

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome to a great group! Stop by often to get support and give it to others. Let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: The things that eat my plants as they emerge from the soil are slugs. I don’t know if you have them. I hope your nets do the job for you.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in N CA: Shade and fans are great. Add in a spray bottle of water so you can mist yourself in front of the fan. I hope you stay healthy and don’t overheat. The whole west coast is shake and quake land, although CA is likely the champion there. I don’t think Quakes are as frequent as the storms, by any means, but can be really bad if they’re strong and in a populated area. In my mind, the earth is a living thing, and the quakes and storms are part of it. Human activity plays a big part in weather, and fracking has the potential to trigger quakes.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: The paper doll photo adventures sounds like lovely gifts for the sick little girl, knowing that people wanted to do things with her would have been a worthwhile gift.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Congratulations on the new school. I hope it is a happy place for you.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki GI NE: I bought a new swimsuit this year and am satisfied with it. I got the kind with separate tops and bottoms, which are twice the cost in my opinion, but give a woman a much easier time if she needs to go to the rest room. It is also possible to get a custom fit for those who are top-heavy or pear shaped. I thought I’d be in the pear shaped group, but top and bottom turned out to be the same size. I’m sorry to hear about the storm and hail damaged homes in your area.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Don’t beat yourself up because the expert gardener gets good results. You’ll be an expert too, if you keep at it long enough. I ‘m pretty good at gardening, but I couldn’t get a lump of clay centered on a pottery wheel when I took classes. I didn’t sign up for more classes, but if I had, I might have eventually learned. DH LOVED the beer leader’s joke. I read it to him and he’s still chuckling. Kim has a good point about building up the soil over time.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m glad you came through the storms without damage. I feel sorry for those who had damage.:flowerforyou:

    Sandydoyle: I agree that taking the weight off slowly is more likely to be successful in the long run. It gives you time to learn better habits and your body time to adjust. One of my favorite exercises is riding a stationary bike. I wonder if it would be easier for someone with fibromyalgia than using a treadmill. I find that I pound my knees on a treadmill, and they are a weak point that I try to protect & strengthen.:flowerforyou:

    Janette from CA: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Maryanne: You join simply by posting, so you’re in.:flowerforyou:

    Grasgal: Logging is the key to success. I’m glad you’re finally feeling like you’re getting somewhere. Stick around.:flowerforyou:

    Jen in NY: Menopause does eventually end, in its own sweet time. Hang in there.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Congrats on the good teeth. I work at keeping mine healthy, too. My parents both had dentures starting in high school. I think good teeth lead to better health in the long term and they need good care. My folks grew up in an era when less was known about dental health & tooth care.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Enjoy your granddaughters. I’m happy to hear that Bodi is making progress.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I haven’t played chickenfoot dominoes. I’d like to hear about it. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring a veggie tray more than once. Maybe you could add some sort of healthy dip for it.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You are a thoughtful and kind woman. Walking the woman to her car was a lovely thing to do.:flowerforyou:

    Janettemw: I write all of my posts on a word document as I read. I have MFP and the document open side by side on my computer screen. The word document is saved and has my goals on it already, so they always post. I started this practice after losing several long posts to computer hiccups.:flowerforyou:

    I am looking forward to yoga this morning, and a free concert in the park this evening. I hope everyone has a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. It is cooler and rainy in parts of Oklahoma. We have been busy working in our yard. I made toadhouses out of clay pots yesterday, saw them on Pinterest. I hope they move into their little mansions. :smile:

    Katia, enjoy your day, it sounds wonderful:smile:

    Meg, I'm glad you came through the storm ok, :smile: I'm sorry for those with damage.:sad:

    Anamika, congrats on the new school. I hope you love it there.

    Jen, menopause:grumble: , I am a fellow sufferer. I officially get there in August, hot flashes are getting worse as the weather warms up. I keep getting new symptoms that worried me, but I found them on a long list of menopause symptoms. My hot flashes have been going on about 3 years, glad to hear they will end someday. :smile:

    Welcome all new ladies.:flowerforyou:

    Logging my food and exercise has been a great help and has kept me on track. Keep up the good work everyone, log your food and keep exercising!:drinker:

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everybody! We had some pretty strong storms come through this morning, but thankfully nothing too severe. No boat rescues like in Omaha. We have a few small branches to clean up and that's about it. Lots of rain though, so I don't have to water the garden this morning.

    I experimented with my blood pressure this morning. Before my morning pills it was 148/71 and I felt pretty good. About an hour after my pills it was 113/51, and I felt pretty bad. Hmmm. Me thinks there is a connection? I'm going to do it again tomorrow and I'm going to make a chart. Yesterday afternoon I felt so bad that I went home and called the cardiologist's office to beg for an earlier appointment. No luck. Still three weeks to wait. I read some articles online about low diastolic blood pressure that said it's worse than high systolic pressure and can damage other organs, so now I've scared myself silly. I'm going to go to my GP's office this morning and ask them to take my BP just to see if my machine is accurate. I can tell you that when it's in the low 50's or below I can hardly function, I'm so tired and dizzy and weak and headachy. Boo hoo, poor me. End of pity party.

    The kids are coming over for dinner tonight, so I have to go to the store and then go home to clean up a little. Our grandson is terrified of spiders, so I have to go through all the rooms and make sure there are no cobwebs or visible spiders. For some reason we do seem to have lots of spiders. Maybe it's because of all the trees around the house. Also, I need to give Bruno a bath. He smells a little ripe. Probably rolled in something special outside yesterday.

    About apples and pears...I used to be solidly pear shaped, being very bottom heavy, but somehow my butt was the first to go when I started losing weight and now my weight is all in the belly, which puts me more in the apple category. (Maybe I should say Orange shaped. because I have so many dimples!) For some reason that fat just doesn't want to go away. I had always heard that belly fat was stubborn but didn't really believe it. Now I do.

    I've been having fun googling healthy recipes for zucchini. I have never even tried zucchini, but my son likes it and I planted some so I thought I'd give it a try. Lots of recipes out there, so somebody likes it. I never liked sweet potatoes either and now they are my favorite food, so I'm open to trying something new.

    Well, I have finished my drafting for the day and am ready to go shopping. Have a great day everybody!

  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning--nearly afternoon! I'm Robyn, and I have a long journey ahead of me. Not that I haven't started on this path before--I have, many times. But I decided to do something different, in the hopes of a different outcome. I am looking for a supportive group, and it seems as if I've found one in this group. I hope so! And I look forward to getting to know everyone.

    My goals for June are:
    Drink at least 3 bottles of water a day (my own aluminum bottles...trying to be environmentally conscious)
    Do stretches every day.
    Wear my pedometer
    Eat at or under MFP calories every day (and of course LOG every day)
    Check my blood sugar regularly.

    I know that sounds like a lot, but it shouldn't be too hard. It's already the 5th and so far, so good.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello fabulous friends,

    Frozen in the Canadian deep south here this Thursday! too cold for coffee outside? In June? not until today.

    Have read the posts, and want to say welcome to the new people who found this thread...
    and best wishes for a successful day to everyone here!

    Will be off to a cottage with no wifi for 4-5 days, so this is likely my last post for a while.....

    Still recovering from food poisoning, feels like I fell into a deep well, and am slowly crawling out.....
    will focus on healthy food when this is over......

    my handyman is set to assemble my new walking machine....so I have that to look forward to as well

    meanwhile I am chuckling at my loyal friends who are applauding my under cal goal !! food poisoning does that
    to you automatically, and at this rate, I am not even keeping those ingested calories....

    can only laugh at my folly!

    Cheers to all,

    BJ, SWOnt.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Thursday Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I tried to catch up from June 1st and have been reading for 2 hours! We are a “chatty” group and I love every word! DS is doing well. The SO and I are exhausted. Went to bed last night at 8:30 and slept until 6:30 a.m. I feel like I could fall back into the bed for another 10 hour stretch! As a matter of fact I fell asleep in a meeting yesterday afternoon – talk about being embarrassed! :yawn:

    Renny: Congratulations on the expected grandbaby!:flowerforyou:

    juanita in Sudbury: I hadn’t thought about changing my ticker, but I think I will change mine too! I promised my son I would lose 65 pounds with him so that will be my ending goal!:smile:

    Yanniejannie: It’s hard not to worry about children (no matter how old they are) when they put themselves in potentially dangerous situations! I keep mine covered in prayer and I will add your DD to the list. The Serenity Prayer works for me!:smile:

    Jacqueline in NYC: Wow! You have an aggressive goal list for June. I hope to add just one group cardio workout to my goals for the month! You will be a part of my motivation!:flowerforyou:

    Heather in gloriously sunny Hampshire UK: I love the conical hydrangea! I didn’t know they could change color. I imagine it will be lovely throughout the summer.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon: Thanks for your note about your stomach acid from eating green peppers. The SO often suffers from heartburn and we eat lots and lots of green peppers. I will change over to yellow or red peppers and see if that helps him.

    BJ, SWOnt: Congratulations on being mortgage free!

    Pat in Ohio: My son just had the “heart shocking” procedure last week and is on lots of meds to keep his heart in rhythm. He is only 30 and I hope he will be able to adjust his lifestyle to be healthy.

    Carol in NC: Life brings about things we never imagine in our wildest dreams. Since my divorce I have done some things that I never would have imagined while I was married. Most of them were good, some were not, and some were just absolutely necessary. I have happily survived and am happy. If you decide to live in a condo community you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not it is for you. If it’s not, you will have an opportunity to move on and the next place will be better.:happy:

    Smiles Kim in N. California: My son is staying with his dad and grandmother for the time being. I check in with him everyday. His recovery seems to be going ok. I am really really hoping that he will sign up on MFP. :smile:

    Sandydoyle33: My ex-hubby is from Winchester and we spent a lot of time going through Berryville. I have the fondest memories of veggie purchases in that area. My favorite state park “Sky Meadows” is in the area too. Such a beautiful area!

    Have a great day ladies!

    Tere in Chesterfield VA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Am in a lot of pain due to going off the arthritis medicine for the d&c on mon.
    Can only take tylenol.
    Have a good one
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Sandydoyle33-I live near Hagerstown Md, I worked in Berryville for a few weeks when the company I worked for relocated, I trained
    the new people there then I became a stay at home mom. That was way too far to travel everyday.

    Has anyone received a comment about your wght loss that made you more determined to keep losing and keep it off. I've had many compliments that made me feel good and sometimes some remarks that made me give up. I think it's called fear of success. Anyway the other day a friend saw me and came over and said to me" I see you are losing wght again, you look great. AGAIN, that word really got to me, yes I've lost wght before, several times actually but when she said that it really hurt. :cry: she's a sweet lady so I know she meant well. Or I guess I'm too sensitive. I have been on a plateau for the past month, and kind of feeling like giving up, but thanks to this thread I'm hanging in, sorry I'm digressing, Anyway that comment lit a fire under me. I do not ever want to hear that phrase again. That is my true personality, I always give up on things, but this is my health so I have to keep working on it. I'll have to remember that phrase when I want to give up.

    Welcome to the new ladies, you will like it here..

    Brenda from Md
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Brenda from md, as of today I have been at mfp for 527 days, I have lost weight, stayed the same for months and then regained so I had to recently change my ticker to best reflect my progress, in the last 2 wks I have lost 2 pounds its slow with me thats why I have always given up in the past, withthis group of ladies the fellowship and knowledge keeps me coming back everyday to try my best.but I so understand how those few remarks can send you either way,
    wishing you better days ahead

    juanita in sudbury
  • 70x50
    70x50 Posts: 8 Member
    Trying to get back on track. Order my local healthy vegetables and fruits that are from organic farms in my area.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies -

    I've MIA for quite some time. I see lot's of new faces on here. I've caught up on the June posts.

    Here are my goals for June:
    - Get 15,000 steps on my fitbit each day
    - Do my back exercises daily
    - Get back to the Y to do strength training 3 x per week
    - Get in at least 45 minutes of cardio 6 x per week
    - Log everything I eat

    Looking forward to getting reacquainted with the ladies I knew and getting to know the new ladies.
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    I have been here since mid January. Pleased with my progress, losing at a slower pace than some here, re-training myself for a lifestyle change. May was good to me - I had my best 5k time ever (slow run/fast walk). My goal in June is to focus on getting in more exercise and beat last months 5k time!
    -Vickie from Northern California
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Hi all-
    My June goals are minimal compared to some of yours! I have the last 10 pounds to lose, and they are tougher now that I am "that" age! Haha.

    1) Walk @ 3.5 MPH two miles per day
    2) Additional 10k+ on pedometer
    3) Continue on Plant Based Diet with a maximum of 1500cal per day. (that is my TDEE minus 20%)
    4) Be inspirational to others

    I am currently on Warfarin for Afib caused by my Graves disease and hyperthyroidism. Also on HBP meds and Beta blackers. I had thyroid ablation with radioactive iodine in March, and my thyroid is now is at a more "normal" level. But it is also causing weight gain, even at lower calorie levels. I seem to have stablized this past week, but it will be very slow going to get the pounds off. I may just go for fit instead! lol. Top that off with a nice layer of Menopause, and that is what brought me here.

    I am so happy to have found you all! I work full time, but will try to be a presence on here as much as possible. I hope you all have a marvelous day!
    Janette from Ca.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Had a long walk with friends this am. then an early lunch.......1/2 of a Greek chicken wrap, delicious! Line dancing last night was fun and I'm proud and happy to say I'm getting better!!!!

    Tere......Had friends near you for years.......Midlothian, then Powhatan; now they are in Atlanta. Thanks for adding my DD. I also hope your son continues to improve daily and joins MFP and heeds all the good advice here.

    Short on time, but on the menopause issue...........had a baby at 40, first hot flash at 42..................and I'm STILL getting them at 62.........that's 20 years worth...........Sleep is erratic at best, usually about 5 hrs., if I get 7, I celebrate. Can't remember the last time I felt really rested.

    Catch you all later!
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey you ladies are my kinda people. I'm 49....am I too young? Lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandydoyle, my dogs are like yours---full of energy and always ready for a walk---one of them can hear my unplug the Bluetooth for my phone even when she’s in other room and she knows I’ll be taking her for a walk…the dogs have been a great motivator to keep me active…thanks for the information on fibro and finding a good doctor—I’ll pass that on to my friend.

    :flowerforyou: Jacqueline, I’m about the same age you are
    I go to bed at 7:30 and am asleep by 8:30 or 9:00….I routinely wake up by 3:00 and feel rested and ready to get up and walk my dogs before breakfast and then again after breakfast…..my mother slept about 6 hours a night when she was my age…..I teach a line dance class on Friday mornings ----not much money, but a ton of fun.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Cathy in NS---getting in the habit of tracking my food every day was the beginning of a successful weight loss journey for me----best wishes to you

    :flowerforyou: Kim W in PA, keep your focus on your weight loss and health goals and you’ll do well even on vacation.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, I bring the same thing to every potluck I go to:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Robyn, there is evidence that people who wear or carry pedometers walk more steps than people who don’t and if you’re moving you’re losing so more walking is a great benefit….I love my pedometer…..I carry it with me all day.

    :flowerforyou: Brenda, one of happiness commandments is “Don’t take things personally”…it helps me a lot….I don’t let success go to my head or failure go to my heart..

    .:bigsmile: gabbygirl, all women are welcome here.....just jump into the conversation

    :bigsmile: Jake worked this morning while I was at my line dance class and then called to say he was going out to lunch---he loves to go to restaurants and I don’t, so every time he meets a friend for lunch, it means he won’t be asking me to go out with him to eat. I don’t often have time alone at home and I love it when it happens. I leave again in a few minutes to practice all afternoon with the group of dancers who will be performing at the county fair this summer.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Barbie~ love the dancing kitty!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Vicki k – you are hired to come clean out my kitchen cupboards and fridge! :laugh: :laugh:

    Janette – I had a friend who used to live in Ukiah…

    Cynthia – Levi just sleeps through the farting…. It would be funny if he looked!:bigsmile:

    Jacqueline – great that you have found a new career that includes exercise.

    Cathy – without the logging of my food I am sure I would have lost ZERO weight.:noway:

    Kim W. enjoy your weekend get away

    Katla – enjoy the concert, our town does them too but they don’t start until the end of June.

    Sylvia – I hope your GP can help – and that darn cardio office! I want you in NOW. :love:

    Robyn – welcome! Where are you from?

    BJ – food poisoning keeps you under goal; but that is not the long term weight strategy we want :angry:

    Tere – sleeping in a meeting, is not great; but getting caught is worse!:laugh: The meeting must have been boring.

    Brenda – “again” yuck! I am sure she didn’t mean anything bad by it – but I am with you that is almost a non-compliment; however if it lights a fire it becomes the best comment ever. :smile:

    Suzy – did you take your profile pic? Wow!!!

    Vickie from N. Cal - welcome to another N. Californian…

    YannieJannie – good job on getting better at dancing

    Gabbygirl – welcome – you are not too young…

    Barbie and the other dancers - I am so darn jealous - I am partially tone deaf so am super challenged musically, I sing in the car by myself, and dance with the curtains closed with the dog; but that is it. I could not even get the timing right on walking down the isle to the wedding march as a bridesmaid..my best friend (the bride) had the 4 year old flower girl go first so I could follow her stepping as she could do it and I did not hear any beat at all in that music...just a jumble of sounds. a nice jumble, but nothing more.

    I gardened this morning for 3 hours; something I do regularly; but today it beat my butt! I am tired; but headed out to visit my mom and have dinner and then to the Baccalaureate Mass for my niece - 1 hour drive each way...Turns out I am skipping the food gathering, and doing dinner with my mom - we will end up out somewhere; but that will be better.

    It is hot out today, but a breeze which is nice, Levi is so spoiled having me work from home most of the time; and today he was out this morning while I was gone and he'll be out this afternoon-evening as well. He has access to the garage, a bed, big shade trees, 2 big bowls of water, so it is not like he suffers :bigsmile: but he loves to be with mom!

    have a great rest of the day!
    Kim in N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all!
    Back from a lovely day out!
    Too tired to post.:yawn: Welcome all new people - keep looging and posting and all sorts of miracles will happen! I consider what has happened to me some sort of miracle!:drinker: :bigsmile: :wink:
    Night night.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gang. Hope you all have had a good day. Mine was spent running errands; grocery shopping, went to a new Hispanic bakery and got 4 wonderful treats for a whole $2….they are 50cents each! Then I did some shopping for dad’s BD party. It’s hard to find stuff when the birthday boy is 90! I actually did find some balloons that say 90 though!

    Sandy: I love your attitude…I may have fibro but it does not have me!

    Yanniejannie: it’s too hot here for hot chocolate, but I do love mine with butterscotch schnapps!

    Cathy: oh my goodness! I’m glad you were not hurt.

    Kim: awwwww Levi wants to share with you!

    Janette: welcome to the group and we are quite a chatty bunch

    Maryann: you joined by posting!

    Joyce: once a kind=hearted nurse, always a kind hearted nurse!

    Jen: I am right with you on the sleeping thing. It’s awful and what’s worse is that I am both hot and cold at the exact same time so
    there is no way to get comfortable. I wander around all night.

    Barbie: one of my goals in life is to be the only old bat in the nursing home with my own teeth! LOL

    MNMargaret: working in the garden is such wonderful activity

    Robin: so glad Bodi is still mending! Enjoy your grandbabies!

    Michele: I am going to have to try your intervals. I take it that is on the dreadmill as someone else here calls it!

    Jb: maybe a project is just what Mariah needs right now!

    47Jacqueline: yes it’s true that older people do not need as much sleep

    Sylvia: good for you to be trying to figure out how your bp relates to your meds. I hope the DR makes some good suggestions for you

    BJ: It’s still cold up there? Oh my!

    Jane: take care and I’m hoping the time passes quickly

    Gabby: 49 seems close enough for me!

    Good Lord, more storms are on the way and they are getting hail where the baseball sized hail was the other day. There is a huge car dealership in that town with over 4500 cars. Every single one of them had their windows broken the other day. Now they are getting it again. And we are in a tornado watch too. Getting old! Holy cats.

    Well I’m off…I keep getting interrupted so I think I have missed many of you, sorry about that! Enjoy the evening! I’m not sure what’s on tap for tonight. I should work on our taxes but I can find almost anything in order to not do that! Take care, Meg from unsettled Omaha