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  • sherryhall5076
    sherryhall5076 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers. To the rest: I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot. Been very very busy at work and then trying to get things done around the house. I'm leaving on vacation this weekend but I plan to log all my foods and going to try my best to walk everyday while I'm gone.

    I've started playing the Wii fit again. The balance stuff is really hard but I can tell I got a workout from it.

    The storm has moved in and the lights are flickering. So I'm getting off.

    Have a great next week!!!

  • primgal80
    primgal80 Posts: 1 Member
  • jscoachwife
    jscoachwife Posts: 17 Member
    Barbie: I agree "Strong Women Stay Young" is an excellent book. The author is a woman, so it comes from a women's viewpoint. Everything she talks about in the book is doable and doable without any big equipment. Great read! Great info!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Day 4 of no Diet Dr P and staying strictly under my calories. Gotta get the scale moving in the right direction again. You guys are such an inspiration to me.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Alison – take care of yourself; mixing up your exercise routines sounds like a good idea. Just got to the post “ my husband is a weenie” LOL!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Jacqueline – don’t you hate it when you leave something behind?

    Heather – yummy sounding meals! And what a great garden!

    MaryMcwilliam , Clare, phillyb, Debbie, Missy, Diahann– welcome

    DeeDee – it might be a good break for Noel, she is probably hating all the uproar! :smile:

    Juanita – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Tere – it sounds like you have a good system with the family!

    Carol – glad that you are going to stand up for yourself! They need to make a change to make this work better.

    Robin – we love to hear about you and Bodi, but the stress is certainly taking it’s toll on you – so don’t feel keeping us up to date is one more stress! Just know we are here to send good thoughts !

    Wizzy Wig, Viv - Welcome back

    BJ – take care

    Teral – missed you !

    Renny – where is your mom? Glad she is being feisty that is often a good sign.

    Viv – I have to log everyday and think I will for the rest of my life.

    Carol - Glad you have a Doc appointment; keep us posted – LATER – thanks for the update, and it sounds like you have great Doc. He really spent time and thought about what you had to say… I think the idea of “stopping” a bit of time prior to sleep is a good idea!

    Sylvia – the police car joke was great!!!

    Yesterday I went and bought a garbage disposal, then called the plumber to have it installed. Well $134 an hour :grumble: So I got on youtube and read the directions, and guess what ---- I DID it myself!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: it is not easy - but it works great and doesn't leak!!! but that took about 3 hours this morning and I am not getting enough done today; so will stop in later with more news.

  • jscoachwife
    jscoachwife Posts: 17 Member
    I have been having lots of trouble with plantar fasciatis and cannot walk or do the arc machine any more. I am told I can run in deep water, and I have looked up some deep water exercise routines. My daughter is an athletic trainer and she says that the deep water workouts would be good for me, but the only time our pool @ the Y is open to do this is 5:30-6:30 in the morning. I don't think I can make myself get up to work out. The first orthopedic dr. I saw put me in a boot for 8 weeks and then said that I need surgery on my achilles because I have developed a spur on the heel bone. I have a problem with them detaching my achilles to shave off the spur and then reattaching it hoping it will work. Plus the recovery is 9-12 months in a boot. I am and elementary school secretary and that many months in a boot with all my little darlings would be horrid. I see another ortho doc next week for a second opinion. Has anyone else had heel & achilles issues? How did they treat it? What exercise could you do?

  • judy11351
    judy11351 Posts: 33 Member
    Good evening ladies, I was a couch potato today so I could ice my knee ( I think I have a pulled hamstring ) and read something I thought was interesting. I have always weighed and measured my food and made sure it was level and thought I did a pretty good job. I was surprised when I used the half cup to measure my oats and found out that it weighs more than the grams or oz. that make up the serving. The 1/2 cup weights 52 grams and the serving size is 40 grams, that's 1 1/2 tablespoons. I think I am going to weigh everything even fluids and see if there is any more under logging I am doing, maybe that is why I am having such a small weight loss.

    Hope all is well with all of you.

    God Bless from a cool Ohio Valley. Judy
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    I have been having lots of trouble with plantar fasciatis and cannot walk or do the arc machine any more. I am told I can run in deep water, and I have looked up some deep water exercise routines. My daughter is an athletic trainer and she says that the deep water workouts would be good for me, but the only time our pool @ the Y is open to do this is 5:30-6:30 in the morning. I don't think I can make myself get up to work out. The first orthopedic dr. I saw put me in a boot for 8 weeks and then said that I need surgery on my achilles because I have developed a spur on the heel bone. I have a problem with them detaching my achilles to shave off the spur and then reattaching it hoping it will work. Plus the recovery is 9-12 months in a boot. I am and elementary school secretary and that many months in a boot with all my little darlings would be horrid. I see another ortho doc next week for a second opinion. Has anyone else had heel & achilles issues? How did they treat it? What exercise could you do?


    Julie, I did not have the bone spur thing but did deal with plantar fasciatis and always wear a shoe that has arch support and had acupuncture done - I thought it was "junk science" but was scared of surgery so gave it a whirl - and just a couple of visits and it was 100% all better; and with the arch support I am all better. (I believe now)

    N. California
  • christinecsaucier
    christinecsaucier Posts: 30 Member
    Goo evening ladies! Summer has finally arrived here in New England and it really helps to shed those layers! Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    "I have been having lots of trouble with plantar fasciatis and cannot walk or do the arc machine any more." Try taking calcium/magnesium 300 to 600 ratio. The magnesium is the lower ratio. It has healed many with plantar fascia tis. Good luck
  • menogain
    menogain Posts: 8
    Being a newbie, I am so inspired by all the weight loss I see here! Congrats to you all!!!!
    A little bit about me.... I am 51 and menopause for 8 years till I had a bleed in January. With that bleed came a very bloated belly. So bloated I could not get any of my pants on. This continued along with belly pressure, breast tenderness, acne, hip pain, thigh pain and a weight gain of about 15 pounds from Jan to May. After many tests, ultrasounds and visits, I was told I had what appeared to be a Dermoid Cyst. She said it was too small to cause the belly yet she felt that the other symptoms may be from a Hormone surge. I had a D&C and hysteroscopy to rule out cancer..also a blood test for cancer (all negative...no cancer) :) Anyway, I had surgery May 14th to remove the cyst, right ovary and fallopian tube. She found a cyst on my left so removed that ovary and tube also. Biopsy said it was a non-cancerous Ovarian Fibroma. After surgery my belly went down a great deal ( so much for small tumors/cysts not causing a big belly) and my symptoms are gone...BUT the weight remained. Now I am surgically post menopause, eating like a bird and hoping to lose about 14 pounds. Mostly I just want to get back into my clothes. I have a small assortment of comfy stuff for now.
    It has been 6 weeks post op so now I can get back to moving and doing more. Maybe that will help with the weight loss. I hope!
    So that's my story!
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi ladies:

    I hope you all are doing well; it was a productive day today at work which I love...going through changes but so happy I have a job and enoy what I do!

    Today I was so tempted not to work out, but it was one of those notes to self moments and thank God I ended up at the gym and had a great workout....I am so grateful...lol. I feel so much better after doing my strength training, but I dont normally think of that when I am trying to think of excuses not to work out, lol.

    Have a great night :-)

    Phyllis in very warm n stormy NC flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    two line dance classes and three hours of walking dogs.....I'm ready for bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    A long time ago I had plantar fasciatis and I have also had heel spurs. Luckily enough I have not had any problems with achilles tendons. Podiatrist took a mold of my foot for a shoe insert. While it was being made he taped my foot in a special way and it gave me some relief. It was immediate relief when I got the insert. I guess that is one reason why I wear my tennis shoes all the time. On Sundays I would wear my heels and take them off as soon as I could to get back in my tennis shoes. I also made sure the insert would fit well in my nursing shoes. I was glad I didn't have a job where I had to wear heels at work. My Mom loved to wear heels and as a preachers wife she often wore them to different functions. There is a company that makes shoes in different styles and they had to have extra depth to accomodate the insert and they were pretty expensive. I am not the kind of person that easily gives out over $100 for a pair of shoes. We had one shoe store that had an annual 50% off sale and she lived for those.

    Anyway, back to what I was talking abut, my good doctor would inject cortisone into the heel spur area. It didn't do anything to take care of the spur, just the inflammation around it which was really what was painful not the spur itself. It really helped.

    I have been watching the scores today on the ladies US Open where they have that 11 year old whiz kid that qualified to play. she went into it with the right attitude in that she doesn't expect to win or even come close to. She just wants to have the experience, experience the higher level of players of the LPGA vs the amateur level and she wants to have fun. She isn't in last place at the end of the day, she is 8 over but the leader is only 3 under so it's a tough course. Myself, I enjoy a good miniature golf course!!! But not on a day like today. to hot!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • redhometia
    redhometia Posts: 5 Member
    Good day today, started with a 5 lb loss on the scale, then cleaned the pool and swam for 60 minutes, felt so good went to visit my friend then went shopping for healthy food. Found shelled pistaschios and almonds for snacks. Fresh mini watermelon, light cranberry juice 50 cal, no sweetners, a few smart ones, delight breakfast bowl, light progresso soup, but discovered it has more sodium than I thought. OH, also found Delight Light Iced Mocha Coffee which is delicious!! Maybe, just maybe, I can do this!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did 1 hr of "10 Pounds Down" DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do an hour of a downloadable workout for spinning.

    Just made some oatmeal raisin cookies because they go fast. Then I have to leave in a few to volunteer at the Green Room. This is the last time for this season. Tomorrow Vince and I go to see the show. I've seen it when I ushered, and it is good

    Welcome everyone new -- too many to mention individually. You are all special, come by often

    phillyb - that's really something that you used to live in West Milford and are now in Cary! We were there before they got their first traffic light (at the ShopRite).

    Joyce - I'm the same way, I always try to look at the bright side of things. Vince doesn't and he thinks when I do that sometimes it's stupid. Oh well....if he wants to live in the negative, that's his problem, not mine

    Carol in Monroe - that's wonderful that your sister started MFP. Maybe bring her here?

    Rori - PetSmart seems to be a really good store. We got some PillPockets and they were really crumbly, not soft at all. Anyway, we called the mfgr. Seems they are part of Mars, Inc (imagine that). They said that they did go to a new supplier and they have been having problems, so to take the even opened bags back to the store. PetSmart had no problem whatsoever replacing them. Glad to hear you're better after that fall

    Cindy781 - what movie did you see? Did you like it?

    Carol in NC - wasn't it brutal today? I volunteered at the Green Room then went in the pool. Vince came out and said to me "didn't even say 'hello', just went right in the pool". Well, in my defense, I didn't know where he was. Then I went to Aldi to get some veggies and did it ever pour! The temp (according to the thing for the pool) says that the temp went down about 20 degrees. Take care of yourself, now. So glad you like your doc. Sounds like he's really exploring all the avenues, which is good

    Heather - what a relief you heard from your son!

    missystate - 7 cats!!! Here I thought our 4 was a lot

    Sue in SD - gluten free foods can be pretty tasty. I made these chocolate chip cookies once for a friend of mine, only it turned out she also is lactose intolerant and since they had butter in them, she couldn't have them. I didn't tell Vince they were gluten free and he ate them all.

    Sherry in Indiana - we're glad you stopped by. Where are you going on vacation and how long will you be gone?

    Kim - congrats installing that disposal! You rock girl

    menogain - so glad it wasn't cancer. You WILL get that weight off.

    Off to beddybye now.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello my lovely friends. I have read all the posts but sadly no time to respond to all today....other than "goat curry"? Now that sounds interesting!

    This morning I went to a very appropriately named "aqua boot camp" class at the y. Between that, taking the two cats to the vet and grocery shopping, I have slept nearly all day. And boy am I sore! So I didn't get much else done of value today!

    Take care all, I'll be here more tomorrow. Meg from Omaha where the weather is quiet for now.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I thought I'd remind myself about these goals today.

    So here are my June goals:

    Post in this thread every day -check
    Body Pump-2x's week -once this week
    Shred and Abs 1x week - yes
    Cardio three times a week (Zumba and Kickboxing) yes
    8+ glasses of water daily -yea!
    Zumba Training for certificate June 8 -done
    Catch up to weekly study guides for ACE group fitness instructor certification test - September -working on it.
    Start Zumba mentoring program mid-june - computer glitches in matching program online
    Start researching change to individual weight training - decided not to do it.
    Jacaueline in NYC
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Ladies, I thought I would pop in one more time before I am off to bed, the alarm goes off early in this house!

    Thanks for all of the support from you all I love reading about your days and it is nice tosee I am not the only one who thinks or feels the way I do.

    I can say, I am so proud of MEG for the water aerobics, I am considering doing it as well, so ladies I will say although I have lost nearly 18 lbs I still do not want to be seen in my swim suit, I know I need toget over it, but after all I am fat !!! Toxic thinking, I know but these are my fears.
    I will bring this up with my Councelor next Tuesday...one of my many issues.

    Carol in N.C....I can understand the frustrations of the job, I was an account coordinator for a sales firm and it was BRUTAL !!! I would come home frustrated , cry and went overboard on the wine. That was three years ago when I was uhmmmm let go from my position and to be honest it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I went on unemployment for a while and started a new position as a Prep Cook in one of our local medical centers for the caffeteria. Even though I make 1/3 less in pay, it is the best job I have ever had. I get to be creative and cook wholesome tasty recipes. Life at home has improved as well as my hubby does not have to stress over me stressing...you know its a vicious cycle.

    What I have learned is, life is to short to do something that makes you unhappy and that applies to my weight loss as well. When you look at the whole picture, being overweight isnt about eating it is about being unhappy, and changing the things that pop up along the path as we get better. This is not happening overnight and we can only handle so many changes at one time.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow, its off to bed for me !!

    Carol in Monroe
  • elliec63
    elliec63 Posts: 6
    Just started using MyFitnessPal today. I live in Cetral Florida. In Dec of 2012, I had lapband put in. I weighed 294 lbs, within 4 months I had lost 50 lbs. So for the past 1 year and a couple months I have not lost any more. I stay between 244-248 without any problems, but can seem to lose more. I recently started exercising and hope that will help. Hope that joining this message board will be helpful. I see a lot of good comments.