What is your WHY?



  • BusyB223
    BusyB223 Posts: 248 Member
    My WHY is because it's TIME!

    I have been really lazy and nonchalant about my physical appearance for far too long.

    I lost 40lbs in 2001 (down to 198) without trying and did nothing to keep it off. When I say "not trying" I mean, I wasn't on a plan or trying to make changes but I had fallen for a guy and was barely eating. My meal was soup and BBQ Lay's chips (my absolute fav). I met him in May and by December, I noticed that my thighs was not rubbing. It was a wonderful feeling/revolution. Then we actually got together and I gained it all back again over two years.

    He and I ended in 2004 and I was up to 224. I hit the track every morning for an hour walk and got down to the low 200's but not under that. I stopped going regularly and of course gained. Over the years I would lose 5 - 10lbs but not stick to what I was doing so those and others would return.

    January 2012, I started bootcamp for the first time. Did a 12 week transformation which I paid $400 to participate in. I lost 24lbs went from 225 to 201. Did I keep going? Of course not!!!! I CELEBRATED the whole spring and summer with bbq and cocktails. I did not go back to bootcamp nor did I even go on regular walks. Maybe a walk a week. Most times none.

    So this past January, I started going to a 10 week weight loss support group at my health center. I didn't make any claims or promises to myself other than, attending every meeting whether I did anything to lose weight or not. I just committed to being there as my first step. It worked, I did it. There was some gain some loss but no real change until the last two weigh ins.

    This past May I participated in a 30 day run/walk spring challenge which I had to do at least 2 miles everyday. I did it and loved it. I took the 31st off and started again June 1st by myself. I have been at it everyday. I also started reading in May "The Slight Edge" and that has really switched on the lights for me... :)

    I am down 15lbs and going all the way to my goal of 180 and that might change once I get there. Those few times I did lose weight, I have never reached my goal.

    I am starting bootcamp again in the morning. So off to bed soon... It starts at 5:30AM.

    A few other Motivations are:
    I have FALLEN for ME!
    I will be 50 in less than 4 years.
    My future grands will need me.
    I have a useless spare tire around my middle.
    I am starting courses to become a Health Coach.
    This is not weight loss, it is a WEIGHT REMOVAL. I will NOT look for or be FOUND by them AGAIN!
  • DebSM2
    DebSM2 Posts: 62 Member
    At 315 lbs, I had no major health issues aside from morbid obesity. I had my third baby last October and had a blood pressure situation (averaging 140/105) that required medication. Freaked me out that it may become more and more of a problem so I started November 1 and didn't look back.

    Blood pressure at time of blood donation on Monday...no medication for months... 112/72!

    Just got out of the obese category and am now overweight only!

    Less than 3 pounds from being out of the 200's.

    My three amazing children are my "why", I am so lucky to have them and they are so worth taking care of myself so I can love on them long time!!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    My why has been the same why for every diet I have failed in the past and the same why as now.


    I have had pain throughout my body for as long as I can remember. Even as a young Child I can remember being in pain.
    I had my first leg surgery at 3 years old and my latest was april 2013. There have been at least 11 surgeries on my legs in between.
    I have been on a diet every Monday morning for years and failing usually by mid week to start again on Monday morning.

    What has changed in me to be on a 35 day streak is my fitness pal. This program has been a god send for me. Its easy to use. It keeps me accountable for what ever I shove into my mouth. I have over 100 friends rooting for me. I have NEVER felt so motivated and in control of my life. I am walking every day , eating with in my limits. Life is good.

    So...why...pain, I am hoping to get some relief from my pain...if not at least I know I gave it 110% .
  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    I found this topic this morning and have been reading, re-reading, and thinking about it all day. The why is so important and I'm not sure I have any serious whys. There is definitely thinking to do. I'll be back.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    I want to be proud of myself.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    once you have achieved your desired weight and fitness ability, you will forever use this as a catalyst to maintain and even better improve.
  • brismum10
    brismum10 Posts: 25 Member
    my why is because I am sick of living this way and if things don't change soon I,m going to be dead within 5 years
    I have a beautiful daughter who I want to see grow up and get married and to have grandchildren
    because diabetes and heart disease and obesity runs in my family
    because I have seen the effects of type two diabetes and have watched people die a very slow painful death and losing limbs before my eyes due to this disease
    because I have type two insulin dependent diabetes, I am on a machine at night due to sleep apnoea, I hate my appearance, I have fatty liver disease
    I am not living anymore I am just existing
    I miss walking for fun now it hurts and I can barely do it
    I want another baby
    I don't want to embarrass my daughter at school
    I think that's about all of them mostly I just don't want to let weight define what I can and cant do
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I have so many whys. Ranging from big to small.

    My major whys start with health reasons. My mom has always been underweight until recently but her poor health caused her to have problems getting pregnant. My boyfriends wants to have children in the future but I'm worried about even being able to conceive because I'm overweight. My family also has a high risk for cerebral palsy and other disabilities that I want to avoid as much as possible. I've had asthma my whole life and it both prohibits me from having fun but also has been an excuse when I've gone through lazy fits. I can't have any excuse anymore, I currently am wasting my life not being able to do so many things and it's unacceptable. I want to avoid problems like arthritis and diabetes, few family members have problems with those but I just can't risk it.

    I've always been used as people's "chubby friend" predominantly with my own "Best Friend" who has always been thinner than me anyways. Instead of being thinner than her I want to make myself stronger,more confident, sexier, just all around more lively. I want to be able to rub it in her face that I'm healthy and even though she eats fast food and never gains a pound, I've EARNED the body I have.

    I have never had good self confidence of my own either, let alone feeling like crap when my friend fat talks herself while I'm sitting here about 60 pounds heavier. I want to be able to believe I'm beautiful when I look in the mirror instead of being ashamed of letting myself go. I want to be able to make people jealous that my boyfriend has this sexy girl on his arm, especially his exes that cheated on him.

    And then I have the small things like certain sizes of clothes that I want to fit in and the tattoos I want in certain places and piercings. Things that people can live with out but would make me personally feel awesome!
  • Idsuffolk
    Idsuffolk Posts: 3
    What an eloquent piece ... you really have made me consider my true WHY .. I did my MBA last year .. and wanted to complete that .. so i need to understand my WHY in this ... (might I friend you please) With thanks J
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    This may sound very arrogant, but it's honestly how I feel at the moment so sorry if I come across as self-centred..

    My why is because I'm tired of hiding, tired of using my weight as a mask.
    For 26 years I've been hiding behind my weight, using it as an excuse for everything: not going out with friends, not dressing up, not making an effort with my appearance at all because I thought I wasn't worth it.
    Well now I have decided that I AM worth it, I want to stand out. I want to wear pretty dresses and high heels and have people pay me compliments.
    I am good enough and I want everybody to see that.

    This is also the reason why I'm going to succeed this time after failing so many times before.
  • yvonneangelgoh
    yvonneangelgoh Posts: 34 Member
    my why was simply because i had been FAT all my life. Enough is enough. I am confident 6 months from now i will look better and feel better.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    My why began with knowing that I was nearing 200lbs. I'm short-5'3, and all I could think was that I was getting as wide as I was tall.

    After that stopped being so much of an issue, it was really just because I was actually seeing movement and the thought of actually making it to my goal weight... with all honesty, I didn't actually set my goal weight because I wanted to be there. I picked the ideal weight for my height. Frankly, when I started I really didn't think I'd make it... I was just running away (sometimes literally) from reaching 200lbs. That was my fear.

    But now to think that I can actually make it to 125... I mean, I'm less than 15lbs away now...

    That's crazy! And I like being crazy :) So just going with it now :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Because being strong and fit is fun, and being a fat *kitten* isn't.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    My WHY is simple my dad is dying from cancer that a healthy person could cope with, my children are my everything and this is why im not giving up
  • MrsPorter72
    MrsPorter72 Posts: 9 Member
    My WHY's:
    - feel better about myself
    - to be fit and healthy
    - to drop a dress size
    - to feel good in a bikini

    but above all - to be there for my daughters, to set a good example to my daughters - be a good role model for them
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I want to look better in my clothes
    I want to look better out of my clothes

    That's it, really. :)
  • cuapater
    cuapater Posts: 15
    When my life spins out of control, I can calm down with diet/exercise maintenance, instead of facing real issues like the woman I am.


    It will give me confidence to [allow myself to] be close to people and to forge a good [social] life for myself.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Absolutely. I welcome all who would like to friend me.
    What an eloquent piece ... you really have made me consider my true WHY .. I did my MBA last year .. and wanted to complete that .. so i need to understand my WHY in this ... (might I friend you please) With thanks J
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I have only seen one TED talks, and it was on listening. LOL So I must be on the right path then :happy:
    So, you've been watching TED talks, eh?

    My mom was a health nut back when it wasn't cool. I grew up wit Jack LaLane on the tv every morning. I just grew into it. I took to it, my sister didn't. I don't know why I do it. I just do it.

    I have an inherent belief in being healthy. It's simple.