Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    The storms were pretty bad here in parts of Ontario last night. Nothing near me but high wind, thankfully. Not even a drop of rain though there was a severe thunderstorm warning. About 2 hours north of me there were 3 tornados that touched down, damaging about 100 homes in a small community. Only 3 minor injuries were reported, so that was very good news, but some homes were completely destroyed.

    Mileage (6/16-30)

    6/18: 2.6 miles
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Quick update: Still feeling poorly. Found out that I had bits of non-stik in my batch of turkey taco chili stew so I'll go over my food budget this week and had to spend a lot at trader joe's. Debating whether to go to the gym tonight, as I'm feeling better but still a little weak.
  • Rnk21391
    Rnk21391 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here. I have been on MFP for some time on and off but I have decided this time I NEED to stick with it. I have about 150 lbs to lose, and I am not sure why, but I am having a really hard time finding the motivation within myself. I feel like I should be motivated and it should be easy but I'm not. :( Hopefully joining your thread will help!

    For Wish Wednesday: I just wish I could go shopping for clothes and find things that fit. I would love to fit into cute clothes!!

    And I think I will wait to join next months challenge. For the rest of this month my goal is exercise at least 5 days a week. Even if it is for only a short period of time.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update. Too tired for anything else!

    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)
    6/15 - 7.53 miles (16,968 FitBit steps)
    6/16 - 5.06 (10,277 FitBit steps)
    6/17 - 6.98 (16,729 FitBit steps)
    6/18 - 5.00 (9,998 FitBit steps)

    Total - 66.28
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, littleshadow! It is a nice motivation in and of itself.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Good Evening everyone.

    Just a quick check in. Miles updated
    Patricia- Welcome, I have added in your mileage goal of 4 miles for the last part of the month- as complete the exercise each day just post on this site and I will record the data. I hope you get the surgery you want.

    tlh- Sorry about the loss of your uncle. Hope everything gets worked out without any drama. You have reached Marathon status- Congratulations.:bigsmile:

    rnk- Welcome- Motivation is the key but you need to want the weight loss for yourself and no one else. Getting started is always hard but you will find something that works for you. The good news is that you can loose the weight and keep it off. I found that setting small goals was easier than focusing on all that I need to lose. Your exercise goal is perfect for this month- start slowly and increase in small increments ( 5 minutes a day). Is there an activity that you love to do, if so start with that. Otherwise walking is a great starting point. Yes, this thread will help keep you motivated. We have all been where you are so post often and get to know us.

    Laura- Hope you are feeling better soon.

    beckah- Welcome. You have found a great place to help in this journey.

    Had an awesome swim tonight and the water was refreshing after an extremely hot day. Tonight I learned how to do flip turns- never learned those as a kid in addition to swimming close to 1 mile. On Saturday, I will move up two lanes to start swimming with 2-3 other people for circle swim. I started swimming with a Master's Swim team in April and the progress has been slow going in terms of improvement. Now, I should be able to make practice at least 2 days a week if not 3.

    2 more days this week but at least the kids are done. Now, I just need to finish packing my room- motivation is needed. Right now it is overwhelming me- so much to do and so little time.

    Off to bed. Storms are forecasted for tonight, so I pray I won't be woken up. May everyone in path of severe storms stay safe.
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Laurie- Thanks for the welcome. I can tell that ya'll care about each other and encourage each other a lot.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/18: 3.9 miles
    Welcome to all the new people. This is a great place for encouragement and motivation, as well as good suggestions and examples.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I helped my sister move all day today. They hired movers, so not a lot of heavy lifting, but a lot of running up and down stairs and then unpacking the whole house. I'm exhausted so will catch up with personals tomorrow. Nighty-night! :yawn:
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey guys... I only got 1 mile for June 18...

    But tis the season for allergies to kick my butt, and they do... pretty frequently. Today was worse because I forgot to take my pill this morning :-\ It's a 24 hour dealie, so I just left it and will get back on schedule tomorrow. Gonna try for 4 miles tomorrow. We'll see what life throws at me.

    In other news, hubby got the call from the church council, and we have to wait a month before the next interview. I have mixed emotions about this, because on one hand... A whole month before the interview? We were hoping to have the ordination by the end of the summer, and if it's going to take 6 weeks between interviews, that's just not gonna happen. But, on the other hand, a month down the road means I have lots of time to prep for traveling, and not have to worry about it for a while. 4 weeks to focus on my health and fitness... and hopefully by the time we get back up there, my weight will start with a 2, instead of a 3.

    I started on May 11th, so I'm closing in on 6 weeks back to it. I'm not feeling too stressed or deprived at this point, so I think I'm doing something right.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day! :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Back home from our jaunt to New England. Had a fantastic trip. Here's a list of the highlights:

    Spent a great weekend with DD and her BF in Boston. Met his dad and stepmom and went to a Red Sox game.
    Drove up the coast of Maine and stayed in Portland and Kennebunkport (saw the Bush compound, but not the Bushes).
    Did some shopping at the outlets in Freeport and had to ship a box to ourselves. Darn small carry on suitcases.
    The weather was fabulous and we walked 33.58 miles in 5 days.
    Ate more than 1 two pound lobster, a few dozen raw oysters and mussels and had the best spicy Bloody Mary of my life.
    Came home tired and thinner. Somehow I lost 2.2 lbs. while vacationing.

    Clearly my perfect diet is fresh shellfish coupled with lots of walking. I need to win the lottery post haste so I can spend 6 months of the year in NE. I love the South, but it's pretty rotten weather in the summer and that makes it tough to enjoy being outside.

    Will catch up with personals tomorrow after I conquer the laundry, get to the grocery store, give the dog a bath....... Welcome home.

    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)
    6/15 - 7.53 miles (16,968 FitBit steps)
    6/16 - 5.06 (10,277 FitBit steps)
    6/17 - 6.98 (16,729 FitBit steps)
    6/18 - 5.00 (9,998 FitBit steps)
    6/19 - Rest Day

    Total - 66.28

    P.S. Robin - I take responsibility for the quote you posted at the start of this thread. I've lived by those words over the last year and they have, for me, made a world of difference. Hope they can help others discover the right path for them!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thursday Truth: I've said it all before. Here I go again, losing weight. I'm absolutely sick of my ****SSS****, so I won't bore you. Good news, last few days my weight has been going down fairly steadily....I'm a little surprised as I'm eating lots of food, but this is what is supposed to happen as it's the right kind of food. yay!
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
    bump :smile:
  • Rnk21391
    Rnk21391 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the welcome Laurie. I have to make myself exercise very first thing in the morning, otherwise I find that I end up not doing it at all. And so far this week that has worked. I have a couple exercise games for the xbox that I have been doing. They are okay, they definitely make me sweat! I would much rather go out side for a walk, but I have a 3 year old and live out in the country, I don't want to take her out for a walk on the busy highway. :( But she does like doing the work outs on xbox with me. I think she does better at mimicking the character on screen than I do. :) I have also started drinking a protein shake for either breakfast or lunch every day, this seems to be helping me not feel like I am constantly hungry. I think that is my biggest struggle, even when my stomach is telling me I don't need any food it seems like my brain is screaming that I need to eat, and I frequently end up over eating at dinner time. :(
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Welcome to all the new people!:flowerforyou:


    Happy World Sauntering Day - June 19
    "World Sauntering Day" is celebrated on the 19th day of June every year. The purpose is to remind us to take it easy, smell the roses, to slow down and enjoy life as opposed to rushing through it. Sauntering is a verb describing a style of walking; it is not a sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag. It is simply to walk slowly, preferably with a joyful disposition. Sauntering has been spoken of most notably by many of the naturalist writers in history including Henry David Thoreau and John Burroughs.

    “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas Edison

  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Happy Thursday, everyone! My Thursday truth:
    I wondered why I'd been gaining back some weight. Well, at first, I pouted and felt like I ate anything that wasn't nailed down, so I KNOW that's part of why I gained back some. BUT! I looked up the the way to calculate calories burned (here: ) and lo and behold, I wasn't burning as many as the app said I had, thus, not being in as big of a calorie deficit as I thought I was. DOH! :embarassed:

    Mileage update:
    June 15 - 0, rest
    June 16 - 9.06 miles, cycling
    June 17 - 0, pouting
    June 18 - 0, pouting
    June 19 - 13.2 miles, cycling
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone. Followed up with surgeon this morning—the highlight was having sutures removed! :wink: He said surgery went well and it was healing nicely, he placed me back in the cast for another week—it’s not as bulky and my thumb has a bit more room to move (good for getting range of motion back) but with the plaster it’s still hard to type. He’ll check it again next week and is hopeful he’ll be able to upgrade me to a splint then. He’s letting me return to work tomorrow on light duty—I have a desk job, not sure it can get much lighter! :laugh:

    I’ve missed you all and know I’ve missed a lot. Everyone is doing great with their miles again this month, keep it up! Congrats to those that have reported some great losses and sending healing vibes to those feeling under the weather.

    Welcome to any newlings that have stopped by.

    @Laurie~Here is the latest on my miles, I’m revising my goal since I missed a week—new goal is 55 miles, that may be conservative but it will just be miles walked at work since I’m still on exercise restriction. Have i mentioned how much i miss the gym? :sad:

    June Miles:

    6/07/14—0.72mi (Fitbit was charging)

    Total: 30.60/55 Miles
  • Just a quick mileage update!

    June goal = 50 miles

    6/1- 0
    6/2- 0
    6/3- 0
    6/4- 2.55 (ran outside on trails & dirt)
    6/5- 2.01 (elliptical at gym)
    6/6- 3.00 (walking outside)
    6/7- 0
    6/8- 1.00 (walking)
    6/9- 1 (walking)
    6/10- 5.86 (4.61 elliptical, 1.25 rowing)
    6/11- 3.12 (elliptical)
    6/12- 1 (walking)
    6/13- 1 (walking)
    6/14-1 (walking)
    6/15- 2.5 (walking)
    6/16- 2.9 (running dirt trails)
    6/17- 1 (walking)
    6/18- 1 (walking)

    Total Mileage So Far: 28.93
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Wow you guys totally got away from me. It has been a very fast couple of weeks in our household. We made it to the surprise party for fil and it went off great. Lots of out of town family we rarely get to see and dad was completley surprised. On the down side daughter went down with us but drove her own car and was about ten min in front of us when she crashed her car into a big *kitten* rock that had fallen onto the highway. The car in front of her swerved hard to miss and she was on top of it before she knew what was happening. The scariest few min of my entire 41 years was when the phone rang and all I could understand was crying and yelling and the word car. Needless to say we are lucky we didnt wreck with the speeds we were going to catch up with her. Thanks be to god all she got out of it was some bruises and was able to walk away from it but her car was a total loss. On the upside she was upside down in her loan from a previous car she traded in and now with her insurance and the gap insurance she will walk away with a new car and lower payments. Always have to look for those silver linings. I am a little depressed at the moment. After only 18 days home hubby got called back to work. There are only three people in his department and one quit so he had to go back to cover. The problem is there arent alot of people qualified to do what he does so it will be hard to find a replacement and when they do either he or gordon will still have to be on shift with him for a couple months for training so the way it looks now hubby will only get a couple of random weeks off for the rest of the year. Great money but would rather have my husband. Well I only gained a couple pounds with everything going on and the lack of exercise so its time to hit it hard and try to get back to that place where I thought it was all easy and the pounds were just melting off. The dogs are both all better so walks start back up today. I am meeting my sil and kiddos and we are going to take our dogs to one of the local trails. I will be able to venture out more since my son bought a car this weekend and wont be needing my truck for work anymore. The walk around the block gets boring after awhile, lol.

    Laurie I havent really kept track so I am not going to record anything for my milage at the point where I stopped but will pick back up today and get you a current posting by tomorrow.

    As for all you great people I probably wont read everything I fell behind on since you all really galloped away from me but as always I am over here cheering you on and hoping for nothing but the best for you.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Linder4866 - Its so great to see a successful GRADUATE drop by each new thread! You look SO SKINNY in your photo! Hope your'e doing well!

    LittleShadow - I'm praying for your DH and DS to find good health solutions soon! I'm glad you're off for the summer with your health problems as well! Like Kaye says, maybe its time for a CT or MRI scan of your sinuses, I had problems for SO long, and on April 28th they took a mass out of one of my sinuses!
    Re your son - I've lived with panic attacks and stress all my life. Once I got it controlled with medication, life was soooo much better, but not entirely so, but iI was always a bit ashamed of myself for having a "mental illness" back when I was young. Back then it was NOT talked about ever. I hope now it it better for him to carry such a load on his shoulders. :heart:

    tih - one foot on the wagon and hopping beside it - :bigsmile: GOOD ONE! We all struggle, it does get harder and harder! Sounds like adjusting to summer is very difficult right now. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Your uncle sounds like such a well organized guy and his neighbor sounds like a cheap rip-off fellow. No way would your uncle have promised him the car without some kind of paperwork or mentioning it to a third-party like some relative NOT a neighbor or one the neighbor's friends. Since all the dishes have been stolen I would refuse to give the N. the car just on those grounds alone! I would put my foot down (just my 2 cents worth) Give the car to a favorite charity instead or a relative in need if that would please any of you. :heart:

    Hansea - your white-water rafting adventure sounds down-right SCARY!! Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers! I'm hoping you have GREAT camping weather! :flowerforyou:

    Beckah - WOOT!!! 1.8 lbs! Happy Dance! :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: WONDERFUL SUCCESS!!!

    PatriciaDrane - Welcome! You've come to a great place to find motivation. Sorry you have to wait for cardiac approval for your bariatric surgery. There have been several others on this site who've planned for the surgery or have had it - it doesn't matter to the rest of us which way you end up going - we're here for you!

    Tanya - sounds like horrible storms there in Ontario - we had twin tornados hit a small town 2 or 3 nites ago 90 min. north of here - just tragic - breaks my heart!

    Rainwood - so sorry to hear your turkey stew was ruined and you had to throw the pan away! Hope some money comes your way!

    Rnk21391 - Welcome! Finding motivation IS quite hard sometimes. I'm glad your starting again and using us as one of your tools. Try to stop in as often as you can. I do like your goal of getting exercise in frequently! GO for it! :flowerforyou:

    Laurie - great that your now swimming with the Masters Class and doing Flip Turns - watch carefully and don't injure the top of your foot! I did and severed the tendon across the top by my toes and didn't know it cuz the water was so cold. The injury plagued me for years afterwards, LOL!

    Kaye - have a great trip, unless your back already! :bigsmile:

    Skinny - Moving day - so much work! So many calories burned! Preparations for when you move, eh? :laugh:

    FeraFila - your showing such a positive attitude towards your DH next interview = it WOULD be great to have your weight start with a 2 wouldn't it? TWODERVILLE here you come!

    LivesToTravel - You Definitely will get Credit from now on when I post your statement .- I'd like to use that at the beginning of the rollover if OK with you.
    Wonderful vacation when you LOSE WEIGHT!!! Great diet for all of us to follow!!!!

    Mel - Wonderful you're losing weight !! Huzza!!!!!

    Tom - way to go!

    AFM - Up all night waiting for a phone call back from friend with chest pains - encouraged him to call 911 at 1 am. - he did - and didn't call me back to tell me where he went, so I spent hours calling all the local hospitals, found one whose ER said he went home with a friend at 3 am, Hmm.... I was supposed to be that found the number to a neighbor who had a key who checked the house and he wasn't there an hour called that ER back and HE WAS THERE - EUREKA! So, got to hospital at 4:30 am and home at his house at 5 am ! What a nite. We had coffee and eggs and he went to bed and I slept for 2 hours in a recliner. That's all I could we're fussing around and making Drs. follow up appts. His diagnosis was atrial fibs and not a heart attack or anything dire serious, so he's seeing his cardiac doc next THursday and they even cleared him to play golf - go figure! Well, I think I'll take another nap before I drive home!:yawn: