
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    What I learned from this thread: Fate Zero is apparently a really good anime (as just verified by my eldest child) and I should probably watch it. Thanks OP! I am always on the hunt for a new anime :drinker:

    Fate/Zero IS awesome >D
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I think there are a lot of people on here that respond inappropriately to people's questions or concerns. It's one thing to give someone advice or an opinion. It's another thing to give advice with a condescending flair. I see that A LOT on here, usually from people that make it really really obvious (at least to the veteran forum user) they're trying to see if they can get a rise out of the OP. And, once they do, the OP's original concern becomes moot...

    For example, saw a guy tell someone to "Be a big girl and make grown up choices" in response to her cry for help/advice. Seriously, you could have said the exact same thing but phrased it appropriately.

    In any case, people's responses don't bother me simply because my job revolves around these kinds of things and I see it. Every. Day.
    But for new people, shy, timid or scared people that feel they can more openly ask for help online....To be shut down like that? It's just not cool.

    Some people do well with tough love - some don't. People don't have time to evaluate the emotional needs of each poster before responding.

    I'm an incredibly sensitive person. It's just part of who I am. I've had to actively work to be objective about what people say to me - because it's on ME to interpret the responses - I can choose to read things in a negative or degrading way, or I can choose to recognize that the person is trying to help in their own way. There isn't a sarcasm font, or a tough love font or a I have to poop so I'm rushing this post font.

    I've had crappy things said to me on here, and I've lashed out and gotten butthurt - all of that could have been avoided if I had viewed the exchange with a different attitude.

    So yes, some people are jerks - but if you (general) are jerks back, you're just as guilty.

    And if you're posting about how mean people are, then get mean back you're a guilty hypocrite.

    you. you - I like. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Gee thanks, OP. You will DEFINITELY change the internet with that little soapbox speech. :huh: Get over yourself.

    You need to get off your high horse and get over yourself. You are very arrogant without proper justification.

    Well, that wasn't very nice, MissBear. But then, as he wasn't the OP, I suppose your comment was okay?

    Invariably in these threads, the OP tends to become ruder than anyone else posting. Yet, they rarely see what they, themselves, are doing.

    Yep...was thinking the same thing! ????

    Hey now hey now, I never said it was a crime to respond to someone that's rude to you in a .......... "shady" way. I really don't see why that person was so arrogant, hell I don't even remember who actually posted that comment at this point. Just goes to show how insignificant he or she really is I suppose. Don't judge me.

  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm starting to get angry with the level of disrespect floating around on these message boards. I see posts and people go about making snide and rude remarks about the original poster and I thinks its very immature. There is always a way to have an opinion and not be rude or "throw shade" on the person who started the thread. Internet bullying is real, and all those insecure people who want to attack OP's need to seriously be checked on their dirty behavior. Please be respectful to everyone, even if you disagree with them. Period. If you can't do that then you need help.

  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.

    its not you. and I agree. People who didn't "get" sarcasm or even tongue-in-cheek tend to find me abrasive IRL - cause apparently they think my threats to kick their *kitten* are serious? - whereas everyone else think I am kind and generally pretty darn nice. Go figure
  • lstew57
    lstew57 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Linda and I joined in May. I saw my neighbor melt away, and had to find out how she did it. She told me about MyFitnessPal. Since I joined, I've lost 6 pounds, (25 days). That may not sound like a lot to some, but for me it is a lot. I had been working out for 4 months and hadn't lost one pound, and I'd been trying to lose ten pounds for two 1/2 years. I even tried weight watchers. So far this is a great program for me. I told my mom and she's lost 9 pounds! I am excited about finally losing the weight. In addition, I am not hungry, I never feel deprived and i eat what I want. I also like the sodium and fat tracker. If you plan meals ahead, you can make better decisions about what you eat. Too much salt, don't eat it, too much fat, don't eat it. I love it!:smile: But most important, I am excited about me being able to maintain the weight loss through the same program.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.

    Yes, I agree.

    Also, maybe I'm showing my age, but wtf does "throwing shade" mean?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    But what else am I supposed to do at work?

    Derp_Diggler-- is it weird that I saw your profile picture and thought it was someone's bare buttocks?

    Man, I'm getting old.

    OP -- sorry, but I'm with the masses on this one. Yeah, there are snarky people on here-- but, as adults we can either not post so we don't catch the snark, or rise above it and look for the wisdom on the boards.

    Our choice.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Enough about mean people or whatever.

    More about Saber.


  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    My name is Linda and I joined in May. I saw my neighbor melt away, and had to find out how she did it. She told me about MyFitnessPal. Since I joined, I've lost 6 pounds, (25 days). That may not sound like a lot to some, but for me it is a lot. I had been working out for 4 months and hadn't lost one pound, and I'd been trying to lose ten pounds for two 1/2 years. I even tried weight watchers. So far this is a great program for me. I told my mom and she's lost 9 pounds! I am excited about finally losing the weight. In addition, I am not hungry, I never feel deprived and i eat what I want. I also like the sodium and fat tracker. If you plan meals ahead, you can make better decisions about what you eat. Too much salt, don't eat it, too much fat, don't eat it. I love it!:smile: But most important, I am excited about me being able to maintain the weight loss through the same program.

    That's awesome!! MFP has been a very useful tool for me. I've had a couple different accounts on here over the years but overall am down 60 lbs (so far).
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.

    I thought you resigned your job of 'Pointing out the bleeding obvious' ... :flowerforyou:

    (was that mean? Did I just 'throw shade'... if I did HUZZAH!)
  • cuapater
    cuapater Posts: 15
    I'm starting to get angry with the level of disrespect floating around on these message boards. I see posts and people go about making snide and rude remarks about the original poster and I thinks its very immature. There is always a way to have an opinion and not be rude or "throw shade" on the person who started the thread. Internet bullying is real, and all those insecure people who want to attack OP's need to seriously be checked on their dirty behavior. Please be respectful to everyone, even if you disagree with them. Period. If you can't do that then you need help.

    Could not agree more. It is pathetic. I am very sarcastic/caustic by nature... But at least I try and be civil, rather than attempting to generate negative emotion in others for ****s and giggles.
  • I am so sick of all this crap about bullying. If you are getting BULLIED for your posts and it bothers you then stop posting. We are supposed to be adults on here. Stop whining and start exercising.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.

    I thought you resigned your job of 'Pointing out the bleeding obvious' ... :flowerforyou:

    (was that mean? Did I just 'throw shade'... if I did HUZZAH!)

    Oooh oooh oooh, can I try! Ever notice how it's almost always the people who are new to the forums who think all the veteran members are being mean? Could it be something like being a new kid in school and not understanding the culture yet? And it's not that people are really being mean to you, it's just that they don't know you and you don't know them and so it's really really easy to misunderstand intentions and feel left out when you don't get the joke.....
  • KimbaCan
    KimbaCan Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I'm new here. I'm interested in trying a new approach to losing weight and getting healthier.
    I'd love to meet like-minded people to support each other.

    I posted in the other thread, but this one seems to be getting so much more traffic.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Is it just me or are the people who refer to others on MFP as being "mean" or "rude" completely incapable of recognizing subtext or reading between the lines.

    I'm beginning to think it is not only non-coincidental but actually causal.

    Yes, I agree.

    Also, maybe I'm showing my age, but wtf does "throwing shade" mean?
    Urban dictionary is a useful tool for those unacquainted with millennial slang:
    "1. throw shade
    to talk trash about a friend or aquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect. When throwing shade it's immediately obvious to on-lookers that the thrower, and not the throwee, is the bitcy, uncool one
    "How does Kimmy keep any friends? Last night at the party all she did was throw shade at people."
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    But what else am I supposed to do at work?

    Derp_Diggler-- is it weird that I saw your profile picture and thought it was someone's bare buttocks?

    Man, I'm getting old.

    OP -- sorry, but I'm with the masses on this one. Yeah, there are snarky people on here-- but, as adults we can either not post so we don't catch the snark, or rise above it and look for the wisdom on the boards.

    Our choice.

    Someone else thought it was my knee. I'm starting to get a Quasimodo complex here.

    And for future reference, I only post my bare buttocks on Wednesdays. Consider yourself warned.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
This discussion has been closed.