Tall girls...goal weight?



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Like I said, I DO feel good where I'm at. Just been there for a little while now and getting a little bored maintaining and thinking of losing a few more lbs. I never really thought about my frame...I guess I would say I'm a medium sized frame. Thank you all for your perspective!!!

    Why are you getting bored with maintaining? Is it possible that you need to add in new goals? Maybe enter and train for a race or work on more strength to your physique.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I am 5'11" and currently around 160 lbs. I am just shooting for 155, but ALOT of toning. I think that a fit 155lb woman can look like she only weighs 140.....especially us tall girls! :wink:
  • elassey
    elassey Posts: 7 Member
    Chiming in -- I love to see all the info from other tall girls, I'm sure you all have had weight discussions with shorter girls who probably freak out when they find out how much you weigh!!

    I'm 5'11" and just over 200 right now, I'm trying to get down to about 160, I'll just have to see how it goes and what I look like as I get down there. I've had 2 kids so I know that I'm never probably going to look like I did in high school, but I do remember what I weighed back then. When I graduated I weighed right around 150 and was a varsity tennis player, so I did have some decent muscles in my arms and legs, but my tummy has never been skinny and wasn't as toned as I would have liked it even then (I should have liked it more, considering what it looks like now! :-) I also don't think that I could ever get down to a size lower than 8, I'd be happy with a 10 at this point. I think when I wore a size 10 I looked pretty good. Single digits would probably make me fall over with excitement!

    My recommendation is to never compare yourself with anyone, ESPECIALLY shorter girls. It will just make you feel bad. Plus some girls are just built thinner than others! If you're where you feel like you look good and feel good, then you're all set!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'11.5 and I definately say go with how you feel. My doctor, the BMI charts and target weight charts all tell me that I should be around 160-170...ummm.no...the lowest I've ever been was 173 before kids and I looked ill and had to practically starve. My personal goal is 185. Most women think this is too big but for me, I will be screaming and doing cart wheels as if I weighed 120 when I get there :) Good luck!

    I'm the same height. My goal is set at 190 for now. When I got down to 204 a couple years ago I thought I was the hottest thing walking lol...now that I'm at 236 :sad: I need to reach that weight again and then move beyond it. Once I reach 190 I will determined if I want to lose more. I would like to wear a lose 11/12.
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    i'm 5ft 10 and currently weigh 160lbs
    to me i feel i'm fat , and don't look good.. i look so much better around 140....and even then theres still jelly haha...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm not tall, only about 5'5, but I feel too thin below 130. My goal is 135. Sometimes when I see some women's target weights in the 100s or 110s, I wonder if they're going by what my friends and I call "boy pounds."

    "Boy pounds" are they weight you tell guys you are because you think your actual weight sounds like a lot. I believe it's based on the completely fictitious numbers on the bios of Playboy centerfolds. Ever notice no matter how tall or voluptuous they are, they're NEVER over 120 lbs?! So guys tend to think that's what women should weigh... and then women start to think that's what they should weigh. But in reality, someone that height and weight would look like a stick figure, not a boobtastic and bootylicious Playmate.
  • I'm 5'11 and 180lbs. I don't really concentrate on weight because I go to the gym 3 times a week. I concentrate on body measurements.

    In the 5 weeks I have been going to the gym (with xmas in between) I have lost only 2lb but have lost 2" off my overbust,2" off my underbust, 2" off my waist and 1.5" off my hips.

    I think thats good going for 5 weeks, I don't get weighed anymore.

    Anyone wanna add me, please do

    Good Luck
  • i'm 5ft11 and a muscular 156lbs
    My goal weight is 138lbs...well its really 140, but if i get down to 138 there is room for fluxuation when maintenance starts ;)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I am 5'9" and my goal weight is 162-167, in that range. I weighed 128 in University and I was way too thin. Now, ten years and a child later I doubt I could even get to that weight.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm 5'11 I wish to get down to 165 or 155 at the most.
  • I have the perspective of some years on many of you (I think.)
    I am 5'10, weigh a bit over 200. That number hurts. HOWEVER...I've been 126, didn't menstruate, and was a 10. I looked emaciated, I was anorexic but I had to beat guys off with a pole.

    Now I am a pretty comfortable size 14 (not a huge difference in size, but much in appearance.) I go to the gym, have lots of muscle (under the fat) and feel great. I just need to get rid of this fat...I am thinking 170 ish, give or take.

    Build your bones, build your muscles, feed your body. Don't go for emaciated, go for lean and healthy. Your body will appreciate it as it ages. ALSO...don't get to where you are going and let yourself gain two or three pounds a year...after 20 years or so it really adds up.

    I could really use some buddies and support for this process. I am reading that it helps. Anyone interested?

  • Hey, just to put my 2 pennys worth in.
    I'm 5"8 & aiming for 138lbs which is lower than I've ever been before & it's still only just in the middle of my BMI. The smallest I've ever been was around 145 & I felt tiny then. I was a size 10 (uk) and I think if I went much below that I'd look very strange as I have big hips & broad shoulders. I think it differs with everyone though so I'd just say we should all go with what's comfortable & not aim for silly weights that no one can achieve :laugh:
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my goal weight is 145-150. Right now I am 164 and i started here at 192 : )
    I've been 155 before and I looked good HOWEVER, i wasn't toned. I want to be toned and 145-150.

    Great point! There is a big difference between thin and fit/toned! I don't want to say muscle weighs more than fat because a pound is a pound but it sure takes a lot less lean tissue to take up the same space! :) I am 6'0 and looking to hit 175. But I want to be athletic looking agian, not just thin. I happen to like my curves thank you!
  • als0317
    als0317 Posts: 26 Member
    After being wrong on my goal weight, I've decided the scale can't answer the goal anymore.

    I'm 5'9'', and based on internet searches, I think I am medium boned. I started paying attention to my weight when I was max 160, so I thought 140 was a reasonable goal. Now I'm almost to 140 and think, "Hey, I'm still incredibly squishy!" So now I'm taking my eye off the scale and watching the non-scale victories as I lose inches, gain muscle and tone. Since muscle weighs more than fat, who knows where I'll end up on the scale-- who cares!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    After being wrong on my goal weight, I've decided the scale can't answer the goal anymore.

    I'm 5'9'', and based on internet searches, I think I am medium boned. I started paying attention to my weight when I was max 160, so I thought 140 was a reasonable goal. Now I'm almost to 140 and think, "Hey, I'm still incredibly squishy!" So now I'm taking my eye off the scale and watching the non-scale victories as I lose inches, gain muscle and tone. Since muscle weighs more than fat, who knows where I'll end up on the scale-- who cares!

    That sounds like a great way to do it! I'm still a slave to the scale unfortunately...:p I think that once I get closer to my goal weight I'll do more to tone up. I currently run at least 3X a week, which seems to be doing the job. :)
  • als0317
    als0317 Posts: 26 Member
    After being wrong on my goal weight, I've decided the scale can't answer the goal anymore.

    I'm 5'9'', and based on internet searches, I think I am medium boned. I started paying attention to my weight when I was max 160, so I thought 140 was a reasonable goal. Now I'm almost to 140 and think, "Hey, I'm still incredibly squishy!" So now I'm taking my eye off the scale and watching the non-scale victories as I lose inches, gain muscle and tone. Since muscle weighs more than fat, who knows where I'll end up on the scale-- who cares!

    That sounds like a great way to do it! I'm still a slave to the scale unfortunately...:p I think that once I get closer to my goal weight I'll do more to tone up. I currently run at least 3X a week, which seems to be doing the job. :)

    Just be sure to weigh yourself once per week at a designated time [I do Monday mornings-- gives me some weekend accountability]. If you weight yourself more often, you'll drive yourself batty with how your weight fluxes. I was stuck at one weight for a long time, so that's when I started paying attention the the NSV by measuring myself. It's really fun to see on paper that I've lost 1.5'' from my waist, 4'' from each thigh, 2'' from my chest, etc. It also helpful because even if the scale doesn't move [like mine did not this week--I replaced anything lost with gained muscle] you can see other changes [I still lost on the tape!] Even the 30 Day Shred took off loads of inches, and now I'm starting my third week of classic P90X. Also, figuring out sensible eating for myself has been a big help-- I took about 7 weeks off from all exercise because of an injury, and I didn't gain any of my weight back-- and I still lost just from being reasonable with my cals. Best of luck to you!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I"m 5'8" and my prior goal was to get to 115... but once I hit 118lbs, I kind of plateaued and then started to gain weight. I'm at 123lbs now, but I feel stronger and healthier and I'm seeing a lot more muscle definition. It was really hard for me to see the scale go so close to the number I was pushing for- but I'm liking the fact that I am starting to see some great muscle definition instead.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I just found this thread. There's a bunch of threads for shorter girls, but so few about taller women. It's so easy to get caught up in the numbers sometimes when we're tall and bone structure seems to matter so much more!

    I'm 5'10", 185 lbs right now and I'm trying to hit 160. I was so happy at 155 in high school and most of college, but of course, let life get in the way for way to long and got up to 210-ish. I'm in a 14 right now and am really shooting to get back down to a size 12. I used to be able to squeeze into a size 10 every once and while, but I'm not shooting for that. My hips wouldn't let me. :) It's great to see this thread and realize how much of a healthy weight range there is for us taller gals. I never used to mind that I was heavier than all of my girl friends who are all at least 5 inches shorter than me (at least!) and I'm looking forward to getting back to that mind set.

  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5ft 11 and my target weight range is supposed to be between 150 and 179 pounds. I dont know how close i'll get as i have a very big bone structure. I have rugby players shoulders... my goal is to get under 200 pounds and from then on i'll see how i feel. Don't be pressured to be smaller if it would make you unhealthy. 120 pounds for me would be an insane target to reach .
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just found this thread. There's a bunch of threads for shorter girls, but so few about taller women. It's so easy to get caught up in the numbers sometimes when we're tall and bone structure seems to matter so much more!

    I'm 5'10", 185 lbs right now and I'm trying to hit 160. I was so happy at 155 in high school and most of college, but of course, let life get in the way for way to long and got up to 210-ish. I'm in a 14 right now and am really shooting to get back down to a size 12. I used to be able to squeeze into a size 10 every once and while, but I'm not shooting for that. My hips wouldn't let me. :) It's great to see this thread and realize how much of a healthy weight range there is for us taller gals. I never used to mind that I was heavier than all of my girl friends who are all at least 5 inches shorter than me (at least!) and I'm looking forward to getting back to that mind set.


    I'm praying when I get to 180 I will be in a misses 14...maybe 11/12. I was in a 11/12 at 190 in high school but I was also leaner *sigh* I'm in a women's 16 now and I'm 5'11 3/4
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