5'2" Ladies who have gone from 140-115lbs



  • vanessahaslag
    Hey this sounds like me! I am 5'1" and working at going from 139 to 115. I am currently at 130 and on my way! Running, group fitness classes and eating right are my friends right now.
    Keep it up everyone! Shorties rock! :P
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'2" and this is basically my goal as well! In my twenties I was lucky enough in the genetics/metabolism department to mostly stay around 120-125 without much work, but getting older and a cross-country move/new job have led to me needing to get back into a much healthier eating/exercise routine.
  • lasombrs
    lasombrs Posts: 30
    I'm 5'1"-5'2" depending on who measures it lol. I stated 114 days ago at 147.5 lbs. Today I crossed down to 129.5 with 120 being my original goal, now thinking i can make it to 115 to be solid in the middle of the recommended range of 108-125. I am mom to a disabled almost 5 year old and a 2 year old so I dont have a lot of time to myself. Ever. I do not have a gym membership. I have done a lot of 30 day challenges i have found on pintrest that are body weight only, and throw in some zumba or tae bo videos i get free from you tube when i have 30 minutes to actually do it.

    The biggest way i dropped weight at the start was i stopped drinking soda. I was drinking almost a 2 lt a day and now i maybe have a 20oz if i am out somewhere or we got food. I log food like crazy, I dont eat back the cals i burned off. I am looking into getting a heart rate monitor and now i am aiming for more toning and fitness. I think the diet changes and just resisting cleaning my kids plate or eating a donut because i got them one has been the biggest thing for me so far. The weight loss has definitely been slower the past 30 days.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Loving these posts!!! Love the different stories of where everyone came from, and how they got to where they are now! Lots of inspiration and motivation!!!

    I am 5'0 (1/2") currently 155ish (I don't weigh myself a whole lot, but this is approx. where I am) and looking to just lose my flab and happy in my skin/clothes. I currently wear about size 10; but want to be size 4, so I'm thinking I want to weigh somewhere around 120... I am so mad that I ever let myself get up to the 150s and size 10 (at my biggest, I was at least 148 size 8). And having the hardest time staying committed to the lifestyle change I need to have. I started watching my diet (again) Feb 1 2014 and was good for a couple of months, then my life changed when I got a new job and basically lived at my bf's place. Beginning of May, I realized I put back on the weight I had originally lost, and have been trying to be more consistent now. I am following the TDEE plan of losing 20% calorie reduction, so try to stay at about 1400-1600 calories (right now, I average 1800 calories a week. weekends are my enemy). I try to fit in at least 3 work-outs a week at my gym (they have awesome classes M-F at 5:45 which is perfect for when I'm done with work); and I live in Chicago so walking 6,000 average steps a day.

    I am disappointed in myself for not being better about this in the beginning, since it is now summer and I hate wearing any summer clothes. But this is why I know I need to be more consistent.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
  • mialonghorn
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" (and yes that half inch counts!). Started at 130 lbs on March 11, and just hit 114 yesterday, June 3. I'm a runner, but training for marathons made no difference in my weight up until the point I decided I needed to clean up my food. Cut out virtually all the junk, and measured EVERYTHING. I have my macro percentages set for 55% carbs, 25% protein and 20% fat, and I have to say, hitting the protein numbers is the most challenging for me. My current setting is 1300 calories per day. I try not to eat my exercise, but I find it almost unavoidable. I usually finish out my day around 1550, which is well below my bonus from exercise (6 days per week; that one rest day is always a killer!).

    I don't eat meat, and I avoid dairy and soy (for various health reasons). I eat egg whites and wild salmon almost everyday, plus a protein shake, in order to get the numbers to jive. I also stay vigilant about the other nutrient numbers, specifically sugar, which is tough, because three pieces of fruit and I've blown my allotment for the day. Virtually no pasta (though whole wheat when I do have it), and I prefer brown rice actually anyway. So not only have I lost a significant amount of weight eating clean and real foods like this, I've gotten lean, which was my goal in terms of running. I'm currently only one pound away from my goal.

    And yes, I'll have a beer or glass of wine with dinner most days of the week.

    Feel free to friend me, my diary is viewable to my friends here. Good luck all!
  • aserranzana16
    aserranzana16 Posts: 43 Member
    That's me.

    I'm 5'1 and went from 141 to 110.

    The single item that made the BIGGEST difference for me was buying a food scale. Turns out, I am absolutely terrible at estimating portions. I got stuck at 130 for a long time, and the food scale helped me tremendously.

    I did a ton of walking + the 30 day shred at first. I switched to a pilates/ballet type workout + walking for the last 15 pounds, and now I'm lifting to drop my body fat percentage.

    Consistency, and being honest with yourself about calories is the best and only way to go.

    EDIT: running every day is a big no-no for new runners. It should really only be a couple days a week when you're starting out.

    ^ All of this. ^

    I'm 5'1", started at 139 and am currently at 108-110. Before I started weighing and measuring my food, I was convinced that I was eating healthy. Turns out, that "1200" I thought I was eating was more like 1800-2000...I had to train myself to be diligent about adding things like oil, butter, mayo, etc.

    On top of that, I ran a lot, but also WALKED everywhere. Those walking calories add up, let me tell you.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    That's me.

    I'm 5'1 and went from 141 to 110.

    The single item that made the BIGGEST difference for me was buying a food scale. Turns out, I am absolutely terrible at estimating portions. I got stuck at 130 for a long time, and the food scale helped me tremendously.

    I did a ton of walking + the 30 day shred at first. I switched to a pilates/ballet type workout + walking for the last 15 pounds, and now I'm lifting to drop my body fat percentage.

    Consistency, and being honest with yourself about calories is the best and only way to go.

    EDIT: running every day is a big no-no for new runners. It should really only be a couple days a week when you're starting out.

    ^ All of this. ^

    I'm 5'1", started at 139 and am currently at 108-110. Before I started weighing and measuring my food, I was convinced that I was eating healthy. Turns out, that "1200" I thought I was eating was more like 1800-2000...I had to train myself to be diligent about adding things like oil, butter, mayo, etc.

    On top of that, I ran a lot, but also WALKED everywhere. Those walking calories add up, let me tell you.

    I hear you with the "1200" calorie mis-interpretation! I can't believe how bad I am when I do not actually log, and I think I am doing fine! Turns out I am just very delusional as to what I am consuming calorie-wise. I couldn't believe how much weight I put on in one month when I started a new job and was getting my breakfast from Dunkin Donuts and eating lunch out as well! I was disgusted when I looked-up how many calories I was actually consuming, when I thought I wasn't being that bad! Even with adding my working-out schedule! It was crazy how in one month I went from 152 to 156/7 again! Pathetic... There went all my hard work of trying to shred for a bridesmaid's dress and vacation... Now I'll just be lucky to slim down enough to maybe wear a bare midriff outfit for Lolla in August...
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    Curious to know at what rate everyone has chosen to lose their weight. I have it set for a half pound per week, which is the most conservative option. I wonder if that makes a difference in how quickly we actually progress.
  • EquineWild
    EquineWild Posts: 22 Member
    Here I was thinking I was in this boat alone.

    I am 5' on the dot. Right now I weigh in at 143 but my goal is to get down to 115. I used to be around 120 and was happy at that weight, under-toned but happy.

    So, my plan is to tone up and slim down!
  • lasombrs
    lasombrs Posts: 30
    I have mine set to 2 lbs per week. The first 2 months that seemed about right. the last 30 days have been only 2-3 lbs. but i think i have adjusted to the life style and need to mix it up more again to get things going.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Curious to know at what rate everyone has chosen to lose their weight. I have it set for a half pound per week, which is the most conservative option. I wonder if that makes a difference in how quickly we actually progress.
    It does in the long run, for two reasons.

    1) If you don't have much fat to lose, a large deficit is a recipe for losing muscle mass. An adequate protein intake and strength training can help with that.

    2) Adherence. It's a matter of personal preference. I prefer a slight deficit so I don't even feel like I'm dieting and I have plenty of energy, but some people are discouraged by slow progress and prefer to lose weight a bit faster. Anyway, if you're already at a healthy BMI and you want to get leaner, a 0.5-1lb/week loss is ideal.
  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    I am 5'2" aiming for 120. 115 would probably be great too. I have been stuck at 134-139 for the past 2 years on mfp. I guess I've just been eating maintenance calories all this time (around 1800). I think because my exercise calories are way too high. I am now aiming for a 1400 (gross). I recently started lifting weights and am hoping that will help me achieve my goal of a smoking hot body. I am really discouraged this morning though since my jeans are too tight!
  • staceylw31
    staceylw31 Posts: 29 Member
    wow that is great! What types of excercise do you do? I am also 5'3" and at 191.2. Want to be down around 128.
  • staceylw31
    staceylw31 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5'3' and I went from 194 to 108 in the last 18 months. Started out by eliminating sugar from my diet then I found MFP about a year ago and I started tracking my food and calorie intake. Been on a maintenance plan for the last few months. It can be done but I find maintenance so much harder than dieting.

    That is great..what types of excercise did you do to get there?
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I'm close to this story, so I'll chime in. I'm 5'3" and I started at 137lbs. My first goal was 118 and then my ultimate goal became 105. It took me just over 10 weeks to get to 118 and it ultimately took 21 weeks for me to get to 105lbs (a loss of 32lbs). I did this by jogging 5k and doing a few minutes of strength/core training 5 days a week as well as netting 1200 cals a day.

    I'm currently in maintenance mode (and have been since 2/10, so over 16 weeks). I weigh 102 at the moment and I net 1460 cals a day. I'm still jogging 5k/training 5 days a week. And, yes, by 'net' I mean I eat my exercise calories back on top of the 1460/day. Hope that helps! Keep up the good work and you'll get there OP!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am 5'1 and my starting weight 8/1/09 was 143lbs. My goal weight was 118lbs and I reached it in 12 weeks. Cardio 7 days a week, weight training 4 days a week and a 1,000 calorie deficit per day!

    Ok ive been reading alot about calorie deficits.... How do I do this? I have no idea how many calories I was eating prior to 2 weeks ago to be honest. So based on that information how does one calculate a deficit? Working out more?


    or look up "TDEE" on google and do the calculator and calculate your deficit from there according to the guidelines.
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    I'm not quite at 115 (119 currently) and I started at 137, but I am 5'2! I ate around 1400 for most of it and lost steadily when combined with bodyweight training and a lot of walking. At my current weight, I'm finding it a lot harder to lose so I've dropped my calories to around 1280. I can't say if it's working or not by the scale, I'll check again at the end of this month. My upper half is definitely getting smaller, though.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    5'2".. I went from 180 to 124.. Kinda bouncing between 123-128 atm. Been maintaining for a little over 2 years now.

    Ii did Cardio 2-4 days a week and been doing weights 1-3 times a week. Only 30 mins cardio (it's BORING)

    Mostly it was my diet.. less empty carbs, more veggies, protein, and fruits.
    I've cut NOTHING from my diet.
    Want ice cream.. go get ice cream. Want half a pizza.. got half a pizza. Not all in the same day, but like a treat every 4-5 days... FATurday is my holiday:laugh:

    Every time I restricted, I just wanted the bad food more.

    But today is National Doughnut Day.. so I'm getting on that train when I get Dunkin in like 20 mins :happy:
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