*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    I am so excited! I lost more than just half a pound for a change...almost 2! I am making healthier choices with my food, but I still allow myself the little things (like salad dressing) but in moderation. I also cut down to only a couple of sodas a week instead of 2 or 3 a day. I think I have found a way of eating that I can stick with for the long haul because I don't feel like I am being denied the junk food I love. Also, if I bust my caloric goal I just jump on the Wii and play a couple games with my kids. We have fun and burn calories too! Keeping track of what I eat really helps. I still need to work on getting more fruits and veggies into my diet though.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I'm 220 this morning :D Down 3lbs, which i'm super happy about :) Congrats everyone else on all the hardwork this week :)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    So this week my boyfriend and daughter have been sick...well I took the baby to the doctor today and she has a viral infection and what do you know as soon as i get home I get sick...throwing up and the other that goes along with viruses :sick: I really hope this just doesnt kill my weight loss for next week!!!
    Well i have to say it was pleasant to see a 1lb loss this week!! however I know i worked harder than 1lb!! I am planning to up my calories this week to see if that helps!! I have posted a couple of threads asking ppls opinions and almost everyone said I wasnt eating enough for the amount that I am burning!! I am down with eating more but i am terrified that I will gain during this little experiment!! Great Job Ladies and congrats on all the losses!!!

    I checked out your Food Diary & the amount of Calories your doing is Fantastic! I would stay where your at. You only went over on Fri & Sat. But the rest of last week was GREAT!!!! The most important thing for me is logging everything I eat correctly.
    If your a tall girl 5"5 or taller then I can see maybe upping your calories a little more.
    As long as you don't go under 1200 calories you should be fine, unless your very tall.


    Just my opinion, but I do think you are having a bit too many calories left over for the day. Unless your exercise calories are off. How are you guaging your calories burned? Do you a HRM you're using? I would try adding in a few more calories to refuel your body.

    I actually dont have a HRM so I could be waaaay off on the calorie burn....I think i agree with you though....when i eat a lower amount of calories i seem to stay at the same weight....I think im just not eating enough!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    LW: 170
    CW: 168.6

    Loss of 1.4 lbs.... :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    As far as weigh-ins...how do we feel?
    Very surprised that I had that much of a loss....

    What worked, what didn't?
    Logging definitely helped! I know there are days that I wanted something and didn't eat it because I knew how much it would add to my page.

    What are we going to do this week to improve or maintain our numbers?
    Drink more water
    Exercise more
    Make better food choices
    Stick with taking the stairs
    Try to get more sleep
    Spread the word about myfitnesspal.com (I have gotten 3 new members this week alone... and maybe one more!)
    (the more I talk about it, the more I feel accountable for what I do on here)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So this week my boyfriend and daughter have been sick...well I took the baby to the doctor today and she has a viral infection and what do you know as soon as i get home I get sick...throwing up and the other that goes along with viruses :sick: I really hope this just doesnt kill my weight loss for next week!!!
    Well i have to say it was pleasant to see a 1lb loss this week!! however I know i worked harder than 1lb!! I am planning to up my calories this week to see if that helps!! I have posted a couple of threads asking ppls opinions and almost everyone said I wasnt eating enough for the amount that I am burning!! I am down with eating more but i am terrified that I will gain during this little experiment!! Great Job Ladies and congrats on all the losses!!!

    Awww poor little one! Take care of her first...don't even worry about the weight loss, unless you have time!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    As far as weigh-ins...how do we feel?
    I feel strong and more determined than ever!

    What worked, what didn't?
    No late night snacking definitely worked. And stayed away from chips, which means less sodium, which means less bloating.
    I can't say what didn't work. I feel like I really stayed true to myself and to the plan.

    What are we going to do this week to improve or maintain our numbers?
    Continue to up the intensity of my workouts. I am also going to do a bonus workout in the evening, even if its just 20 minutes.
  • I don't know what's going on. I've exercised every day this year except one day for 30 minutes at the least and staying under my calorie limit. No candy. No pop. Lots of water. Jan 1 = 182 Jan 7 = 180.8 :/
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    Alrighty everyone! How are we feeling this morning!? As far as weigh-ins...how do we feel? What worked, what didn"t? What are we going to do this week to improve or maintain our numbers?

    This is the first week since last spring (?) where I was intentional about exercising 5 of 7 days. That is something that's working. What isn't working is I haven't been planning an intentional time to work out and last night I did Wii Zumba for 25 minutes beginning at 11 PM. Didn't sleep a lick last night...almost called in sick. I have to be at work @ 8:00 AM and I just haven't wrapped my brain around getting up at 5:30 or 6:00 to exercise. Hopefully by Monday morning, reason will win out and I'll set my alarm for 5:30 (and not hit snooze!!!!!!).
  • hlhouse
    hlhouse Posts: 17 Member
    Gotta say, pretty good week all things considered :)
    Lost 3 pounds! I didn't even get to do the exercise I wanted to...not motivated and a weird work schedule worked against me.

    So, staying within my calorie goal worked out. Really measuring what I'm eating and looking up the foods I used to eat (like burgers!) before ordering them when out helped guide me toward healthier options.

    I also just ordered 30 day shred from Amazon which should be in next week...it's gonna kick my butt but should be awesome :wink:

    Let's stay motivated!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I don't know what's going on. I've exercised every day this year except one day for 30 minutes at the least and staying under my calorie limit. No candy. No pop. Lots of water. Jan 1 = 182 Jan 7 = 180.8 :/

    Water. Generally if you have done everything right, and the weight loss is just not what it should be, water is the problem. 1 gallon of water weighs just over 8 lbs, so you can see that it doesn't even take a lot of water to make a difference in your weight. It will even out over the next few weeks. I can change 3 lbs up and down in the course of a few days. Don't let it get to you.

    I've said before, but I'll say again, the best change I've made is to alter the menu. I have gotten so many great ideas from the forums and friends comments, that we ate really well this week, and I stayed within calories every day. I love Healthy Choice Steamers at lunch at work, and a lot of fresh fruit and roasted veggies. I don't miss the butter or salt at all. And when the winter fruit isn't the greatest, some Stevia sweetens it right up without calories or artificial sweeteners. Since I've been eating better, using appropriate portions, I don't even crave the junkier stuff (though I do still eat some sweets.)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for January 7, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Stick with it.

    Usually, when someone is trying to change an unhealthy habit they do really well initially and then their resolve fades. Part of the reason for dwindling motivation is the discomfort of change.

    You can develop a tolerance for the discomfort by continuing to start over when you falter. If a baby stopped trying to walk after a few stumbles, she would never get anywhere under her own power. Resolve to stick with your new habit, even if you make one, two, three, or three million false starts.

    Action for the day: If you have given up on changing an unhealthy habit, do yourself the kindness of trying again -- and stick with it, even if you stumble from time to time.

    © 2011Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
  • teijei
    teijei Posts: 8
    My work week was extremely stressful and I didn't meet my workout quota. To my surprise, I lost 4 pounds thiss week! I am really excited about participating in the snowflake to sunshine challenge!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I work over-nights, so I won't be weighing in til later but am not looking forward to it. I think I actually gained this week. Fortunately when I did my measurements, I was down a bit in 2 areas there cause otherwise, today might have me even more worried....

    I hope everyone else did well this week, (cause y'all are awesome!)
    Please pass on anythign that worked well so the rest of us (read:me!) can steal your secrets!!!

    xoxo - S

    Well, it couldhave been worse... At least it was the same and not up as I feared....
    maybe it'll be double for next week...
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Feeling super great today! I've noticed that my appetite is under control and even though I went over my calories for the day, I still felt great and stopped myself from over-eating. Considering it was an insanely stressful week, I feel great about my choices.

    And the best part... I'm down 7 pounds in week one! :)
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I'm happy with the first weigh-in. I know it's normal to fluctuate within the week, but I can't keep myself from stepping on that scale almost everyday. I noticed that I was 0.6 pounds less yesterday morning than today. Of course, this morning was the official weigh-in so at first I was a little bummed. I had to log a higher weight. However, I started thinking about it.... I was still down 1.7 pounds from the start of the challenge--6 days ago! I'm DOWN. It doesn't matter that it wasn't 2.3 pounds. It's a loss and I'll take a loss of any sort. This mentality, this optimism, is different for me when it comes to weight loss. Dealing with hypothyroidism, I developed a learned helplessness mentality.... I would get so used to seeing no results or very little that I would think "Why bother?" My new outlook is to just keep trying and have faith in the fact that my hard work and dedication will pay off. So, focusing on the positives: I was under my calorie goal everyday, made healthful food choices. I had some awesome workouts. and I found out that I love Zumba. :bigsmile:

    Congrats to everyone for a good first week! If you didn't lose this first week or you saw a gain-- Do Not Give Up! You can do this!!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I don't know what's going on. I've exercised every day this year except one day for 30 minutes at the least and staying under my calorie limit. No candy. No pop. Lots of water. Jan 1 = 182 Jan 7 = 180.8 :/

    1.2 lbs is a very respectable weight loss. I lost 1.4 lbs and I worked out 5 times this week for about 60-70 minutes each. You will see it come down, you just can't get discouraged and give up! Will you lose weight by giving up or by sticking it through even when it's hard? :smile:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    You all are awesome! This group is just what I needed to get me back where I need to be! For those that lose great job! For those that stayed the same or gained great job! We need to remember that no matter what the number on the scale says we are still moving in the right directions we are making positive changes for ourself that will pay off in the end! Hold your chin high because if you throw in the towel where will you end up then? We didn't gain this weight in a day! Any good thing takes time and lots of good efforts on our part. WE ALL ROCK!!!

    What didn't work!
    1. Not having good snack choices in the house! I throw the chocolate cake that was sitting on the counter in the trash but not before I caught myself eating it. I hope the trash can enjoyed it! I went to the grocery store and bought snacks and meal stuff. I got apples, almonds, blueberries, pineapple, bananas, apple sauce, dannon vanilla yogurt, carrots, granola bars, and boneless chicken breast.

    The other great news is that the hubby started going back to the gym! Woohoo he is on board and his goal is to loss about 30 lbs!

    Goals for this week!
    1. Pack my lunch and snacks the night before.
    2. Drink my water!
    3. Exercise 45-60 minutes a day!
    4. Eat 4-7 fruits and veggies a day!
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    quickly checkin in, be back later!
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