what's one food/drink you don't think you could EVER give up



  • cheese, peanut butter, and ice cream are my weakness...lol
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    BACON!!!! Haven't had any lately, but I WILL have bacon again.
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    and fried chicken wings!!!
  • I was addicted to Coca~Cola, but as of August 2010 I DID IT! I ended my love affair with soda. I used to drink a six pack a day if not more, gradually over a year I cut back to two or three a day, then in August my husband and I stopped drinking all soda. So far so good.
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    and seafood, period. LOL
  • Steak. Probably should cut back but it's so yummy. I only eat it maybe once a week now and not much at a time. But I could never give it up completely. A big juicy grilled steak medium rare with grilled potatoes and grilled asparagus. Now I wish it was spring so I could get my grill out. Charcoal grill, not gas.
    .....and just about anything on the grill is hard to give up.......
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Coffee. Really good pizza. Ice cream
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    Cheese, steak, and sour cream. I looooooove sour cream! lol
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Pain au chocolat. So buttery and chocolatey and delicious and as much as I try and ignore them I can't. So I've decided to eat them and be happy.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
  • C H O C O L A T E !!!!! It's so funny I never used to care for chocolate, 7 years ago my husband was diagnosed as a diabetic and I fell in love with chocolate! I now have 1 or 2 dark chocolate Kisses a day... Can't give them up.. One Dark chocolate kiss is 20 calories~
  • CHOCOLATE!!! Never ever ever could I give up chocolate and I'm also rather fond of my wine.

    I Agree 100% on the Chocolate!
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Peanut butter - anything. In cookies, on sandwiches, in candy. Give me that PB!!!!

    I love peanut butter, I tend to eat it off of a spoon a lot :P

    Me too!!! BUT... I would give it up to keep my cabernet or pinot noir. You can keep the white wines... I do like them on occasion, but I could say goodbye. I can never say goodbye to my divine reds.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Coffee (black), avocado, wine. In that order. I think.
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    White wine
  • Homemade Popcorn, my dad's "recipe"
  • OMG, the kobe beef / scallop combo meal at a little locally owned Japanese steak house. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO good. Fortunately for my waistline, it's too pricey to have very often. But it's our staple for Valentine's and our Anniversary
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Mountain Dew Baja Blast

    My body revolted last time since it had been about a year since my last soda. Mild acid reflux and a sore kidney.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    All foods that I like!!! :blushing:
  • Crystal Light Lemon Iced Tea
    Any kind of cake like things (ex: little debbies or cupcakes)
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