, when you'll reach your goal weight too.

    REALLY really like it. My mother wanted one for her mother's day, and I've gotten them for my sisters too - haven't had the change to give them to them yet, but will in the next couple of weeks.
  • pkteen
    pkteen Posts: 121 Member
    It depends. If you're ok with a clip on, the fitbit one is very good but when it comes to wristbands, I'd recommend the Jawbone Up24
  • jenjim2021
    jenjim2021 Posts: 43 Member
    I have the Fitbit One. It's taken me a month or two (and honestly, needed some nice weather to arrive) but I'm now getting really competitive with it. I've joined a group where we compete and although I'm sure I can't make the top of the list, I sure can improve over what I'm doing now. And you know what? It will only benefit me in the end. Well worth $100 to me if this is what it took to get me moving. And it was. :)
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I love mine - it's almost like a game for me - especially on those days I make it close to my daily goal - gets me creating ways to get some steps in - and any activity is better than sitting on my rump!
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    I got the Zip. love it
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    No ! I got my free from a friend it was the ultra slim one and I lost it in a week
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    My man bought one for me 5 weeks ago.
    I was already losing constantly, but I must say that the fitbit really motivated me, because I love to see how I can increase my activity level every week.
    My average burn increased constantly these weeks, because now I find every excuse to do some more steps :)

    Yes, I wouldn't have afford 100$ on it, but I'm SO happy that he did for me!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    It's a way to drop a lot of money on something fitness-specific... the idea is that the stuff encourages people to be active. Some folks can spend themselves into reality that way. Be honest with yourself on whether that kind of thing does it for you because there may be a more motivating way for you to spend that money.
  • insanelybusy
    I'm on a pretty tight budget, but spent the 100$ on the Fitbit One. I'm not a bit sorry. I like that it tracks my steps taken, stairs climbed and sleep. Before I got the fitbit, I knew I had an unhealthy relationship with sleep, but I never knew how bad. I was averaging 5 hours a night and not loosing any weight. Now I average 7 hours per night and am finally starting to drop some weight. It helps me look at whole body health instead of focusing in on one particular area. For that reason alone, I recommend it.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yes, I love it.
  • SteelersFan7
    SteelersFan7 Posts: 217 Member
    I love my Fitbit Flex. I've had it for almost a year and I wear it everywhere, including the shower and the pool. It also counts the calories I burn when I do water aerobics or swim laps, so it's not just counting steps. Plus, if you sync it with MFP, it will automatically calculate your calories for the day. i feel it is more accurate than the Polar HRM I used to use during workouts.
    And, there's a year warranty on it and customer service is excellent. The first one I had stopped holding a charge and they sent me a replacement in a matter of days.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I loved mine for the first year, now I don't even wear it. I track sleep data with my phone, and workout data with a heart rate monitor. I walk to and from work, and work at a standing desk (with my dog in the office so I have to move whenever she decides to go running off). I don't really need a reminder to break 10k steps in a day.

    But your mileage may vary (pun very much intended). If it works to motivate you then it's $100 well spent. Although you might want to look at something like a Basis or another of the newer generation of activity trackers that also record biometric data like heart rate, temperature and perspiration. More data is always better. :D
  • sjs227
    sjs227 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm on a pretty tight budget, but spent the 100$ on the Fitbit One. I'm not a bit sorry. I like that it tracks my steps taken, stairs climbed and sleep. Before I got the fitbit, I knew I had an unhealthy relationship with sleep, but I never knew how bad. I was averaging 5 hours a night and not loosing any weight. Now I average 7 hours per night and am finally starting to drop some weight. It helps me look at whole body health instead of focusing in on one particular area. For that reason alone, I recommend it.

    I am the same way. I love my fitbit One. If I was to get a different one, I would get the force. I don't wear a watch at work because I don't like the band digging into my wrists when I type (which is all the time).

    Tip - Don't wear it on a belt/waistband when shoveling snow. Lost two that way. If I don't have belt loops, I clip it on my bra.
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    I have the fitbit zip. $60. I use it for motivation also. If that's all then you don't need to spend 100 because you'll get things you'll never use. I clip it underwear band instead bra. It's also a lot smaller than the other ones