trying to get out of the 170's...anyone else?



  • yana6
    yana6 Posts: 8
    At 176 I'm struggling to get out of the 170s too! Up until the last 3-4 years (and menopause & metabolic issues) I never weighed more than 155 lbs. Much tougher to loose for me now. But thanks to everyone on this site, I finally believe I CAN do it! It just takes more persistence. And knowing that I'm in such good company really helps. It's not so easy being married to a guy that still has six pack, ripped abs and eats ice-cream and donuts every day. He cannot relate at all!! I really need support - just like all of you!

    Mini Goal 1 170 by 2/5/2011
    Mini Goal 2 160 by 4/2/2011
    Mini Goal 3 150 by 5/21/2011
    Final Goal ! 142 by 7/16/2011
    ____SW: 178 / GW: 142___

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177

    TODAY i will be doing:
    - walk @ least 5000 steps
    - jm cardio kickbox twice
    - drink @ least 64 oz h20
  • Stacy160
    Stacy160 Posts: 2 Member
    Right there with ya! (And Hi... this is my first post on MFP)

    I've been bouncing between 172 and 175 for the last 3-4 months... my fault, I keep letting too many carbs in, and even healthy carbs will bring me to a grinding halt if I go over about 40 grams a day. *sigh* Good news is, I've found I can maintain like crazy, even through the holidays, so yay!

    I'm back on the wagon now, de-carbing seriously and focusing on protein and I expect to be out of the 170s by next Monday (I was 173 yesterday). Hate being stuck here and wanna get that scale moving again!
  • we can do this everyone! 178.4
  • narrowdoor
    narrowdoor Posts: 28 Member
    179.5 Just starting up on here and hoping for some support. So far I just eat and eat, really need some positive encouragement :~):flowerforyou:
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I'm at 172.2 as of my last weigh in. I want to get out of the 170's....eventually get into the 130's but one step at a time.

    So excited to join you guys and reach my goals and watch you all reach yours as well!

    Thats me! (but I'll settle for 140s...or even 150s if im toned and not jiggly anymore) :)

    I'd love to join you if you dont mind :)
    Im 172.4 today....started at 175 and would LOOVE to wake up to 169 tomorrow morning :) haha It just SOUNDS so much smaller than 170s at this stage.
    I weigh daily, too. I find that it helps keep me focused and keeps me aware of sodium/water weight fluctuations so I dont freak out if Im up a few ounces on a "scheduled weigh-in" day.

    Hope everyone sees those 160s SOON!
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    I was 185 in July, and am now down to 171.4 as of this morning (I fluctuate a bit, up to 172-3)

    My ultimate goal weight is to be down to 130, but for now I'd love to just say goodbye to the 170's for good!

    I've just been doing food/portion changes, so I'm hoping once I incorporate some more exercise I'll say hello to the 160s :)
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    I also weigh daily. It keeps me focused and let's me not lose track of my goals!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177

    TODAY i will be doing:
    - walk @ least 5000 steps
    - jm cardio kickbox twice
    - drink @ least 64 oz h20

    if i'm lucky i will ALSO BE DOING....

  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Soooooo close!!
    I was 170.6 yesterday...SOOO close to seeing those 160s!! I thought MAYBE this morning would push me through, but Im still 170.4. TEASE!! :)
    I will only "count" it if I stay in the 160s for a few days in a row....but Im hoping those few days are straight ahead!!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well this week! Im a little nervous about the weekend since that is when I always sabotage myself and either drink wine or eat some formerly-delicious-now-i-know-its-nasty kinda meal. :(
  • Soooooo close!!
    I was 170.6 yesterday...SOOO close to seeing those 160s!! I thought MAYBE this morning would push me through, but Im still 170.4. TEASE!! :)
    I will only "count" it if I stay in the 160s for a few days in a row....but Im hoping those few days are straight ahead!!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well this week! Im a little nervous about the weekend since that is when I always sabotage myself and either drink wine or eat some formerly-delicious-now-i-know-its-nasty kinda meal. :(

    woohoo!! you're sooooo close!!
  • thanks everyone. yes anyone can join..i don't mind at all i've not weighed myself in a few days since it's TOM but i'll be weighing either tomorrow or over the weekend i doubt i'll be out of the 170's but hopefully i'll be much closer to the 170 mark :)
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    My goal is to get out of the 170's. I started January 3rd at 190. I also weigh myself daily and today I was 179. I can't wait to bust into the 160's. I haven't been under 170 in years. Let's motivate each other!
  • My goal is to get out of the 170's. I started January 3rd at 190. I also weigh myself daily and today I was 179. I can't wait to bust into the 160's. I haven't been under 170 in years. Let's motivate each other!

    you started at 190 and 10 days later are at 179?! wow if thats not a typo that's amazing!!! great job and good luck!!!
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    It isn't a typo but it doesn't last. I have always lost a good amount of weight the first week. My guess is it is all water weight. My first week of WW a few years back was 12 lbs. My biggest problem is I never drink anything...I am busting my butt to drink my water but darn is it hard.
  • Madiann
    Madiann Posts: 177
    I would love to join this group. I started this Monday on the 10th. Started weight at 180.5, today I weighed at 176.2!
    I also have been weighing myself everyday, just out of curiosity and to keep me on track. Just wondering how tall everyone is. I'm 5'3".
  • I have have fluctuating between 178 and 181 for about 2 months now. I have already lost 22 lbs, but seem to be stuck. I just joined here and so far i really like it.
  • LJ0125
    LJ0125 Posts: 89
    I am 5'5 and 179-178
  • I'm currently at my heaviest (175 lbs) and have been trying to get out of the 170's for months now. I'm now trying to stick with my fitness pal religiously. I'm about to be the host of a local TV program and just have to get closer to my goal weight of 125 lbs. Hopefully support groups like this will help. :happy:

    CW: 175
    GW: 125
  • i'm 5'3 too i'm glad so many of you have joined we can do this! my next weigh in will be on saturday or sunday any of you can add me if you want :)
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