WANTED: People that need to lose 50lbs.



  • I need to lose a total of 60-70

    I've lost 29 so far. feel free to add me :)
  • 70 in total, but 50 first! Let's do this!
  • Similar to my goals! Anyone who needs a buddy should add me :)
  • jkmbestself
    jkmbestself Posts: 10 Member
    Please:flowerforyou: be my friend?
  • megqbrown
    megqbrown Posts: 9 Member
    I'm down 28 pounds already, but I have over 40 left to go! Happy to befriend anyone who wants some extra motivation!
  • GymKitty36
    GymKitty36 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm down 35 pounds with around 50+ I want to lose and I'm on here every single day! Feel free to add me! :bigsmile:
  • Restarting again (maybe I won't walk down the street with the hole in it this time :-) --- multiple factors of 50! Feel free to ad me.
  • madaboutblu
    madaboutblu Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in!!! 55lbs to lose... On it like a car bonnet!!! ;o)
  • lisafli
    lisafli Posts: 1
    I am just as motivated. I want to lose 50lbs. my goal is to lose 20-25 by the end of August. I work out 5-6 days a week 60-120 minutes each time (CARDIO and mixture of free weights). I am currently struggling with sheding lbs just losing inches at this time. I want to SHED the lbs as quickly as possible I need to stay focus and not lose interest aas I get mad everytime I get on a scale and I have not lost any lbs. I will post my biggest challenges we can motivate each other. :happy:
  • earlydeath
    earlydeath Posts: 10
    I'm aiming for 70lb
  • 50lbs would be amazing if I could lose that. I haven't weighed that since middle school. Feel free to add me I need workout buddies too.
  • emzypemzy93
    emzypemzy93 Posts: 185
    179 lbs looking to lose about 50 to get back to my weight before i was put on medication!!
    want to be fit and healthy!!!
    add me ladies i log on everyday and try to motivate and enourage as much as i can!
  • ssancaster
    ssancaster Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 70lbs to lose, I'm commited, please add me. could use all motivation i can get!!
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    My goal is to lose 55lbs.....I have a long ways to go but It would be great to have friends to help motivate each other! Feel Free to add me
  • danakelly125
    danakelly125 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning.
    I have a lot more than 50 pounds to lose and I have just started really working at it. For me it is now a major health issue that has me so motivated. I am on here daily as well and look to MFP friends to keep me motivated. You can do!!:wink::wink:
  • Lyndsay137
    Lyndsay137 Posts: 10 Member
    I have around 50lbs left to lose and I'm back motivated to do this again (lost 70lbs previously and managed to maintain for the last few months). Feel free to add me, I'm back up on a new account and dont have any friends yet!
  • How about instead of limiting to an amount of weight to lose, welcoming anyone that wants to lose weight? Regardless of whether someone wants to loose 5 or 50, encouragement and support is still possible.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    So just a heads up that I'm going to start mass adding ya'll ;)

    I want to lose about 80... First top is 20 (I'm already down 14 in about a month). I would love new fit-friends and motivation buddies. Please feel free to add me. No need to add a special note or anything :)
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    Overall, I want to lose 60.1 (I'm starting at 200.1 lbs and I want to be 140 lbs) so far I have lost 14.5 lbs and that leaves 45.6 lbs to go for me! Still a long road ahead of me :D But I know I can do this just like I did for the first 14.5 lbs. EYE OF THE TIGER !! Add me if you'd like. I log every day and am always positive toward my MFpal's goals.
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    Hi there: I have about 50-70 pounds to lose. Once I get to the 50, then I'll see where I need to go. Please feel free to add me, too!! I teach, so I am on a lot in the summer--the fall, not so much, but hopefully, this will get me in the habit!! Good luck to all! Dee