Need an Insanity Partner



  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Plyo Cardio today. My chest is still very heavy - but I coughed my way through it.
    Gone very quiet guys - where is everyone? Surely the novelty hasn't worn off already?
  • kwyze
    kwyze Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I just found your forum and so pleased to see so many others doing insanity :)

    I am half way through week 6 and am loving it. As others have mentioned the first week KILLED my calves and I found I had to do lots of extra stretching but kept plugging away and now I just feel AWESOME when I finish a workout.

    Results wise - I feel fitter and am less "flabby" than I was at the start (I have lost some inches). The scales have gone up a little bit but I don't really care if I'm seeing results elsewhere.
  • Dondre28
    Dondre28 Posts: 53
    I hope this cheers up every 1 after or before their workout. Haahaha
  • Stacjsteinert5
    Stacjsteinert5 Posts: 82 Member
    I am in the middle of Week 3 of Insanity :) I will send you a FR, Also if anyone else would like to add me for added support and motivation go ahead!
  • TwiFoxy
    TwiFoxy Posts: 21 Member
    I tried Insanity for a few days, I needed a wheelchair afterwards LOL
    I think I need to be more fit before I try it again :)

    Good luck though!!
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    I love Insanity, I incorporate it in my hybrid at least once a week with P90X and Body Beast, no I'm NOT a coach :ohwell:
  • Noonis
    Noonis Posts: 22 Member
    I'm still here. Had to take an extra 2 days rest but was back to it today with the Cardio Plyo.

    Seem to be eating like a horse though! Well in my head that's what it feels like!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Still plugging along. I've been following the program exactly since I started (almost done week 2). Looking forward to my fit test on Monday.

    I also started training for a marathon this week. 5Ks on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week in addition to the Insanity workouts. I've got a long run on Saturday which I need to immediately follow up with another Insanity workout. I'm really hoping I don't burn myself out. I keep trying to make sure I'm refueled every day.

    I certainly haven't seen any difference in my body yet, but it's not even a full 2 weeks yet so I'm not that concerned.
  • GeoffTTaylor
    GeoffTTaylor Posts: 26 Member
    I'm nearly two weeks into my first bout of insanity, and I do feel the difference. I work on the the third floor of an office block. I can now take all six flights of stairs, two steps at a time, without getting out of breath. I couldn't do that even two weeks ago.

    I'm very much looking forward to Sunday's fit test to see what the difference is.

    Not much movement on the scales, though. Then again, I do drink beer.
  • Dondre28
    Dondre28 Posts: 53
    Still plugging along. I've been following the program exactly since I started (almost done week 2). Looking forward to my fit test on Monday.

    I also started training for a marathon this week. 5Ks on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week in addition to the Insanity workouts. I've got a long run on Saturday which I need to immediately follow up with another Insanity workout. I'm really hoping I don't burn myself out. I keep trying to make sure I'm refueled every day.

    I certainly haven't seen any difference in my body yet, but it's not even a full 2 weeks yet so I'm not that concerned.

    Yeah buddy that double training is hardcore, like not being rude but I still PISS BRIGHT YELLOW after doing 5 mile walk/Run then insanity after drinking loads of water. And thats with the run in the morning and insanity in evening. I have yet to do it consistently too so keep going but as you said yourself you refuel be careful.
  • Dondre28
    Dondre28 Posts: 53
    I definitely believe power and resistance is hardest. Anyhow i have been trying to use my HRM more precisely by stopping at at the stretching and water breaks. :
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for sharing Haley. Congratulations on your success.
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Holy $hitsnacks! Power Cardio and Resistance kicked my butt today. But I powered through. At least I know I've improved my globe jumps...

    I'm a little nervous for tomorrow which is pure cardio and cardio abs in one day (first time doing that). But, it's also my first long run day for my marathon training. So I'm getting up early and running 6 miles. Then I'm going to take a break and get my car inspected. When I get back I'll do insanity and hopefully not vom all over my basement.

    Cheers to the weekend!
  • GeoffTTaylor
    GeoffTTaylor Posts: 26 Member
    I've got pure cardio and cardio abs today as well... bit nervous for my first time with that.

    I've picked up a couple of niggles, though. My right tricep is very sore and that's hampering me in the pushup routines so I'm doing fewer reps and being less dynamic.

    My right calf is also quite tight. It takes a bit of extra warming up and I sometimes carry on jogging instead of the butt kicks & high knees.

    Other than that, it's all good.
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    I know it's the whole point to it, but today was absolutely insane. I'm about to keel over. That said, week 2 is in the bag.

    Looking forward to Monday's fit test. Looking more forward to tomorrow's rest day though.
  • avania27
    avania27 Posts: 17
    Im on day 3 of insanity omg its hard but I love it. Ive never done any work out like it
  • GeoffTTaylor
    GeoffTTaylor Posts: 26 Member
    Today's fit test, This the end of week 2 and CHECK IT OUT!!

    Switch kicks - from 43 to 54
    Power Jacks - from 33 to 48
    Power knees - from 43 to 90
    Power jumps - from 13 to 36
    Globe jumps - from 13 to 11 rotations (boo)
    Suicide jumps - from 1 to 12 (I didn't wimp out this time)
    Pushup jacks - from 17 to 22
    low plank obliques - from 13 to 35

    Some of that improvement is down to being less willing to quit, but a lot of it is genuine fitness. I'm very, very tired but I'm not about to puke and I'm recovering nicely even as I type this.

  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Excellent results Geoff.
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Great work Geoff!

    How'd everyone else do in week 2 (ish)?
  • mlizzi88
    mlizzi88 Posts: 12 Member
    So... I got LASIK surgery on Thursday and had to put my Insanity program on pause which I'm slightly bummed about but proper healing comes first. I'm trying to decide if I just want to repeat week 3 (the week I only got to do half of) or just start from the beginning again. Thoughts? It's officially been 4 days with no insanity.... and will probably be another day or two before I'm allowed to do "intense" exercise.