My 30 day Paleo lifestyle challenge!



  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    It is so funny how outraged people get that you choose to do something different then the exact way they do. Paleo works for me. When do track my calories I find that I am eating way less. I never suffer from hunger anymore. I suffered with hunger since I was a kid. Almonds rock! Sweet potatoes are an awesome treat. Love being paleo.

    Who is outraged? People are questioning the merits of the diet. The only people getting upset and snarky in this thread are the people who claim to be paleo.


    Plus, not trying to be negative, this is just my opinion, but saying you're going paleo but you're going to have treat days where you aren't, is almost like being a part time vegan, or saying you are a vegetarian but still eat chicken/fish. Again, just my opinion.
    or like a part time virgin...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    To truly follow a Paleo diet, you have to wear animal skins, go barefoot and kill your food with a stone...

    I'm totally kidding, I really don't understand why peeps demand that you follow a diet 100% in order to call it "Paleo." I don't understand why anyone would give a damn what anyone else eats anyway. Call it whatever you want. If it works for you, thats great! Let us know how it works.

  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    To truly follow a Paleo diet, you have to wear animal skins, go barefoot and kill your food with a stone...

    I'm totally kidding, I really don't understand why peeps demand that you follow a diet 100% in order to call it "Paleo." I don't understand why anyone would give a damn what anyone else eats anyway. Call it whatever you want. If it works for you, thats great! Let us know how it works.


    Actually, I don't think that footwear and clothing have much to do with your diet...but food definitely does, and our ancestors survived for a very long time mostly on something called a tiger nut, which is a type of tuber that grows over most of the world. It's full of starch and will wear down your teeth if not cooked, and is probably how we developed flat molars. You can buy some here:

    Good luck with your true Paleo tiger nut diet!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    To truly follow a Paleo diet, you have to wear animal skins, go barefoot and kill your food with a stone...

    I'm totally kidding, I really don't understand why peeps demand that you follow a diet 100% in order to call it "Paleo." I don't understand why anyone would give a damn what anyone else eats anyway. Call it whatever you want. If it works for you, thats great! Let us know how it works.


    Actually, I don't think that footwear and clothing have much to do with your diet...but food definitely does, and our ancestors survived for a very long time mostly on something called a tiger nut, which is a type of tuber that grows over most of the world. It's full of starch and will wear down your teeth if not cooked, and is probably how we developed flat molars. You can buy some here:

    Good luck with your true Paleo tiger nut diet!

    Some posts fill me with hope for the future. This is one such post.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I am not going to criticize you for trying to eat closer to nature, or for calling it "Paleo", as I have no problem with that. I say, find what works for you and do it.

    But, for the love of Pete, PLEASE do not compare yourself to a vegetarian. A vegetarian (at least none of the ones I know) does not EVER have an occasional day where they "treat" themselves to meat. Most do it for ethical reasons and don't feel that "oh, today it's ok to kill a pig because I am craving bacon".

    Just because you don't know vegetarians who openly have treats, doesn't mean they don't exist. I know a number of people who consider themselves vegan not for ethical reasons, who have no problems ignoring the butter on their pasta or breadstick when it's convenient for them. There are also a number of "part-time vegans" and "vegan before 6" type of eaters out there. Of course, you'll probably say they aren't "real vegans," but it doesn't change the fact that they claim that they are, and they have exceptions built into their diet.

    That veg*ns generally do it for ethical reasons, and therefore generally have a hard line in the sand about such things does make the underlying philosophies different, I do agree there, though.

    They can claim to be whatever they want, it doesn't make it true. I could claim to have a unicorn as a pet. Doesn't make that any truer. :) They are not vegans and they are not vegetarians if they eat meat/use animal products.

    I've been a vegetarian for 24 years, I would never treat myself with meat. People who claim they are part time vegans or call themselves vegetarian but eat meat/"openly treat themselves" are a joke, and in my opinion, idiots. IMO, it is an ethical decision, and it's not something one can turn on/off. I would get sick at this point if I tried to treat myself.

    Thank you!

    I have meatless meals at least once a day, that does not make me a vegetarian and I would never call myself one.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I eat keto-style, which is close to paleo. You're better off joining one of the low-carb groups or finding a paleo group. People on here tend to ridicule and belittle those of us who DARE to eat differently than they do. It's childish, but it ALWAYS happens.

    Haha I know. It's quite entertaining to see people get so annoyed over minor things....let's hope they don't watch the news. Yes I think your right, paleo group is the way to go :)

    No one is ridiculing or belittling anyone, simply questioning the rules of the diet. You're the ones making it personal and calling names. I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally am amused by this thread.

    I love these threads. They keep getting deleted, because anyone who doesn't agree with the paleo people is automatically "trolling". Disagreeing does not equal trolling.

    I think paleo is stupid for a host of reasons, but the most glaring: nearly every single person doing paleo says they "are not following it 100%," so why say you're doing "Paleo?"

    Oh right, because it's a fad diet. It's like doing atkins but "I eat fries on saturdays, treat. yo. self."
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    To truly follow a Paleo diet, you have to wear animal skins, go barefoot and kill your food with a stone...

    No. To follow a Paleo diet, you'd need to eat what Paleo people ate: tubers, honey, hippo, insect larva, inner tree bark.

    To follow a Paleo LIFESTYLE, however, you'd need to gather plants and endurance-hunt animals.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Instead of stupid "paleo" they should have called it "Cro-Mag" diet that way us old hard-core and punk muso's could have something to fist bump and chuckle about.


    It's a MAAAAAAALLLL-Function!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    To truly follow a Paleo diet, you have to wear animal skins, go barefoot and kill your food with a stone...

    No. To follow a Paleo diet, you'd need to eat what Paleo people ate: tubers, honey, hippo, insect larva, inner tree bark.

    To follow a Paleo LIFESTYLE, however, you'd need to gather plants and endurance-hunt animals.

  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    Warning.....Some strong language in the article
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't give a f**k about cross fit or paleo but I would love to do this...

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member

    Warning.....Some strong language in the article

    I like my language like I like my men....strong.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I don't give a f**k about cross fit or paleo but I would love to do this...


    I would be so afraid of dropping it on my head.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't give a f**k about cross fit or paleo but I would love to do this...


    I would be so afraid of dropping it on my head.

    That's the great thing about getting strong: you start trusting yourself.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Paleo does not mean eating whatever people in the paleolithic era ate. It was simply inspired by the idea that those ancestors probably did not eat much processed food or grains.

    Our ancestors DID eat a lot of grains

    What they didn't eat was butternut squash and bacon.

    Cool, it's a good thing I already explained that the paleo diet took inspiration from the idea and isn't a history lesson.

    You specifally referenced our "ancestors" not eating "a lot of grains" - that statement is flat out wrong.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm totally kidding, I really don't understand why peeps demand that you follow a diet 100% in order to call it "Paleo."

    There is a bit of difference between "100%" and gorging on foods invented during your parents lifetime. :drinker:
    I don't understand why anyone would give a damn what anyone else eats anyway.

    Pretty much nobody does. Couldn't care less what people eat.

    Doesn't change the reality that calling many of these foods "paleo" is like water "dry".
  • stacw1987
    stacw1987 Posts: 206 Member
    Ok so it has been a week since I started my new challenge and I must say I feel great! I thought it would be hard but I actually have been doing really well. I have followed it 100% to a T and I really feel like I have more energy, which is what I had hoped! Lets see how I get on for he rest of the challenge! :)
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm on an infinity day lifestyle challenge. I eat whatever I want and have lost 63 pounds. I have more energy, sleep better, and am in the best shape of my life.

    Cheers to lifestyle changes! :drinker:
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I'm on an infinity day lifestyle challenge. I eat whatever I want and have lost 63 pounds. I have more energy, sleep better, and am in the best shape of my life.

    Cheers to lifestyle changes! :drinker:

    I too follow the infinity day lifestyle challenge. I eat whatever I want and have lost 39 pounds!
    Welcome sista!