*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I wish today was weigh in! LOL I weighed in this morning at 204.1. That is a 3.2 lose since yesterday. Another .8 to get rid of and I will have gotten rid of the Christmas/New Year gain. But that is OK I will have a big lose this week~ I just have to keep on track and work my butt off. Lets see if I can lose another 1.8 lbs that will be a 5 lbs lose for next weigh in and almost to onederland. :laugh:

    It is snowing here today! I have a pot of yummo beef stew going for lunch. And as soon as I'm done checking in I'm going to go get my exercise in. I have to take my son to a birthday party today then the family is suppose to go to the movies. Have a grand day everyone!!! WE ROCK!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I wish today was weigh in! LOL I weighed in this morning at 204.1. That is a 3.2 lose since yesterday. Another .8 to get rid of and I will have gotten rid of the Christmas/New Year gain. But that is OK I will have a big lose this week~ I just have to keep on track and work my butt off. Lets see if I can lose another 1.8 lbs that will be a 5 lbs lose for next weigh in and almost to onederland. :laugh:

    It is snowing here today! I have a pot of yummo beef stew going for lunch. And as soon as I'm done checking in I'm going to go get my exercise in. I have to take my son to a birthday party today then the family is suppose to go to the movies. Have a grand day everyone!!! WE ROCK!

    You've now given me a craving for beef stew. :wink: It's snowing where I am, too, and I'm actually looking forward to shoveling. :laugh: Congrats on today's weight loss. You WILL get to onederland!!!!
  • i have been sick all week so i could not eat that much im feeling a little better i weighed myself lost 5lbs but thats from being sick i cant wait to get moving again i really want this to work
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Alright. I'll admit it. I had a terrible food day yesterday. I've been going strong for about 1.5 months now and yesterday was not good. Not all out, I'm eating everything in sight, but not good.

    First, I fell victim to snack day. Always bad. I was tired and I think I let the number on the scale affect me too much and so I had 3 cookies and a brownie. Probably more sugar than I normally eat in a week.

    Then, I had a headache and I was exhausted all day, so I didn't go work out like I had planned.

    THEN, I had a brisket sandwich, onion rings and french fries for dinner. DEFINITELY went over my calories, but it was probably around a maintenance day.

    Alright. It's off my chest. :smile: But, that being said, I woke up early today, worked out really hard, feel GREAT and I'm going to make today a much better day. I allowed myself to be disappointed, now it's time to start a new day and realize that it's not the end of the world!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Alright. I'll admit it. I had a terrible food day yesterday. I've been going strong for about 1.5 months now and yesterday was not good. Not all out, I'm eating everything in sight, but not good.

    First, I fell victim to snack day. Always bad. I was tired and I think I let the number on the scale affect me too much and so I had 3 cookies and a brownie. Probably more sugar than I normally eat in a week.

    Then, I had a headache and I was exhausted all day, so I didn't go work out like I had planned.

    THEN, I had a brisket sandwich, onion rings and french fries for dinner. DEFINITELY went over my calories, but it was probably around a maintenance day.

    Alright. It's off my chest. :smile: But, that being said, I woke up early today, worked out really hard, feel GREAT and I'm going to make today a much better day. I allowed myself to be disappointed, now it's time to start a new day and realize that it's not the end of the world!

    Very commendable of you to go ahead and be honest about it....that is really good of you and I know that we all fall victim to the "bad" eating day. But hey, you have been working your butt off....so you deserve it! Keep the momentum going for next week!
  • mah1120
    mah1120 Posts: 37 Member
    Is this where we post our weigh-in?

    Challenge Weigh Ins:

    SW 1/1/11: 232
    CW: 225!

    Woo hoo! *dances*

    What worked? I don't know this week. I moved into my apt and I'vebeen eating crap. I still logged my food in and stayed within my calorie range. I didn't do any official workouts this week, but I did move a lot of boxes to unpack! I guess that qualifies as a workout!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I just wanted to say that EVERYONE did a great job this week!!! No matter if you lost, gained, or stayed the same...you stayed committed to this group and to your total body health for a week! For most of us, we figured out what has worked or not worked for us and how we can improve. This group is designed to see how other people are losing the weight and so they can see how we are as well.

    Do not feel discouraged if you did not put up 7lbs (Like barefootbeauty....which is AWESOME)...we are all in different stages of our weight loss. For people who are just beginning, they may see big numbers in the beginning (Think about The Biggest Loser...ALWAYS huge numbers the first week) for people who have been at it for a little while a 1 to 2lb loss is awesome still. We are all different heights and starting weights. For example, someone who is 150lbs may lose a lot less than someone who is 250lbs. You have to keep all of those factors in mind.

    So from week to week, the plan is not to see other's weight loss and be discouraged...it is to be motivated to find your own "magic number" and what works for YOU! We are all indivduals working as a team so everyone is going to be different. Different metabolisms, different motivations, etc. Heck...I will be happy to stay consistent with working out 5 days a week! I will be satisfied with that.

    So just remember to stay strong, do not allow discouragement to be a part of your attitude...and be happy that you are brave and taking this thing on! Go out there and be an inspiration to those who feel like they can't do it....and think about how good we are ALL going to look and feel on June 1st!

    I love every single one of you for taking this journey with me and staying as positive as you possibly can. LETS DO THIS....TO THE END!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Is this where we post our weigh-in?

    Challenge Weigh Ins:

    SW 1/1/11: 232
    CW: 225!

    Woo hoo! *dances*

    What worked? I don't know this week. I moved into my apt and I'vebeen eating crap. I still logged my food in and stayed within my calorie range. I didn't do any official workouts this week, but I did move a lot of boxes to unpack! I guess that qualifies as a workout!

    You post it here and also on the website link
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Alright. It's off my chest. :smile: But, that being said, I woke up early today, worked out really hard, feel GREAT and I'm going to make today a much better day. I allowed myself to be disappointed, now it's time to start a new day and realize that it's not the end of the world!

    I think is the key to success. Realize that you had a bad day and move on. Today or the next day doesn't have to be the same. I think I was the worst about messing up one day and thinking in "Forget It! I'll never change." The fact that you got up and changed what you didn't like about the previous day, means that you GET this. You ARE a success!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Just wanted to make sure everyone has input their weight on the website. The link is provided below:

  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am proud to report that I am over the virus that I had....I woke up with a headache but I worked out anyway!! 80 minutes alltogether!!!--40 minutes of Zumba and 40 Minutes of Just Dance 2 :) I have to admit even though I am sweating my butt off I am having fun while doing it!! I also made out a menu for all my dinners for the week!! I am cooking a healthy sensible meal every night that my BF will be home and on the days that it is just baby and me we will be sharing a Lean Cuisine!! (thank goodness only two days!! I get so sick of them so quick!!!) I will definately keep you guys posted as i try these new recipes!!--I must say making a list before going to the groceries definately keeps me from going down every isle and buying junk!!! I definately reccomend taking a little time out of the week to make a menu for your dinners---you will definately find that you are buying more healthy choices and there is no stress over what to cook!!! Happy Saturday Snowflakes :)

    I just wanted to say that EVERYONE did a great job this week!!! No matter if you lost, gained, or stayed the same...you stayed committed to this group and to your total body health for a week! For most of us, we figured out what has worked or not worked for us and how we can improve. This group is designed to see how other people are losing the weight and so they can see how we are as well.

    Do not feel discouraged if you did not put up 7lbs (Like barefootbeauty....which is AWESOME)...we are all in different stages of our weight loss. For people who are just beginning, they may see big numbers in the beginning (Think about The Biggest Loser...ALWAYS huge numbers the first week) for people who have been at it for a little while a 1 to 2lb loss is awesome still. We are all different heights and starting weights. For example, someone who is 150lbs may lose a lot less than someone who is 250lbs. You have to keep all of those factors in mind.

    So from week to week, the plan is not to see other's weight loss and be discouraged...it is to be motivated to find your own "magic number" and what works for YOU! We are all indivduals working as a team so everyone is going to be different. Different metabolisms, different motivations, etc. Heck...I will be happy to stay consistent with working out 5 days a week! I will be satisfied with that.

    So just remember to stay strong, do not allow discouragement to be a part of your attitude...and be happy that you are brave and taking this thing on! Go out there and be an inspiration to those who feel like they can't do it....and think about how good we are ALL going to look and feel on June 1st!

    I love every single one of you for taking this journey with me and staying as positive as you possibly can. LETS DO THIS....TO THE END!

    Krys You are amazing for putting this all together and giving us so much motivation each day!!!
  • laurnol
    laurnol Posts: 23
    Finished first week, hopefully I'm doing Ok. I hope I'm doing this correctly, can someone advise me? The way I'm doing it, MFP establishes the daily calories you can have during a day, once you supply your target weight and goals. When you add exercise, do those count as extra calories? In other words if MFP says I can have 1500 calories, then I burn 500 calories exercising does that mean I can consume 2000 calories for the day? Thats the way I have been figuring it, if I'm wrong I have to start over ugh.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Finished first week, hopefully I'm doing Ok. I hope I'm doing this correctly, can someone advise me? The way I'm doing it, MFP establishes the daily calories you can have during a day, once you supply your target weight and goals. When you add exercise, do those count as extra calories? In other words if MFP says I can have 1500 calories, then I burn 500 calories exercising does that mean I can consume 2000 calories for the day? Thats the way I have been figuring it, if I'm wrong I have to start over ugh.

    That's the way you do it! I usually eat back about half of my exercise calories, but a lot of people don't eat them back and a lot of people say that you should eat all of your exercise calories back. I think it's just personal preference.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Alright. It's off my chest. :smile: But, that being said, I woke up early today, worked out really hard, feel GREAT and I'm going to make today a much better day. I allowed myself to be disappointed, now it's time to start a new day and realize that it's not the end of the world!

    I think is the key to success. Realize that you had a bad day and move on. Today or the next day doesn't have to be the same. I think I was the worst about messing up one day and thinking in "Forget It! I'll never change." The fact that you got up and changed what you didn't like about the previous day, means that you GET this. You ARE a success!

    Thanks, Kimmie! :smile:
  • Sw: 206.7

    Cw: 206.1

    Total lost: 0.6

    Not bad, given that I am on my period and when I weighed I hadn't started yet so was probably really bloated. I normally gain a couple of pounds before my period, so seeing I lost almost a pound is a good sign.

    Honestly, if I don't lose the 40 pounds, it's okay, as long as I lose more than 20 I will be happy. Looks like I will not be off that medicine for a while, so I am not going to put too much pressure on myself. I will just keep walking, keep working out, and keep eating around 1500 calories and it will come off. I am scared of planning on 40 pounds and not losing 2 pounds every week and losing hope. So if I plan for less, but hope for more it will be better. I just need to stay positive and be happy with any weight loss. Well as long as it's 20 pounds. It would be amazing to lose 40 though...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've been eating so much fruit today! We bought a lot of discount fruit, so we have to eat it before it goes rotten!! :laugh: I wish I was more enthusiastic about veggies. :grumble:
    I just need to stay positive and be happy with any weight loss. Well as long as it's 20 pounds. It would be amazing to lose 40 though...
    Aim for what you can manage, and that's something you can be proud of! Great attitude!
  • OMG, I was totally out of control the last couple of days! I have chicken and pancakes, pecan sandies cookies with sharp cheddar cheese. Also had chinese food (shrimp and broccoli). I am glad that we have this challenge going on so that I can feel the pinch of not doing what I need to. I have people around me that will keep me accountable. On to next week...I am back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Have a great week everyone!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    SW: 211.8
    CW: 209.2 (as of Friday)

    What worked:
    *keeping gum in kitchen to avoid "snacking" while cooking
    *upping fiber intake (bought some pears)
    *getting back to the gym
    *logging food intake & calorie burn
    *eating a little portion of something I really want instead of substituting & feeling deprived (then overdoing it later)
    *planning ahead

    What didn't work:
    *overdid it a bit on upper body exercise which has caused a painful muscle pull
    *still need to be cautious of snacking & need to keep myself working out

    So exciting to read how everyone is doing!

    Plans for this week:
    *continue to log foods
    *watch intake of carbs (I tend to eat too many)
    *keep up with workouts
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    This week was pretty good - except for a lack of exercise and over-eating/not logging on Saturday. But, I'm back in the saddle and ready for the next week! I lose 6.5 pounds but I think most of that was water and my body just being happy to have some room in it. I got home a few days ago and realized my stomach was growling... I can't remember the last time my stomach growled.

    This week what worked for me was pre-planning my meals and having fresh fruit available for snacking. Buying good coffee so I'm not tempted to add sugar and cream. Water, water, water.

    Next week I want to continue the good things and focus on being better on the weekends when I tend to slip up more. I also want to start adding yoga to my daily routine.

    PS. When I went to the online spreadsheet, I didn't see my name?
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