The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
  • buibear88
    buibear88 Posts: 23 Member
    What an awesome idea for a club!!

    It seems like i've been on this weight loss journey my whole life but I decided to get serious today.

    Current weight - 330
    Goal weight - 200
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Soo.. its kinda quiet in here!

    How is everyone doing? Anyone having a rough time?

    I've found that the gym is always PACKED this time of year with people starting new years resolutions.... I think I'm using that as an excuse not to go. I just don't feel like fighting for a treadmill and then feeling like everyone is watching me - So I'm sticking with classes this week. I loooove zumba :)
  • @ MegJo: I gave seen commercials for Zumba, but I still don't know what it is... What is it? Lol It's awesome to hear that you weren't discouraged all together but you found an alternative that made you comfortable and stick with it!
  • cdmckay711
    cdmckay711 Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to be part of this club because I know the feel.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Someone please queue the angelic music~~~~

    AT LAST! A board where I BELONG!!!!!

    Always had "extra" to share. I'll turn 30 this year (woo-hoo!) and am really, I'm mean seriously, focused and motivated to do something about my weight.

    SW: 256lbs.
    CW: 238 lbs.
    (Several MGW): every 10 pounds/month until......(queue drum roll)
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for me): 180 pounds.

    I'm doing my weight loss reprogram in stages. I'm reducing my caloric intake first w/ light exercise (and a host of other "mental battles" to help establish a lifestyle change); then kicking it up a notch in Feb. My motto this month: Consistency, consistency, consistency!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Oh Zumba is fantastic! I do it in a class setting at a local dance studio - many gyms offer it too. The best way to describe it is an aerobic workout using latin style dance steps to some really awesome music. Lots of of side stepping and plenty of hip shaking! The classes are an hour long and with a good instructor they fly by. I'm overweight (obviously) but in okay shape for my size (217lbs) I burn between 600-850 calories in the hour, depending on how hard I push myself to do some of the more intense moves like jumping. If you're going to try it I highly suggest you try it at least 3 times. The first and second class I was really overwhelmed. They never actually go over the "steps" with you, you just kinda jump in and follow along. Each songs has like 6 "moves" that basically repeat themselves so you will catch on eventually. The motto is, as long as you're moving you're doing the right thing. It's a blast. I saw that they just came out with zumba for the wii and other consoles, I'm curious to see how it is! I know they have it in a dvd home work out form too - I've never tried it though. Well now that I'm done with that zumba commercial -- jeeze haha :laugh: I guess I just love it! I really think zumba is the reason I've lost inches and increased my cardio endurance.

    ajax03 - consistency is a great word, I think I need to see more of that in my life too! :laugh:
  • Hi! I'm Leigh Ann and I'm 18 years old. I know that I am young, but I have never been thin. I have always been the "fat girl" in school even though I'm not even that big. About four years ago, at my heaviest weight -222 lbs, my mom and I decided to follow Weight Watchers and I gradually lost almost 70 pounds over a year and and I felt pretty good. But I began having this mind set that "oh one indulgence won't hurt me" and one lead to a bunch. I've gained exactly 20 pounds since my lowest weight- 154 pounds and I feel yucky again. I decided to start on this site. I just wanna be in shape for my graduation and prom this year (: I know that I'm not that big but I don't feel good about myself, and my BMI is 29.5- just .5 away from obesity. So my goal is to drop a few pounds and feel good about myself again :)

    Heaviest weight- 222 lbs
    Current Weight- 174 lb
    GOAL weight- 240 lbs by May 2011
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    Exercise goals this week:

    JAN 1 -Sat-JILLIAN MICHAELS CARDIO KICKBOX AND WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS - the video not done - 4089

    JAN 2 -Sun-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEP, GEORGE WALK N BOX - the videos not done yet - 4196


    JAN 4 -Tues-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS, @ GEORGE WALK N BOX - the vids not done yet - 14383




    Nutritional goals this week:



    -Log all food every day.

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    -Stay between 1200 - 1500 calories everyday


    since starting work for the new year on monday i have been eating mushroom n swiss snack wrap reason being is that i have not ate anywhere between 1200 - 1500 calories a day doing great on no eating small fries and have been getting @ least 64 oz water everyday

    have not done ANY of the exercise vids instead of marathoning it....ill just get in what i can...TODAY i will definitely do:
    jillian michaels cardio kick box
    george foreman walk n box
    and the other jillian michaels video...walk @ least 5000 steps as well
  • JK, I meant ***140 pounds, not 240 pounds..... lol
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    @ MegJo: I gave seen commercials for Zumba, but I still don't know what it is... What is it? Lol It's awesome to hear that you weren't discouraged all together but you found an alternative that made you comfortable and stick with it!
    One of the best things about Zumba is that you don't have to keep up with the instructor, who can sometimes take steps to the next level. If they are really good, they will show the class how to do the same moves at a lower impact. I seriously had all age ranges in my Zumba class when I was taking it in a community setting. It's really great for everyone!
  • Welcome everyone! …sorry I have been a little off lately and not replying- just been crazy busy but now that the year is getting under way I can be more considerate of my club…im getting a list of weights and such together (hopefully I can figure out how to upload it! Haha)

    ANYWAYS!!!! On to my LATE welcomes!

    @ Redruthie- great to have you here…that’s pretty much what It comes down to what we think “seems” right lol…and I hope we can all be here for ur journey to a better you!...Welcome!

    @ Reneeot- haha I may have had skin and bones in the womb haha lol…im sure u can make it down to 125!!!...Welcome!

    @ Tammywho327- Glad u found a home haha…yea I just don’t trust those H/W charts cuz they don’t know me! Lol…Welcome!

    @ MegJo- hahah Plump! Yea that change from mental to physical im sure wasn’t easy on you…I was a theater person for 1 year lol…music was my thing (WOO Orchestra fiends!) im sorry it hasn’t been a daily thing- with the new year im hoping to get everyone a little more involved (if school doesn’t kick my butt) glad to have you here!...Welcome!

    @ hjy319- Hello there…don’t know much about you…so if u read this please tell us about your story…SW and GW maybe as a start…Welcome!

    @ Bluestocking06- man I wish I could play Rugby!!!! Its always the injuries that cause so much trouble isn’t it!!! Well that’s what we gotta find on here- what looks the best on us which I doubt is what the BMI says!!! Hahaha…great to have you…Welcome!

    @ Pearlhoney- hehe Plump…im sure with everyone on this site you will make it to ur goal in no time…and feel great!...Welcome!

    @ Juliana1977- I love ur enthusiasm! I can agree with u there my self esteem can get pretty low sometimes- especially when dwelling on ur weight…yea I had a cholesterol problem once…im glad u have ur kids to really make u push to the limit…no I don’t think it would be that hard…I think u can do it by then! And hopefully we can help…Welcome!

    @ Diegelman- Hello there…thanks for the stats hopefully we can help u reach ur goal…but when u come back maybe u can give us some more info on u…goals, aspirations…the usual…Welcome!

    @ Ktmccorkell- hello! Great to have u…we have lots of moms on here as I see…well its so great that u are here to take control of ur life so u can be there for your kids! I know you can do it…and we’re all here to help…Welcome!

    @Evermyre- hello! I’d love to have u here…don’t u hate “I carry it well” lol I get the same thing and most ppl don’t think within 30 lbs of what I tell them lol…slow and steady definitely does win the race!!! Good idea…and stressing over it makes it miserable nothing we want to go through…great to have you…Welcome!

    @ thatgirl17- Hi!...i know exactly how u feel- always being the fat friend or the bigger friend…sucks lol…yea u have to go with what feels right- and you’ll find that when you get there! Glad to have ya…Welcome!

    @ Buibear88- thanks I thought ppl would love the idea of being around those who truly understood…its been like a life long journey…but the fact that u have made the decision to change says wonders about you!...great to have you here!...Welcome!

    @ cdmckat711- glad to have u here Sir…next to stop by maybe you could tell us a little bout urself- goals aspirations why u think ur goal weight is where u want to be…Welcome!

    @ Ajax03- hahaha I can hear the song in my head now (I love that song- preferably the Celine version- but im bias –shes my fav singer lol) anyway…hahah extra- I gots lots of extra hehe…u are so right girl- mental changes are a necessity in order for us to do this thing right!...consistency is definitely key!...great to have u…Welcome!

    @ Teddypete13- hello Leigh Ann…hey all of us here were 18 once and most of us were overweight then…its great that u have decided to get a hold of ur issues early on!!! (even though im only 4 yrs older than ur lol) glad to have u here…Welcome!

    THANKS EVERYONE FOR BEING HERE! Once again sorry for being absent on here but I’ll do better and hopefully I’ll get this chart out to u guys in a short while!

    Also please everyone if I haven’t already added u please add me as a friend so I can keep up with all of ur progress!! Thanks!!!!!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Anyone ever tried snowshoeing?

    Before I started loosing some of this weight I was always holding myself back from doing activities because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with other people or that everyone would be staring at me. I've only lost 14 of the 71lbs I'd like to loose but I can feel myself getting more confident. At my heaviest, when I started MFP, I also started doing zumba. I had never taken an exercise class before so that was a huge step for me. For the past month I've been talking my co-workers ears off (as well as my MFP friends!) about trying spinning. I used the upright bike at the gym a few months back and ever since I've been hooked. But, I've been hesitant to try spinning because I always picture these tight body type people in there and I am really nervous about not being able to do it, period. Well, I actually signed up for a beginners 5-week spinning class that starts the first Tuesday of March! I'm really proud of myself and I like this feeling! So, now I'm like a crazy person -- what other activities can I do that I've always wanted to try but never had the confience or drive? Snowshoeing! Just curious if anyone has ever done it or what kinds of activies you guys do (things other then going to the gym).
  • Anyone ever tried snowshoeing?

    Before I started loosing some of this weight I was always holding myself back from doing activities because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with other people or that everyone would be staring at me. I've only lost 14 of the 71lbs I'd like to loose but I can feel myself getting more confident. At my heaviest, when I started MFP, I also started doing zumba. I had never taken an exercise class before so that was a huge step for me. For the past month I've been talking my co-workers ears off (as well as my MFP friends!) about trying spinning. I used the upright bike at the gym a few months back and ever since I've been hooked. But, I've been hesitant to try spinning because I always picture these tight body type people in there and I am really nervous about not being able to do it, period. Well, I actually signed up for a beginners 5-week spinning class that starts the first Tuesday of March! I'm really proud of myself and I like this feeling! So, now I'm like a crazy person -- what other activities can I do that I've always wanted to try but never had the confience or drive? Snowshoeing! Just curious if anyone has ever done it or what kinds of activies you guys do (things other then going to the gym).

    no actually i never have...not really sure what snowshoeing is actually lol...but if it involves the snow i am SURE i'd love it!...i actually did a few spin classes and they pretty much kicked my butt, but i did enjoy them a lot...and since its a beginners class she's prolly not gonna go nut-so on ya...but if its too much or intense then u just rest or do normal bike motions until u get ur strength back up...if u like normal biking then u will totally love it!
  • i think i got this is everyone's weights and such...if u see something wrong let me know...i also have question marks next to people i could not figure out weights for so if u see that for u please leave a message and i'll change it...i thought everyone could come and give me their weekly weigh ins so we can track everyone's great progress...if u miss a week thats ok we'll just update u when u come lets say everyone gives me their weights every Saturday...i kno thats a long while for some (i weigh in on Mondays) but i think it will be best for those who weigh in on Friday or later in the week...

    happy weigh losing folks! lets get this party started!!!

    i guess i just dont know what im doing with this photo to see the chart just click on the link above
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks sweetie!!

    SW (12/18): 184
    1/1/11 - 188.5
    7/11 - 187

    Today I'm at 186.5. I'll do the Friday weigh-ins most likely.
  • My first official Post!! I have been on MFP for a little over 2 months now. I am down 20lbs and very excited. I an very drawn to this topic. I was the fat baby-toddler-adolecent-high school student- and now adult. I am 41 years old and never been thin.
    I read that picturing yourself thin is a good tool. But I honestly can't imagine what I would look like thin. I try so hard to imagine (my face on someone else's body) just can't do it. This makes me sad.
    I have been on this journey a long time, and I feel like this is it. MFP has been an invaluable tool. I love the numbers game and it just seems easier this time.
    Good luck everyone, I look forward to a new year and new friends traveling down the same road........

    Highest Weight 215 or so
    Starting Weight 194
    Current Weight 174
    Goal Weight 135
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Oh Zumba is fantastic! I do it in a class setting at a local dance studio - many gyms offer it too. The best way to describe it is an aerobic workout using latin style dance steps to some really awesome music. Lots of of side stepping and plenty of hip shaking! The classes are an hour long and with a good instructor they fly by. I'm overweight (obviously) but in okay shape for my size (217lbs) I burn between 600-850 calories in the hour, depending on how hard I push myself to do some of the more intense moves like jumping. If you're going to try it I highly suggest you try it at least 3 times. The first and second class I was really overwhelmed. They never actually go over the "steps" with you, you just kinda jump in and follow along. Each songs has like 6 "moves" that basically repeat themselves so you will catch on eventually. The motto is, as long as you're moving you're doing the right thing. It's a blast. I saw that they just came out with zumba for the wii and other consoles, I'm curious to see how it is! I know they have it in a dvd home work out form too - I've never tried it though. Well now that I'm done with that zumba commercial -- jeeze haha :laugh: I guess I just love it! I really think zumba is the reason I've lost inches and increased my cardio endurance.

    ajax03 - consistency is a great word, I think I need to see more of that in my life too! :laugh:

    We have Zumba for xbox kinect and WOW!!! Its wonderful!! I'm too shy for classes. I have a friend who goes to classes and she said the kinect game was way more of a workout! I have lost 2 inches from my waist, and 2 inches from my bust, and 2 inches from my hips in a week with it!!! LOVE IT!!! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    melkneec... Excellent job! That's awesome that you could achieve that without a class. (I'm not at all suggesting that one needs a class to achieve results, just that it's awesome that you are so motivated on your own!) I hope you get to experience a Zumba class one day anyway though. It's exciting working out/dancing in a group. My first class was with a friend, or else I probably wouldn't have tried it on my own either. :smile:
  • piratess
    piratess Posts: 6 Member
    Hi .. Id love to join you ! ...

    Im in the UK .. I was slim up until i ran away from home .... started eatin for comfort at 18 i weighed 13 stone and since then ive got gradually bigger with each child ..
    Im now at 15 stone 8lbs i think is 215lbs.

    So 215 lbs start
    I would like to get to 160 ish ..

    I say ish because ive not been small in my adult life so not sure what it will feel like or look like ! ... i did manage to get to 12 stone 10 doing the cambridge diet and was in a uk 16 and i did feel nice .. i felt loads better so im maybe thinking to aim for a size 14 -16 and go from there ..

    I do have self esteem issues and self confidence to .. i spent 10 yrs with a man 13 yrs older than me who was a control freak ... id never find anyone to have me im fat blah blah so do lack willpower somtimes and lack of belief not feeling i deserve to be small ...
    Of course i do deserve it !!!!!!!

    :-) glad i found you
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