Shreddin' Eleven, Week Two

This is a thread dedicated to the 30 Day Shred. (Dr. Seuss-like rhyme right there!) A group of us started the Shred on or around New Year's Day, and are keeping up on one another's progress through daily discussion, progress reports, support, encouragement, tips & advice. Feel free to join the discussion if you've already started or may be thinking about beginning Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. We're here to see each other through all three levels, no matter when we start or how long it takes!


  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Mary

    I've done the 30 Day Shred a couple times this year. Think I'd struggle to do it every day (yesterday I walked 6 miles and had no energy left to do the Shred and Monday is linedancing class day!) I love the programme though and do pretty good on Level One, have yet to start Level Two although, having started doing level 1 last year, I think I'm ready to progress.

    Nice to see others doing the programme though and I look forward to seeing how everyone else is doing.

    Kim x
  • DarcysLosingIt
    DarcysLosingIt Posts: 81 Member
    I am just starting - I did her Shred with weights the other day. Do you do the same workout everyday?
    What results have people seen doing this. I see it says 5 pounds a week.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I just completed Day 8 Level 1 this morning. I swapped out the 3lb weights for the 5lb weights and WOW what a difference. My arms officially feel like jelly, I feel it in my back muscles (go back rows!) and my shoulder muscles. I think this is just the challenge I needed to get me through these last few days of Level 1. I'm really looking forward to the change of routine with Level 2.

    My left knee has begun acting up again a little, like it did after my 5K in October. After a period of beating myself up about not doing my 30 minute treadmill run yesterday evening (because of the knee issue), I realized that I may just have been pushing myself too hard all at once this past week, expecting too much of my body, and am potentially right around the corner from a real injury. I still have 37 weeks until the half marathon. There's really no need to push myself to the point of injury; I have a TON of time to train; but, I won't if I'm laid up because I've hurt myself.

    Executive decision made. I need to review and revise the half marathon training program, to maybe spread the training out a little more evenly over these 37 weeks, so that I'm well conditioned, but not injured, by the time September 24 rolls around. I need to soak this knee, rest it the remainder of today (with perhaps a walk on the treadmill this evening), and change up the run training to back off just a slight bit. I'm also thinking that incorporating yoga a little more often into my weekly workout schedule might help with flexibility and reduce my risk of injury.

    I had the hardest time last night being OK with backing off from my rigorous training schedule. "No excuses" kept running through my mind, and it took a lot of convincing to make it OK in my mind to back off a little at this point, even with the threat of imminent injury. I'm still working on not being so darned hard on myself! But now, it's all good and I'm back to positive-land.. L0L! I love that I have this thread and those of you who participate in it to be able to be open and honest about this kind of thing. :) Thank you!!!

    Let's enjoy and Shred this weekend! :-D
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hi Mary

    I've done the 30 Day Shred a couple times this year. Think I'd struggle to do it every day (yesterday I walked 6 miles and had no energy left to do the Shred and Monday is linedancing class day!) I love the programme though and do pretty good on Level One, have yet to start Level Two although, having started doing level 1 last year, I think I'm ready to progress.

    Nice to see others doing the programme though and I look forward to seeing how everyone else is doing.

    Kim x

    Hi Kim! I've been doing it every day and trying to do a half marathon training program at the same time (kind of integrating the Shred into the training program), but as in my previous post here, I've learned that I need to back off, so I completely see where you're coming from with not doing the Shred every day. I still plan to keep up on the Shred every day throughout these first 30 days of the new year, but I'm planning on backing off a little on the running (still keeping it up, but not quite so rigorously) for the same 30 days. I think cross training with other workouts and things is great and very important! Let me know how you like Level 2 when you give it a try. I'll be starting it on Tuesday morning. :)
    I am just starting - I did her Shred with weights the other day. Do you do the same workout everyday?
    What results have people seen doing this. I see it says 5 pounds a week.

    I've been following what is recommended with the DVD, 10 days on Level 1, 10 on Level 2 and 10 on Level 3. Others have been doing either the same thing and/or mixing the Shred in with other workouts, and doing it a few times a week rather than every day. It all just depends on how each of us individually want to undertake the challenge and what works best for each of us. :) We've been at this for a week, more or less, so it's still a little early to see what everyone's results are, but I personally can say that I've noticed a huge difference in my stamina, strength and abilities since I started one week ago! Will have to wait and see what the scale says (I weigh in on Thursdays), and how the before/after photos turn out! Best wishes on your Shred!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im gonna get back into the 30 day shred myself.. :) Probably today or tomorrow.. Gonna do it.. :) Hoping to feel great about it.. I know I have you for support.. Which Im glad.. I do have problems with some of the exercises on there.. hoping the ease up with time.. :)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I do love that many people are doing the shred! this is my 2nd round of it at L3, today is day 17. I always run for about 40-60 minutes and do other w/o's before ending with the shred, it leaves me on the floor thrown all the time, lol. I know that you cant lose too much weight with this program alone but it tones you up in the right places, Ive seen a lot of improvement on my arms and waist. My favorite Level is 2 but I do dread the v raises! but they gave me the best arms of my life! I would recommend that if you do a Level for the longest is Level 2.

    also before I started my fitness journey I was scared of getting injured, so I added a gummy multi vitamin and calcium/vitamin D chew, and when I need it I'll add me a joint juice...but so far I have not hurt anything, and thats the best feeling, knowing your body can keep up with your mind! :)
    please add me as a friend if you want support for the shred or just because...:)
  • luvallmusic
    Today was day 8 of level 1 of the shred for me. My right knee is still bothering me...might have pulled something. I've been running in place instead of jumping jacks...those seem to bother it more than anything. I can see a bit of a difference in my body since starting the shred. Yesterday I woke up at 4am, slept off and on til 5am, then got up. I figured I'd need a nap in the afternoon, but much to my surprise I made it all the way til about 9:30pm. We had our grandson overnight and he was asleep by then so we went to bed and I read for a bit. Finally out by 10 and up at almost 7am! I have more energy and all since doing this. I am looking forward to level 2, but am a bit scared of it at the same time! I hope my knee will be ok to make it through all the way!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Great to chat to other 'shredders'.

    I do some exercise every day, going to work and back is 40min walking and if I go to the supermarket that's another 40mins. As long as I try to work some extra exercise in a few times a week then I'm a happy lady.

    luvallmusic - I too had a problem with the jumping jacks and injured my ankle which stopped me working out for a while. I now do extra 'jump rope' or 'butt kicks' instead.

    Mary - I did level 2 for the first time today and my body feels the same as it did when I started doing level one. I ache, I sweat, I got exhausted and begged for mercy!!!!! Unfortunately this level has a LOT of 'plank' based exercises and I have a bad wrist from injuring it many years ago so I'm not sure how I'll get on with this level. Thankfully when I'm finding something too difficult and I'm not sure how to modify it to suit me I'm working in exercises from level 1 to make sure I don't stop moving. I'm sure I'll improve and adjust in time though! I was surprised that my HRM recorded my calories burn as about the same as level 1 so I may have to work harder next time. Hopefully I'll be able to give it another go tomorrow :laugh:
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    Doing Level 1 with 5lbs weights for the past 7 days has lost me 6lbs!!!

    I'm looking forward to week 2 when I get off of work!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Doing Level 1 with 5lbs weights for the past 7 days has lost me 6lbs!!!

    I'm looking forward to week 2 when I get off of work!

    Wow awesome loss for week one!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    wow, its good to see so many people already posting. I don't have time to read them right now, but I will soon. Just wanted to give my shred week 2 schedule.

    Sat (8): none
    Sun (9): L1 and L2
    Mon(10): L3
    Tues (11): L3
    Wed(12): L1
    Thur (13): L1
    Fri (14): L3

    I have it set up where ultimately by the end of the month, I would have completed each level for 10 days, making it a total of 30 days!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Im gonna get back into the 30 day shred myself.. :) Probably today or tomorrow.. Gonna do it.. :) Hoping to feel great about it.. I know I have you for support.. Which Im glad.. I do have problems with some of the exercises on there.. hoping the ease up with time.. :)

    Just modify the exercises that give you problems. After a while, you will get into them! Glad to have you join us!!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    also before I started my fitness journey I was scared of getting injured, so I added a gummy multi vitamin and calcium/vitamin D chew, and when I need it I'll add me a joint juice...but so far I have not hurt anything, and thats the best feeling, knowing your body can keep up with your mind! :)

    I do need to begin taking my multivitamin again; thank you for this reminder!! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Today was day 8 of level 1 of the shred for me. My right knee is still bothering me...might have pulled something. I've been running in place instead of jumping jacks...those seem to bother it more than anything. I can see a bit of a difference in my body since starting the shred. Yesterday I woke up at 4am, slept off and on til 5am, then got up. I figured I'd need a nap in the afternoon, but much to my surprise I made it all the way til about 9:30pm. We had our grandson overnight and he was asleep by then so we went to bed and I read for a bit. Finally out by 10 and up at almost 7am! I have more energy and all since doing this. I am looking forward to level 2, but am a bit scared of it at the same time! I hope my knee will be ok to make it through all the way!

    I hope the knee feels better soon! You've been doing GREAT keeping up the Shred, and you will rock Level 2! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Mary - I did level 2 for the first time today and my body feels the same as it did when I started doing level one. I ache, I sweat, I got exhausted and begged for mercy!!!!! Unfortunately this level has a LOT of 'plank' based exercises and I have a bad wrist from injuring it many years ago so I'm not sure how I'll get on with this level. Thankfully when I'm finding something too difficult and I'm not sure how to modify it to suit me I'm working in exercises from level 1 to make sure I don't stop moving. I'm sure I'll improve and adjust in time though! I was surprised that my HRM recorded my calories burn as about the same as level 1 so I may have to work harder next time. Hopefully I'll be able to give it another go tomorrow :laugh:

    I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow!! I'm ready to ache again... lol! Felt it more in my arms today since I switched from 3lb to 5lb weights, but ready for more! Sounds like substituting Level 1 exercises for the tougher Level 2 ones will be of great help in seeing you through Level 2! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Doing Level 1 with 5lbs weights for the past 7 days has lost me 6lbs!!!

    I'm looking forward to week 2 when I get off of work!

    Great results for week one!! Congrats, and keep it up!! :)
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    Well I can sure say I'm really excited to start 30day shred... I'm off to buy it tomorrow!!

    However today I just bought Jillian Michael's, kettelbell workout dvd. I've done one workout, and so far i like it!! So I'm sure I'll love the 30 DS!!

    Looking forward to seeing some new changes!!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Well I can sure say I'm really excited to start 30day shred... I'm off to buy it tomorrow!!

    However today I just bought Jillian Michael's, kettelbell workout dvd. I've done one workout, and so far i like it!! So I'm sure I'll love the 30 DS!!

    Looking forward to seeing some new changes!!

    I really love Jillian's Yoga Meltdown too! Best wishes on the Shred!! :-D
  • bluebeta
    Hi guys, I've been on a couple of other shred topics. I'm on day 8 and I feel great. Scared of day 11.I wasn't sure if I was ready for level 2 , but after today I feel like i can do it. I am already starting to notice changes in the way my jeans fit. I'm so excited.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I jsut bought the Shredd and will start on Monday. So excited!!